• Published 8th Feb 2013
  • 591 Views, 7 Comments

The Psychological Journal of Inkblot - Hjspalenka

Inkblot has decided to analyze everypony he can find, to determine their psychological health, starting with himself.

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Entry Four: Pinkie Pie (Part 2 of 2)

I apologize for my abrupt departure from the previous entry, but I had a visitor, and following her visit I was not quite feeling the same as I was previously, and left my previous entry unfinished as a result. Pinkie, as she has requested I call her, came over to pay me a visit. After spending some time with her, and allowing her to relate to me a more detailed, and probably more accurate (though with her I am still unsure) version of her history, I am now able to make what I hope is a more accurate and complete entry about her. Whatever the case, I did not find that my former entry still holds true, nor did I find myself able to even finish my train of thought.

As it now stands, I am able to review her tale of her Cutie Mark, and it seems she does indeed fear a return to her roots, not too uncommon for somepony who has come so far. Most of them either develop some yearning or a disdain for their roots. This, however, raises a question of cause versus effect, is she afraid of visiting the farm because of her family, or afraid of her family because of the farm? Given recent dealing with a Great and Powerful unicorn, and her reaction to the rock farm, my lean is that she hates the farm, because as the unicorn conjured the image, Pinkie was not of any particular aversion to the ponies seen, but more to the locale.

Whatever the case, her reliance on friends seems to be more based on being unable, or unwilling, to visit her family than seeded in some hatred of her family. Of course, this makes her reliance no less concerning, and I worry still for her. This also raises the question of how she regards her friends, given she considers everypony her friend, yet puts so much importance on so few. (Although, she has put more into her other friendships of late, possibly because of her run-ins in the past, and a fear of the same occurring again.)

As for any precognition, I still do not understand this so called "Pinkie Sense," and doubt I ever will. Rather than delving into why she has this sense, which is not seemingly rooted in psychology, but something beyond anypony to understand, including herself, I will try to find the implications of this sense. For starters, I would think that the interim, however short, between getting a signal and the event occurring, seems as though it would eventually take a toll on anypony's psyche; knowing something, but not quite KNOWING. It seems like it would gnaw at her, though I would not say that it alone is the cause of her eccentricities. She is indeed a tough nut to crack on that one, so it does not seem worth the time and energy to try quite yet, for all I know she could just be genetically crazy, and not a bit related to her past. That seems the most logical conclusion, given how little seems objectively wrong with her past, having a loving family and all. The only possible thing to cause this is the stress caused by wanting to see her family and not wanting to go back to the rock farm, but even that seems loose.

Moving forward, her talent of keeping others happy raises its own questions, among them whether she is easily pleased herself? Is the only thing that can make her happy making others happy? Is she selfless in that respect, or is it a selfish act? I suppose that there are a few ways to determine that, but it is something to be done at a future date. More pertinent questions for other professionals would be if she adapts to what makes others happy, considering it is different for everypony, although she has had to change for some donkeys.

In reference to my question posed in her former entry, however, I find it is still true that these oddities in her personality, these quirks, exist regardless of the conditions. It is still odd that she stashes balls all over Ponyville in case of emergency, but they are indeed useful. It really comes down to the pony, and to dispel any connections, her Pinkie Sense is not quite specific or advanced enough to warn her about such things. Nevertheless, I cannot rule out any other form of premonition that could have told her she needs to stash certain balls in certain places. At the end of the day, she seems to not truly know what is going on even when she uses the balls, so it would mean that if anything she is driven to do something, without knowing why herself.

Finally I feel I have been able to approach her with more accuracy. I only see now how difficult my job will be, judging ponies without having interacted with them much. I can expect a large amount of my future writing to be based off of things that I hear, but will attempt to gather as much fact as possible from a given situation. in wrapping up for her, though, I find that while there is much that is off about her, she is not in any way "wrong" in her inner machinations, just different. While this has given me a chance to explain in what ways she is different, I wish yet to learn why she is so far different, but I believe that will be beyond even my comprehension. In order to have any hope in learning these reasons for her being her it would mean revealing my true talent, which as yet nopony but Grey Matter and few others know, a few that I can trust not to tell anypony else, for fear they will ruin my experiment. It would mean that, at this time, I am unable to fully comprehend her, though I doubt I ever will, whether I reveal my talent to her or not. Instead, all I can do now is move on and see what I can do for other ponies. Now that I have finished somepony beyond my own close friends, I feel proud to have begun my journal in earnest, and to now be able to move on and analyze whomever I may find.
~From the desk of Inkblot

Author's Note:

Well, as of this chapter, I am removing the training wheels. As the story develops its own plot, I find it less necessary for me to explain every thing that happens. The Author's Notes will still contain bits on the writing, but less explanation. This is the last time I plan to openly explain the occurrences of the chapter, and will from now on simply delve into my own experience in writing. I hope that you have all been conditioned to the writing style enough to understand what happens in the story as it develops, though I also hope that some bits will be the topic of no small debate.

That out of the way, in this chapter, I wanted him to judge Pinkie less than he did in the previous, because he felt sort of reserved last time, but now is able to commit better (knowing her more) and yet feels more need to be nice (as she is friends with everypony). At the same time, I feel he is also trying to be nice because of her past (Though I believe you all can easily recall Party of One...). I can't wait to begin expanding out some more. It is at this point I open up to begin doing OC's, as well as doing more cast characters. I have my facebook page linked in my Bio, and will occasionally post polls on who I should do next. (Polls that feature OCs will have no cast characters, for obvious reasons). Even at that, I still hold the right to make the final decision.

Now, to the last part of my notes, the writing. This was a hard chapter to write, because I had trouble trying to get it to make up for the abrupt ending of the previous chapter, despite knowing that, at the end of the day, I must be writing for me. This was also hard to write because I was watching the season finale over and over and over. I have not yet finished the chapter at the time of this writing, but am on my total of 6-7th time watching since yesterday, and about to restart it again. I am losing an awful lot of time to the songs...I just love the episode, and cannot wait until Equestria Girls to hold me over until Season four. I know I just opened a can of worms, but please hold your debates. The episode has closed a door for me and opened a new one. I need to start deciding how I am going to handle (Princess) Twilight. If you must argue, do it then.

So I lied about that being the last part. I don't really have any absolute plans beyond this chapter, though I am pretty sure I am going to to Toxic next, in exchange for another version of my cover art. Any other thoughts? (Addition: Oh sweet Luna, dat Celestia song!)

And now for the part after I finished writing: I feared for a while that this entry would not pass 1,000 words, a goal I set for myself, excepting my previous chapter due to the abrupt ending I have now mentioned far too much. Finally, at 3 am, I can sleep now, having made a leap in my story, and ready to begin the true tale, having finished what can only be considered a prelude. That in mind, if nopony cares that I ask, how is it shaping up for you so far?