• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 3,934 Views, 55 Comments

Sonic Universe: Equestrian Adventure - Arcing Light

After Sonic rescues Knothole from Dr. Eggman after a brutal defeat, he and several other Freedom Fighters are thrown through the multiverse to a land that is inhabited by quadripedal ponies and where chaos is absent, for the most part at least.

  • ...

The Barrier Breaks

My name is Nicole. I am an advanced A.I. from the future sent back in time to assist this time periods freedom fighters by their future selves. Dr. Robotnik, a mad scientist bent on world domination, has recently destroyed my friends city and captured all but four of the freedom fighters. After rescuing our fellow mobians from Robotniks clutches and tricking him into using his own teleporting beams to send us to New Mobotropolis, built by myself out of the remains of the nanite city, the doctor has found and chased after us with his Egg Fleet much quicker than I had expected. To make matters worse, five convicts were among those who were rescued from Robotnik. Lead by Mammoth Mogul, they hope to take control of our city from the inside while our attention is focused on the doctor. This i know will not come to pass as I will not allow it. What will come to pass however, will not be expected in the least.

Prime Zone
Planet Mobius
New Mobotropolis

"Why doesn't that egghead just quit already?" Sonic crossed his arms as he watched the egg fleet come over the distant mountain.

"Probably the same reason you don't," Sally gave the hedgehog a quick glance. "Your both too stubborn." Turning to the A.I. beside her, the chipmunks expression turned worried. "Nicole, please tell me we have some type of defenses set up."

"I'm setting up the city's energy shield as we speak." Nicole replied, bits of her holographic body phasing in and out of view. "It should keep us safe from any thing Dr. Robotnik can...

"Here me O base and unbearable curs!" Nicole was interrupted by the booming voice of Mammoth Mogul.

"And now to deal with the trash we brought with us." Sonic turned to the mammoth with the gaping hole in its chest.

"You are assailed from within and without!" The mammoth continued, his band of mercenary's stood at the ready. "Relent to my command and you may live to...

"Do not think I built this city without a contingency plan for you as well Mogul." Nicole said with a wave of her hand. beneath the mammoth and his gang, shining blue circles appeared, noticed by none of them except the small green duck.

"Ooh, shiny!" The duck laughed ecstatically as his legs started to disappear. As the bird cackled, the other mobians around him noticed the blue circles beneath them as well.

"What in the..." Nack started as the purple weasel jumped out of the way. The circle followed him and his body started to disappear as well. before the rest of the group had time to react they were gone.

New Mobotropolis

Holding Cells

The small empty hallway of New Mobotrpolis's holding cells lights lit up for their first time as the cells glowed a soft blue. In a flash the cells were occupied by four displeased mobians and one excited one.

"That was AWESOME!" The green duck exclaimed.

"Oh for pity's sake Bean, shut up!" Nack yelled at the overexcited bird and threw his hat onto the ground. "I can't believe this. How many time's am I going to get thrown into a stinkin cell by those fucking Freedom Fighters! I cant stand the indignity of it all!"

In the back cell Mogul sat there, legs crossed as he glared down the hall to the underground building's entrance. Closing his eyes he started to meditate, blocking out the noise of the fuming weasel and the cackling bird, and thought about his next move.

New Mobotropolis


"You teleported Mogul in mid rant?" Sonic turned back to the A.I. who's body was flickering. "You rock Nicole!"

"It was not a problem." Nicole smiled at the hedgehog as sally gave her a high five. "Besides, I do not think anyone wanted to hear him monoloAGH!" Nicole cried out in pain and started to collapse as lasers glanced off of the city's invisible shield, the force of the impact vibrating through the ground. The blows to the shield continued to come as the entire Egg Fleet hovered above New Mobotropolis, unleashing a hail of cannon fire.

"Nicole!" Sally exclaimed as she caught the A.I.. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine sally." Nicole assured the chipmunk as her body started to disappear. "it was just a minor fluctuation in the city's power grid. I do not have enough power to maintain my holographic form and keep the city's shields up at the same time under this type of barrage."

"What?!" Sally grasped the fading A.I.'s shoulders. Tears threatened to force their way out of the chipmunks eyes as the held on to Nicole as tightly as she could. "That's not fair. You've given us so much, and you cant even keep you own body for that long."

Nicole smiled at the sally as her body rapidly vanished. "I appreciate your concern princess, but there is nothing to be worried about. It'll only be until I have enough energy to spare. It's not like I'm going to disappear forever."

"I know, but...

"Sally, I'll always be around." Nicole said as the last bit of her hologram disappeared. "I'll always be near."

Sally staggered forward a little as her weight was no longer supported by Nicole. Raising her hand to her face, the chipmunk wiped away the tears pooling up in her eyes and cleared her nose. Feeling a hand rest on her shoulder, she looked over and saw Sonic giving her a sympathetic smile.

"So, what now Sal?" The hedgehog asked he looked up to the shield protecting the city. Lasers and rockets glanced off and exploded on the shield sending ripples down the see through energy dome. "I've officially filled my plan making quota for the year."

"I trust Nicole to be able to keep us safe for a good while." Sally followed the hedgehogs gaze. "Most of us are still too rattled from the invasion to do much right now."

"Like we could do much of anything right now anyway." Elias walked up to his sister and the hedgehog holding his wife
close. Turning back to the crowd of mobians looked them over. "Nicole took the time to build this city for us. I suggest that everyone should go and find their new homes. Try to relax, keep your loved ones close to you, and be thankful that we have them again." Turning back to the hedgehog who was about to join his family, Elias blocked him with an outstretched arm. "Before you do anything else Sonic, I want you to get some immediate medical attention."


"That's a double order mister!" Sally cut the hedgehog off.

"Geez, double teamed." Sonic put his hands up defensively.

"Now." Sally glared at Sonic softly.

"Fine, I'm going." Turning around Sonic started walking towards the spot Dr. Quack had set up for a temporary medical station. "You two are more relentless than Eggman's barrage." Walking down the trail Sonic watched the shield continue to hold up against the bombardment of lasers and missiles fired from the egg fleet. "Just because I got roughed up a bit doesn't mean that I need any type of special treatment."

"Heh, since when didn't you enjoy special treatment." Someone joked from the side of the pathway. Looking over sonic spotted Rotor laying by a tree on a stretcher and wearing a neck brace.

"Rotor!" Sonic jogged off the path and up to the walrus. "Dude are you alright?"

"Doctor Quack says I'll be up and around after some therapy." Rotor smiled up at the hedgehog and laughed a bit. "That's what i get for catching a few hundred pounds of rock with my back."

"I'm so sorry Rotor." Sonic frowned guiltily. "I should have reacted quicker."

"No worries blue, i got to play the action hero for once." Rotor joked before looking over to Doctor Quack and the three Chaotix members he was with. "Besides, it's Charmy who I'm concerned about."

"Yeah, I know." Sonic looked over to the bee. "I guess I'll go see how he's doing. I was given a royal order to get looked at anyways."

"Wouldn't want to disobey one of those and get convicted of treason again would ya?" The walrus chuckled.

"Yeah, not the most pleasant experiance of my life, but not the worst either." Sonic grinned as he started to walk off towards the doctor and his patient. "See ya later Rotor. Get well soon."

"Thanks Sonic, see ya around." The walrus waved to the hedgehog.

As Sonic approached Doctor Quack and the Chaotix trio, he stopped short and waited for the doctor to finish up with Charmy. It seemed that the doctor was going through a series of tests with the bee and interrupting would be bothersome.

"Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?" Doctor Quack asked the young Chaotix member.

"Sure, Erm... One, two, buckle my shoe." Charmy giggled, causing Espio to raise a brow at him confused.

"Sweetie, do you..." Saffron kneeled down in front of charmy. "Do you know who you are?"

"Yep, sure," Charmy confirmed as he got to is feet and wobbled a bit. "I'm Charmy Bee. Daddy says I'll be king when I grow up."

"Charmy, can you remember my name?" Saffron asked.

"Of course I can." Charmy brought the bee beside him into a large hug. "You're Saffron!"

"Is that a good sign doc?" Sonic asked as he approached Doctor Quack. Saffron was helping Charmy keep himself steady as they walked away.

"We wont know the extent of his memory loss until he's had some time." Doctor Quack watched the trio walk away. "For now though he seems better off than I could've hoped."

"Didn't you used to be purple?" Charmy gave Espio a sceptical look.

"I am purple." espio gave the bee an odd look.


"Though some of his senses do seem to be askew. Now I guess I should check on you," Turning to Sonic, Doctor Quack pulled out his stethescope and placed it to the hedgehogs chest. "Though I'm not to worried for you."

"I'm touched." Sonic rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Given how hardy you are, not to mention all the residual magic ring energy you must have clinging to you, I'd say your the safest among us here." The duck moved the cold piece of metal across the hedgehogs chest. "Look at your eye for instance, it's already well on it's way to mending itself." Taking the stethescope away from the hedgehog, he wrapped it along the back of his neck. "I'm going to pass you with a clean bill of health Sonic. now if you'll excuse me, you were my last patient for today and if you don't mind i would like to spend the rest of the evening with my family."

"Don't worry doc, I'll make sure you do."


Sitting up on a high tree branch, Sally, Bunnie, and Antione, who was still trying to work up the courage to go farther out onto the tree's limb, looked over the new city they would call home from now on. High above them the Egg Fleet continued its assault on new mobotropolis's shield, desperately trying to break through the invisible barrier. They watched as another blast sent a wave of ripples down the shield.

"It looks almost exactly like I remember it." Sally said as she scanned the city, a small smile tracing her lips. "It's everything I've been fighting for since I was little."

"Ah wouldn't know 'bout the city Sally girl." Bunnie gave the chipmunk a smile as she brushed her hair back away from her eyes. "But it sho is a sight to behold now."

"Eet would be even nicer if Robotnick would stop blastering zee shield." Antoine quivered from the trees trunk, holding onto it as if his life depended on it.

"We've all come so far." Sally reminisced to her friends. "Fighting out of a forest valley against all odds, Thinking that we were orphans."

"Ahn ah was just ah lil ol' farm girl for the longest while before ya'll saved me." Bunnie added.

"Oui, and I-I was zee cowering craven." Antoine stuttered.

Bunnie rolled her eyes and extened her robotic arm towards the shivering cyote. "Its 'craven coward' sugar-Twan. And ah've always known you to be brave deep down." Wraping her arm around Antoine, Bunnie pulled the cyote away from the center of the tree and embraced him.

"Et tu positif?" Antoine asked.

Bunnie smiled and gave Antoine a small peck on the nose. "Sho ah'm sho. Ya'think ah'd have married you otherwise?" Turning to the chipmunk to her left Bunnie grinned. "An Sally would'na let you in on all those missions if'n she didn't think so either, right?"

"Thats right Bunnie." Sally confirmed as she smirked back at the lovebirds. "I took it all into account when I led the assult on robotroplois." Sallys expresion turned sour and she diverted her gaze away from the two lovebirds. "When I led us. Back when I wasn't acting monarch, the heir-apperant, or had to get married or any of the formalities to deal with."

"Uh, Sally-girl, is the cannon fire gettin to ya?" Bunnie asked unsure of how to take the princesses little release of pent up emotions.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sally gloomly said. "It's just that I wish that things could go back to the way they were before." Sally sat there quietly for a while watching the cannons of the egg fleet shoot down on the city. Suddenly a smile crept onto her face as she got an idea. "Bunnie do you remember what you wanted to be when you first joined the Freedom Fighters?"

"I sho do!" Bunnie clasped her hands together. "I wanted nuthin' more than to be your royal hairdresser."

"Well I hope you haven't completely written off that aspiration," Sally said as she hopped up onto her feet and smirked. "Because I've got a favor to ask."

Egg Fleet Flagship
Above New Mobotropolis

On the airships bridge, Snively sat in the revolving chair that was far to large for him, resting his head on his knuckles and let the scolding that his uncle was giving him from over the communications channel go in one ear and out the other. Normally snively would be far to afraid of his psychotic uncle to ignore him, but fortunately for the little man, he was down in the hanger resupplying his battle armor. So now he sat there, moving his hand in sync with his uncles words, pretending his hand was Robotnik's mouth to amuse himself.

"Your taking to long you little runt!" Eggman yelled through the radio. "I've given you the entire Egg Fleet Snively. I'd do it myself if I wasn't busy re-arming my battle suit."

"I'm working on it uncle Robotnik." Snively said, not really interested in his uncle words.

"SO THE WHY AREN'T THEIR SHIELDS DOWN YET!" Eggman screamed causing Snively to flinch a bit.

"Because they seem to be grounding the energy fired at them instead of absorbing it, sir." Snively glared at the radio.

"Don't give me your silly little excuses Snively, just bring them down!"

"Yes sir." Turning back to the viewport behind him, he gave a relieved sigh when he heard the click that told him that his uncle had ended the transmission. "The Freedom Fighters got one thing right, he sure love to talk." Looking over to one of the red Egg Pawns that stood in front of the flagships controls, he jumped off of his seat and approached the robot. "Whats our current status?"

"Power at ninety-seven percent," The robot answered in a electric tone. "Stabilizers holding, weapon systems functioning at full capacity, engines..." The robot was cut off as energy bolts glanced off of the viewport. Snively let out a small yell of surprise as a navy blue airplane flew past the bridge. "No damage sir. Targeting lone enemy craft."

"I see it!" Snivelys eyes followed the airplane. "Who in their right mind would fire at an Eggman Empire Egg Carrier by theirselves." As he continued to watch the plane, it rolled and showed its profile. "Wait a minute, isn't that...

"Target acquired." The Egg Pawn informed Snively.

"Hold your fire!" Snively ordered. Rushing over to the radio, Snively scanned the through the communication channels until he came across an occupied channel that had been previously unused. Pressing a button on the console he yelled into the radios microphone. "Hope!? Hope is that you!?"

"That's right half-brother, you jerk!" Snively heard his young half-sister cry over the channel. the plane swung back around and began another pass at the airship, letting loose a flurry of bolts as it flew over.

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you really asking that!" Hope yelled. "We only knew each other for a few weeks, but you were still family! I trusted you! I took your advice and went to the United Federation to see if it was right for me!" The plane turned around and flew in front of the airships viewport again. Snively saw the figure of his half-sister though the planes cockpit window and saw the look of fustration and hate on the young overlanders face. "But when I came back to Knothole, you know what I found? NOTHING! All because you went and betrayed them!"

"Hope I...

"I don't care Snively!" The young overlander sobbed. "I can't bear to show my face to the mobians now. I trusted you over them! they took me in and I left on your advice!" The plane did one last flyby past the bridge firing at the floating ship and started to fly of into the distance. "I'm going to go back to the human and overlander city's now. I'm going to become the best engineer ever! And then I'm going to kick your and uncle Robotnik's butts! Then maybe our family name will worth something!"

As the aircraft flew of into the distance, Snively felt his eyes start to water up and wiped away the tears quickly. Pressing a few buttons on the console to turn the communications channel back to normal, he barely heard the egg pawn talking to him. After a moment he realized that it was asking for permission to fire at Hopes plane. "Permission denied. Let her go."

"Snively!" Eggman hollered over the radio.

"Yes sir?" Snively asked gloomily.

"I've finished re-arming my suit. Give the order for the Egg Fleet to cease fire. I'm going to end this personally."

"At once sir." switching the channel to fleet wide, Snively repeated his uncles order before walking back to the chair and sitting back down.

Outside New Mobotropolis

"Come out and face me!" Eggman yelled as he wailed on the city's shield with his battle suit. Soon after leaving the Egg Fleet he had immediately started to attack the shield that prevented him from entering the city with a vengeance, yet it would not give way. Extending the chain that his suits checkered wrecking ball was attached to, he swung the ball at the shield repeatedly. "You stole this city from me! It's mine!" the overlander yelled as he continued his relentless assault. "Stop hiding behind your stupid shield and fight me! I conquered and destroyed your first city! I toyed with you as you built you little forest getaway, and then I burned it to the ground! I've terrorized the lot of you for all of your pity lives!"

Eggman stopped swinging the ball at the shield and retracted it into his suits arm as he flew away from the city a bit and fired rockets and lasers at the shield. "You cannot rob me of my victory! I WON'T ALLOW IT! Now get out here so I can conquer you again!" The overrlander raged.

"Hey, Eggman!" someone called up to the robot. Down on the grass sonic was walking out of a small hole in the shield large enough for mobians and smaller overlanders to walk through without difficulty. "Are you enjoying your little tantrum, or do yo plan on shooting at something other than the shield?"

"OH-HO-HO, I Knew you wouldn't disappoint me rodent!" Eggman cackled as he landed his suit in front of the hedgehog. "But you were a fool to face me alone. Did I beat you too sufficiently before and knock the memory of your defeat out of your head? I designed this battle armor specifically to out preform you at every possible level. It's impossible for you to overcome me!"

Sonic crossed his arms and snickered. "Yeah, I figured as much. Which means that you've got nothing against these guys." behind the hedgehog the rest of the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix rushed out of the hole in the shield. "I like this plan." Sonic smiled.

"Freedom Fighters! Chaotix! Attack!" Sally yelled as the chipmunk stopped beside sonic.

Knuckles, Mighty, and Vector rushed out in front of the rest of the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix and B-lined straight for the suits arms, ripping them off before Eggman had time to react. The three jumped away with the suits arms as Bunnie landed in front of it and her arm shifted into a rounded cylinder with a hole in the end pointed at the suit.

"Ya'll should'na riled us Doctor Eggman." Bunnie grinned devilishly while the hole started to glow a bright orange. "On the other hand, AH'VE BEEN SAVIN' THIS FOR A SPECIAL OCCASION!" A large orange beam erupted from the cylinder and burned away the robots head and torso, revealing a slightly burned overlander. "Heavy hitters are done Sal-gal."

"Alright, second line move in!" Sally ordered.

Julie-Su, followed by Antoine and Espio charged in and started attacking the suits remaining lower half, slashing and firing at its legs. Tails and Ray went for the overlander himself, Tails blowing a raspberry at Eggman as they pulled at his mustache and snapped his goggles into his face. sonic watched his ally's harass the overlander for a while before he started to walk up to Eggman himself.

"For all your smarts Doc, you totally miscalculated us." Sonic started to rant so he would get on Eggmans nerves. "Did you really think we would just roll over and give up? Did you think I was the only hero on Mobius? I can take just about anything you can dish out. But on the rare occasion I cant, my friends always can" Sonic paused as he watched Amy sneak up behind Eggman's battle suit and swing at its legs. smashing them clean off. Eggman quickly pressed something on what remained of the suits control console and propulsion jets quickly came to life ont the bottom of the suit, stopping it from falling to the ground. Sonic smiled and continued. "Face it Eggman. You don't have a leg to stand on." Sonic chuckled a little a his joke.

"Augh, shut up you stupid little rodent!" Eggman yelled at the hedgehog.

"You said that all of this was a game to you?" Sonic crouched and launched himself at the remnants of the battle suit spinning through them and sending Eggman to the ground. Landing in front of the overlander, Sonic looked down and smugly grined at Eggman. "Well we've chosen to continue. Game on Robuttnik."

"Your trespassing on royal grounds." Sally said as she walked up beside the hedgehog. "As princess, I order you to retreat back to New Megaopolis."

"You wont get away with this!" Eggman exclaimed. "Snively, fire the mass teleporting beam!" Above the city, on of the large airships moved out of position and pointed it self straight down.

"Nice try doc, but New Mobotropolis is protected by it's shield." Sonic gloated.

"This beam is different hedgehog." Eggman smiled. "It's highly concentrated and should be able to cut right through...


The explosion cut off Eggmans rant and drew everyone's attention upwards, just in time to see the airship explode and release a wave of white light that enveloped a half dozen other airships causing them to disintagrate. The white light expanded outwards and washed over the city and the freedom fighters outside of it. "

Sally looked back down at the overlander but was surprised to see that he was no longer there, but was instead sprinting across the field, already a considerable distance from them and shouting for the egg fleet to retreat. "Well that backfired on him, didn't it Sonic?" Sally asked the hedgehog. When she got no answer from the hedgehog, she looked up to see the speedster missing. "Sonic? Where'd you go?" Sally looked around. "Hey, did anyone see where Sonic ran off to?"

"Zat would be a negative princess." Antoine answered turning to his wife. "Bunnie did you zee where... Bunnie? Sacrebleu! Bunnie iz gone az well!"

"So is Tails!" Amy added.

"Julie-su! Espio! Where are you guys?!" Knuckles Hollered from behind them.

"This can't be good." Sally panicked

Prime Zone
Planet Mobius
Master Emerald Alter, Angel Island

The chambers of the Master Emerald glowed a sickly green as the giant emerald itself was engulfed in black flames. Floating in front of the emerald a white echidna wearing a black cape and gold rings around his arms, chanted a dark spell with his hands bathed in the same fire the emerald.

"The servants are the seven chaos..." the echidna hissed at the gemstone. Behind him, a green hedgehog wearing a black leather jacket rushed into the room and skid to a halt in front of the alter.

"Yo, Fintevus, me might have a problem!" The hedgehog called out.

"Explain yourself Scourge." The echidna looked back at the hedgehog out of the corner of his eye displeased.

"Your pet head-in-a-bubble, Dimitri was his name right, just made a run for it, figuritivly speaking. " Scourge started to climb the alters steps. "I think he's going to blab your plan to the guardian."

"Excellent." Fintevus smiled and turned back to the hedgehog. "I was hoping he would take the initiative and flee from us. I assure you, everything is going according to plan."

Shrugging his shoulders, Scourge turned his back to the echidna and closed his eyes under the red shades he wore. "All right then, Your the spooky-creepy mastermind."

A low chuckle escaped from the echidna as he turned back to the Master Emerald and placed a hand upon it. More black flames burst out between his palm and the gemstone and Fintevus grinned madly. "Go to them Dimitri. Tell them everything, if you so desire. You cannot stop the return of Enerjak!"

Zone Unknown
Planet Equis

Twilight trotted quickly down the main street of Ponyville on a mission. Behind her trailed a quintet of tired looking ponys, except for Pinkie Pie who bounced along happily with the rest of the group, whom she had woken up not even an hour prior. Looking over her shoulder, none of them seemed to amused about being woken up so early, especially Rarity, who twilight had to convince to leave her mane and tail alone for the time being so they wouldn't be late. As she scanned them she caught the eye of the blue pegasus in the group whom gave her a curious look.

"So Twilight, when are you going to tell us why you woke us up at the crack of dawn?" the pegasus asked as she blew a stubborn strand of her rainbow hued mane out of her face. "And why did we have to bring the elements with us?"

"I already told you Rainbow, I'll tell you all once we get to town hall and meet up with Mayor Mare." Twilight said for about the dozenth time.

"Oh come on Twilight, why do we have to wait until we get there?" Rainbow flew up beside Twilight and hovered next to the unicorn.

"Because I don't want to have to repeat myself multiple times today." The lavender mare said. "Besides you wont have to wait to much longer, we're almost there." Ahead of them was the round building that served as town hall, Mayor Mare already waiting in front of the door.

"Was she expecting us?" Fluttershy asked from the back of the group.

"I had Spike come ahead to tell Mayor Mare we were coming." Twilight explained. Picking up the pace a little, twilight and the rest of the ponies closed the distance to town hall quickly and climbed the small set of steps up to the entrance. "Hello Mayor, I hope you haven't been waiting for to long."

"Not at all Twilight, your assistant got here only a little while ago and has already given me the princess message." The Mayor opened the door beside her and motioned to the party to enter. One by one the ponies passed by into the building and were followed by the tan earth pony once they were all inside. Inside the building, a long table was set up with four chairs running along each side and a multitude of different foods had been set up upon it. Twilight's dragon assistant already sat at on one of the end seats, plucking some grapes from a fruit bowl on front of him. "I took the liberty of setting up some food while I waited in case none of you had anything to eat yet, so if you would all please take a set we can get started." the ponies followed the mayors instructions and each took a seat along the table, Twilight taking one of the seats on the same side that spike had taken, along with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, while Rarity, Pinkie pie, and Fluttershy sat down on the opposite side leaving the chair right across from Twilight vacant.

sitting down in the empty seat, mayor mare pulled out the scroll spike had given her and started to go over it. "The message explained a few things but was very light on details. It basically said that there is some type of new threat to Equestria, gave me some new rules that are to be implemented, and that you would explain more about this threat. Care to elaborate."

"Of course Mayor." Twilight said as she levitated a small crescent roll over to her.

"Finally, some answers!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Twilight glanced at the cyan pegasus out of the corner of her eye, but otherwise ignored her. "Last night Princess Luna used a dream walking spell and came to me while I was asleep, or rather she called me to her." Twilight explained, slicing her roll and started to spread butter on it. "She told me that the barrier between our universe and others is starting to weaken, threatening to let creatures through into our world."

"Barrier between what now?" Applejack asked, removing mouth from her already half eaten apple, leaving a large bite in it.

"The barrier between universes." The purple unicorn repeated. "Whats the best way to explain this? Are any of you familiar with the multiverse theory?"

Pinkies hoof shot up and she waved it around. "OH OH, I know this one! The multiverse theory is the theory that there are multiple different planes of existance, each of which has a very similar or very different set of life. Events in those worlds can be exactly the same, though it may have happened in a slightly different way, or they could have never happened at all, and were replaced by different events entirely." Pinkie finished her explaination with a large grin plastered on her face.

"That's, actually very accurate Pinkie," Twilight confirmed, amazed at Pinkies knowledge on the subject. "How did you know that?"

"Know what?" Pinkie asked as she shoved a cinnamon bun in her mouth, swallowing it in one go.

"About the multiverse." Twilight cocked her eybrow. "You just explained it."

"I have no idea what your talking about." Pinkie grabbed another cinnamon bun that met the same fate as the first.

"But you just...

"Twilight darling, just let it go." Rarity told her unicorn counterpart. "Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie after all."

"Your right, sorry." twilight exhaled. "Well anyways, just like Pinkie said the multiverse is a multitude of different planes of existance. And like I said, Princess Luna told Me that the barrier between them and our universe is weakining and she and Princess Celestia are worried that creatures from them will start coming through." Taking a bit out of her crescent roll she chewed for a bit and swallowed before continuing. "Luna also told me that they would be sending a small regiment of guards to watch over the town. The same precautions are being taken in all of the city's and towns in Equestria."

"Do the princess know when the barrier might collapse?" Rarity asked, taking a sip of grape juice.

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "Not exactly, but from how urgent Luna sounded I'm guessing it will be...



"What the hay was that." Applejack asked.

"No idea, but it didn't sound good. C'mon girls!" Twilight launched herself off of her seat and towards the buildings doors, followed closely by the six other mares and spike. using her magic to send the doors flying open, she and the others rushed out, and stoped dead in their tracks at the sight they beheld. high in the sky, six large metalic objects filled it as they soared through the air, rapidly decending towards the Everfree Forest. Each of the objects had flames billowing out of them and were trailed by a stream of smoke.

"T-Twilight, what are those?" spike stuttered.

"I don't know Spike." Twilight watched the objects which were now located above the everfree when one of them exploded into a massive fireball. Pieces of the object fell out of the bottom of the fireball and into the forest below, starting fires where they landed soon after. A gust of wind blasted past Twilight as Rainbow rushed to the sky. "Rainbow, where are you going?" Twilight yelled at the pegasus.

"What does it look like?!" rainbow flared her wings and turned around. "I'm going to put out those fires. Shy's cottage and Applejack's farm are located right beside the Everfree."

"How are you going to do that?" twilight asked. "I thought weather above the Everfree couldn't be controlled."

"It can't. But I can still control clouds that I bring there myself." Rainbow explained impatiently.

"Okay then." Twilight agreed. "Bring Fluttershy with you and get any pegasai whom you see along the way to help out as well."

"On it." Rainbow gave the unicorn a mock salute before turning to Fluttershy. "Come on Fluttershy, let's... Uh fluttershy, what are you looking at?" Rainbow looked up and her eyes widened a little. "What in the?"

Looking up, the rest of the ponies noticed a ring of six lights swirling around above them. the lights each had there own color and a trail of after imaging following them. One of the lights was a deep blue and seemed to be moving faster than the others by quite a considerable margin, passing the other lights multiple times effortlessly. The second light was a soft brown and had small purple metallic orbs revolving around it that none of the others seemed to have. The next two lights were both purple, the first of which seemed to disappear and reappear at random, sometimes reappearing in a different color entirely, while the second purple light had nothing that odd about it. The fifth light was a bright orangeish yellow and had a green core that seemed to have numbers flowing around inside of it and seemed to stay in the center of the rest of the lights. The final light was a hot pink with purple whisps of light that would flow out from the light from time to time before going back into it. The ponies sat and watched the orbs of lights for a minute, mesmerized by their beauty. suddenly the orbs shot off in random directions, traveling at speeds almost faster than the eye could follow. The blue and normal purple light shot off towards the burning Everfree, smashing through the canopy and disappearing through the darkness. The brown light headed towards Sweet Apple Acres, descending into the orchard where it landed with a flash of white light. The pink and fluctuating purple lights shot off towards Canterlot, quickly disappearing in the distance. The final yellow light flew straight into the large tree that was Twilight's library, hiding in the trees canopy.

"What were those?" Mayor Mare asked in wonder.

"No idea, but were going to find out." Twilight stated as he turned to the group of mares. "Applejack and Pinkie Pie, Head to Sweet Apple Acres and find that brown light, but remember not to approach it no matter what." Yhe earth ponies nodded and galloped of to the farm as fast as their hooves could carry them. "Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, you two go ahead and start putting out those fires like we originally planned and tell whatever pegasai you gather to help to stay away from those lights if they find it." Rainbow gave another mock salute and flew off with Fluttershy trailing behind her. "Rarity and Spike, you two are with me. We're going to my library to find that yellow light and investigate what it is. Mayor Mare, you stay here and wait for the guards to show up. Explain whats happened and send a few guards to assist each of us." Once she got a confirmation from Mayor Mare, Twilight galloped off towards her library while throwing Spike onto her back with magic and Rarity hot on her heels.

Author's Note:

chapter three is here, and holy crap its long (or at least for me it is) almost 7000 words and currently half as long as my other story entirely. Once again this chapter is based off of issue #177 of archie comics Sonic the hedgehog comic. Sorry for the long wait on this chapter. I was busy trying to find a job the week after the last chapter and had no time to write between that, all the homework I had to do, and the nostalgia trip i went on. (found my old copys of Pokemon 2000 and Pokemon colloseum and went absolutly nuts.) then last week someone in my family died, so that took quite a bit of time away as well.

Anyways, I'm going to start asking one question per chapter as well. This chapters question is which three sonic characters are most like which three MLP characters and why, other than the obvious Rainbow Dash and Sonic comparison.

Also thanks to my editor GMZ_Casper, the edited version of chapter one is now up, so go back and read to your hearts content.

Until Next Time