• Published 16th Jan 2013
  • 722 Views, 12 Comments

Pink In the Big City - Pinks

In the thinner outskirts of a big city, a strange and confused person seems to appear out of nowhere, lost and afraid, too afraid even to ask for or accept help. Until she comes across someone much like herself.

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Pink Chapter 1

Hello, I’ve got a story to tell you. A story of how I learned to cope with an entire new world with the help of one person. One very special person. A story of how I met someone just like me.

It all started with a strange event, even I don’t know how it happened. A spell gone wrong maybe? It doesn’t matter. All I know is that I awoke to find myself in a completely different environment, one I would have loved if my fear and confusion hasn’t overwhelmed me. I hid myself away until I could get my bearings together, then I began my search for shelter. Somewhere I could get away from it all until I could figure out exactly what was going on.

House after house I tried, most slamming the door in my face before I could even finish my sentence, one person even spat on me and called me a word I’d prefer not to use. Clearly I stood out more than I thought. A lot of the houses were noisy with lots of flashing lights, but I saw one house in the middle of it all that was silent. By instinct, I tried that house next and was greeted by a frustrated young man who looked like he’d had just about enough of the noise as well. He was most generous, taking me in right away, but he did seem to be unnerved by my presence, which of course, didn’t surprise me.

But after a few hours he slowly began to look past that, and he was kind enough. He didn’t seem to be violent or rude at all, he looked… alone. Just like I was. I felt that maybe somewhere out there, Celestia was still watching over me. Maybe I’d found him for a reason. I had to admit to myself, he was kind of cute. Odd how quickly I grew accustomed to humans, and to being one myself. Perhaps this was meant to be.

As hours became days, he grew warmer and I grew fonder of him. The movies he tried to get me to watch weren’t exactly my kind of movie, but that’s not why I watched them. I wanted to be close to him. Why? It was not affection, it wasn’t love, it was simply because I needed him and he needed me. I could sense that he was a loner too, and me? I was tired of it. I found a new friend, one I could trust, and one who was nice. Pinkie Pie was no more. Pinkie was the friend of Twilight and her friends. I didn’t need them now though, for I found something better.

He resisted my affectionate actions when we watched movies, but I knew that wouldn’t last long. He went out to get groceries and I decided to give him a brilliant surprise. He’d tried to get me to listen to his music, but I’d said no at first. But slowly, his punk-ish clothes became me. His own punk-rocker style and attitude must’ve rubbed off, I don’t know. I popped in one of his CDs and started playing it. It sounded horrible at first. Just screeching and loud noises, but as I began to actually listen to it, the noises blended and became harmonious. Then I got another idea. An idea to give him a hint as to what my name was.

By that time, I was already in my short shirt and boxers, and to this day I still don’t get why humans cover up so much of their skin. It just doesn’t feel right to wear clothes everywhere. And I’m not a… you know the word. Ponies don’t wear clothes, why should I? Still, I respected him enough to keep something on. Quickly I slipped out of the clothes and looked around for something. I found some sort of gluey material, mixed it with a small amount of red dye, and produced a pink gel. Perfect. I put an arrow on the back of my shirt pointing down, writing my name on the back of the boxers.

I, of course, had to sit on the couch naked while I waited for it to dry. The humanity in me makes that word sound so dirty. Why? Ponies are naked all the time. That word never bothered us. But as a human it just sounds so filthy. Whatever. He got home, I was clothed again, and just as planned, he sure was surprised.

From that day on, he’s been showing me all this cool stuff, a bunch of good bands, and he even went so far as to deal with the embarrassment of buying me proper women’s clothing. I still don’t know how to handle people money. He’s the sweetest thing though, I knew he wasn’t a cold person. He just needed someone special. A true friend.

My name is Pinkamina Diane Pie, and I am that friend.

Comments ( 8 )

So far, I like this. In terms of grammar, there aren't enough errors for it to be anything more than normal (although you may want to touch up the second paragraph of chapter 1), and the story doesn't fall flat anywhere.
A.K.A It's good.
Punky-ish Pinkamina? I can dig it.
Also, I'm getting a feeling that you, the author, are Allen Ross in a spiritual sense. If even only a small reference point for the character itself.
At any rate, keep up the good work. I'd like to see more of this.

Yeah it's kind of an exaggeration of me, give or take the fact that he's good looking.
I just found out there was a guy named Allen Ross who was murdered.
I was like.
Bitch why you gotta go an ruin my characters name.

Will read later, can't now though.

No computer during the week.

I'm lucky I'm on now...

Eagerly awaiting more :scootangel:

Just think of it like that Glitter glue stuff that they use on Tshirts.
She used that kind of thing of the back of the boxers.

Oh, okay, disregad my comment on chapter 2.

There's still a lot of relationship to build.
I only skipped a week ahead.
And as for the rest, yeah.
I'm still rather, to be blunt, inexperienced still. So I'm learning.

genius. just... wow.

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