• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 581 Views, 11 Comments

The Shadows Of A Crusader's Heart - scootaloo55

When the CMCs are 18yr old rebellious teens they dedicate their lives to thievery. Will new adventure, new dangers and an Alicorn willing to fight by The Crusaders’ side, convince them to change their ways? Or will they send Equestria into anar

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

What was I going to do? My friends were in danger because of me. I flew down and landed in the thick branches of a tree to shield myself as I thought of a plan. I would’ve preferred a cloud but I would be too exposed and easy to spot. With Everypony after me, I couldn’t stay in one place for too long. I sighed quietly to myself and looked down from the branches. Two mares were sitting underneath, un-packing picnic baskets ready for a snack. I grumbled a little. The longer I was stuck up here, the farther away my friends went. The two girls below me were giggling like a pair of schoolgirls. As I looked closer, I recognized the pair. No way. it couldn’t be… could it? Yes there was no mistaking the grey coat of the one on the left and the pink coat of the one on the right. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. They both left high school the day I took DT’s signature tiara. I got some good cash for that. 200 bits, and I don’t know how they would react if the saw me, with a scar through my eye and a black spike collar around my neck, but I don’t care. I really needed to get going. I flew down and landed in front of the mares who dropped their food in shock.

“Y-you?!” Silver stammered. “Haven’t seen you for awhile.” I said with a smug smile on my face. DT stared at me with her mouth agape.

“what happened? Diamond? Lose your tiara?” I mocked.

“you took it!” she snapped back.

“that is one of my personal qualitys.”

“what made you like this?”

“I learn from the best.” I walked up to the girls and grabbed a hay sandwich. “Why, Girls, you shouldn’t have! Thankyou, for your kind donation to the hungry.”

“but we didn—“

I sat on my haunches, winked at the girls and then took a bite out of my sandwich. “yeah, yeah save the details for somepony who actually cares.”

Silver Spoon leaned in towards Diamond Tiara. “If we capture her, we could be rich, AND famous!” she whispered. “you may have a point!” DT whispered back. They both gave an evil-like smile and looked at me, and I was just casually sitting on the grass with a bored expression on my face. I raised an eyebrow at the advancing girls. The both lunged for me but I easily flew out of the way. I hovered just above them with my arms crossed. “what’s your problem?” I said rather grumpily. “You’re a wanted criminal. We just thought that if we—“

“whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on! I was only lookin’ for a friendly chat!” a said in a sarcastic tone. “Anyway. I got stuff to do, places to be… you know.” I flew higher and threw a ruby into Silver’s hooves.

“We do NOT want to be part of your petty little scheme!” she said. instantly alarmed that a guard would throw her into jail.
“I never said you would be.” I gave a little smirk. “I just don’t really fancy rubies.” And before I could get another earful from those crazy mares I flew off. I sighed. I wasted ten whole minutes talking to those worthless ponies. I still had bigger problems to figure out. First, I had to find out where my friends were being kept. There would be something on the news about it at least. I know it sounds stupid to do this when I’m trying not to be seen, but I flew to the nearest town and landed on a building. H-how? When? Why am I back in this stupid town? I was banished by mayor mare for stealing from Sugarcube corner when I was just a hungry homeless filly. Right now I was standing atop Carousel Boutique. I cannot stay here. I will get caught for sure. Rarity and Applejack will murder me where I stand for turning their little sisters against society. There was only one mare I could trust enough to give me directions. She wouldn’t turn me in would she? Only time would tell.

“R-Rainbow D-D-Dash?” I stuttered nervously as I landed on her cloud home. There was no answer, so I suggested she was out. As I attempted to leave, the door squeaked open and a cyan pony poked her head out. “Who is it? S-S-Scoo—“

“Yeah, it’s… me….” I stared at the clouds and hoped she would understand why I was here.

“you can’t be here!” she said in a hasty whisper. She looked around her with concern in her eyes.

“Please Rainbow… I need your help… I know you most likely will decline because… I haven’t really done any right by anypony these last few years and im not really worth it.” I looked down and a single tear slid down my cheek.

“I-I umm… look Scoots, I’m only gunna help you because you have always been so loyal to me… what do you need?”

“I need to watch TV!” I said in a serious tone. Rainbow just looked at me with a confused expression. “ugh. That didn’t come out right… um… just let me in.” Rainbow Dash moved aside and I walked in. I dunno why she was so dumbfounded, I mean, just because I’ve grown about 5 times taller since she last saw me but whatever. I wandered around the house and then I finally found the television. I switched it on and waited awhile. Then it eventually came up.
‘This just in! two of the ever menacing Crusaders have been captured and are being held at the Canterlot Jailhouse. There is a large reward for anypony who can successfully capture the one remaining member, Scootaloo Chicken Fuchsia.”

I cringed and went bright red. why’d they have to say my middle name? Honestly. I got teased so much as a filly because of that. I bowed me head slightly and Rainbow came sat next to me. “Hey kiddo, it isn’t that bad. I know you. You can get them out of there, I know it.” I turned to Rainbow and gave a weak smile. “Thanks” I muttered. “but what will the consequences be? Will it be—“

“R-Rainbow Dash?! W-what… She! H-her! How? W-why?”

A tiny voice pierced my ears and I turned suddenly to find Fluttershy standing at the doorway. Rainbow’s cheeks went crimson and she nudged me to leave before things could get out of hand. I nodded and flew by Fluttershy, leaving her gobsmacked. Her best friend was talking to a wanted criminal in her own home! Dashie had a bit of explaining to do.

Canterlot. They were both in Canterlot. How in Equestria was I going to free them without being noticed? That place was packed full of Royal guards, Princesses and lots of famous ponies with paparazzi, nearly every one of them with a camera or two. This was going to be a challenge, but I was up for it. I left Rainbow’s home with a new purpose in my step. I knew that Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were okay for a start, but Sweetie couldn’t handle the dark dirtiness of a jail cell. She would be like Rarity. Galloping back and forth screaming ‘ahh dirt!’ I ripped my stud collar off my neck and threw it down to the ground below. I will defiantly have to go super stealth mode, free them and leave. I paused mid-flight and sighed. It was no use. Even a newly born foal would know that was only wishful thinking. I had to come up with a new plan, and fast. Because every second I wasted put my fellow Crusader’s lives at a greater risk.

The terrain was tough. The ground was covered in rocks and rubble and I found it extremely hard to walk, resulting in my hooves becoming bloodied and bruised. I would fly, but my wings were aching and I gave a quiet yelp every time I attempted to move them. I lied on the dirt and massaged my wings. I could rest here but I would be easily seen by other ponies. I knew one place though, one place I could rest with no fear. Only a zebra lived there. I had to hold out long enough until I got to the Everfree. Nopony could stay in the Everfree, unless of course you are a devious, Cunning, Sly Pegasus, namely me. I Trotted up to the boundary of the Everfree, the place where sunlight meets shadows, where peace meets danger and where I find a way to rescue my friends.

It was dark in the forest. Spooky trees loomed over me and if I was still a filly, I would probably be running around in circles screaming my muzzle off. All the creatures there were dangerous in a way, Poisonous or not, but did kinda jump every time I heard a twig snap of a bush rustle. I sighed quietly to myself and attempted to build a hut to stay in for the night. I pulled a few large leaves off a tree, grabbed a couple of sticks and a large grub. No, I wasn’t going to eat it, that would be gross. I was simply going to use it. I squished it up on a rock until it formed a sort of paste I could use as a quick-drying glue. All I needed to do was put the hut together. It took a good hour or so, but the end result looked pretty good. I stood back and admired my handiwork. There was a creak and the roof caved in. I tried not to scream. Normally Applebloom did all the D.I.Y stuff. Oh well. I tried to force myself to sleep before the noises could keep me awake. I just hoped it wouldn’t start to rain.

With new dawn brang new adventure and I woke early to pack and leave the forest, hopefully forever because that place stank real bad. I packed up my belongings and placed them in my satchel and threw it over my flank. this was it then. No turning back. Now the real trek to Canterlot would really begin.

Eerie sounds began to enter my ears and I began to have second thoughts. Was this such a good idea? My wings drooped and my ears flattened as twigs and dead leaves crunched in the distance. I wasn’t really known for my bravery, and I ran behind a tree and eyed off the forest before me. Something was out there, I knew there was. There was a flash of blue and I backed behind the tree even more, when a quite large arachnid perched on my shoulder. I tried not to scream, the spider was at least the size of a small puppy and it’s enormous fangs were secreting a bright green poison. It inserted them deep into my shoulder and my vision became hazy before I collapsed and the whole world around me went black.