• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 806 Views, 18 Comments

The Meaning of Tenacity - Marksman

After season 2 finally Discord goes missing and the changlings come back.

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Chapter Two

“So you really think that some ponies threw Discord over the edge of Canterlot?” the rainbow pony asked her purple friend. Twilight replied by saying “Well it’s only a theory but considering that the trail ends here it’s highly likely.” “Well I’ll just go down there and check myself.” The rainbow pony exclaimed to her friends before opening her wings. The rainbow Pegasus then flew down to the bottom of the mountain Canterlot rested on. The other five mares waited in the gardens of Canterlot for about seven minutes before there cyan colored friend returned.

“So did you find anything?” the tailor pony asked her friend. “No, nothing.” Rainbow Dash replied the white unicorn’s question. “Well, um … is it possible that the ponies who did this got rid of the pieces?” the shy Pegasus asked her friends. “Well its possible but we still wouldn’t have any leads.” The lavender librarian explained to her shy friend. “Well do y’all think we should just tell Celestia that there ant any lead’s?” the orange farmer asked the purple unicorn.

“No. I told Celestia I would find Discord for her and I won’t let her down.” Twilight replied. “Well should we at least tell Celestia that there are no more clues?” the unicorn’s assistant asked her. “Well … I guess we should at least tell her that.” The librarian explained to her friends. The seven then walked back into the large, white castle. They reached the royal thrown room in no time. When they walked in Celestia was sitting on the thrown writing on some paper.

The white alicorn lowered the paper to see her faithful student and her friends standing in the door way. “My faithful student, have you or your friends found anything?” the princess of the sun asked. “Well, no we haven’t, but I’m not giving up.” Twilight explained to her teacher with confidence. As the princess was about to reply a royal guard came bursting throw the door and announced “Your highness, we’ve just got reports of a changeling attack in Ponyville!”

“Changeling’s are attacking Ponyville. Send an army down there and get the ponies there to shelter.” The solar princess ordered the guard. Twilight thought to herself for a second before announcing “What if the Changelings took Discord so they could team up to try and beat us?” Princess Celestia replied by saying “Twilight you know there’s no spell that can free a pony or any living being from stone without the Elements of Harmony.” Twilight hesitated before replying “Your probably right. It’s just it seems a little suspicious that the same day Discord goes missing that the changelings attack.” The lavender mare explained.

“I know what you mean Twilight, but coincidences like this can easily happen.” The lavender unicorn’s teacher explained to her student. The seven then walked out of the room and looked out the window. Outside of the castle where hundreds of Pegusi guards getting ready to fly to Ponyville. “I hope dem changeling won’t be too much of a problem.” The orange mare stated.

“I hope so too darling.” Rarity added. The Pegusi started to take off, all of them armed with swords and spears. “I think we should be over in Ponyville helping the ponies there.” Fluttershy announced to her friends. Twilight replied saying “Well if changelings are attacking Ponyville then they’re bound to attack Canterlot as well.” “And when the changelings are gone I can throw a party!” the party pony explained. The seven started walling to their rooms in the castle. On their way they saw some guards running down the halls looking like they’re going to a fight. Twilight stopped one of them asking “What’s going on?”

The guard replied saying “Changelings are attacking northern Canterlot. All available troops are heading there now.” The guard then ran off. “Should we get the Elements of Harmony?” Rainbow Dash asked. Rarity replied saying “I think we should. If changelings are attacking no doubt that Chrysalis will show up.” “I agree.” Twilight announced afterward.

“You know how to open the vault to the elements of harmony right Twilight?” the shy Pegasus asked the librarian. “Yes I do. Let’s go.” The lavender mare replied. The seven started running down the halls of the castle. “Wait shouldn’t one of us stay here with the princess?” Twilight stopped the others on their way. “Well you guys can’t use the elements with one not coming.” Spike replied. “I know, it’s just that last time Princess Celestia went up against Chrysalis she lost.” Twilight explained.

“I guess, but it was probably she just underestimated Chrysalis last time, plus aren’t Shining Armor and Cadence also with her.” Spike replied. “Your right Spike, let’s just go get the elements and defeat the changelings.” Twilight finished as the seven proceeded down the halls soon reaching the vault holding the elements. Twilight started using her magic to open tell vault. It didn’t take long before the vault doors opened. The mares and the baby dragon ran inside.

Each of the mares attached the necklaces on to their necks and Twilight put the tiara on. They then proceeded out of the castle to fight off the changelings. “Ok. Let’s do this.” Rainbow Dash announced after walking outside.
The mares then split up. Twilight went with Spike and Rarity. Pinkie Pie went with Fluttershy and Apple Jack went with Rainbow Dash. Only about one tenth of a mile Twilight, Spike and Rarity ran into changelings. The mares got themselves into a fighting position. Twilight used her magic the same way she did the first time a couple of weeks ago during the first changeling attack.

While shooting at the changelings with her magic she thought to herself (What if the changelings are just a distraction to get us away from Celestia so they can attacker with barley any resistance.) After her thoughts where complete she called for Spike. “Spike can you go check on the princess for me?” Twilight asked her assistant. “No problem Twilight, but I’m just saying, I’m sure Celestia can take a couple of changelings.” Spike replied. “Please just go check in on her.” Twilight asked once again. The purple dragon then ran off. He entered the castle with no life forms in sight. He reached the throne room in no time. He then proceeded to opening the throne room doors.


About 5 minutes earlier

Princess Celestia was inside the throne room with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. Celestia was going over a check list of things that needed to be taken care of. “So how are the guards doing with the changeling treat?” the white alicorn asked the warrior unicorn. “The royal guards are doing fine defeating the changelings. At this rate all of them should be gone in a few hours.” Shining Armor replied.

“Good. Make sure all ponies that en…” The princess of the sun was halted by the ability to move from her current location. The same happened to Shining Armor and Cadence. The trio looked down at their hooves and saw that they were starting to turn to stone. The three ponies struggled to get free. “Celestia what’s happening?” Cadence asked the solar princess with hits of panic.

Celestia while still struggling against the stone slowly encasing their bodies she replied saying “I’m not sure.” They continued to struggle until they heard a voice come from … somewhere saying “Hello Celestia.” Celestia quickly recognized the voice “Discord! How did you escape?” Then a bright light spawned in front of the three revealing the bringer of chaos. “Well that’s not hard to answer, its call Chrysalis set me free.” Discord answered. “That’s no possible. Only the Elements of Harmony could have freed you.” Celestia explained to Discord.

“That is where you are wrong. There actually is a spell that can reverse the process but only the most powerful of unicorns… and changelings can do.” Discord explained. The stone now covered half of the three pony’s bodies. “Anyway once you three are gone there’s nothing stopping us from killing the Elements of Harmony and conquering Equestria.” Discord explained to the ponies. “Don’t you dare hurt my little sister!” the white unicorn yelled the Discord. “Oh, like you can single handedly stop me and all the changelings especially while the magic blocking stone is incasing your body.” The ponies now had the stone up to their necks. As Discord was about to continue a purple and green baby dragon busted the door drawing the attention of the four. “Hi princess I just came to check …” The dragon stopped himself at the sight of Discord.

“Spike, run and go get the others!” Celestia shouted. As the dragon was about to run off he appeared in front of Discord. “Oh yes, I remember you. Twilights little … pet. So you came to check on Celestia? Well hear she is.” Discord spoke to the dragon. “Let him go Discord!” Celestia ordered. “Well I can’t do that so he’ll just join you all in stone.” Discord announced before stone started to consume the baby dragon. Since Spike was small it quickly got to his neck. “Cadence…” Shining Armor started.

The princess of love turned her head to see her husband. “Cadence I’m sorry I got you into this.” The white unicorn spoke to the pink alicorn. “It’s not your fault; it’s not your fault at all.” Cadence explained. “No … it is. I didn’t guard Discord as much as I should have.” Shining Armor explained lowering his head in shame. “I don’t care if you think it’s your fault, because it wasn’t. I love you.” Cadence spoke. “I love you t…” Shining Armor was cut off as the stone completely covered his body and Cadence’s.

Princess Celestia looked down is defeat before Spike announced “Don’t worry princess, I’m sure Twilight with defeat Discord and the changelings and fine a way to free us.” Spike assured Celestia. “And another wrong statement. You see, once Twilight and the other five get a good look at you the statues with denigrate, and all of you will be dead. And no, they will not win.” Discord explained as the two were fully covered in stone. “Yes. Ha ha. All what’s left is the Elements of Harmony and when we split them up; no one will be able to stop us.” Discord was sure victory was within his grasp.

Author's Note:

I finally got of my lazy ass and wrote typed chapter 2. Anyway I hope you like it. Oh and it also took me a while because I had a little bit of writters block but, its all good. There will only be about 1 or 2 more chapters then the fic ends but for now you have chapters 1 and 2. Also please post comments because I'm sick of looking at 6 by me and only one by someone else.