• Published 12th Feb 2013
  • 3,233 Views, 72 Comments

Revelations of the Past - Mr101

[Prequel to Lost.] Two years after the events of ‘Lost’ Twilight discovers a tome detailing a different account on how King Sombra was defeated.

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Chapter IV - The First Strike

Revelations of the past

Chapter IV: The First Strike.

Celestia tossed and turned in her sleep whimpering softly, her covers were wrapped around her as if she was hugging a small child. Her lip quivered as sweat covered her, her usually neat mane was messy and wild from the constant turning.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Celestia ran down the dark hallway, her hooves echoing in the room with each step she took. She came to a stop in the middle of the hallway looking around; all her surroundings were a dark grey and the shadows darker than normal seemingly pitch black.

‘Where am I?’ Celestia thought to herself.

She wondered slowly down the hallway trying to figure out where she was, it reminded her of the palace hallways but she could tell from the structuring of some of the pillars and windows it wasn’t her palace. She walked to a window and looked outside but couldn’t see anything, only total darkness; she turned her head to the end of the hallway to look at the large doors. Cautiously she advanced closer towards it, her hooves making louder echoes with each step; she came to the doors and looked up. They seemed a lot larger then she thought, making her feel like a filly again, biting her lip she slowly raised her hoof to the door and pushed it open.

The large doors creaked as they slowly opened up into a pitch black room, nervously; she took a tentative step inside. No sooner than when her hoof made contact with the stone floor did several candles ignite in the centre of the room producing the only colour so far in this strange place. The light revealed a strange pattern on the floor involving circles, arrows and strange writing.

Swallowing and against her better judgement telling her to go back, she entered further into the dimly lit room approaching the circle. She now noticed the large throne and her eyes widened in recognition of who it belonged to.


Her words came out like a whisper as she heard a wind blowing past her, snapping her head to the middle of the room once more she gasped watching the wind whip up the shadows in the room into the centre of the circle. She watched her eyes wide as the shadows formed into what looked like a large head with twin red eyes.

‘What in Tartarus is that?!’

She backed away slightly as a booming laugh filled the room, she cried out in surprise as the laugh filled her with pure dread and fear before watching the shadow reform itself into something smaller. The figure formed into a bipedal creature in dark robes and hood and it rose up, standing at a height rivalling hers, it slowly approached her, its footsteps making no noise. It came to a stop a fair few feet away from her before suddenly appearing directly in front of her and grabbing her throat clenching tightly on it. She gasped for breath and her body struggled to move, she looked at its face, seeing only a twisted evil grin looking back at her. Just as she was about to fade into unconsciousness and darkness take her, it whispered something to her before laughing.

“This world will burn…”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Celestia woke with a quick scream and sat bolt upright from her bed panting heavily, her eyes were wide as the doors to her room burst open and several guards burst into the room followed shortly by Princess Luna.

“Your majesty are you alright?” One of the guards asked.

She nodded and looked to Luna who immediately went to her side and embraced her in a hug; she softly stroked her back as the guards searched the room for anything out of the ordinary.

“Guards…can you leave us please?”

“I’m afraid not Princess, not until me I am satisfied there is nothing in this room that threatens your sister.” The same guard replied.

“It’s fine…please leave.”

“But Princess.-“

He was interrupted by an angry glare from Luna and he lowered his ears before bowing and taking his leave, he was followed shortly by the other guards and left Luna alone in the room with Celestia. Luna levitated over a glass of water from a nearby table and offered it to Celestia who took it thankfully and slowly drank the whole glass.

“Now Tia…what’s wrong?” she asked.

“I…I had a nightmare Luna, I was in a dark hallway devoid of any bright colour just an abysmal grey. Every step I took just echoed around me, I couldn’t see out of the windows.” She paused to regain her composure. “I then entered pitch black room that suddenly lit up in the middle the moment I stepped inside; as I looked around I saw a throne and recognised it as King Sombra’s.”

“What on earth were you doing inside of king Sombra’s palace?” Luna asked her.

“I don’t know Lu-Lu…it got worse though.”

Celestia closed her eyes her ears flattening slightly, Luna frowned slightly and gave Celestia an affectionate nuzzle letting her carry on.

“When...when I said Sombra’s name the wind picked up, it dragged the shadows into the centre of the circle and they began to form. Oh Lu-Lu…those eyes, they’ll haunt me for a long time…”

“It’s ok Tia…it was just a nightmare, nothing else.” Luna said reassuringly.

“I know Lu-Lu but…what happened after that, I’m not so sure it was a nightmare more of a warning or revelation on something that’s happened.”

“What do you mean Tia?” Luna asked.

“Well…the shadow laughed before forming into something smaller, a creature on two legs. It came towards me and began to choke me, just before I passed out it said.” She looked Luna directly in the face. “This world will burn.”

Luna’s eyes widened in shock.

“You’re joking…tell me your joking Tia this isn’t funny!”

“I’m not Lu-Lu…and after that experience, I’m worried for the envoy we sent to Sombra’s Kingdom. Tomorrow I will try and speak with Feather Scroll to see how he and the other scribes are; I’ll then let Ink Quill know what is going on depending on if I get a reply form Feather Scroll.”

“I’ll send Ink Quill a scroll in a minute Tia…for now try and get some rest, I’ll protect your dreams from anything malicious now.” Luna smiled giving Celestia a cuddle.

“But it’s night time, you need to -“she was cut off by Luna’s hoof to her mouth.

“No buts Tia now go to sleep; we will go to the Empire tomorrow morning.” She giggled at her.

Celestia huffed and gave in, lying back down on her bed closing her eyes softly she quickly fell back into a deep slumber. Luna sat beside her with a smile before looking out of the window letting a frown of worry fall on her face.

‘I hope Feather Scroll and the others are safe…’ she thought to herself.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Ink Quill wondered the halls of the Crystal Palace quietly, he couldn’t sleep for some reason and decided to take a walk to try and tire him out. After some time he came to a stop near some doors that led out of the palace and onto a balcony, he saw the Empress and Emperor sitting there looking up at the night sky, deciding to leave them be he turned to walk away only to walk directly into a pillar. Hearing the noise the Emperor turned round and smiled before beckoning Ink Quill to come outside, slightly embarrassed Ink Quill opened the door and gave a bow.

“Master Quill what did I say about bowing?” Krustallos said with a grin.

“Sorry your highness…natural reaction I suppose, and please just Ink Quill. I feel weird being addressed like that.” Ink Quill replied with a smile.

“Very well, come join us won’t you?”

“Thank you.”

Ink Quill took a seat next to them and looked over the balcony and gasped at the sight, the crystal buildings of the city glistening slightly in the moonlight. Ink Quill hadn’t noticed the skies had cleared up after he had arrived and couldn’t believe the sight he was seeing, it was simply beautiful and it took his breath away. It seemed that the Empire kept pulling out new ways to further and further impress him; he could see why ponies would speak highly of the Empire despite it being located in what was frankly a frozen wasteland. Amemond saw his jaw drop and giggled lightly.
“Careful you don’t remain like that Ink Quill, the cold might freeze it that way.” She giggled.

Ink Quill blushed trying to regain his composure causing both monarchs to laugh; Krustallos place a reassuring hoof on his back and smiled.

“Don’t be to embarrassed Ink Quill; the sight of the city at night is indeed a remarkable one. You’re not the first visitor to marvel at its spectacle.”

“It truly is a wonder to behold…we have nothing like this back in Equestria, not to say we don’t have spectacles of our own I mean the view from Canterlot is pretty amazing.”

“Quite so, I remember when me and Amemond first visited your Princesses after the fall of Discord and had our breaths taken away of the sight Canterlot sees on a daily basis, but that is to be expected from a city so high up a mountainside.” Krustallos chuckled.

“Now boys, don’t start a ‘which city is best’ competition. Remember your ages.” Amemond giggled giving Krustallos a playful push with her hoof.

The three laughed amongst one another, they began to talk about how the day had gone and what Ink Quill was planning on doing involving the archives of the empire to which both Krustallos and Amemond agreed upon. After a while they fell into silence to enjoy the night sky ignoring the cold the night brought with it, Ink Quill smiled to himself as he watched the city below him. Several lights still shone out of buildings and some ponies still wondered the streets heading for home, he felt at peace at the scene before him.

“You know your highnesses…you remind me a lot of my rulers.” He said out of the blue.

“Oh?” Amemond replied.

“Nothing bad I assure you, it’s just you both are in touch with your people and aren’t all ‘I’m a ruler therefore I’m superior’.” Ink Quill dramatically waves his forelegs in the air earning a chuckle from the two. “It’s…nice to see that I think.”

Krustallos and Amemond smiled at this, they offered him some tea and he politely thanked them taking a sip. A slight hum suddenly happened before a poof of smoke appeared in front of Ink Quill and a scroll appeared, curiously he took it in his magic noticing it bore Luna’s seal rather than Celestia and opened it.

“Huh, it’s from Princess Luna…”

Krustallos and Amemond watched with curiosity as Ink Quill scanned through the scroll muttering to himself now and again, he frowned slightly as he finished reading the scroll then looked out towards the mountains where Sombra’s kingdom was in deep thought. He didn’t hear Krustallos calling his name until he felt him poke his side with a hoof, both he and Amemond were looking at him with a mixture of confusion, curiosity and slight concern.

“Is everything alight Ink Quill?” He asked him.

“Honestly your majesty…I don’t know, here, you need to read this to.” Ink Quill replied levitating the scroll over to him.
Krustallos held the scroll between him and his wife and began to scan its contents.

Dear Ink Quill,

I am sorry to trouble you at this hour but I thought it be in your best interest to know some…developments that have happened. Earlier in the day I had a sudden feeling of terrible evil come over me, and I heard a voice telling me that ‘This world will burn’. What worried me so was the fact I felt this evil coming from the north, naturally I would have told you straight away but because Celestia didn’t feel anything we decided it best not to however. I have just recently found Celestia in a panicked state after suffering from a terrible nightmare and in this nightmare she had a vision, a vision from Sombra’s kingdom and was told by a strange creature the same thing I had heard earlier.

Me and Celestia and now greatly concerned at these events coupled with no reports from Feather Scroll or the other scribes that had departed to Sombra’s kingdom, please take great care in the north and please tell Emperor Krustallos and Empress Amemond at your earliest possible chance. Something is happening in the north of what we do not know; we have decided we will come to the Empire first thing in the morning to discuss this further.

Your Princess and dear friend,

Princess Luna.

Krustallo’s eyes widened upon reading about the vision and the dream, he looked from Ink Quill to his wife then to the mountains and sighed.

“Maybe the Princesses are right, maybe something is going on with Sombra’s domain…it would explain the change in energy coming from his realm.”

“Do you think we should send somepony to check on this Feather Scroll tomorrow dear?” Amemond asked him finishing reading the scroll.

“That might be a good idea…we should wait for the Princesses to-“

He was cut off by a loud boom that resonated from the mountains; the ground shook slightly as a sudden feeling of dread filled the three ponies’ bodies. Looking to the mountain they saw dark clouds forming above it, huge lightning bolts crackled from within as the thunder boomed loudly, they watched in surprise and awe as the clouds grew and grew. All three suddenly feel a strange energy fill them and cried in slight pain at the intrusion. Ink Quill buckled over holding his head and just as quickly as it came, it stopped.

As the three regained themselves they looked to the mountains in shock then looked to one another, a guard came bursting through the door panting heavily.

“Your majesties are you alright?” He said between pants.

“Yes were fine, what I want to know is what the blazes that was! Send some guards to the town closest to the mountain Kingdom and find out what is going on.” Krustallos replied.

“Sir!” The guard saluted before turning and leaving.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Celestia awoke with a startled yelp as the ground shook around them; she hadn’t heard the boom that resonated in the distance by Luna had. They both then suddenly felt the same wave of energy they both had felt in their vision and nightmare wash over them and caused them both to wince in slight pain, and like beforehand, as quick as it happened. It stopped.

“What on Equis was that?” Luna cried out.

Celestia didn’t get a chance to answer as the door burst open and the same group of guards from earlier filled the room.

“Princesses, are you alright? There was a boom and-“Luna interrupted him with the raising of her hoof.

“We are quite fine Captain.”

“Very well Princess, what would you have us do? Some of the nobles are confused as to what just happened.”

“Tell them me and my sister are working on it, tell them as well we are departing for the Crystal Empire immediately rather than in the morning.” Celestia said sitting up in her bed.

“Yes your highness.” The captain saluted before he and the other guards left the room.

“Tia, are you sure?” Luna asked worriedly.

“Yes Lu-Lu, we cannot ignore this. Now go and get ready.”

“Ok Tia, I’ll write a scroll and let Ink Quill know we are coming.”

Celestia nodded as Luna left the room, she got up from her bed and walked to the window looking towards the north.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

A group of pegasi guards were flying in the sky away from the Crystal Empire and towards the Mountain Kingdoms; they came closer and closer to the edge of the Empires borders and the furthest town, they entered a strange fog that covered the area before them. They were undeterred however as this was the kind of fog they had expected to come across further into the north they went.

“So…what do you reckon that boom was then lads?” One of them called out.

“Dunno, could be nothing?” Another replied.

“No way, didn’t you feel the ground shake? Gotta be something big.” One at the back called out.

“Quiet you three! Were here on a mission not to gossip, keep your wits about you and your eyes peeled!” The leader of the group shouted.

“Sir.” All the pegasi replied in unison.

As they flew through the fog, a wave of uneasiness came over the Captain as they progressed. He couldn’t put his hoof on it as he was used to flying through dense fog, he spotted in the distance an opening in the fog.

“Ok, were approaching the end of the fog, be on your guard!” He called back.

As the group came out of the fog they nearly came to a complete halt in surprise at what they saw, the town, or what was left of it lay before them. Buildings were still smouldering with a few fires still going, rubble lay everywhere but that wasn’t what caused the guards discomfort. All over the town lay the bodies of ponies of every race, blood splattered most of the ground staining the snow red.

“By the ancestors…” The captain whispered as he and the others came down from the sky and lanced just on the outskirts of the town. “Be careful…who or what did this could still be here.”

The guards nodded and readied their weapons as they slowly entered the town, a couple of the guards retched from the stench that invaded their nostrils. Looking down at each body holding back the impending vomit that was forming inside them, each body had a look of pure fear and panic permanently etched onto their faces. As they entered further and further into the town towards the centre they heard the soft crying of a young filly, now alert to possible survivors they quickly made their way to the centre, stopping to see a small unicorn filly looking down at two bodies.

“Mummy…Daddy, get up! Please…I don’t like this game, wake up!” she cried nudging the body of a male unicorn with her head.

The other guard’s hearts sank at this display, turning their heads away not wanting to see it. The Captain slowly approached the filly removing his helmet; the filly became aware of him and backed up standing by the bodies of her parents tears in her eyes.

“S-stay away, leave my mummy and daddy alone!”

“Easy little one…I’m not going to hurt you.”

“C-can you help my mummy and daddy up…they told me to hide when these bad ponies came a-and when it was quiet I c-came out and they were lying on the floor.” She sniffled at him.

The captain frowned looking at the bodies of her parents then back at the filly, her eyes were red from her tears and her mane was messy.

“What’s your name little one?” He asked her.

“S-Songflower.” She replied.

“I’m Captain Fleet Wing, of the Royal Guards.” He smiled back at her, avoiding her question.

“Can you help my mummy and daddy?” she asked again sniffling.

Fleet Wing looked away; he had told ponies before that loved ones had passed away beforehand. He had never however had to tell a filly that both her parents were dead and there was nothing he could do for them. He was about to tell her when one of the other guards suddenly cried out.


Fleet Wing looked up to see a large shadow making its way rapidly towards them, quickly he grabbed Songflower and used his wings to blow himself backwards just as the shadow swiped where he was. Flying back to the other guards who had their weapons raised up, all around them the shadows of the buildings and of the dead bodies moves and manifested in a circle around them, red eyes protruding from them. The shadows vaguely resembled ponies all brandishing weapons similar to the guards only made of shadows, Captain Fleet Wing looked left and right trying to find an opening, he knew they were heavily outnumbered and he had a filly that needed to be rescued.

“Orders sir?” One of the guards asked.

“We make a break for the capital; we need to alert the Emperor we are under attack.” Fleet Wing replied.

“Well…well…well, if it isn’t my old ‘friend´ Fleet Wing…” A voice said from within the shadows.

They all looked to where it had come from to see the shadows part and an armoured guard step out smirking at them, Fleet Wing’s eyes widened as he recognised him and immediately glared angrily at him.

“What the hell are you doing here Dark Light!” he barked at him.

Dark Light laughed at him as he came closer and closer, Fleet Wing noticed his eyes had become a crimson red and slit.

“This world belongs to my Lord King Sombra…you won’t leave this place alive.” He smirked at him.

“We’ll see about that Dark Light, I’ll see you hang for this!”

Dark Light laughed again at him as a cry of pain came from behind Fleet Wing, shooting a glance back his eyes widened as two of the guards were hoisted in the air by their necks gasping for breath as a strange shadow manifested from the ground where they stood. The remaining guards lept back in surprise watching as the two guards being held in the air struggled for their freedom, a crunch came from their necks as their bodies suddenly stiffened then went limp, dropping the bodies on the floor the shadow formed into a bipedal creature who laughed darkly.

“You see Fleet Wing…” Dark Light began. “My Lord has been blessed with the favour of a powerful deity…you won’t survive the oncoming fire, surrender now and I will end your life quickly.”

“Go to Tartarus Dark Light!”

“Very well…kill them.” Dark Light said as he backed away from Fleet Wing.

The bipedal creature suddenly lunged for one of the guards drawing a sword out of the air and plunging it deep within his chest, leaving a look of surprise on his face as he fell to the floor. The remaining guards drew their weapons and charged at the creature having their sword blows blocked by it. It pushed them back and raised its arm up sticking its hand up and shooting a sudden burst of lightning that struck the two directly, they both cried out in pain as their bodies fell to the ground smoke rising from them. One of them tried to raise his head up but was greeted by the creature brining its foot down with tremendous force and speed crushing it instantly, blood sprayed everywhere causing the filly to scream in terror and cling to Fleet Wing’s neck.

Fleet Wing gritted his teeth and backed away from the creature, the shadows surrounding him did not move content in letting this…thing kill for them. He quickly looked around for a means of escape but couldn’t see one; he shot up into the air only to stop when the shadows quickly blocked his path forcing him to re-land. Cursing under his breath as the creature advanced on him slowly he raised his own sword ready to die defending the small filly, he was surprised to see the creature simply stand there a smug grin coming from under his hood. It waved its hand towards part of the shadows and they departed revealing an opening.

“Go…warn your Empire…” the creature spoke calmly to him.

Taking the opportunity, Fleet Wing shot off as fast as he could, carrying the filly close to his chest as he raced towards the capital. The creature watched him as his sword vanished into thin air and Dark Light walked up to him.

“Why did you let him go Malaskaar?” He asked with a hint of annoyance.

“Because Captain…in my experience, having the enemy know you’re coming makes the fight…the bloodshed…the sacrifice more…satisfying.” He replied before letting out a dark laugh.