• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 6,770 Views, 93 Comments

The Dreams We Share - Silentpegasus

A pegasus stallion by the name of Storm Chaser has landed a job as a weather pony alongside Rainbow Dash. When the mare falls on hard times he will be there to help her in any way he can.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Two months have passed since Rainbow and Storm had become a couple. Storm apologized to Applejack for the way he reacted, she forgave him after he bought her and the others a round of cider at the bar. Storm was heading to Sugar Cube Corner for Rainbow’s birthday party.

“Hmm.” she said as they took flight.

“Awwe, what’s wrong Skittles?” he cooed.

“Nothing, just wondering what you got me.” she said with a smirk.

“Well wait and see.”

“Can’t you just give it to me now?” she said with a pouting look on her face.

“Nope.” he said as he sped ahead of her and landed in front of Sugar Cube Corner. As they made their way inside the lights turned on and Rainbow’s party commenced. Within an hour it was time for presents. Twilight got her the new ‘Daring Do’ book, Fluttershy got her and Tank matching flight goggles, Rarity gave her a necklace to go with her gala dress. Applejack got her a years supply of their cider, Pinkie got her a prank manual, Storm waited to go last. “Here. Happy Birthday!” he said as he handed her an envelope. Rainbow’s eyes began to boggle and her jaw hit the floor.

“Y-you got........Front row ticket’s to the WONDERBOLTS!”

“Yeah I figured you-” he was cut off by Rainbow locking lips with his.

“B-but you hate them!” she said in a realization.

“I figured I could stomach them for one day.” he said with a smile.

“You’d do that...for me?”

“Sure.” he said with a smile.

“You are the best colt-friend ever!” she said as she nuzzled his chest.

“I know.” Rainbow punched him in the arm and chuckled.


“I know a guy who knows a guy. The show is tonight at 7:00pm.” he said with a hug. Rainbow went off and started to giggle to Pinkie. Applejack went over to Storm and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“That’s real sweet of ya. But ah got one question, why do you hate the Wonderbolts so much?”

“Let’s just say it’s a personal matter.” he breathed out.

“That still ain’t an explanation.” she said with a raised eyebrow.

“Look AJ, it’s a sensitive topic, alright.” he said as he glared at the orange mare.

“Fine, but Rainbow thinks the world of you and if you hurt her I will kick you so hard that you won’t walk straight for months!” she said as she narrowed her eyes.

“Applejack relax. I would never do anything to hurt Rainbow and if I do then you have my permission to beat me until your hearts content. Deal?” he said as he outstretched his hoof.

“Deal.” she said as she shook it. “This is one bet I hope I don’t win.”

“You and me both.” he said as Rainbow trotted over to him with a smile on her face.

“Ready to go? I want to get there early!” she said with a giggle.

“Fine, I just need to grab something from the house real quick.” he said as the two took flight. Along the way Rainbow kept the same look on her face. Storm hurried inside and pulled out a white hoodie, he threw it on and trotted back outside. “Okay I’m ready.”

“What’s with the get up?”

“I just want to keep a low profile.” he said as he took flight. The two flew through the sky and made their way towards Cloudsdale.

“Hey...can I ask you something?”


“Why do you hate the Wonderbolts?”

“I just don’t-”

“I’m tired of the excuses we’ve been dating for two months and you’ve never given me a real reason. Is your big secret more important than me?” she asked. Storm stopped flying and let out a heavy sigh.

“Of course not! But...you’re right, once we get back from the show I’ll tell you everything.”

“Pinkie promise?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” he said as he made the gestures.

“Thanks.” she said as she gave him a quick kiss. The two continued to fly to the cloud city, they saw a lot of pegasi getting into the stands. Storm flipped the hood over his head and thee two made their way inside. The stopped in front of a security guard and showed them the ticket’s. The guard pulled away the red rope and the couple stepped inside. Rainbow was jumping with anticipation with a massive grin on her face. The light’s started to dim and the speakers turned on.

“FILLIES AND GENTLE-COLTS! LET’S HaVE A WARM WELCOME FOR....THE WONDERBOLTS!!” the light brightened as the blue suited pegasi soared above their heads. Rainbow was jumping out of her seat in excitement while Storm was keeping his head low and gritting his teeth trying to control his rage. Rainbow noticed his discomfort and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Hey...you okay?”

“Yeah. I’ll be fine, just have a good time.” he said as he forced a smile. Meanwhile the Wonderbolts had taken the stage. Spitfire grabbed the microphone.

“Thank you every-pony! For our last act we need some help from two lucky pegasi!” Storm’s eyes shrank.

Oh for the love of Celestia please don’t-

“Rainbow Dash! Come on down!” the golden mare said with a smile. Rainbow was close to having a heart attack. She looked over to Storm to see him shaking.

“We don’t have to-”

“No. It’s your birthday, go on I’ll just watch from the side lines.” he said as the two pegasi took flight and landed next to the blue suited ponies. Rainbow could barely contain herself. Storm was using every ounce of will he had to fake a smile.

“So Rainbow what brings you here?” Soarin asked.

“Well it’s my birthday and-”

“You hear that every-pony!” Spitfire said over the microphone, the crowd cheered.

“How about I give you a special present.” the blue stallion said. Rainbow looked over to see the blue stallion leaning his head closer to her. Storm’s eyes began to burn, Rainbow put a hoof on the stallions lips stopping his movement.

“Thanks for the offer Soarin, but I’m here with my colt-friend and I don’t think he’d appreciate it.” she said as she looked over to the hooded pony.

“Oh! Sorry about that bro.” the blue stallion said as he made his way over to him.

“Don’t. Touch me.” he retorted in a harsh tone.

“Hey take it easy man.” Spitfire said with a smile. “We just want a good show.”

“Fine. Watch.” he quickly took flight and began to fly in a circle creating a flaming tornado. He quickly flew outside the funnel and flew to the bottom of the cyclone. He dug his hooves into the cloud and began to flap his wings as fast as he could. He picked up his hooves and he launched forward into the cone, the added pressure shot him forward a massive booming noise came from inside the tornado and it was quickly flipped inside out. The ponies looked up to see the inverted flaming cyclone. Every-pony’s jaws hit the floor, Soarin and Spitfire looked at one another and nodded. The tornado began to disappear and Storm landed in front of Rainbow with a smile on her face.

“Dude that was amazing!” she yelled. Soarin and Spitfire quickly landed in front of the couple. Spitfire trotted forward with a worried look on her face.

“Storm...is that you?” Storm let out a sigh and removed his hood to reveal his white coat. She put a hoof to her mouth in surprise, as did Soarin. Rainbow looked at them in confusion.

“You know them!?” she asked.

“Rainbow, I’d like to introduce you to my ex mare-friend.” he said as he pointed to Spitfire, who hung her head in shame. Rainbow connected the dot’s and her eyes lit up.

“You mean that she.......with him?” she said as she looked over at Soarin who shared the same look.

“See you at home.” he said as he trotted past the Wonderbolts. Soarin flew beside him and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Listen man-” he was cut off as a white hoof connected with his face. Soarin was sent to the ground. Every single pegasus let out a gasp at the action. Spitfire flew next to the blue stallion and helped him to his hooves. Storm held his right hoof up and looked at the blue stallion with hatred in his eyes.

“You EVER touch me again and so help me I will rip your wings off!” he said as Spitfire flew up to him.

“Look Storm, I know things ended badly between us but-”

“You honestly think I care about you’re stupid fling? No! I’m pissed because of the OTHER reason!” Spitfire’s eyes began to water, Soarin trotted up next to her and looked at the white stallion with sadness in his eyes.

“Is there anything we can do to make up for it?”

“Can you bring him back?” he said as he raised and eyebrow. Soarin and Spitfire were speechless and hung their heads down. “That’s what I thought.” he said as he took flight, leaving the Wonderbolt’s and Rainbow standing in the middle of the arena. Rainbow stood next to them with a look of shock on her face.

“Go after him Rainbow.” Spitfire said. “Don’t make the same mistake I did.” she said with tears in her eyes. Rainbow nodded and flew after him. As she stepped through the door she saw the massive metal door close with a loud slam. She quickly hurried over and began to knock on the massive door.



“I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you and Spitfire-”

“I don’t hate them because of that!” he said through the door.

“Then why?” she said with tears running down her face. “You promised me that you’d explain why? Or was that just another lie?” a long silence fell in between the two. Rainbow began to walk away when she heard a series of loud clangs and the door swung open. Rainbow cautiously made her way inside the dark room, the light’s flickered on to reveal shelves filled with golden trophies and photo albums. She saw the white stallion sitting in front of two mannequins. One had an old Wonderbolt uniform on, along with the cape she had tried on. The other was a Wonderbolt trainee uniform. “What is all of this?”

“Bad memories.” he said as he began to cry. Rainbow held him close and rested her head against his shoulder. “I was ten years old. When my father died, he was performing in Trottingham and he brought me along. He was rounding a corner when he lost control and slammed into the side of the wall. I rushed onto the field next to him. He smiled at me and told me ‘to never give up.’” He began to bawl uncontrollably. “He died right then and there.”

“I-it’s okay you don’t have to-”

“NO! I have to get this out.” he yelled. “All I wanted to do was be like him. Me and my best friend Thunder Kicker entered the Wonderbolt Academy. We were the best! Ever-pony knew it even the instructors.” he said as he got to his hooves. “That’s where I met Spitfire and Soarin. They were the only ones that could keep up with us. We were the top of the class and graduated with high honors.”

“What happened?”

“Spitfire and I started dating for a while, then I caught her in bed with Soarin. I was a wreck, started drinking heavily, Thunder managed to pull me out of the grave I was digging. I took a leave of absence from the group when I attended Alcoholic meetings.” he started to cry again. “When I came back the team was glad to have me back. I wasn’t talking to Soarin or Spitfire for obvious reasons. Then it all went to shit.”

Two years ago.

“Okay guys standard formation and let’s have a good show.” Spitfire said as she looked at the team. Storm remained silent as did the brown stallion standing next to him. “Break!” the ponies flew onto the field and stood in front of the cheering crowd. Storm looked over to his friend who had a slight limp.

“You okay man?”

“Yeah, just pulled a muscle yesterday at practice. I’m fine though.”

“DUDE! You know how-”

“Trust me I know what I can handle. I’m fine.” he said with a cocky grin. The team took off and began their routine with a series of flips and areal maneuvers. Storm was side by side with Thunder, he saw him wince in pain, Thunder was about to pull of a flip when his right wing clenched up in pain, he started to fall towards the ground and crashed into the grand stands. Storm raced to his side and propped him on his back and flew him to the hospital.

“Thunder? You okay man?” The brown stallions eyes opened to see his friend looking at him with tears in his eyes.

“Yeah...I’m fine.”

“Thunder take it easy. You just woke up from surgery.”

“What surgery? I just need to stretch-” his eyes shrank and he looked up at his friend who had tears streaming down his face. “Storm...I can’t feel my wings......Get me a mirror.”

“I don’t think-”

“GET ME A BUCKING MIRROR!” he barked. He hopped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. Storm tried to stop him but the door slammed in his face. He heard a scream come from inside, a nurse and doctor rushed into the room. They forced open the door Storm looked to see a brown pegasus stallion sobbing on the floor, the fur on his back was matted and sticking together with dried blood. His eyes then fell upon the two bandaged stubs that were once his wings, the doctor and nurse walked forward and got the stallion to his hooves. Storm put a hoof on his friends shoulder who refused to make eye contact.

“Thunder...I’m...” he couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Sir, I’m sorry but visiting hours are up.” the nurse said.

“Please...please take care of him.” he said as he left the room, he saw Spitfire and Soarin running up to him.

“What happened?” Spitfire asked.

“They had to amputate his wings.” he said in a defeated tone. Spitfire began to cry and Soarin put a wing around her. He then saw a bright red stallion land next to them.

“How’s he doing?” he asked.

“Not good captain, he just woke up and....the doctors had to restrain him.” he said with tears in his eyes. “I’m gonna take some time off, y’know to help him.”

“That’s fine, take all the time you need.” the red stallion said. “I just need to talk to the doctors for a second, then we’ll head out.” the pegasi nodded. Storm looked at the two and let out a sigh.

“I’m gonna head home.” he said in a low tone. The ponies nodded and let him go. Storm flew by the cemetery and stopped in front of a grave and sat there in silence. “Hey dad, sorry I haven’t visited in a while, we’ve been traveling around so much.... Thunder..lost his wings.” he began to cry. “I miss you and mom.” he sat there for hours, when it started to rain he went inside his and Thunder’s apartment and went to bed. Hours later he heard a loud knock on his door, he got to his hooves and opened the door to see Spitfire standing there with a worried look on her face. “What’s up?”

“It’s Thunder! You have to come quick!” Storm and Spitfire raced back to the hospital to see a crowd of ponies standing in front of it. Storm looked up to see a brown pony standing on the edge of the roof. The two pegasi raced up to him and landed behind him.

“Thunder? What are you doing?!” Spitfire said with tears in her eyes.

“I’m done, finished! I’ve got nothing left.” he said as he looked back at them with tears in his eyes.

“Don’t talk like that!” he said as he took a step forward.

“Storm..I’m sorry. Take care of yourself.” he said as he jumped off the edge, Storm lunged forward to try and catch him. He flew straight down with his hoof outstretched, he was too late. He saw the brown stallion hit the ground and blood splattered on the surface. Storm landed next to his friend and put a hoof to his neck. No Pulse. Storm closed his friends eyes and began to sob as he held his friends body in his hooves.

A few days later a funeral was held, the Wonderbolts were there, every-pony wore black. Storm stayed there hours after the ceremony, it had started to rain. When he finally rejoined the others at the Wonderbolt HQ. Spitfire trotted up to him and handed him a letter.

“It’s from Thunder.” she said in a sad tone. Storm opened it and his eyes began to move across the paper. His saddened eyes were replaced by pure rage and hatred. He stormed into the captains office where a red pegasus stallion was sitting at his desk. “Storm what’s going on!?” Spitfire said as she and Soarin followed him in. Storm slammed the letter down on the desk and the two Wonderbolts read it.

Dear Thunder Kicker,

It is with great displeasure that due to your current physical status I will have to terminate your Position as a Wonderbolt, effective immediately. Good luck with your future.

~Captain Red Streak.

The ponies looked at him in surprise, he held a stone cold look in his eye.

“Just business. He was of no more use to me.” he retorted. Storm grabbed the red stallion and started to pound his face into a pulp. Spitfire and Soarin were trying to restrain him. He broke free, grabbed a letter opener and held it to the stallions throat. “Go ahead.” he spat at him. Storm dropped the weapon and walked past the two pegasi with tears in his eyes.

“Storm! You’re gonna get fired for that.” Soarin said.

“No I won’t. I QUIT!” he tore the uniform off his body and threw it in front of the group of Wonderbolts that had gathered outside the door. He walked past them and made his way out of the door with tears in his eyes.

Back in the vault Rainbow was looking at him with tears in her eyes. Storm was standing in front of the uniforms with his ears low and rivers of tears coming from his eyes.

“It’s been one year since then and I’ve never looked back. The Wonderbolts took my father, my love life and my best friend. I’ve lost too much, I can’t bare the thought of losing you to them too.” he said as he slumped to the ground. Rainbow hurried over to him and wrapped her wing around him.