• Published 30th Jan 2013
  • 1,092 Views, 11 Comments

Harmony's Evolution - ParsleyParsnips

Twisters, Ponies turned to stone and distrust encircles Equestria. What can the ponies do?

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Chapter 1 - Mysteries of the Past

Area Unknown
Quintilis 27th 1098

The rain poured down hard upon Ember, a grown Pegasus, who tried to find shelter under the branches of a great oak. Ember was actively dodging lightning strikes that were jumping down. Despite his fiery name and game, something about the rain made him feel distressed. The pouring weather hitting his mane and tail caused it to sizzle.

But not this night, however – after merely a few moments, Ember heard something. It was distinctly different to the sound of rain and thunder. It sounded like a deranged laugh. Seeking knowledge, he flew off into the sky, hoping to investigate.

Before he could find the source of the laughter, he heard the sound of two ponies travelling through the forest.

"Do you think we'll find it?" said the first, attempting to make her voice soft yet audible over the rain.

"Oh, I don't know," the other replied, "But I hope we do... this forest is creepier than the Everfree.”

The first one stopped in her tracks, a gap in the canopy opened up - revealing an ensuing storm. It was not long before she caught a glimpse of a Pegasus up ahead with apparent flaming wings.

"Hey look up there!" the first exclaimed, pointing towards Ember.
Ember, returning the notice of the two ponies, had completely forgotten about the danger of lightning at his height.
Out of nowhere, a furious bolt struck Ember directly between the shoulder blades.

The Pegasus, paralysed by the ferocious shock of the lightning, could do nothing but fall limply down into the forest. He could just about see and acknowledge the rapidly approaching foliage through disoriented eyes - but before he crashed, he could feel himself being caught.
It took him a while to realise that he had been saved from his doom - by a mysterious Pegasus. Ember caught a small glimpse of the now retreating forest canopy, and allowed himself an exhausted and relieved smile before he fell unconscious.
Ember slowly opened his eyes – one of the ponies looked back into them.

“I think he’s coming to,” she said to her friend, who quickly came over to Ember.

"Y-You..." Ember said with drained strength, lifting his hoof up to the rose coloured mane of his saviour, then passing out.

36 hours earlier

Canterlot Grand Quarters
Quintilis 26th 1098

Within the many rooms of Canterlot’s royal castle, Princess Celestia lay asleep after a day of watching over her kingdom. The princess was unmoving, and looked completely at peace.
That day had been a particularly good day.

It was a surprise for the Pegasus royal guards, consequently, to hear a strange yet sinister sound wave coming from her quarters. Two royal guards went to investigate, and were shocked to see the princess tremor violently on her bed, her shining bright mane developing a dark outline.
The guards, acting on instinct, rushed over and held her down, so that her powerfully flailing limbs would cause no damage. At the same time, through an illuminated passageway into the room, Princess Luna also came in.
Upon seeing her big sister slowly taking on an evil dark tinge, she immediately rushed over.

“Guards! Keep her in that position. Don’t let go!”
The guards complied and put all their power into securing the shaking princess in place. Luna placed her night-blue horn so that it was connected with Celestia’s, and cast a powerful spell from stored-up magic. The surge, however, spawned a terrifying voice into Luna’s mind – a piercing scream. Luna was launched backwards across the chamber, hitting the wall with a bang.

"Your Highness!" one of the guards shouted. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, fine,” the princess replied, picking herself up.

"If you beg my pardon, Your Highness," another guard calmly responded, "How come you don't go into her dream directly?"

"A bold question," the princess answered, "but it has a simple answer. We—“

A calm voice suddenly rose from behind the bed stands. “She is forbidden from doing so.”

The guards turned round – and upon seeing who was standing there, they bowed their head in unison, all saying “Your Highness!”

"Sister!" Luna shouted. "You are unhurt!?”

The princess looked down on her younger sister, smiling.
"I am fine. I am not sure what happened--" an explosive scorching pain within her mind broke off her sentence. She raised her hooves to her head in clear and excruciating discomfort.

Luna acted quickly.
"Captain, take your men outside and secure the perimeter," Luna commanded. "We will aid our sister." The captain nodded and ordered his men through to the throne room.

"Captain," Celestia responded.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Please send for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie from Ponyville." Confused from the request, the Pegasus bowed his head in agreement, and exited the royal chambers.

Sweet Apple Acres

The night was overhead, and every pony in Ponyville was fast asleep. Ten miles south, an expansive farm land spanned many acres. A gamboge coloured earth pony trotted out of the large red barn.
Stretching her hind legs, she exclaimed, "Ah, beginning of a lovely new day!"

A young olive coloured mare galloped out from between the older pony’s legs.
"C'mon, sis!" she said. "The Pigs aren't gon' feed themselves.”

The elder pony looked upwards into the sky.
"Guess yer’ right.” The two sisters proceeded to head towards the pens, with the older one seemingly getting rather distracted.

"Somethin' the matter Applejack?" the younger asked.

"Ah... it’s nothin', sugar cube," she responded.

"C'mon sis, I know something is troubling ya," the younger pressed, watching her older sister look up at the sky again. "It’s the elements ain't it?"

"Uh-huh," Applejack nodded.

"Tell ya' what, you go enjoy the sunrise while I fix you up a nice breakfast."

"Ya' know what, that’s a mighty fine idea! Thank' ya' Apple Bloom.” The elder sister hugged her younger sibling and galloped over to her favourite apple tree, to watch the princess raise the sun.
Apple Bloom headed into the kitchen to prepare her sister’s favourite breakfast.
'Now where is that apple syrup?', scouring the kitchen she looked through all the cupboards before coming to a sudden realization. 'Pinkie...'

Applejack, having just got comfortable underneath the tree, looked out into the sunrise.
Watching the sun slowly appear over the horizon in a graceful switcheroo with the moon always pleased her. Applejack was staring calmly over at it rising, before the sounds of running startled her.

"W-Who's there?" she called out into the orchard behind her – but then Apple Bloom trotted out from behind a tree, leaving Applejack to lower her guard.

"Here’s yer' breakfast!” Apple Bloom said, sitting alongside her.

Applejack felt ever so peaceful. With the aroma of her favourite breakfast, a sister by her side whom she loved to bits, and a sunrise just about to begin – it felt like nothing would ever go wrong.

Canterlot Castle Gates

The chariot dropped into the castle grounds with a thud, one tired pony stepped off delicately, whilst another fell flat on her face, waking herself from her slumbers.

"Quickly the princess looked in great shock, last we saw!" The captain ushered on his men to secure the area, whilst escorting the VIPs to the grand chambers.
Rudely awakened the unsuspecting duo followed on.

"What do you think is up?" the first whispered.

"Oh I don't know," the second yawned, stretching out her hind legs, "But it doesn't sound promising".

The two friends followed on behind the captain up towards the main hallway where they were asked to wait. Minutes passed before they were summoned; travelling down the many secret hallways which hung a plethora of ornate paintings from years past. The chandeliers swung in unison, never crashing, never altering. They entered the bed chambers in which, at first glance, they saw Luna comforting Celestia. Stepping forward, the ponies bowed their heads.

"Come now you two" Celestia said weakened, "Come forward." The two did as instructed and moved forward towards the regal princess' beside. "Luna, if you may?"

Luna immediately turned towards the guards, ushering them from the bed chambers. All the guards fell back towards their posts, "All except you dear Captain." Re-buckling his uniform, he closed the doors and trotted back to the four ponies. Once all five of them were in private, Luna closed her eyes and a stream of cobalt circumfused around all present.

Upon being completely cut off, Celestia began to speak.
"Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, I am quite sure you are wondering why I have summoned you at this hour." The two ponies simultaneously nodding, rubbed their eyes.

"None of this information is to leave this room?" She said looking at all four listeners, nodding. "Some of you may know that I have been having some terrible nightmares of recent", Luna and the guard began to nod, whilst Fluttershy and Pinkie were left bewildered.

"What kind of nightmares?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Well, it's hard to explain entirely, so let me show you" The princess lifted her horn illuminating the room with shining gold. As the light dimmed, both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie gasped, realising that they were no longer in Celestia's bed chambers. But had been magically transported across space and time.
"Welcome to Trotworth".

Decembris 17th 438

Fluttershy and Pinkie looked in awe, whilst the captain stood in attention.

"Relax captain."
Upon hearing the order, the captain began to stretch out his quad muscles. "I have brought you here to explain my nightmares, and why I have called upon you" Celestia explained, "Now Luna, if you will." Luna's horn brightened and everypony was lifted off the ground by an unimaginable force, inside a deep blue bubble.

The group began to gain altitude and then, as if flying, they travelled through the town of Trotworth looking in awe and gasping .
"Many Centuries ago, Trotworth was a once prosperous nation. It was led by its then King and my dear friend, King Pybba, until he died" Celestia informed the others as they floated over Ancient Trotworth. "He left reign over Trotworth to his eldest son, Penda, who gave control of the armies to his younger brother Eowa."
The group arrived at the castle, at the time of Penda and Eowa's coronation. Inside Luna's field, the group was unnoticeable by all. Looking over the coronation was a much younger, Celestia.

"Greetings everypony" she beamed, "Please be seated". All the ponies sat down and the ceremony began.

The group, following the elder Celestia, watched from the confines of Luna's field. They watched as the young princess crowned the brothers.

Pinkie began to tingle and tremble all across her body, when she burst through the field keeping them hidden, heading straight into the village square.

Noticing the escaping mare, the captain gave chase after the young mare before Celestia called out.

"Remember Coltwulf, nopony must suspect a thing", He nodded and proceeded into the town.

Coltwulf ventured further, deeper into the village, blending into the shadows enough to not be spotted by the inhabitants. He could feel the cool chill of the winter's air upon his neck, trudging through the snow he looked far and wide for any sign of the rogue equine.

The captain surveyed the centre of the town square.

'How can it be this hard to find a pink pony?!'

Looking down, he made out peculiar marks in the snow, as he lifted off his dragon-stone encrusted armour and examined them closer he discovered hoofprints. Kneeling down to investigate, he noticed a string of pink fibre .

'Ah! A trace of that blasted pony, she must be close by'.

Lifting himself from the ground, he saw a young mare trip over a hidden slab, running over to assist the damsel he also tripped over hidden obstacles. The two equines slowly lifted their heads, and their eyes met.

After a short pause, the captain regained his composure.

"I am terribly sorry. Here, let me help you" he said, reaching for the young mare's luggage.

"Why, thank you."

"Fair maiden, may I take your name?" Coltwulf questioned, giving the mare a smile.

"My name is Ælfflæd. And yours?" She replied, wiping her drenched mane from the front of her face.

"Ælfflæd....." Before he could continue, he saw a flash of pink in the corner of his eye. "I am very sorry for this, but I must leave you. May our paths cross again".

As he rushed over to grab his armour, he left a dumbstruck mare to fend for herself in the pouring rain. Eyes left wide, surprised, she shook herself of what just happened, but before she could do anything her mysterious helper swooped past and handed her an umbrella and a wink.

Trotting towards a nearby building, she blushed and sighed, thinking about what he said:
'May our paths cross again'

Canterlot Gardens
Quintilis 27th 1098

In the Equestrian capital of Canterlot, a sunny day was taking course overhead. A violet unicorn, out in the palace courtyards, was merrily leaping over the many hedges that made up the garden furnishings. On a summer day such as this, she was at complete ease.

Taking a particularly mighty leap over a larger hedge, she began to gallop forward – except, for some reason, she wasn't actually moving forward. Looking down, it was apparent that she had never actually touched the ground... this was quite something.

Reasoning that it was probably an experimental enchantment, she did not at all expect the coming events – from thin air, a sparkling energy field encircled her. She tried running out of it, but she simply could not do so – the field dragged her out of the courtyard and into one of the shadowy, uncultivated corners, where a lone pony was secretly residing.

The mare looked around the field and noticed that it started cracking; sensing it to be a turn in her favour, she struck out with a spell. Her horn brightened – and enormous fissures began to appear across the courtyard, the force of which knocked down the unicorn she had brought to her.

Dusting herself off, she smiled. “Nice use of the force field spell, apprentice - however you will have to do better than that to surprise me!"

At that moment, the unicorn stepped out of the shadows, revealing a coat of brilliant azure.
"Of course."
She lifted her pointed hat off of the ground beside her and placed it on her head. "Shouldn't we get moving, master?"

The two unicorns were walking together towards a boutique in Canterlot Square, belonging to a unicorn named Rarity.
"You know you don't have to call me master, Trixie."

"I know, but I still remember all those horrible things I did to you and your friends all those years ago. I feel as if I should be... well, humble.”

The violet mare looked up at the other mare’s glum expression.
"Come on, Trixie, that’s all in the past. You should put it behind you.”

The two mares decided to cut through the side gate to the quiet Canterlot gardens to pick up some lost time. Upon reaching the shimmering garden gates, and using much magical force from Twilight to open them, the unicorns took on a rough pathway leading forward.

"Don't forget to close that gate, Trixie," Twilight said. "And try to do it quietly, that gate looks like it hasn't been opened in a very long time."

Trixie held her horn up high and started to work on closing the giant gate, whilst Twilight trotted ahead, kicking a few pebbles in front of her. Trixie’s pale magenta magic swallowed up the ancient gate, but even after concentrating fervently she couldn't completely close it before slumping down from overwork.

'Come on Trix, you can do it, Twilight trusted you to do this'.
Digging her feet into the gravel, she pushed harder. A stray drop of sweat, complimentary of her exertion, was enough to distract her and cause her charm to fail. The half-open gate crashed shut with an enormous clang, prompting the mare to examine the gate for any damages.

“Phew. No damage as far as I can see.” Trixie stepped back from the gate before unexpectedly being caught on the head by a falling object that had seemingly dropped from absolutely nowhere.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed, rubbing her head. Wondering what had hit her so abruptly, she passed a look over the area. Finding nothing, she double checked to see if everything was fine – before hearing a distinct ting noise.

'Huh?' Trixie looked down and noticed a mossy, metallic object. Wiping away the overgrowth revealed seven letters inscribed in capitals – D I S C O R D.

'I wonder what that means...maybe Twilight will understand'. The mare began to head in her companion’s direction before she was stopped by a loud scream.

"Twilight!” she yelled, rushing over to her friend. To her complete shock, she found Twilight to be unmoving, at a complete standstill – and encased in stone.

The frightened mare surveyed the garden, looking desperately for anything that could have done something such as this. She felt terribly exposed.

“Oh, what do I do?” she said, pacing. “We were supposed to be at Rarity’s half an hour ago.”

She was on the verge of going into total panic, but then suddenly – Rarity. That was it.
“Rarity! Of course!”

Trixie lifted up her stone-cold friend using her weakened, yet still utile, magic. She proceeded down the cold, cobbled pathway. The strain of carrying her friend descending down upon her.

Ahead, an array of looming statues stood either side of the path. Trixie couldn't help but feel as if they were silently observing her – or, come to think of it, whether they had always been statues.

She arrived at the main gatehouse, sparkling in the sunlight. Setting Twilight down, the mare clenched her teeth and pushed the gate with her remaining strength, gaining entrance to the marketplace.

The market lay in the centre of Canterlot, overshadowed by the castle to the north. It was busier than ever today. Trixie, still carrying her friend, spotted some stray blankets which she quickly used to cover the statue and discourage the staring eyes from others. Moving forward slower, she noticed a familiar face in the corner of her eye. She turned to see a large purple dragon out on the street buying supplies.

"Spike!" she called. The young dragon turned his head wondering who had called him, and saw the mare gesturing for him to come over. She weakened under her depleting magical strength she was using to keep Twilight up, and sunk down onto the ground.

"Trixie, are you alright?" Spike asked politely, rushing over.

Trixie looked up, faintly, back at Spike. “Twilight... is in danger... get Rarity... get help!”

Comments ( 7 )

I want to like this story, i really do, but its soo spread out and harder to follow than pinkie. i feel like I'm being thrown around through a time portal of sorts, catching random glimpses along the way. its because of that that i can't like it just yet. I'm sorry.:fluttercry:

2047472 I understand what you saying, I wrote the chapters separately, the second half of chapter 1 being what I initially started with, but had to increase the word count. I wrote the prologue as a backstory for my OC but then decided to implement it into my fan fic somehow. Any ideas to how to I can improve it? I had Chapter 2 to follow Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 to follow the end of the Prologue and it all converging (kinda like an anime sort theme, where it shows different characters perspectives at the same time period)

Well I'm no master writer myself. i just kinda lost where it was heading when we see discord fight, then next thing we see is trixie studying under twily ten years later? Like, i love the plot idea and all, just maybe some elaboration on what the strange miasma is, what caused it, and how trixie or blaze fit into it all. like, it feels more like a story outline, you just gotta beef it up a bit. Right now, its kinda like saying you got a job as a cashier, then the next sentence says you opened a restaurant chain. like, how'd you get from point A to point B?
Do i make sense? Cause i dunno myself!

2047564 Yeah I get ya, I personally wanted to explain everything later on, cause otherwise the story gets too short. Maybe I could put at the end that they go their separate ways at the end of the discord fight because of what happens with the elements?

do whatever you feel advances your story better to fit your goals. we are just readers. no matter how lost we get, as long as you know where to take it, i can respect that.
w..what?! They split because the elements broke?! Wah!:raritycry:

Comment posted by ParsleyParsnips deleted Feb 13th, 2013

Really need Feedback! Please post your thoughts!

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