• Published 6th Feb 2013
  • 268 Views, 0 Comments

Una Nueva Raza - LunaPie-Cereal5523

An assassination attempt for Celestia's life fails on purpose; a new race is born, one with unnatural abilites.

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His future and Her past

Hooves clatter softly on smooth cobblestone. The hooves that clatter are of ponies pulling a taxi-wagon for a family business, others who prefer to walk and keep out of the way of said taxis, and then one who sneaks in the shadows hiding from looking eyes. As he sneaks he comes to a break off from the main street and into the downtown area of Manhatten. Manhatten on the surface seems like a good place to live for the wealthy, but if you aren’t as wealthy you’ll end up downtown or in the back allies. Now this pony doesn’t necessarily live here, but in a place like Manehatten except without the rougher back allies or the dingy downtown. He runs down the smooth cobblestone street as it turns rough and harder, he slows down as to not hurt his hooves on the rougher cobblestone. He slows down to a quick trot and trots over to the only lit place visible. The sign hung beside the door creaks as it starts to rain and he hurries in. As soon as he enters he shakes off the rainwater that had gotten on him and removes his hood as he had been wearing a cloak. His thin layer of pony fur was an ubuntu red color while his mane is silver with hints of purple in it. He pulls out a golden crest and snaps it on the snap the keeps his cloak closed. He walks through the room he entered, the soft velvet carpet feeling good against his hooves after he had ran for so long without stopping. He stops next to a dark oak desk, rings the bell then enters another room that had been blocked off by a thin cloth that reminded him of the sea and it’s waves. He had only been to the sea once, but he still remembers it clear as day.

“Ah I’ve been expecting you~.” Says a mare sitting in a dark red velvet chair with a high back. As he comes around to sit across from her he sees she has several things braided into her hair; most of them being beads and feathers but at one end of a bead chain is small animals bone. She’s wearing an outfit similar to the piece of thin cloth that acts as a door to this room, except the one she wears has traces of fuchsia in it. Her face is covered at first by a dark cloth that only reveals her crystal white eyes, but after he sits down she removes it.

“Have you now?” She chuckles.

“I’m required to say that whenever a customer comes in, but as I can tell” she leans forward, “you are no ordinary customer~.” Her voice flows out like cream, but in the back of her throat is a scratch that’s barely noticeable if only you listen close enough. He drops a pouch full of gold bits down on the table, it makes a soft thud and her attention immediately goes to the bag.

“I’d like you to tell me my future.” She laughs again.

“Haha It’s not as easy as that my good stallion. I need something more specific or I may be looking at your death.” He paused and thought.

“How about what will happen three or four months from now?”

“Hmm now that I can work with.” Her eyes flash a pale green and that a bright golden. A candle sitting in the middle of the table, that had previously not been lit, lights up with such bright intensity he averts his eyes. When he looks back the flame has formed a ball that would be about the same size as an actual crystal ball. Her eyes glowing she looks into the controlled flames. For a while there is silence then the fireball starts to go out and her eyes stop glowing.

“Well?” He asks after she doesn’t say anything. She looks up, her eyes look weary and she herself looks like she had been crying but there is no trace of tears.

“Your future will hold the near death of Princess Celestia.” His eyes widen in shock and he urges her to go on. She gasps for air shortly, then collects herself and continues. “Have you ever seen an Alicorn die? O-or get close to death? You haven’t, none of us had in this lifetime. All we know is from the history books, and the history books say it was Celestia and Luna’s parents who brought about our civilization. Their mother in the beginning gave birth to Celestia and Luna, who she raised for a short while before killing herself in a giant explosion that brought about the first sparks of life on this planet. Their father at the same time became the cosmos, the starts, and the galaxies above us. Now no Alicorn has had to go to such extremes for life to start since then, but in your future I see as clear as day Princess Celestia is almost killed and it brings about a new generation of ponies with these unnatural abilities.” She pauses, “The princesses were destined to lead us and guide us all through our lives, but if one could be almost killed with a simple knife…” There’s a long pause of quiet before he asks her another question.

“Can you tell me who this attacker is?”

“No, whoever it is their magic shrouds them. My magic is not strong enough to lift that shroud, but if you want to stop them this attack will occur at the fall gala in exactly four months from now. I am certain you will be attending.”

“Thank you for this, but now I best be on my way.”

“Hmm ta-ta~.” He stands up to leave as she returns the cloth that hides her face back to its original spot. As she does this she does not notice his horn starting to glow a soft metallic blue. Before she even realizes what happens there is a knife shoved through her back. She starts to gurgle blood as he bends down and whispers in her ear.

“But see I can’t let you go telling anyone what you saw, but I thank you though. Now goodbye.” His voice didn’t change, but kept his gentlemanly tone he had the whole time. He removes the knife and wipes it clean with a cloth drenched with clear acid alcohol. He leaves the knife, puts the bag of bits back into his cloak, and removes the crest buckle on his cloak. He trots out of the room and throws on his hood before stepping out into the rain.

**Linebreak please**

A young Twilight trots into her new science classroom. It was her third year at Princesses Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns and she knew the campus like an old friend now, even if she didn’t have any friends to speak of except her brother. Friends took up time she could use to study for a test or do homework assigned to her by a teacher or her personal teacher Princess Celestia. Friends took up tie she could use to practice her magic or read, since she did love to read. Most thought it was weird she had no friends, but personal she thought it was perfectly rationally and some people juts don’t need friends. When she said that it usually made them feel even more bad for her and make her feel angry or embarrassed. As the class started up the teacher made an announcement.

“Good morning class I would like to announce we will be having a student from another school in Canterlot, coming over here and taking our science classes. It’s a newer thing we’re trying out and he shall be our little test subject. Oh and here is our test subject now!” The whole class turned to look at this new classmate, except Twilight who had her nose buried in a history book. She always took the time before class to read up on something in another class. This was to free up time to practice her magic. The new student, a male earth pony, trotted up to the front of the class. He handed the teacher a note and then said teacher gestured him to an empty seat. “Okay you can sit right there next to Ms. Sparkle.” Twilight looked up at her name as she saw a pony walking towards her and then sitting down next to her.

“Hi Sparkle my name is Berylim Burrow.” He held out his hoof for her to shake and she did cautiously. She thought this pony was weird and why did he call her Sparkle? She forgot about it quickly though as their teacher began the lesson.

**Linebreak please**

Sunday started out the same for Twilight; she got up, had breakfast and then headed downstairs to work in her lab for a little. She was down in her lab when a letter dropped down through the tube leading from upstairs. She didn’t allow anyone in her lab after the accident that gave Dash two cuitemarks. So if a letter came Spike dropped it down a tube she had made or if someone came to see her Spike would tell Twilight and then have the pony wait upstairs for Twilight to come up. So she wasn’t surprised when a letter came, since this was also the same day she usually received a letter from her brother. After the royal wedding a short time ago they kept in touch. She finished what she had been doing and then read the letter. Her heart sank C-CRASH.

Meanwhile a usual excited and happy Pinkie Pie hopped down the dirt road that went through Ponyville. Sticking out of her mane was a sealed envelope with a royal crest on it. As she passed by each Pony going the opposite way she waved happily and they waved back. After more hopping she reached her destination, the town Library that was also her friends house. She was about to knock like usual on a Sunday, when she heard a loud crash coming from the Library basement. Quickly she opened the door and met Spike who was fumbling with the lock downstairs.

“W-What happened!” Pinkie asked Spike.

“I-I don’t know! I just heard a loud crash and ran over!” He got it unlocked and ran down the stairs, closely followed by Pinkie. “Twilight are you okay?!” She was fine, just sitting next to her lab table. A beaker had fallen, but she hadn’t seemed to notice. Instead her attention was on that of a piece of paper. She turned slowly to look at Spike and Pinkie Pie.

“Yes Spike I’m fine, a beaker just fell that’s all.” With her magic she levitated the glass off the floor and into a wastebasket. She stood; rolled up the letter she had been reading with her magic, put it on her lab table away from the harsh chemicals and then continued working. Spike shrugged it off and went to go back upstairs when Twilight called him “Hey Spike!”

“Yeah?” He asked already at the stairs.

“Can you pack up my stuff for a trip to Canterlot?”

“Uhh okay…” After that he left.

“Oh you’re going to Canterlot! Maybe we can all go together!” Twilight turned to Pinkie having just noticed she was here too.

“W-what?” Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a letter marked with a royal crest and the words ‘FALL GALA INVATIONS’. Twilight levitated the letter with her magic; opened it and read it’s contents. “Oh the Fall Gala. I forgot that they through the Gala in different seasons each year.” Twilight paused thinking about what Pinkie had said, her friends hadn’t really gotten to see Canterlot since the only times they’d been there was during an invasion/wedding or for a few hours to see the Princess or during the last Gala which didn’t go well at all. “It says here we are to be honored guests so we’ve got to go. Hmm yeah that’s a good idea Pinkie. Maybe your guys will finally be able to see Canterlot while an invasion isn’t going on.” The two giggled at that.

“Awesome! I’m gonna go tell the others.” She grabbed the five remaining tickets and was off to tell their other four friends. The Gala is in two months, Twilight thought to herself, so I should have enough time to help the Princess and… Bery.

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