• Published 25th Jan 2012
  • 734 Views, 12 Comments

The Demon the Gaurdion and Ponies - Thatguy44

A demon killer follows his target to equastria and lots of stuff happens

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The Demon, the Guardian, and Ponies

The Demon, the Guardian, and Ponies

Five middle aged men ran down corridors and swerved past massive book shelves and every turn they passed another person joined them. As the five made it to the humongous double doors of the library they were joined by 50 others. A man in full body armor, with a anti demon rifle, approached the five and spoke to the eldest one with a staff

“Keeper, sir, the demons pushed through to the courtyard and have overwhelmed our position.”

The Keeper turned to the man on his right “Well Shapeshifter what’s the plan this time?”

Shapeshifter turned to the commander “well what’s our exact situation?”

“Hmm …well where to begin…they have blocked us off from watchtowers A and B and have stormed the co-“
The commander was interrupted by shrieks and wails coming from the other side of the door that was now being assaulted. Shapeshifter quickly turned to the other guardians
“Here is our situation the demons want what this library has … endless amounts of information but they are forgetting about one thing ….us …. They think they can kill people who have fought them many times and in greater numbers I say let’s show them what real warriors can do. I want 2 lines of 15 people in front of the door and the rest of you split into 2 teams and get to either side of the door…..well MOVE IT!”

The man on his left thought for a few moments “You know… why must they always attack in the dark”

Shapeshifter shrugged while he watched the Guardians get into position “remember use your strongest ranged attack then duck down for the row behind you” yelled Shapeshifter over the sounds of explosions and the giant doors being smashed. The keeper lifted himself over the rows of Guardians and prepared an attack. “Avalanche lets open the doors now!” Avalanche nodded and they opened the doors and not a second later the first row of Guardians started unleashing hell upon the beasts.

The Keeper threw his hands forward and a large energy beam blasted from his hands and made a large impact on the demons offensive. Seeing this as an opportunity Shapeshifter ordered everyone to charge at the demons weak offensive. While the demons tried to regroup solider and Guardian reinforcements emerged from the depths of the library. A good ways into the demon lines he found the demon lord leading the attack, Agromon. “Agromon” yelled Shapeshifter anger visible on his face. Agromon turned and said in a demonic scratchy voice “Shapeshifter.” They took a few steps forward, amplified their voices, and yelled at the same time “I challenge you to a 1 on 1 fight.”

All of the fighting instantly stopped in the cold black night and more torches were light as a circle was formed of both sides. Shapeshifter took a better look at the demon; he was pitch black with glistening scales with dragon wings. A quick glance down showed Agromon’s lower body was of a snake’s tail. A quick glance up showed a dragon’s snout and Shapeshifter estimated it was 3 ft. wide and 6 ft. long. [Darn …estimating I bet he is about 12-13 feet tall] thought Shapeshifter. He then took a step forward and questioned “1 on 1 no one interferes?” Agromon scratched his chin with a talon in thought then answered “deal.”

Agromon took a deep breath then shot forward a massive amount of dragon breathe or in simpler terms fire. Shapeshifter made a cone of energy that split the fire and roared FUS-RO-DAH then lunged at the demon. The 2 fierce warriors traded blows for a few minutes and they were barley standing. “Do…you…give up” Shapeshifter asked while holding onto his rapidly bleeding left arm with his badly damaged right while still holding onto 1 of his 2 god swords. “Not…by…a long shot” replied Agromon holding a stub where his right arm used to be with the other god sword in his right wing. Shapeshifter looked up then looked back at Agromon with a huge grin on his face. Dumbfounded Agromon asks “what’s so funny?” Shapeshifter pointed upwards and everyone looked up to see a Guardian fleet of 40 ships. “You’re out numbered Agromon give up” Agromon smiled then yelled charge. The courtyard turned into chaos and during the chaos Agromon slipped through and Shapeshifter barley made it to the portal before it closed. When he came through he was in a garden and training kicked in so he took a good look at his surroundings.

Shapeshifter was in a garden in Canterlot castle and was surrounded by pony corpses. He glanced around and saw his other sword in one of the corpses but he felt too weak to make the small trip and he heard movement, lots of it. [15 earth-ponies, 10 wait no 20 pegasi, and 10 unicorns and I think Celeastia and Luna]. Shapeshifter let his body loosen up and slump over while he faked being asleep. His right ear twitched when he heard more hoofsteps, [6 pegasi, 2 unicorns, 1 earth pony, and a hyperactive……it’s the elements of harmony………..this will be interesting]. The group of 47 stooped when they made it to the courtyard the earth and pegasi quickly took up defensive positions around the yard and the unicorns searched for clues around the bodies. 1 of the guards quickly found the god sword stuck in a pegasi chest. “I found a weapon it matches the one in that…thing’s hooves …er…hands,”
the guard hoofed it to the princesses when the elements of harmony entered and gasped at what they saw. Fluttershy quickly pulled out a medical kit out of nowhere, surprising everypony, and rushed over to help the poor human. Before she could do anything she was stopped by Celeastia “I am sorry but that creature is too dangerous to not be in chains.”[Sigh only one thing to do……oh how I wished I didn’t have to do this to the plants they look so beautiful.]
Shapeshifter rooted his hand that was already on the ground and started to draw the energy floating around and in the plants to him. As he did this the plants started to lose their greens and beautiful colors and everypony started to get a little worried to see the garden drastically lose its beauty and the creature that was bleeding stop bleeding but regained energy and picked itself up of the ground.
[Why do I feel tired ….crap am I going to p-]. Before Shapeshifter could finish his thought he passed out. The guards quickly got chains and took the sleeping Shapeshifter to a cell. Celeastia turned to 4 of the guards “stay here and come get me when it wakes up.”
But nopony or person knew that they were all being watched by Agromon. He chuckled to himself at seeing Shapeshifter captured and went off to find something to eat or some ponies.