• Published 30th Jan 2013
  • 582 Views, 2 Comments

Alliance is Magic - artsyfartsy1998

Perhaps it wouldn't have been so bad if the losers had won...

  • ...

The Ordinary Routine of a Magical, Purple, Talking horse

She packed up her bags. Thinking it over, it might be better to look for the source in her library. She rolled over onto her back and lay in the grass, packing up her books and papers with her unicorn magic, yawning as though it didn’t cause her any concentration or chi at all. In truth, it didn’t. Twilight Sparkle was a very advanced student in the Lunar Academy of Magic for Unicorns, the daily classes hadn’t particularly interesting her at all for the past two years. She couldn’t help but show off anymore. Twilight’s life had dulled down to a stale, repetitive state. Her apathy towards the learning environment, bossy attitude and the teachers’ fondness for her had left nopony wishing to be friends with her. Plus, she was naturally shy (though most wouldn’t know it) so she had never really attempted to make friends. The only ponies whom she really cared for were the teachers, her family, and her dragon servant, Spike. She wouldn’t let HIM know that, of course. He wasn’t there for her to love. He was there to work. It was easier to think of him that way, anyhow. She had studying to do and Queen Nightmare and Kind Discord fervently requested against very much trust in dragons. It was best to leave them humble and meek so that they did not sprout egos and grow to enormous sizes. The Queen and King were, of course, correct in this. Of course they were right, it was almost treason to possibly think that they weren’t! (Though treason wasn’t a very horrible crime in Equestria, since the King and Queen had been rebellious themselves) The King and Queen were the most educated beings in all of Equestria, the moment any new discovery was made in any field, the King and Queen were informed of it. They were Twilight’s role models, basically. She looked up to them with every ounce of filly~like naivety in her heart, and the ambitious part of her strived for the day (which, incidentally, was in a week) when she could replace them in their thrones. (The King and Queen had decided that they would give up their rein on the thousandth day of the thousandth sun to one of their students because they could not bear children together. To this student, they would decree life until the King and Queen were fit to reign again, and once that period was over, the cycle would return, causing a fair balance) Twilight knew with a sureness that was almost arrogant that she would become the Queen. If she did not, she would presume it was test and overthrow the appointed filly by day break, causing Nightmare Moon and Discord to surely recognize her affinity for rebellion and giving her the chance of rule until she died.

Twilight was an arrogant pony, and she never said she wasn’t.

As she trotted back to her home in the library (which was easy, of course, she was at the peak of health) she came across three of her classmates chatting amiably amongst themselves. They noticed her and waved her down. Twilight sighed inside and slowed to meet them.

“Salutations, Twilight Sparkle, student valedictorian of the Lunar Academy’s grade ten,” greeted the pink haired mare, Cotton Kadabra. Twilight had often envied her for her style and grace, though pitied her for her ditzy, friendly personality. “Would you like to come with us to Moondancer’s dormitory this afternoon? She is having a get together to celebrate the end of the semester, and we thought you would enjoy it! There will be Scrabble!”

Twilight smiled awkwardly. “I’m ever so sorry, peers, students of the Lunar Academy’s grade ten, but I’m afraid that I have quite an amount of studying to do, and my dragon servant has caught the chills.”

Cotton Kadabra’s friend, Winky, tutted in sympathy. “Many apologies! Have you tried giving him a bath of lava? The Science and Magical Engineering Hall has an enchanted Tungsten basin in which you could soak him.”

The last mare, Clover Hoof, giggled at that. “I doubt that Twilight wants to soak her dragon in lava herself, Winky. Even with her level of magical ability, her hooves would melt into a soft putty within the millisecond.”

They all laughed at this, and Twilight bade them farewell. Her classmates were witty, intelligent ponies, and Twilight respected them truly. But she simply did not have the time to spend socializing with them, and besides, she could hear them whispering about her as she cantered off.

“Does Twilight Sparkle ever partake in any activity besides studying?” Clover Hoof asked crossly.

“I feel as though she prefers books to friends,” Winky glowered.

Twilight felt a bit saddened at these words, but shrugged them off. Other ponies could have their opinions of her, but she was who she was and she couldn’t constantly change to the whims of others. It was her life, and she was fit to live it.


Twilight arrived at her Library just as her dragon servant, Spike, was headed out the door. As the door opened inward, he had the misfortune to be caught on the wrong side of it and smash his head into the wall.

“Spike? Where are you?” Twilight called, believing him to be in the restroom or upstairs.

“I’m right here,” he groaned.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she blushed. “I can’t believe I was so clumsy. Do you need any help to get up?”

“No,” he sighed, popping his back vertebrae. “I’ll be alright, thank you. Do you need any books?”

“Yes, actually,” she said, suddenly oblivious to his pain. “I found some interesting information on the Elements of Harmony and Rebellion in that copy of The Origins of The Alicorn. Could you find a book that expands upon the basics? And make it snappy!”

“Sure, Twilight.” He hopped up to one of the many ladders that bordered the enormous shelves of books and, using his tail, propelled himself forward on the rails of it until he came to section E. From there, he peered at the books, murmuring “E... EL.... ELD, ELE... Elements... Elements of Harmony.” Spike snatched the book and flipped off of the ladder to land right before Twilight.

“Excellent. You’re getting quicker,” she praised. “But I’d prefer it done SNAPPY, if you don’t mind. Practice makes perfect, and we’re not at perfect yet!”

“I’ll consider that a compliment,” he grinned. “Here’s your book.”

She picked it up using her unicorn magic and took it to the table where she did all of her reading. Spike sprinted to the table with a kettle and poured her a serving in the china teacup that Twilight left on the table for when she was thirsty. He then dumped one and a half spoons of honey, a spoon of cream and a thin slice of lemon into the cup, stirred and tasted, just to make sure it was to Twilight’s standards. He cringed, but Twilight sat down and began sipping at it before he could mend the problem. Twilight eyebrows furrowed.

“Did you use the usual spoon this time? You know, to measure out the cream and honey?” she accused.

Spike sighed and let his head droop. “No.”

“This one is... bigger, right?”


Twilight sat for a moment and said; “I actually like it. But use the old spoon next time. Oh, and get me a book on the Elements of Change. This one only talks about the Elements of Harmony.”

Spike rolled his eyes, but on the inside, he grinned. Twilight was in a good mood today, the unicorn would usually freak out at him if he used the wrong spoon for measurement. The old girl was completely nuts, but Spike loved her for it.

As he went to retrieve the book, Twilight began to read.

Author's Note:

Twilight has to start out as a total prick, right? Then she learns the magic of friendship and gets wonderful, yay! Well, I couldn't take it that far. She starts being cute and Twilight Sparkle like when she's meeting the ponies. Next comes my favorite part to read...