• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 424 Views, 3 Comments

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Lyra Heartstrings in: Flesh and Stone - ADRNEL

The CMC are sent back in time by moving statues, and with help from Detective Lyra Heartstring, defeat the statues and get back home.

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Chapter I

It is the middle of summer at Ponyville, with the sun shining brightly across the cloudless sky and tempratures getting hotter by the day, many of its citizens are off enjoying the day, except for The Cutie Mark Crusaders.

At the crusader's club house, the crusaders are inside trying to figure out what talent to tryout next.

"Do any of yo' have any ideas?" asked Apple Bloom looking out the window at the beautiful and slightly warm day. She turns to see Sweetie Belle staring at the ceiling with boredom and Scootaloo reading a book, ignoring her. Apple Bloom just sighs, defeated. She walks up to them and notices Scootaloo intently reading an old novel called "Melody Heart and The Case of the Moving Statues". Apple Bloom is intrigued at what she is reading. "Hey Scootaloo, what are yo' readin'?" asked a curious Apple Bloom to her pegasus friend.

Scootaloo lowers the book to talk to her friend. "Oh, just something Dash recomended I read, she says it's like Daring Doo, but with a detective." she explains. "According to Dash, this is the only book in the 'Melody Heart' series that the Ponyville library has, although she only read the first chapter."

"Let me read it." Apple Bloom interjects, she takes the book and starts reading where Scootaloo left off.

After recieving a tip from the mayor about the dissapearance of several mares at the abandoned concert hall, Melody Heart decides to investigate, especially after also hearing rumors of unicorn statues moving when nopony is watching them.

Melody begins her walk to the concert hall, unsure of what she'll face when she gets there, but it is her duty to solve this puzzling case and bring the marenapper to justice. Along the way she suddenly spots a mysterious filly standing in the middle of the road-

"I"M THIRSTY!" exclaims Sweetie Belle, interrupting Apple Bloom. She puts the book down.

"Well, it is mighty warm today, so howsabout ah go down to may house and bring yo' apple juice?" offered Apple Bloom. "Make that two!" chimed Scootaloo.

"Okay then, three apple juices it is!" announced Apple Bloom as she walks out of the clubhouse. "I'll be back!"

"Okay." answered Scootaloo as she picks up the book and continues where she left off.

Along the way she suddenly spots a mysterious filly standing in the middle of the road. This filly has a blank flank with a light yellow coat and a red mane with a large pink bow on it. Melody slowly approaches the filly who appears to be crying.

"Why, hello there you poor thing." said Melody walking up to the crying filly in a motherly voice. "What are you doing here?" she asks.

Outside in the fields of Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom is making her way back to the farm house to ask Granny Smith for some of her apple juice. Along the way she encounters her brother Big Mac bucking an apple tree. She doesn't interact with him, although she finds it strange that he is wearing a yellow feather on his ear, and continues walking.

While walking she begins to have this uneasy feeling as if somepony or something is stalking her. She suddenly hears a twig snap behind her and she turns around to be met with a strange sight; A statue of a unicorn mare wearing a toga and covering her eyes with her hooves.

Apple Bloom cautiously walks up towards the statue, never having seen it before nor not knowing where it came from.

"Ah don't know, one minute ah was walkin' home and the next ah's here." explained the filly through her tears. Melody picks up a slight country twang in her voice, a twang that's strangely familiar to Melody.

"What do you remember before you got here?" asked Melody, rubbing the filly's back for comfort.

"Ah saw a statue, a peculiar lookin' statue, ah turned mah back to tell mah brother about it, and next thin' ah knew, ah was standin' here." explained the filly, still crying. Melody is stunned, she's heard of these statues before.

"What's your name?" asked Melody, wanting to know who she belongs to so she can take her home, and maybe get more information on these statues.

The filly takes a deep breath. "Apple Bloom, my name is Apple Bloom." admitted the filly. Just as she reveals her name, the sound of thunder booms across the night sky as the rain begins to fall.

Melody is in shock at what she heard. "Apple Bloom? Where do you live?" asked the detective, not believing in what she is hearing.

"At Sweet Apple Acres, with mah older sister, mah brother and mah granny." she explains.

"It...can't...be..." said a stunned Melody. She then faces the filly to see that it is indeed Apple Bloom, one of the members of The Cutie Mark Crusaders, a member of the Apple family and a pony she hasn't seen in over a year since she got here. She then puts her hooves on the filly's shoulders in order for her to look into her eyes. "Do you know who I am?" asked Melody to the filly.

The filly just saddly shakes her head.

"My name is Heartstrings...Lyra Heartstrings, and I think I know what that statue is and how you got here." explained the mint green unicorn detective, revealing her true name.

"Sweetie Belle, we have a problem!" announced a shocked Scootaloo to her friend, dropping the book.

"What is it?" said a bored Sweetie Belle, not putting too much attention on her.

"It's very hard to explain," said Scootaloo. "and I have trouble believing this too, but Apple Bloom somehow ended up in this book!" she exclaims.

"What?" responded Sweetie Belle flatly.

"Just look!" Scootaloo exclaims, shoving the book in front of Sweetie Belle's face. "Same description and everything!"

Sweetie Belle takes the book and reluctantly reads the page to humor Scootaloo, only for her eyes to widen. "You have got to be KIDDING me!" she exclaims.

Author's Note:

First chapter,
This is the sequel to "Blink" and will closer to that story.

Positive comments and constructive critisim welcomed. I don't know how many chapters this story will have, but I do have the story planned out.