Poetic Insights: A Collection of Pony Poems

by Dash The Stampede

First published

Poems. Verses inspired by your favorite pony characters, published here for your entertainment!

So these started on deviantArt, but almost nopony could enjoy them rightfully. So here you shall find a few explorations into the mane 6 and other characters in a poetic fashion, my preferred writing style. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Twilit Tome

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Twilit Tome

A violet hue in the skies above
A thirst for knowledge; a love
Each phrase brings a new delight
Tomes upon tomes of worded might

A never ending quest to seek
Ideas new, thoughts to tweak
The shelves in her mind lay bare
Soon to be filled by this studious mare

A task so simple but so complex
Any mistake she corrects
Checklist here, quills and ink
Purple mane, streak of pink

A library in the twilight of dawn
A baby dragon surpressing a yawn
An owl soaring up above
And to each, she shares her love

Each novel brings a newfound light
Inverted thoughts brought upright
A thirst that cannot be sated
Friends were once overrated

But now she writes a tale so grand
Each chapter has a helping hand,
Honesty, loyalty, laughter too,
Kindness and generosity true

Each page holds secrets and memories dear
Forged with those she holds near
Her friends will stay eternally
In pages written mentally

This book began a silhouette
A shadow filled with old regret
But as each page retains memories
The ethereal can now be seen

The pages fill with words galore
She finishes one and adds in more
This tome cannot be held or read
Since it exists within her head

A mare so lonely now has found
Friendship and some solid ground
On which to write down history
And every single memory

Within these pages, never full
A mare lives a life, never dull
Friendship forged in day, at night
And inside the heart of our dear Twilight.

A Different Kind Of Sweet

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A Different Kind of Sweet

Cupcakes and truffles
Chocolate covered apples
Candy covered cakes
And sweet fudge no-bakes

All these sugary treats
Given to new ponies she meets
No need to feel pretentious,
Her happiness is infectious

A bubbly personality
Bending all reality
Everypony come and try
Living with Pinkie Pie

She'll try to make you smile
And laugh and party all the while
She's quite the pony to meet
She's a different kind of sweet

A sweetness sugar cannot give
This pony knows how to live
With trouble and frowns
While turning those frowns upside down

She'll giggle at a ghost
If it scares her the most
And take away the fear
From anypony who is near

Each day is a party, rain or shine
Her festivities will leave you feeling fine
A smile is the best way to greet
This pony who's a different kind of sweet

Even in chaos and chocolate rain,
Pinkie's energy will never drain
She has a party idea for everything
Cake and music, dance and sing

For a pony who makes all sorts of treats
Who loves everypony she greets
She lives a life you cannot beat
Pinkie is different kind of sweet!

A Gem's True Shine

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A Gem's True Shine

Our friendships may sever
They say diamonds are forever,
But the only eternal stone
Ensures we are not alone

It's shimmer may not be great
But don't count it second-rate
This gemstone will never shatter,
But should condition ever matter?

A ruby's gleam, an emerald's sheen
Staring into the ephemeral green
Sapphire shine, Topaz glow
All of these are gems we know

But there is a gem we haven't found
And you cannot get it from the ground
This gemstone's a true Rarity
Graceful passion to be set free

Though flawless this gem may not be
Its imperfections aren't all we see
For deep inside no cracks will show;
Generosity's eternal flow

Infusing it with harmony
And giving it some subtlety
Refined by friendship so true
And hardened as it's heart grew

If you wish to find this Rarity
Look beneath the surface you see
Only the inside will fully define
This gemstone's true shine.

Timid As A Butterfly

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Timid as a Butterfly

Timid as a butterfly,
And always ready to cry,
A kindred soul wandering,
A caring mind pondering

A brand new day to usher in
All the animals are her kin
Despite her fear so profound
Her heart makes the loudest sound

Her wings help her to soar,
Even with four hooves on the floor
For her spirit shares her love
For all things below and above

She is an ever graceful mare
Put through too much wear and tear
But that hasn't stopped her yet
Nothing she can't reach or get

This loving, peaceful Fluttershy
To her friends, she cannot lie
And with their presence at her side
She no longer has reason to hide.

And when this pegasus feels the sun,
She doesn't want to run
When all ahead lay open sky
Nothing can stand up to Fluttershy.


Under Her Light

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Under Her Light

Under her light,
I find myself mid-flight
Contemplating why
This limitless sky
Is my greatest friend

Under her light,
I have no reason to fight
When the battle stops dead
In this life I've barely led
I find myself all alone

Under her light,
I can reach any height
And my wings will forever try
to allow this pegasus to fly
To a level all my own

Under her light,
There are a few who might
Try to send me to earth
But no matter my worth
I'll always come out on top

Under her light,
I see the approaching night
And welcome it with relief
For though the sunlight was brief,
It truly warmed my soul

Under her light,
A sunset makes the sight
A little easier to bear
But I know that though I care
The worry will wash away

Under her light,
Princess of the Night
I feel so very calm
Despite the sweat on my palm,
I know that I will heal in time

Under her light,
I stare upward tonight
And see the stars and moon
I wrap up in my cloud cocoon
And dream away the night

Under her light,
Dawn pierces the night
Bringing a whole new day
Another chance to run and play
With those I hold most dear

Under her light,
I take a morning flight
And see the peace below
The warmth inside me grows
As I soar to a new day

Under her light,
Celestia's true might
Shines on through the day
Her light carries me on my way
Into this brave new world

Under her light,
I have a challenge in sight
To make the most of life
Despie the turmoil and strife,
I will carry on

Under her light,
My will to fight
Glows forevermore
And as I close another door
Three more take its place

Under her light,
I no longer lay in fright
Of pain and misery
For the light will set me free
And I will rise again

Under her light,
A future so bright
Shines on just ahead
And though my wings feel like lead
I can overcome.

Under her light,
A welcome invite
To see a world unknown
And as I see I'm not alone
My power will return

And so under her light,
Everything is just right
And not a thing could interrupt
Even though many are corrupt,
I will never fall.

Warming the Hearth

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The winter snow falling too softly to hear
Asleep in bed with nothing to fear
A sweet little filly, with dreams so grand
A mystical night in a magical land.

The coals of the fire flicker away
Listen close, they seem to say
"Carry yourself to the land of dreams,
A world where nothing is what it seems"

The clouds race by inside her head
As she'd rather be flying instead
A rainbow trail leads the way
To pleasant rest, content to stay

Hypnotic whistles of the breeze
The waves crashing in the seas
A birdie flying oh so high
"Come join me in the endless sky!"

A buzz of wings just a little small
Believe, and you will never fall
From the warm embrace of slumber's hold
Protection from the dark and cold

A world unlike you've ever seen
The sunlight glows an ephemeral sheen
The clouds float by unawares
Of the filly on the ground who stares

Up to the heavens, up above
Flying is the one true love
A single tear, a fateful wish
A hope to find her special niche

The moonlight glows on silent plains
A young mare dreams of summer rains
The moon hangs lower in the sky
It's almost time for her to fly

Her wings extend, flapping twice
And with an aura like frosted ice
The feathers grow and fill the space
Soon, she'll be an aerial ace

The glow resides, the moon soon falls
A whisper is heard within the halls
"Awaken, little sleepy one
For awaiting you is merry fun

Your wings, they grew three sizes today
And soon we hear the filly say
"YESYESYES, My wings, my wings!
She dances happily, she also sings

The merry tunes of Hearth's Warming Eve
A merry tale, the song will weave
Of fillies whose wishes become reality
But only if they set them free

Let their words float in their dreams
The silver lining has no seams
An innocent soul with nothing left
Spending days feeling bereft

Casting wishes to the air
Each wish becomes a tiny flare
The moon sees all and takes to heart
It appreciates their desperate art

Appearing from the shadows deep
A Lunar visit whilst you sleep
Can make the dreams reality
"Just open your eyes, young filly, and see."

Awake. Bright. Blinded by the light
The sun's true power and might
Reveals all hidden by shade
And shows what comes of wishes made

The Moon will grant a wish to thee
Just come closer now, come and see
Where hope and belief reign supreme
I shape reality to fit your dream

So when your hearth is dark and cold
Burn some logs, dry and old
Usher in a comforting heat
And the spirit of Hearth's Warming you'll meet

Her name is unknown to ponykind
But if you look closely you'll find
The stars burn a bit more bright
When influenced by the Princess of the Night

Let her embrace fill you with cheer
May your wishes come true here
So gaze up at the moon tonight
And maybe your wish just might..

Come true.
And it's only as true as you.

Echoes of War (FoE Inspired)

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Echoes of War

There's a light in your eye
A supernova in the sky
Prismatic salvation
Colorful way to die

All through the night
An anguished cry
Can you see me
As I fly?

Raze the Earth
Corrupted rebirth
The endless skies
The flame denies

The damage wrought
Battles fought
Deadly tactics
Always taught

Your innocence..
You never miss
The moon at night
Midnight fright

Awareness reigns
These insane pains
How long will I be sane
When internal voices remain?