• Published 26th Jan 2013
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Poetic Insights: A Collection of Pony Poems - Dash The Stampede

Poems. Verses inspired by your favorite pony characters, published here for your entertainment!

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Twilit Tome

Twilit Tome

A violet hue in the skies above
A thirst for knowledge; a love
Each phrase brings a new delight
Tomes upon tomes of worded might

A never ending quest to seek
Ideas new, thoughts to tweak
The shelves in her mind lay bare
Soon to be filled by this studious mare

A task so simple but so complex
Any mistake she corrects
Checklist here, quills and ink
Purple mane, streak of pink

A library in the twilight of dawn
A baby dragon surpressing a yawn
An owl soaring up above
And to each, she shares her love

Each novel brings a newfound light
Inverted thoughts brought upright
A thirst that cannot be sated
Friends were once overrated

But now she writes a tale so grand
Each chapter has a helping hand,
Honesty, loyalty, laughter too,
Kindness and generosity true

Each page holds secrets and memories dear
Forged with those she holds near
Her friends will stay eternally
In pages written mentally

This book began a silhouette
A shadow filled with old regret
But as each page retains memories
The ethereal can now be seen

The pages fill with words galore
She finishes one and adds in more
This tome cannot be held or read
Since it exists within her head

A mare so lonely now has found
Friendship and some solid ground
On which to write down history
And every single memory

Within these pages, never full
A mare lives a life, never dull
Friendship forged in day, at night
And inside the heart of our dear Twilight.