• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 3,934 Views, 55 Comments

Sonic Universe: Equestrian Adventure - Arcing Light

After Sonic rescues Knothole from Dr. Eggman after a brutal defeat, he and several other Freedom Fighters are thrown through the multiverse to a land that is inhabited by quadripedal ponies and where chaos is absent, for the most part at least.

  • ...

A Heated Awakening

Zone unknown

Planet Equis

Location Ponyville Skies

Snively shielded his eyes as the flash of white light lit up the bridge of the command ship, washing over him and the consoles around him. As the light died down the airship shook violently beneath him and he felt his stomach lurch up into his body. Uncovering his eyes Snively looks out the viewport and is shocked to see that most of the egg fleet has disappeared. Another vibration ran through the ship followed by a loud explosion that forced Snively to flinch at the sound.

"You there!" Snively yelled to one of the Egg Pawns. "Report in on all systems, Whats happening?"

The Egg Pawn turned to the console beside it and ran a system diagnostic. "Warning, all systems failing. We are now on a crash course with an unknown forest. All remaining ships report similar failures. Estimated time until impact one minute thirty seconds."

Snively scowls as he turns to the door behind him that leads out of the bridge. "Prepare an escape shuttle. I don't plan on being here when this ship...


Snively spins around just in time to see one of the airships in front of his explode into a giant fire ball and fall into the forest below. One piece of the airship, a large chunk of its armored plating, flew straight for the command bridge of Snively's airship. Realizing the imminent threat of the flying debri, Snively jumped out of the way just before the piece smashed though the bridges viewport and into the far wall. Getting back to his feet Snively's eyes widened as he saw the debri had smashed into the door to the bridge, blocking off all escape.

"Well that's just fantastic!" Snively yells as he turns back to the bridges viewport. watching the ground come closer and closer as the airship descended into the planet below, Snively began to shake in fear. "All hands prepare for impact." Grabbing onto an intact console, Snively held on as hard as he can as the airship plows into the forest.


Zone Unknown

Planet Equis

Location Everfree Forest

Sonic just laid there, staring up into the dark canopy of trees as his senses slowly came back to him. The first of his senses to have come back, touch, had not been pleasant. When he had woken up less than five minutes ago, it had not been subtle at all. He had been jolted awake with what had felt like all of the pain he had ever been dealt had all come back to haunt him at once, making his body feel like it had been set on fire while he was being repeatedly stabbed by inch long needles all over his body. When he had tried to cry out in pain, he had realized that he could not hear himself, see his surroundings, or smell and taste anything. Thankfully the pain had subsided rather quickly and he just felt more exhausted than he had in his entire life.

His next sense, sight, had come back a few minutes later, quickly followed by his hearing. He had discovered that he was laying in a forest clearing in the middle of the night, or a least he thought it was night seeing how dark it was, and couldn't see past the edge of the clearing. His ears, which had started hearing that high pitched ringing sound you get when your hit in the head really hard, eventually began picking up unfamiliar noises from creatures his eyes couldn't see. From the soft buzzing and chirping in the trees close to him, to the screeching calls and fierce howls deeper in the forest, the hedgehog couldn't recognize any of the noises coming from these woods.

Right now the hedgehog was beginning to get his sense of smell back. Taking a few experimental sniffs of the air, Sonic's nose involuntarily scrunched up and he sneezed to get the pungent scent out of his nose. Despite his nose not working very well at the moment, the scent he was picking up was unmistakable. Smoke.

"And where there's smoke there's fire." Sonic muttered as he pushed himself up into a sitting position, looking around as he did so. "The question is, where's the fire?"

. . .

Zone Unknown

Planet Equis


Julie-su was not impressed with her current predicament. The pink echidna was currently sitting at the end of a small table she had been brought to that was situated in the middle of a large white room that, other than the table she sat at, was completely barren of anything. Stationed around the room were white and brown quadrupedal creatures that had either horns, wings, or none of the above, clad in golden armor that were watching her every move without actually looking at her. And to top it all off, she was being somehow magically chained to the center of the table with a golden colored aura.

The aura wasn't exactly restraining, seeing how she still had a free range of motion. The echidna had already tested how far she could move, and found that she was free to wander away from the table up to about five and a half feet in any direction. The creatures around the room obviously hadn't liked her moving about so much and had ordered her back to her seat. Now she was just waiting for whatever was going to happen next to happen.

After a few minutes Julie-su heard a commotion from the other side of the door behind her. Turning in her seat the echidna watched the door intently. Soon it opened and two more of the quadrupedal creatures walked in, already in the middle of a hushed conversation. Julie-su listened in using the headset in her biomechanical spine that hung of the side of her head.

"Sister, I can assure you that these creatures are not our enemies." The dark blue one was whispering. It was larger than the other quadrupeds in the room but still smaller than the white one next to it. "In my dreams they we're the victims. We should be trying to help them instead of interrogating them."

"I know that you believe what you saw in your dreams to be true Luna, " The white creature whispered back. "But we must make sure. There was extremely high amounts of chaos magic in them when they appeared in the gardens. We don't want to have a repeat of what happened with Discord to happen again."

"But Tia…"

"No buts Luna. This needs to be done." Breaking away from the darker creature, the white one walked around the table and sat opposite to the echidna. Sighing, the darker one followed suit and sat beside the white one.

"Greetings," the white creature started, its voice soft and calming yet powerful at the same time. "My name is Princess Celestia, and this is my sister, Princess Luna. If you wouldn't mind, we would like to ask you some questions."

"I don't know, what do I get in return if I cooperate?" Julie-su asked the creature skeptically.

"What do you want?" The white creature, Princess Celestia, answered.

"Well for starters," The echidna rose her arms and gestured at the bindings, "I would appreciate if you removed whatever this is. I would also like to know where I am, how I got here, and what happened to my friends?"

"I'm sorry, but your restraints are going to have to stay on for now." Princess Celestia stated without hesitation. "I can however tell you that we are currently inside Canterlot Castle, which is in the capital of the country that we rule over, Equestria. As for your friends, you were found by only one other creature, and it is in another room just like this one."

"Just one?" Julie-su asked in disbelief.

"That is correct." The princess confirmed, picking up on the echidnas worry. "Do not worry, I am sure your your other friends are alright. Now will you answer our questions.

Julie-su was worried. From what Celestia had said, the Echidna had deduced that she was probably in another zone. And with the one ally that she knew of separated from her, she had no choice but to agree.

"Sure, why not"


Zone Unknown

Planet Equis

Everfree Forest

"Well I found the fire." Sonic said as he stared at the blaze in front of him. After walking through the forest he was in for about an hour, the hedgehog had very nearly walked right into the flames that literally came out of nowhere, and had cursed as the heat singed his fur. Now he was looking for away around the flames as he thought aloud. "If I skirt along the edge, it'll eventually just spread and push me back the way I came from. I obviously can't go through the fire unless I want to become seared hedgehog. So I guess going back the way I came and hoping there's a way out of this place is my best...

"Help!" A faint panicked scream echoed out of the inferno.

"...Bet." The hedgehog finished his thought with a exhausted sigh as he stared back into the blaze. "Through the fire and flames it is then!" Sonic exclaimed as he jumped into the inferno without a second thought.

Sonic almost instantly regretted his rash decision as the flames started to lick at and singe his blue fur immediately. But he kept going. He would not let some fire prevent him from saving an innocent person who needed his help. Moving as swiftly as he was able to at the moment, Sonic sped through the burning forest towards the source of the cry for help, weaving between trees that were still standing and dodging the ones that fell by him. Eventually he reached a small clearing where he spotted a large tree collapsed on a single mobian who was trying, and failing, to lift the burning tree off him.

"Hold on!" Sonic called out, B-lining for the tree. Once he was there, the hedgehog placed his hands under the trunk of the tree, readying himself and yelled to the other mobian, whose face was covered by the thick brush of one of the trees branches. "Okay, lift on three. One, Two, THREE!"

Sonic grunted as he lifted the trunk along with the other mobian. Once the tree was about two feet off the ground, the brush had moved far enough for Sonic to get a good look at the other mobian, a familliar purple weasel. The two mobians stared at each other for a moment before the weasel reacted.

"BLASTED HEDGEHOG!" The weasel yelled as it reached down to it's belt to grab the gun strapped to it's side. Instinctively, Sonic let go of the tree, letting it fall back onto the weasel who cried out in pain as the tree crashed onto it. "Damn It!"

"Hey there Nack." Sonic greeted the weasel indifferently as he placed his foot on the log. "How are ya doing?"

"Go to hell hedgehog!" Nack cursed, spitting in Sonic's face.

"Well that wasn't very nice." Sonic wiped the spit off of him, keeping his voice indifferent as he did. "And I was even going to offer to help you out."

"Like I would want your help!"

"Oh really, then I guess you don't mind if I just left you here to burn." Taking his foot off the tree, Sonic turned around and started to walk away. He was only a few feet from the edge of the clearing before Nack called out.

"Wait, stop, you win! Get me out of here, please!" Nack pleaded. "I-I'll give you anything you want! Just save me!"

"Anything?" Sonic did a half turn and pretended to be interested.

"Yes, anything!" Nack cried frantically

"Okay, first I want you to give me your gun so you don't shoot me in the back the moment your free." Sonic demanded as he started walking back to the tree.

"Deal!" Nack agreed, tossing the weapon over the tree towards the hedgehog who caught it.

"Second," Sonic continued, "I want you to think of this as payment for you to accompany me all the way back to New Mobotropolis, where you will be put right back into your jail cell along with the rest of your gang."

"Screw you! Give me my gun back so I can blast ya!" Nack yelled.

"Suit yourself." Breaking the gun in half, Sonic tossed the remnants back to the weasle and turned to leave again. "Tell Robotnik I said hi."

"Damn it, FINE! I'll go back to New Mobotropolis with you!"

"Do you mean it?"


"That's more like it." Sonic grinned as he placed his hands back under the tree and prepared to lift again. "One more time on three. One, Two..."

Before Sonic finished counting, there was a loud crack from behind Nack and both mobians heads shot up to see a tree falling towards the two of them. Purely out of instinct, Sonic jumped out of the way, leaving Nack on his own as the tree fell on him. Once the tree made contact, Nack let out a loud grunt of pain and went silent again.

"Dang it, Nack you okay?" Sonic exclaimed as he rolled to his feet and rushed back to the tree. Silence was all the hedgehog got for an answer. Peering under the trees, Sonic discovered that the purple weasle was now unconscious with a bloody forehead. "Great, now I'm going to have to drag you out of here."

Zone Unknown

Planet Equis


Julie-su was getting bored now. The endless questions just kept coming without pause. Most of them, such as who and what she was, she was able to answer with ease. Others, like how she got here and why she had magical chaos residue in her, were harder to answer. But thankfully the hour and a half long interrogation was coming to a close.

"Lets go over all of this once more shall we." Celestia stated, flipping through the pages of information she had written down. Beside her, Luna was nodding off, fighting to stay awake.

Julie-su knew what was going to happen now. The white creature was going to pick random information from those pages and re-ask questions relating to them to see if there were any inconsistencies with her answers. It was a textbook interrogation technique, one she had used plenty of times with both the Dark Legion and the Chaotix.

Celestia started off by asking the simplest question first. "First off your name is...?"

"Julie-su." The echidna answered simply.

"Where are you from?"

"A planet named Mobius in the Prime Zone."

"And explain again what a Zone is." Celestias gaze shifted over to the pink echidna, watching her keenly.

"A Zone is a dimesion in the multiverse along the Cosmic Highway." Julie-su exlpained. "Each zone can be similar to another by a difference of just a few events. Others can be as different as yours and mine for example. Different events and different creatures inhabiting them entirely."

"I see." Celestia said as she turned back to her notes to scribble something down. "Do you know how you got in our 'Zone'?"

"No," The echidna said, putting two of her fingers to her one of her temples to massage it. "All I remember before waking up here, was a big flash after one of Eggman's airships cannons misfired."

"You said this Eggman was evil, correct?"

"Right." Julie-su confirmed with a nod of her head. "He's been trying to take over my world for years now, and he controls at least half of it. A few hours before I somehow appeared in this Zone, he attacked one of the towns my group of freedom fighters is aligned with named Knothole. There's nothing left."

Celestia's gaze turned to her sister and she closed her eyes, sighing. "It looks like your vision was right." Turning back to the echidna, the golden aura around Celestia's horn flashed and the papers that had been floating in front of her disappeared. "All right, I believe you. Your free to do as you wish until we can send you back home." The alicorns horn flashed once again and the echidnas bindings were gone.

"Thank you."Julie-su massaged her wrists as she stared at the princesses across from her. "But what did you say about a vision."

"Lets just say my sister knew of your existence before you even arrived." Celestia smiled as she stood up from her seat and started for the door. "Now lets go retrieve your friend before we leave."

"Leave?" Julie-su cocked an eyebrow as she started following the princess. "Where are we going?"

"Before we started interrogating you we received reports of large metal objects flying over a town named Ponyville." Celestia explained as she opened the door and led the echidna out."I have a feeling that they may be the airships you were talking about."

Zone Unkown

Planet Mobius

Everfree Forest

The tree created a dull thud as Sonic rolled it off of the other tree on top of Nack. Wiping water off his brow, as it had started to rain, the hedgehog started to cough harshly as the smoke found itself into his lungs. The coughing fit lasted a few seconds before the hedgehog expelled the last of the smoke from them. Looking back down at the trapped weasel, Sonic couldn't believe he had decided to help him.

"Your lucky I'm even doing this Nack, seeing as you've tried to kill me and my friends multiple times already." Sonic said as he crouched down and gripped the tree from below. "All right, here we go." Straining his muscles, Sonic started to lift the tree off of the weasel, but found he was only able to get it a few inches up.

"Dang it," Sonic grunted as he struggled to lift the heavy tree. "Wheres Mighty when you need him. Heck I'd even settle for…"

"What the hay!?" Said a raspy female voice from somewhere behind the hedgehog.

Looking behind him, Sonic spotted a Group of five strange looking creatures staring at him, Each of them with four legs and a pair of wings which they used to hover just above the ground. While they all seemed to be of the same species, each of them had different colored coats, ranging from a light buttery yellow to a dark ash colored black.

"What in the world?" Sonic asked himself as he tried to turn his head to get a better look, but only succeeded in almost losing his grip on the tree. Snapping his attention back to the task at hand, the hedgehog could only hope the creatures weren't hostile. Grunting he put all his strength into lifting the fallen tree he managed to raise it a few more inches before it wouldn't budge anymore. Cursing silently to himself, the hedgehog started to consider just leaving Nack here. No one would care overly much anyhow, seeing as Nack was an enemy of the Kingdom of Acorn.

Suddenly the tree seemed to weigh considerably less and was raising higher without Sonic having to lift much harder himself. Looking around, the hedgehog noticed that one of the creatures, cyan blue in color with a rainbow colored tail and hair, had its forelegs wrapped around the tree, lifting it with its wings alone. Turning its head, the creature called out to the rest of the group.

"Well, are you guys gonna help or not!" The creature said in the same raspy voice the hedgehog had heard before.

"But Rainbow, we don't even know what that thing is." The black creature in the group, who's voice was decidedly male, complained.

"I don't care what it is Thunderlane, it needs our help lifting this tree off of its friend!" The cyan creature yelled back. "Now you and Cloudchaser get over here and help us lift this thing!"

Within a half dozen seconds, the black and greyish lilac creatures the blue one had told to help grabbed the tree with their own forelegs.

"Now on three we'll lift the tree high enough for Fluttershy and Flitter to pull out the purple one." The cyan creature explained. "Ready? One, Two, Three!"

The group of creatures and Sonic started to lift the tree and eventually got it a few feet off the ground, at which point the two remaining creatures grabbed Nack and pulled him out from underneath the tree. As soon as the weasel was clear Sonic and the creatures dropped the tree, letting the large plant crash into the ground. Stepping back, Sonic rolled his shoulders a few times before looking over to the creatures who were all staring at him.

"Hey there," Sonic waved to the creatures. "Thanks for the help. Is Nack okay?"

"Nack?" The cyan one questioned. She then looked over at the yellow creature and the weasle behind her and she realized what the hedgehog was talking about. "Oh you must mean the purple one. Fluttershy how is it?"

"H-he seems to have a few cracked ribs," the yellow one replied, its voice soft and timid. "And there might be some internal bleeding as well. He needs to get to a hospital."

"All Right." Sonic aknowledged the creatures analysis and began walking over to the group. The black and two greyish lilac creatures took a step back as the hedgehog approached, while the cyan one stayed in place and the yellow one hid behind her. Upon reaching the unconscious weasel, Sonic keeled down and picked him up, being careful not to cause more damage to the weasel as he did so. Standing back up the hedgehog asked. "Do you know where the nearest hospital is?"

"There is one in Ponyville, just outside the Everfree Forest." The cyan one stated, pointing behind her.

"Great, thanks." The hedgehog smiled and started off in the direction the creature had shown him.

"Wait, you can't go there alone!" The cyan creature called out. "The other ponies in town will freak out if they see you walk in by yourself."

Sonic stopped in his tracks at what the creature had said. Not at the fact that they would be scared of him, that made sense if they were the same as the creatures beside him. It was what she had called the ones in the town he was about to go to. She called them ponies. As far as Sonic new, ponies were supposed to look similer to Sir Connary, not like the creatures in front of him.

"So, you guys are ponies?" Sonic asked.

"Well we're pegasai to be precise," the creature confirmed. "But yes, we are. Why are you asking, you must have at least seen one pony before? I mean unless... unless..."

"What is it Rainbow Dash?" The yellow pegasus questioned. "Is something wrong?"

"Maybe." The cyan pegasus squinted her eyes at the hedgehog. "But it doesn't matter at the moment. Right now we need to get that one to the hospital. Fluttershy I'm going to have you bring them into town while the rest of us stay to put out the fires."

"Wha-what?" They yellow one sounded shocked and terrified that she had been chosen for this. "W-why me?"

"Because, if you go with it everypony in town will most likely be a lot less afraid of it than if any of the rest of us go."

"B-b-but, …" The yellow pegasus cowered behind the cyan one.

"Hey, don't worry." Sonic gave the yellow pegasus a warm smile. "I dont plan on hurting anyone. All I wan't to do is get Nack some medical attention and get in contact with my friends."

"R-really?" The pegasus asked, poking her head out a bit.

"I promise."

"O-okay." She agreed and slowly came out from behind her friend. "I'm Fluttershy."

"Yeah, I already figured that out." Sonic gave a lighthearted chuckle. "My names Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog."

Author's Note:

Well, that took forever. Sorry four the wait guys, I ended up having to rewrite this whole chapter three times, AND I lost all the chapters that come after this one be cause my computer hates me. This ones shorter than the rest of them because I had no real material to go off of. but that's been remedied by me basically ripping parts of the story out and recreating the outline because of the events of the comic (sonic has teamed up with the original mega man for those of you who don't follow it.)

Now for the reader participation Question. While you don't need to answer these, it helps me get new ideas for later chapters. so, what characters would make good grandmasters of Equsetria based Dark Egg Legion Chapter? Antagonists or Protagonists, it doesn't matter.

Also this story will be put back on Hiatus Sunday the 23rd so I can rewrite and update my other story.

Until next time,