• Published 6th Feb 2013
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The chronicles of Almanac - Darkskarr X

Things are have been quiet in ponyville for a while, but when a strange unicorn stumbles into town, events take a strange turn...

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A different kind of magic

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A different kind of magic

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” Dr Helpinghoof stated, as he examined the unicorns cracked horn in the emergency care unit of Ponyville hospital “and you say you girls found her like this?”

“Well, us and every other pony in town.” Applejack replied to the doctor “She just limped into the middle o’ town, an’ collapsed in a heap. And I ain’t ever seen a pony in worse shape than her.” Twilight cut off Applejack and asked the doctor “Will she be ok Doc?” Leaning over to look at the broken mare lying unconscious in the bed “It looks really bad...”

“I’m not sure, Miss Sparkle,” Helpinghoof answered, looking over to the dark blue unicorn in the bed “the malnourishment, cracked hooves and scars are treatable,” the doctor paused for a moment to adjust his glasses, then turned back to twilight “But her horn seems to have sustained an unknown injury that has caused her magical energy to congeal into a kind of liquid form, and is draining from the crack in it.” He pulled a jar of the ‘Liquid magic’ from the unicorn’s horn out of a draw next to her bed. The pink, congealed liquid in the jar seemed to sparkle and glow as Helpinghoof held it up towards the light. Twilight admitted it was rather pretty, but also disturbing at the same time.

“For now, the best thing for her is rest,” Helpinghoof continued, putting the jar of liquid on the desk next to the blue pony’s bed. Applejack was obviously upset by the whole ordeal, despite the brave face she had put on, and turned to leave.

“If anything changes doc,” Applejack said to the doctor “Ya’ll let me know ok?” Helpinghoof nodded to Applejack as she left down the hall, tears forming in her eyes. As Twilight turned to leave after her friend, she heard a slight groan from behind her. She immediately turned her head back around to see that the blue Unicorn was regaining consciousness, and was blinking her eyes back and forth as doctor Helpinghoof rushed over to his patient’s bedside, a nurse following suit. Twilight smiled. The blue unicorn caught Twilights gaze and smiled back. Twilight waved the blue unicorn a goodbye and left the room as Dr. Helpinghoof attended to his patient.

A few weeks later and Twilight Sparkle was out with her friends on their annual pet play date. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash were laughing as Gummy was biting onto Tanks hard shell, while Tank futilely tried to shake the toothless alligator off him. Fluttershy was feeding Angel Bunny a carrot, who looked rather grumpy as usual. Applejack and Rarity, meanwhile were sitting under a tree while Opal was hissing at Winona who was sitting at the base of the tree, looking rather perplexed.
As Twilight approached Applejack and Rarity, it was clear that Applejack was explaining the traumatic events of few weeks earlier. “Oh, my,” Rarity said rather dumbfounded, “That poor dear, being in such a state like that! Is she okay?”
“I’m, not sure,” Applejack replied, “Doctor Helpinghoof said he’d keep me informed,” Applejack lowered her head a little “But I haven’t heard nuthin’ from him for a good while now.”

“I’m sure she’s just fine,” Twilight interrupted, putting a hoof on Applejacks shoulder to comfort her. “Dr. Helpinghoof is probably very busy at the hospital, taking care of all the other patients. He probably hasn’t got a lot of time to be writing letters.”

“I suppose you’re right Twilight,” Applejack sighed, looking a little happier “I really shouldn’t be getting in a fuss about all this. Oh, and by the way,” She turned her head to face to Rarity and asked “Where were you durin’ all this Rarity? Home come you didn’t come to see what the commotion was about?”

“Oh,” Rarity replied “I was out of town on a business trip to Canterlot that week. Ditzy Doo was kind enough to offer to mind the shop for me while I was gone. Speaking of which...” Rarity pointed down the path towards the familiar grey Pegasus floating toward them, mailbag, full to brimming “Here she comes now.”

“Hi Rarity, Hi Twilight, Hi Applejack!” Ditzy Doo Yelled as she approached the threesome. “Hey there Ditzy!” Twilight replied to the wonky-eyed pony in front of her “What’s up?”

“I got some mail for you Twilight!” Ditzy replied, giving of a little snorting chuckle as she reached into her mailbag, pulling out a strange, cyan enveloped letter in her mouth, which Twilight proceeded to catch with her levitation spell. “Thanks Ditzy.” Twilight said with a smile as the Pegasus trotted off down the path. Twilight opened the letter and read the message inside out loud:

'Dear Twilight Sparkle,
My name is Almanac; I’m the pony you took to the hospital the other week .I can’t remember much from that day but I do remember the two ponies that I saw as I was waking up.’

Twilight was interrupted by Applejack asking “Who’s it from Twilight?”

“It’s from that pony that we took to the hospital the other day, her names Almanac.” Twilight answered her friend. Applejack shot up on her hooves and raced over to Twilight asking frantically “Is she ok? Does she know why Helpinghoof hasn’t been keepin’ me updated on her condition?”

“Calm down Applejack,” Rarity said sternly, trotting over to the two ponies “I’m sure that Twilight hasn’t got that far into the letter yet. Please continue Twilight.” Twilight nodded and cleared her throat to continue reading the letter:

‘I asked the doctor that’s treating me who you two were, and he told me that it was you and your friend in the hat, Applejack. He also told me that Applejack wanted him to keep her informed about my condition, but he’s been so busy looking after me and the other patients, that he didn’t have time to write a letter to her regarding my condition. Nevertheless, you should let your friend know that I’m a lot better now. Speaking of which, you and your friend should come and visit me in hospital sometime, I’d love to see you. And feel free to bring any other friends that want to come see me too. Anyway I’ve got to go; Doctor Helpinghoof is preparing the next round of treatment for my horn.

Yours Sincerely

P.S. Bring some muffins, the hospital food doesn’t agree with me at all!’

“Well she seems nice.” Rarity commented as Twilight put the letter back in its envelope. “I for one would love to come meet this Almanac character.”
“As would I!” Applejack exclaimed loudly “Besides, it’s only natural I come along anyway, being at it was both of us that saved her life and all.”
“Um, would you mind if I came along too?” the soft caring voice of Fluttershy asked as the others turned around to face her “I mean, if it’s okay, if not then...”
“Sure it’s ok Fluttershy,” Twilight remark, walking over to her shy friend “She said I could bring any friends that wanted to come along with me.”

“What about Rainbow Dash and Pinkie?” Rarity asked “Should they come along too?”

“Naw,” Applejack replied “RD’s Gonna be real busy with the weather later all week, and, not to be mean or anything, but I don’t think it would be good idea to bring pinkie coz of her tendency to be all hyper an’ all.” The others nodded In agreement. Maybe bringing Pinkie to see a recently recovering patient wouldn’t be a good idea. “I know!” Twilight said brightly “Why don’t we get Pinkie to bake some muffins for Almanac? She did say she wanted some, and Pinkie is one of the best bakers in Ponyville.” Everypony could agree to that. “It’s settled then, tomorrow, we go to see Almanac at the hospital!” And the four friends set off out of the park to make preparations for the visit.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the title. Im not good with those. Keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter coming next week. It's about to get much more interesting...