• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 806 Views, 18 Comments

The Meaning of Tenacity - Marksman

After season 2 finally Discord goes missing and the changlings come back.

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Chapter One

Twilight was outside of the royal Canterlot castle, falling to her death. The moon shined high in the sky making the ruby red blood dripping from a large cut on the right side of her head glisten. Her body covered with cuts and dried blood. Broken pieces of glass from the window she stood in front of barley seconds ago all around her. The unicorns life flashed before her eyes as she thought to herself (How could this happen? Less than a week ago I was in ponyville. I had amazing friends, family, assistant, and teacher and now there all gone ... and I'm in a free fall to my death. How could this happen to me? How could this happen to us?)

Twilight was walking home from Fluttershy’s cottage. She had gone there to practice some magic on some of her yellow Pegasus friend’s animals. She had to go home early because she had forgotten that day was her book organizing day. She had reached her house around four o’clock. “Ah. Finally home.” The lavender unicorn said to herself taking off her saddle bags. She looked threw her bags and found one book missing. “Dang it! I must have left the book at Fluttershy’s. Oh well, I’ll get it in the morning.” Twilight announced shrugging and taking down all the books in the library. She started organizing to books by their categories placing them all on the correct shelf. The lavender mare was almost finished as she noticed the time. “Oh. I’ll have to finish tomorrow morning. For now I need bed.” The librarian said to herself as she walked up the stairs and lied herself in her warm bed.

Twilight was awoken around two o’clock by the sound of coughing. She looked down and saw Spike hacking on the floor. “Spike what are you doing!” the unicorn shouted at her assistant. “I think Princess Celestia is trying to send you a l…” his words where cut short by a glowing ball of green fire emerging from the dragons mouth which then changed into a letter. “Why would the Princess send me a letter this late at night? I’ll check it in the morning. Uh, I’m doing too much tomorrow morning. I’ll work it out tomo…” she cut herself short before saying tomorrow morning. She then went back to bed same with her assistant.

Twilight got up around eight o’clock. The first thing she did was take a look at the letter. The letter read

Dear Twilight Sparkle
About forty minutes ago the statue of Discord went missing. There is no sign he escaped so we can only assume somepony stole it for some unknown reason. I have sent you this letter to ask you if you could come to Canterlot and help us investigate. Also sorry for sending you this letter so late at night but it is an emergency. If you will agree to come then send me a reply and I’ll have a chariot sent to the library.
Princess Celestia

“The statue of Discord has gone missing! Why would somepony steel Discord from the Canterlot Royal Gardens? In fact, how could they even sneak off with the statue?" The lavender mare questioned out loud. "Spike!" Twilight yelled out to get her assistance attention. The small purple dragon came running down the stairs. "What is it Twilight?" the unicorns assistant asked his lavender owner. "Spike take a note." the librarian ordered her assistant. After the dragon was ready to write the unicorn continued "Dear Princess Celestia. I will accept this assignment. You can send that chariot when ready. I'm going to get the other five to help incase Discord did break free again. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle."

"T w i l i g h t sparkle." The small purple dragon finished the letter to the Princess. Spike then rolled up the letter, huffed in, and with a small burst off fire the letter disappeared. Twilight then walked to the door and when she opened it her friend Pinkie Pie was standing there.

"Pinkie Pie what are you doing here so early?" Twilight questioned her pink friend. "Well you see I got board of sleeping around three o'clock so I went around Ponyville to ask if anyone wanted to play but they all just slammed the door when I was done talking so I decided I would try you next. So what are you doing?" the pink mare explained talking as fast as she could. Twilight tried to comprehend what her friend had just said before telling her "Well I'm going to Canterlot to ..." the lavender unicorn was interrupted by her friend "Oh. Is the princess making you take another test? Or is there a party coming up and Celestia wants me to plan it."

"No. Discord has gone missing from the Canterlot Royal Gardens and the Princess wants me to investigate. So can you get the other four?" Twilight replied the jittery mare’s question. "Oky Doky Loky." the party pony answered before hopping off.

All six mares gathered at the golden oak wood library. "So what's this all about?" the rainbow maned pony asked before Twilight answered. "Princess Celestia has informed me that the statue of Discord has gone missing. There is no sign he has been freed but I just want to be safe by bringing all of you." "So, y'all sayin that Discord has gone missin but it don’t see as if he's escaped?" Apple Jack questioned her librarian friend. "Yes. But I just want to be able to use the elements of Harmony if he does appear which is why I'm bringing all of you." Twilight clarified.

Fluttershy opened her mouth to continue but was cut off by a knock at the door. Twilight opened the door and when she did there where two pegusi guards wearing the golden armor standing in the doorway. "Miss Sparkle, we have been sent by Princess Celestia to talk you and your friends to Canterlot to investigate of Discords disappearance." one of the two guards spoke. "Yes we'll be leaving immediately." Twilight spoke to the guards. While the two pegusi hooked themselves to the chariot all the mares except for Rainbow Dash walked in. "You flyin yourself there Rainbow." the orange earth pony asked the rainbow pony. "Obviously and Fluttershy why aren’t you flying?" Rainbow Dash asked the mare. "Well uh, uhhhhh ..." Fluttershy never finished her statement as the chariot took off Rainbow Dash flying beside it.

The chariot reached Canterlot around 10 A.M. The six mares and the baby dragon walked out and where greeted by Twilight's brother Shining Armor and her sister Princess Cadence. "Twily!" the lavender mare’s brother spoke to her younger sister. "Hi bbbff, hi Cadence." Twilight spoke while hugging her relatives. "So your hear to find out what happened to Discord right?" the pink princess asked her sister. "Yes. Oh and you both know my friends." Twilight replied the Cadence's question "Well all of you can follow us." the white colt spoke to the mares and Twilight assistant followed Twilights older sibling.

"Ok, so here’s where the statue use to be." the white unicorn explained to the mares. Twilight immediately asked "Do you know anything about how it disappeared?" "Only that it was taken around 1:40 A.M and that whoever took it had one unicorn and two pegusi with them. No one got a good look at them though so we have no leads." Shining Armor explained to his sister. "Well I can’t stay; I'm not of duty until 8. Until then Cadence will be around if you need anything." The white guard pony exclaimed to the six before walking off.

"I know none of you have eaten breakfast yet so would you like me to take you to the cafeteria?" the love princess asked the seven. All of them except Twilight said yes. "Um ... are you sure you’re not hungry Twilight?" the shy pink maned Pegasus asked the librarian. "Don’t worry you all go on I'll be there shortly." Twilight replied before the other seven walked off leaving Twilight alone in the garden. Twilight was looking around for about five minutes and found nothing. "Uh. There’s got to be something here that will give a clue to who took Discord!" Twilight yelled out loud. She then thought to herself (I don't know if it will work but they said there was a unicorn that helped so I might be able to trace the magic.)

Twilight then focused her magic to see if there were any traces. She had found magic but there was something unusual about it. It wasn't average unicorn; it was dark, evil magic. She followed the magic trail but it stopped at the edge of the Canterlot Gardens which just goes into a fall into the Everfree Forest. "Could they have just wanted Discord destroyed so they threw him over the edge of Canterlot?" the lavender mare needed to know the answer to her question. "I have to go down there to find out.
The five mares and Spike were all sitting around the table in the dining room. "I wonder were Twilights been? She hasn’t arrived yet and we already finished." the little purple dragon spoke to his friends. "We'll if you want we can go check on her?" the tailor pony asked her friends assistant. "Ya. I think we should." Spike replied to the love of his life's question. The six got out of their chairs and proceeded to the purple unicorn’s location. When they arrived they saw their friend standing on the ledge of the Gardens. They all shouted her name thinking she was going to jump. Twilight turned her head to see her friends standing in the middle of the doorway.

Twilight jumped down before greeting her friends "Hello. Why do you all look so nervous?" The white unicorn was the first to answer by saying "Daring, we thought you were going to jump off the edge." "What? No. I have a feeling that whoever did this threw the statue over that ledge because when I traced the magic of the unicorn involved with the crime and it ends right over that edge." the lavender librarian explained to her friends. All of them started to calm down as they all walked toward the edge and looked down, wondering if the statue of Discord was indeed down there.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed chapter one of The Meaning of Tunacity. This is the first fic I've posted and the second I've made. The first one is bull shit so its a no post. Chapter two might be out by Jan/18,19, or 20th.