• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 6,770 Views, 93 Comments

The Dreams We Share - Silentpegasus

A pegasus stallion by the name of Storm Chaser has landed a job as a weather pony alongside Rainbow Dash. When the mare falls on hard times he will be there to help her in any way he can.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

They broke the hug as the other ponies made their way over to him, Rainbow delivered a quick slap to the stallions face.


“Okay....I deserved that.” he said as he rubbed the sore spot.

“Damn right you do!” she yelled. The other ponies let out a sigh and smiled at their friend.

“Are you alright sugar cube?” Applejack asked.

“A lot better than I was.” he said as he sat up. “How long have I been here?”

“Around five hours.” Twilight said.

“How did I get here?”

“Spitfire and Soarin called the medics and-” Big Mac gave a nudge to his sister.

“Oh...are they here now?” he asked. The ponies nodded with a weak smile. “Could you get them? I need to talk to them.” the ponies looked at him in surprise. Applejack complied, she stuck her head out of the door and looked at the pegasi.

“Um...guys. Storm’s awake and he want’s to talk to y’all.” the ponies looked at her in shock. “Ah don’t know either.” she said as the farmer and the Wonderbolts came into the room.

“Would you guys mind giving us some privacy?” the ponies nodded and and started to leave. Storm grabbed Rainbow’s tail and nodded for her to stay. As the door closed Storm looked back at his former teammates.

“Storm we-” Spitfire started to say as Storm raised a hoof.

“Let me just say what I need to say.” the mare complied and closed her mouth. “First off...thanks for saving my flank.” the ponies looked at him in surprise.

“How did-”

“Applejack told me before Mac could stop her. I figured you didn’t want me to know.”

“Y-yeah we thought you’d be pissed.” Soarin said.

“When did you guys call the hospital anyway?” Rainbow asked.

“Around five minutes after we left. We were scared you might try something.....drastic.” Soarin said.

“Let me just get this off my chest.” he took in a deep breath and looked at the ponies. “I’m not gonna lie you two put me through hell. You lied to me, took advantage of my friendship and my best friend died under your watch. I reacted harshly and spiteful towards you two for years.” the pegasi hung their heads in shame. “So now comes the difficult part.” he took in a long breath and looked back at his former teammates. “Can you two find it in your hearts to forgive me?” the ponies looked at him in surprise. Storm had a sad expression on his face. “I guess what I’m saying is.....I’m sorry. I’ve been treating you two like crap for years and for something that was out of your control.” the two ponies eyes started to well up with tears, they approached the stallion and hugged him.

“Of course!” Spitfire said through the tears of joy.

“Honestly I though this day would never come.” Soarin said.

“Yeah me either. Oh and Soarin.” he said as he broke the hug.

“Yeah.” Storm delivered a quick punch to the stallions gut. “THAT’s for trying to kiss my mare-friend in front of hundreds of ponies!” he said with a smirk. Soarin looked up at him and smiled.

“So....we’re cool.”

“Yeah I guess, but if you ever try and do that again, so help me I’ll beat you until your spine turns to a fine powder. Deal?”

“Deal.” the stallion said as he shook his hoof.

“One question. Why are you forgiving us?” Spitfire asked.

“A wise mare once said that she believes in second chances. Since I believe in her, I guess I’ll give it a shot.” he said as he held Rainbow’s hoof. She looked back at him with a teary smile across her face. A nurse trotted into the room with a smile on her face.

“Alright everypony, visiting hours are up. Storm needs his rest.”

“When can he go home?” Rainbow asked.

“He should be good to go by tomorrow, we just want to keep him under observation to make sure that nothing unexpected happens.” she said with a grin. Rainbow gave him a goodbye kiss and hurried out of the room. Storm held Spitfire back for a moment.

“Hey Spit, I hate to be a pain but could you do me one more favor?”

“Sure what is it?” Storm brought her closer and whispered in her ear. She looked back at him and nodded.


“See you tomorrow.” she said with a wave. The golden mare soon caught up to her light blue companion.

“Hey what’s up?” Spitfire whispered to the stallion who let out a chuckle. “Good idea.” The two soon caught up with they cyan mare who was about to leave. “Hey Rainbow hang on a second.” the mare looked back at the two with an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah what’s up?”

“Would you like to become a Wonderbolt?”
2 years later.

Rainbow was waiting anxiously, as she donned waited for her cue. She was donning a light blue uniform with yellow lightening bolt’s on it. Even though this wasn’t her first performance she still got the shakes. A light blue pegasus stallion trotted up next to her and put a hoof on her shoulder.

“You okay?”


“Relax you’ve done this a million times just stick to the routine.” he said as he listened for the horn. The crowd started to cheer as the pegasi took flight. Rainbow took her position at the front of the pack, she broke away and made her way high above the rest of the group. She took a few breaths and started to dive bomb towards the arena, out of the corner of her eye she saw a familiar stallion come closer to her. He nodded at her as she wrapped her hooves around him. The two started to pick up more speed, they felt a massive resistance beginning to build up in front of them. The air around them began to crackle and brighten, the resistance vanished and the two pegasi were launched forward, a burning rainbow trail with black flames on the edges began to form. The stallion tightened his grip around the mare as they moved closer to the ground. They suddenly pushed off from one another and rocketed back up towards the cloud arena. They rejoined and began to move in a spiral motion, as they cleared the floor of the arenas they broke apart and they each began to curve towards each other as they began to lose momentum. The two landed side by side and waved to the crowd. The ponies looked up at the burning rainbow trail that was in the shape of a heart. The stallion removed his mask to reveal his bright white coat. Rainbow leaned closer to him and smiled.

“A little late on that entry.” she said in a playful tone.

“Relax I knew you could handle it.”

“Still it was risky.”

“Since when don’t you like taking risks?” he waved at Spitfire who threw him a small box. “Hey Skittles.”

“Yeah wha-” she looked next to her to see him on one hoof holding a small box, he opened it to reveal a vibrant rainbow diamond on a necklace along with a small white feather. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” she exclaimed.

“Rainbow Spectrum Dash, will you marry me?” he said with a smile. Rainbow ripped the mask of her face and kissed him.

“YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!” she said as the cyan mare began to cry tears of joy. Rainbow put the necklace around her neck and kissed him again. The ponies started to cheer and clap for them.. The other Wonderbolt’s went out and started to congratulate the couple. As they went off stage Rainbow began to squeal like a fan girl. Soarin came over to Storm and high hoofed him.

“Nice work man.”


“So.....mind if I throw the bachelor party?” Storm chuckled at the thought.

“Sure.” Rainbow came over him and wrapped him in a hug.

“I-I can’t believe this! Where did you get this ring?”

“I called in a favor from Twilight. She got Cadence to send from the Crystal Empire.” he said with a smile. “Speaking of which we’d better go tell-” he was cut off by a bright pink blur.

“OH MY GOSH!” Pinkie yelled.

“I know right!” Rainbow squealed. Storm looked over to see the other five mares hurry over to them.

“Congratulations!” Twilight said as she hugged him.

“Ah’m mighty happy for y’all.” AJ said with a smile.

“Thanks AJ.”

“I’d better get dress idea’s!” Rarity chimed in.

“OH OH! CAN HOST THE RECEPTION!? CAN I CAN I?” Pinkie said as she jumped.

“Sure, I couldn’t think of any-pony better.” he said with a smile.

“Oh my goodness theres so much to plan and-” Twilight was cut off by Storm and Rainbow zipping away from the group and soaring into the open sky. The two rested on a cloud and embraced one another.


Author's Note:

Wow, Shortest fic ever. Sorry if it feels rushed :( I'm still trying to perfect my writing style.
I want to thank all those who gave your support.