• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 1,192 Views, 67 Comments

Equestria: Exterminate - Clueless Listener

“Daleks, Ponies, and maybe even a TARDIS. What more could you want in a fic? Maybe... explosions? We have those too. And a Time Lord, of course. The only thing left is to make it more sonic!”

  • ...

In Which Big Things Have Small Beginnings

Chapter One: In Which Huge Things Have Small Beginnings.
A FimFiction by Clue and Listener


A place away from it all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, but still active enough to give anyone enough excitement. It’s away from the city, which makes it a perfect place to do many activities that would be hard or impossible in the city.

Things like hiking, watching the birds, and just enjoying nature.

Things like stargazing.

And in the middle of the town, one lone librarian was doing just that. Standing on the balcony on the upper floor of her house, she looked into the telescope, just glancing at the stars. Normally she would be recording data, or she would be studying the sky. But tonight, she was relaxing and watching the heavens were enough for her.

For tonight, it was just her and the sky. Luna had done an excellent job on the stars and galaxies. Peering into the telescope, she saw a star closer than one could with their naked eye. She watched as a shooting star left a bright trail, and she observed the rings of a far-off planet.

‘Everything in the universe is controlled by some basic force. Who’s to say that there isn’t other life out there? What if there is other life out there?’ Twilight wondered. ‘Who’s to say there isn’t something with a telescope up there, looking in my direction and wondering the same thing?’

She took her eye away from the telescope for a moment to just sit back and watch the sky. She took time to actually see it. She was able to discern many colours, many different objects. She could see the tiny band of off-colored night that showed the edge of a galaxy.

‘I just can’t believe that we’re alone. We just need to... to...’

Her thoughts were interrupted by Spike opening the door behind her.

“Hey Twilight, I’ve got a letter from the Princess. Woke me up too.” Spike said, stifling a yawn.

“Okay Spike.” Twilight said, smiling slightly as she took the scroll in her lavender aura. “You can go back to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay. Night Twi.” He said, giving a slight wave as he turns around and trudges back to his bed.

Turning back around to the telescope she slit open the wax seal and opened it up. It was a small message, and it read;

Dear Twilight,

I just thought I would check up on how you’re doing. Are your studies in friendship coming along well? It’s been so long since you sent me a friendship report! In truth, I’m a bit worried. They just... stopped. Is everything okay down there? If I don’t hear from you in two days, I’m coming down to check. I miss reading what you sent to me.


Twilight thought for a moment, thinking back to the last time she had sent a friendship report, or anything for that matter, to the Princess.

“I should probably reply to her right away...” Twilight said. “But... Spike just went back to bed...”

She sighed. It looked like she’d have to wait for morning to send a message.

Twilight’s eyes widened.

“Send a message. Send. A. Message...” She mumbled to herself. “That’s it! A message!” She shouted.

Quickly grabbing her quill and a piece of parchment, she started her letter to the Princess.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Sorry about not writing to you sooner, life has been hectic down here in Ponyville. This is actually my first chance to just sit back and relax. Things have been fine down here. There’s been no Equestria threatening disasters since the crystal empire, so I’ve just been here, helping out around Ponyville. Maybe you could still come down and visit Ponyville sometime? You’re the Princess of the sun. You deserve a bit of a break. Perhaps Luna could take care of the royal duties for a while?

Twilight stopped for a moment. In truth, she missed her mentor a bit. It had been seemingly forever since Twilight had seen her, and even then it was during a major crisis. Maybe she should invite her down to Ponyville more often?

Sighing, she continued.

In truth, I just had an idea that I’m sure would interest the scientific community. Have you ever just looked at your sister’s night, and just let your mind wander? What if there is other life out there? I know that many see Equestria and the planet is the only place in the universe that holds life. But what if it wasn’t? What if there is other life out there? Anyway, I would really like to talk to you about this. I hope to see you soon!

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Rolling it up, she got all set to send the letter to her mentor. Except, she remembered something that would be a problem in sending it.

Spike was still asleep.

“I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow.” she said with a sigh. After placing the letter on the desk where she wouldn’t forget it, she trotted to her bedroom and slipped underneath her sheets, excited for the Princess’ visit.


“Twilight, it’s been forever since I’ve actually seen you without a crisis compelling us to meet.” Celestia said, giving her student a smile. “It’s so nice to be able to chat with you and not be interrupted by a rampaging lord of chaos or evil king.”

Twilight added a sugar cube to her tea and mixed it. “It’s nice to see you too, Princess. How’ve things been going in Canterlot?” she asked. The princess just frowned and took a sip of her tea.

“Oh, it’s been... interesting, to say the least. Blueblood came to me with a proposal to bulldoze a small town to make room for a diamond mine. Various nobles won’t stop pretending around me, and try to get in my good graces. The usual.” Taking another sip, she hid a grimace. “So, how’s Spike? I haven’t seen him either.”

“Oh, you know, he’s probably upstairs, still asleep. I probably should wake him up. Excuse me Princess, for a moment.” She said, getting up and trotting upstairs.

As soon as she was out of sight, Celestia poured the tea in a nearby potted plant. She never could stand the stuff. Why even was it a custom for nobles to drink the vile stuff anyway? She returned the cup back to the table as Twilight came back downstairs.

“He’s not up there. He must have sneaked out to Rarity’s or somewhere when I wasn’t looking. Sorry Princess, I’ll have to track him down before you leave. I take it that this is just a social call? I may have an idea to discuss with you, if you’re willing to hear me out.”

The princess leaned forward, listening. “What’s on your mind, Twilight? I’ve always got time to hear what you’ve got to say. I assume it’s about what you wrote in the letter? Something about Luna’s night sky?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. I was just stargazing last night, and a thought struck me. Are we really alone in the universe? I mean, do we really know? With how huge the universe must be, it’s almost impossible that we’re alone if you look at the probability.”

The princess smiled, but it looked semi-forced. Twilight didn’t seem to notice, too caught up in her explanation.

“I was thinking of a way to send a message into the sky, a message able to be picked up thousand of miles away! It would have to be a strong enough signal to be able to span the distance of our galaxy. The only thing I know of that would be able to shoot out a signal that strong would be the radio telescopes at the Canterlot observatory.”

Celestia nodded. “I see. So you’re asking for permission to modify one of the radio telescopes to, instead of receiving radio waves from space, send out a radio wave?”

Twilight nodded enthusiastically. “You took the words right out of my mouth.” She paused, taking a sip of her tea. “I’m positive that I know enough about the workings of such a device that it would be simple to modify it.”

“Very well. You have my permission, Twilight. Write a letter to the observatory, and tell them that you have my express permission to perform any modifications to the fifth telescope array.” She said, giving Twilight a smile that encouraged what Twilight was doing.

Twilight nearly squealed at the news. “Oh, thank you Princess! You have no idea how much this mean to me!” she exclaimed.

The princess gave Twilight a small smile, one that hid a deeper meaning. “Oh, I think I have some idea.”

Twilight took a look at the clock hanging on the wall. “It’s getting to be around lunchtime, I should probably go get Spike from Rarity’s house so he won’t miss out. Would you like to come with me, Princess?”

The princess shook her head. “I’m sorry Twilight, but I should be heading back to Canterlot now. I have a lot of business to attend to.”

Twilight nodded in understanding. “It was nice seeing you again, Princess.” Twilight said. “I hope I can see you again soon.”

“I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other again very soon, my student. Have a good day, and tell Spike I said hello.”

Twilight stood up at the same time the princess did. Walking over to the princess, Twilight gave her mentor a quick hug before turning around to go leave and pick up Spike.

The Princess followed Twilight to the door, nodding her head at her student. They bid each other a final farewell, and turned to go their separate ways. Twilight to Rarity’s, and the princess to her chariot. As soon as she was on the chariot and safely on her way to Canterlot, she visibly deflated.

“I knew this day was coming. But does it have to be so soon? I thought I had more time.”

Author's Note:

Gdoc Chapter one (Formatted)
Well, we're having fun, and you can't stop us!