• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 863 Views, 13 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Adventure - Derpjoe

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Trouble In The Everfree Forest

While they walked along the road leading away from the farm, Apple Bloom notices something in the bushes. As she goes to investigate, she hears Scootaloo's voice coming from it.

"Ow, that really hurt, well, at least I'm making progress ." She says coming out of the bramble.

"Scootaloo, what happened, where did you come from?" Apple Bloom said; worried.

"Up there." She replied. Apple Bloom looks surprised,
"the tree?" She asked. Scootaloo lifts her hoof to her face in embarrassment, "no, the sky!" She said, slightly annoyed.
Sweetie Belle joins the conversation,
" so, all the lessons with Rainbow Dash have been paying off I see." She said with a smile.
Scootaloo nods,
"yep, shes really helped me a lot since she decided to mentor me". She said proudly.

Rainbow Dash appears in the corner of her eye, " hey kid, we're not done yet, get back in the sky!" Rainbow Dash ordered.

Scootaloo let out a small sigh and yelled back, "can't we take a break, we've been at this for hours, I'm tired!"
Rainbow Dash's face turned to one of disappointment,
"the only reason you've gotten so much accomplished was because you've been working hard, I won't let you to fall behind." She said. Scootaloo's face stiffens,

"well I can't really work hard at trying to fly if I break a wing now can I? Did you see that fall I took; I'm lucky this bush was here or I could have been seriously hurt."

Rainbow Dash hangs her head and says, "oh, well, since you put it that way, I guess we can just pick up where we left off tomorrow." As she comes down to meet her student, she notices Fluttershy and the others and asks, "what are all of you doing here?"
Apple Bloom says, "we were just on our way to find something to do in Ponyville." Rainbow Dash smirks and says,

"Trust me, there's nothing to do there, you know where we should go though?"
Apple Bloom looks eager, Rainbow Dash continues, "The Everfree Forest."

A collective gasp hits her and Fluttershy says, "oh no, w-we can't go there, its too scary!" Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes and says,
"what are you talking about, you go into The Everfree Forest all the time."

"Yes, but, that's only to take care of the animals that live there, I never go there unless I absolutely have to!" Fluttershy says slightly panicked. Sweetie Belle sees this and says,

"Don't worry, it's not like you'll be alone, we will all be there with you; besides, we might get our cutie marks for adventuring or something, right girls?" She looks over to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. The both just nod, not quite sure of this idea. Sweetie Belle's words calm Fluttershy enough for her to agree. Rainbow Dash, looking bored; proclaims,

"Well, What's everyone waiting for; let's get going." They continue on the path away from Ponyville to a fork in the road. One way takes you to Fluttershy's cottage, the other; to The Everfree Forest. Fluttershy's fear begins to take hold of her again as she states,

"Uh, I think I hear Angel calling for me, you guys don't mind if I go and see what he wants do you?" They all stop and listen. Then Apple Bloom says,

"I don't hear anything, plus; didn't you say that he had everything under control when you decided to come with us?" Fluttershy shutters and says,

"W-well yes, b-but-" Rainbow Dash interrupts,

"Look Fluttershy, if you are really that scared, we won't force you to come with us." Before she could even finish her sentence, Fluttershy was already halfway down the path to her cottage. Rainbow Dash yells,

"We'll see you when we get back I guess." A look of minor disappointment crosses her face. Sweetie Belle looks at Rainbow Dash and says,

"how could you just let her leave, we could have used her ability to speak to animals; what is something tries to attack us?" Rainbow dash, clearly offended by her question says,

"what do you think we're gonna do, we're gonna wipe the floor with it!" Sweetie belle seems unconvinced. Rainbow Dash says,

"ok then, lets keep going." When they reach the entrance to The Everfree Forest, they are met with warning signs depicting your typical "DANGER" and "BEWARE."

Scootaloo turns to sweetie belle and asks, "are you sure you wanna go in there; I mean, don't you remember how I handled that one incident in the woods?" Sweetie Belle grins and says,

"yeah, as I recall, everything went right in the end." Scootaloo, annoyed be her nonchalance says,

"yes but, that wasn't The Everfree Forest!" She says through gritting teeth trying not to yell. Rainbow Dash turns her head to Scootaloo; while smiling she says,

"are you ready? I know you can handle it, this is an awesome test for you!" Scootaloo just nods. "

Ok then, lets go in." Rainbow Dash decides to take point for safety reasons, and assigns Scootaloo to the flank. Rainbow Dash looks behind her to say, "hey, you guys see anything yet?" She gets a collective nope. After a few minutes go by and nothing interesting happens, Applebloom finally says,

"this is getting too dangerous, we're getting deeper and deeper into the forest, what if we can't find our way back out? Rainbow Dash, face hoofing; just points to her wings, "oh." She said. (what a derp)

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