• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 3,310 Views, 58 Comments

Restless Nights - DJ Dreamtheater

Twilight asks for Rainbow Dash and Applejack's help on a journey to get a plant for the princess but Rainbow Dash and Applejack get more from this trip than a simple plant...

  • ...

The Truth

Chapter 5

The Truth

Rainbow was the one to greet the morning on this day. She woke up in the middle of the night from the nightmare and couldn’t go back to sleep. She tossed and turned, the dream replaying in her head, not being able to find a comfortable position. She knew that the dream was weighing heavily on her mind and that she would not be able to go back to sleep but she still tried. Unsuccessful at her attempts she did something she hadn’t done since she was a filly. She went out in the middle of the night on a flight to one of her favorite locations; it was a tall oak tree on a hillside on the outskirts of Ponyville. She flew out there then lay down on top of the tree and stared at the night sky. She came here often when she felt overwhelmed or confused by something but the last time she came out here at night was when she was a filly. That time was when she decided she wanted to become one of them Wonderbolts and work hard to achieve her goal.

She stayed there the rest of the night just staring out into space and thinking of what she needs to do. She cleared her head of everything except the two choices she had to make; choice one was confront AJ about this, tell her everything, and let AJ decide if she still wants to be her friend or not then there was choice two which was to keep it to herself and try to make it go away.

She was so lost in thought she didn’t even realize that the sun was rising. The brightness of its rays hit her in the face causing her to snap back to reality. She rolled over and watched the sun rise.

“Wow, that’s beautiful. I’ve never seen the sun rise before.”

She sat up and waited as the sun came into full view. After a minute of two Rainbow stood up and gave a subtle but still noticeable grin.

“Alright, I’ve made my choice. As Celestia as my witness I will overcome this.”

She opened her wings and took off towards her home. She had to get ready, after all she still had to go do work at the farm, she didn’t want to keep her friend Applejack waiting.

* * *

Applejack’s night was less restless but still the same problem bugged her when she woke up that morning. She had a dream, an intimate one, between her and Rainbow and she couldn’t make heads or tails of it. She lay there in her bed after waking up for a couple of minutes thinking of the dream. Why would she have a dream about Rainbow, she’s had dreams about Rainbow before but they were normal stuff nothing like this one, was it because of them spending so much time around each other? She sat up in her bed and grabbed her hat off the night stand. Applejack got out of bed and walked over to her mirror to get ready for the day.

She noticed the sun was rising through her window. She stopped and looked out at the sun slowly coming up and all the colors that were painting the sky. One of Applejack’s favorite things to do was watch the sun rise while the other was watch it set in the evening.

“Too bad Rainbow sleeps so much. She’s probably missing this.”

She stared at the sun rise not letting the dream weigh on her mind. After all it’s just a silly dream, it has no meaning, right?
That thought went through her head and she started to think on it again.

“Ah don’t have time to dwell on this. Ah got that needs attendin’ to.”

She left her room and headed downstairs where her family was. They had already started eating breakfast.

“Oh there’s ole sleepy head.” Granny Smith said as Applejack walked into the kitchen.

“Y’all slept in late today.”

Applejack didn’t notice that she spent so much time in her room thinking about that dream. To her it was only a few minutes but it was actually an hour.

“What gives? It’s not like y’all to sleep in Applejack?” Applebloom asked with a mouthful of cereal.


“Ah’m sorry family Ah was just thinkin’ about some stuff.”

“Thinkin’ about what?” Applebloom asked again

“Nothin’ that concerns you sugar cube.”

She patted Applebloom on the head and smiled. She wanted to talk to somepony about it but she figured her family wouldn’t understand. She knows her family loves her no matter what but if she told them about that dream and how she was staring at Rainbow yesterday they might think of her differently. It would probably be for the best if she just kept this to herself. It’s not like something like ‘that’ would ever happen anyway. There’s no way Rainbow would be like ‘that’. She and Rainbow are just friends and that is not going to change.

After breakfast Applebloom left the house and went to go see her friends so Applejack went to attending to her chores around the house. She started to clean up when a knock was heard at the door. She went to answer but when she did she heard Granny Smith welcome Rainbow into their home.

When she heard Rainbow’s voice all she could think about was that dream and the ‘intimate things’ they said to each other.

“Morning AJ!”

“Oh Rainbow, good mornin”

Applejack kept to her chores in the kitchen trying not to look over at Rainbow Dash. She knew if she did she would give away that something was on her mind. After all she couldn’t lie it just was not in her to do so, being the embodiment element of Honesty and all.

* * *

Once Applejack was done with the small things around the house she and Rainbow went outside to start with the chores out in the fields.

“Alright what do you have for me today AJ?”

“Hmm let me think.” Applejack placed her hoof under her chin

“Well the barn is clean, the house chores are done and most of the west orchard has been bucked.”

She tried to think of something then it hit her.

“Oh yea, we need some feed for the chickens and some other supplies for the rest of the week. Mind takin’ care of that today. Y’all can go see Granny Smith about bits to buy the stuff and a list of what we need.”

“Sure that doesn’t seem too big of a hassle.” Rainbow remarked as she placed her arm around Applejack’s neck.

She didn’t realize it at first because she did a lot in the past but this time putting her arm around AJ was different. When Rainbow did realize what she did she pulled away and they both looked in the opposite direction from each other. Rainbow tried to hide her blushing as well as Applejack.

“I guess I’ll get going then.” They both said in perfect unison and walked away.

Rainbow walked away a little and stopped then looked back. All she could think was that was too close. Applejack did the same as well. She walked a little farther and stopped at an apple tree, she pulled down her hat and head-butted the tree, trying to get the thought of her and Rainbow together out of her head.

“Damn it! Ah don’t know if this is gonna work after all.”

* * *

Rainbow made her way through the market place in Ponyville. She tried to keep her mind on the task at hoof. She had already bought the feed for the chickens and was heading to get the rest of the supplies for the Apple family. While there she ran into Twilight who was out for a stroll around town.

“Hey there Twilight”

“Good morning Rainbow. What are you doing here, not working on Applejack’s farm today?”

“Yea I am still. I’m just grabbing some supplies for the family.”

“So you still haven’t given up on that challenge yet?”

“Challenge? Oh yea, that’s right.”

Rainbow had forgotten all about the challenge she and Applejack had made a while back. She was actually enjoying working on the farm…and being around Applejack all the time. She smiled at that thought.

“Rainbow? Rainbow?!” Twilight tried to get her attention as she was lost in thought

“Huh? Yea what’s up?”

“Are you okay? You were kind of smiling and spaced out.”

“Sorry, yea I’m good.”

“So do you need any help?”

“Yea that would be great. My bags are almost full.”

“It would be my pleasure.”

They walked around the market place getting what was needed and caught up on things. Twilight told Rainbow how Princess Celestia had been putting her through more training and teaching her more difficult spells. Twilight went on to tell Rainbow that the princess was impressed by what they went through to get the plant, the princess even gave the plant a name for the troubles they went through to get it, and their little adventure through those ancient ruins. The princess sent out and expedition team to the location to do research and to see what they can learn about old pony civilizations.

They finished the shopping and started back to the farm. Twilight kept going on about her studies and Rainbow talked about her time so far working on the farm.

“So it seems like you’ve been having a good time.”

“Yea kinda but it’s really hard work.”

“I can imagine but at least you don’t need to work out as much to stay in shape.”

“I can get all the exercise I need doing work there. Hey speaking of hard work what did the princess name that pest of plant anyway?”

“I think she called it ‘Molestam Florescunt’ if I’m not mistaken.”


“It’s Latin meaning ‘Troublesome Bloom’.”

“Well that’s fitting.”

The two friends kept on talking about several different things until they got back to the farm. When they got back Applejack was in the barn getting tools to use in the orchard.

“Hey there I’m back.”

“About time Ah thought y’all got lost. Howdy there Twilight, didn’t expect to see you.”

“Good morning Applejack. I was at the market and I ran into Rainbow. She needed help carrying some stuff back so I offered.”

“Well thank ya kindly Twilight. There is a door around back that leads down to the cellar. That’s where this stuff goes.”

“Alright I’ll get it down there in no time.”

“Applejack may I ask if I can barrow Rainbow for a little after this is done?”

“Well Ah guess so but what for?”

“I need about two dozen apples. I’m going to be able to carry those back myself.”

“Two dozen?! Now why y’all need that many?”

“Princess Celestia has me working on a new spell, it’s a transformation spell, and I want to test it out on something inanimate before moving on to the next level. I’ll gladly pay for them.”

“Well alright then Ah see no problem just make sure you get back here after y’all are done.”

“I will. You can trust me.”

“Thank you very much Applejack.”

The two left the barn and headed around to the backside where the cellar was. They took the supplies down and quickly place everything where it belonged then headed back up to the barn where Applejack was waiting with two dozen apples plus a few extra for her friend, no extra charge of course, then Twilight and Rainbow left the farm heading back to Ponyville.

* * *

They reached Twilight’s house and Twilight offered her friend a drink. Rainbow accepted and went inside for a short break before heading back to the farm. They went upstairs and as usual there were books scattered everywhere and pieces of parchment with notes scribbled on them.

“So where’s Spike at?”

“He’s having to run some errands for me.”

“You always keep him busy don’t you?”

“Well he is my personal assistant after all.”

Rainbow really didn’t care about what Spike was doing she just wanted to know if anypony else was there or not. Once Twilight said he was out doing errands she felt a little more comfortable knowing it was just her and Twilight. She took a deep breath and looked around the room. She wasn’t sure she wanted to do this but she needed to talk to somepony. Twilight seemed to be the best candidate since she was smart on a lot of things.

She took another deep breath and drink of the water Twilight gave her. For some reason she had a really dry mouth at that moment.

“Is something wrong Rainbow?”

“No. I mean yes. I don’t know.”

“What’s wrong Rainbow? Ever since we came back from Appleloosa you’ve seem to be bothered by something.”

“Twilight can I tell you something but you have to promise not to tell anypony. Promise me!”

“Sure Rainbow, I promise you nopony shall know.”

Rainbow sat there trying to figure out how she would word what she was thinking at that moment. She stared at the glass of water in her hooves hoping to find the answer there but it provided no such thing. She thought that there is no going back now.

“I. Kind of. Have a crush on somepony.”

Twilight stopped in the middle of drinking her water, shocked by what she just heard, and stared at Rainbow. Rainbow just sat there waiting to hear what Twilight would say next.

“OH MY GOSH! Ohmygosh, ohmygosh! Tell me! Who is he? Is he a strong stallion!? Oh I bet he’s very athletic too! Is he a pegasus as well?!”

Twilight had so many questions to ask but was too excited to be quiet and let Rainbow answer any of them. She finally got a hold of herself and got quiet so Rainbow could talk.

“I’m sorry Rainbow, please continue.”

After all that Twilight just asked she was afraid to tell her that the pony she had a crush on wasn’t even a stallion it was a mare and to top it off it was her best friend Applejack. Rainbow looked off to the side to gather her thoughts.

“You promise you won’t tell?”

“Yes I promise.”

“And you promise you won’t think less of me if I tell you who it is.”

“Of course I won’t Rainbow.”

“Fine it’s…”

Rainbow mumbled the name under her breath to where it was almost inaudible. Twilight cocked her eyebrow and tried to listen closely but couldn’t hear the name. She asked Rainbow to repeat it and Rainbow did at the same low tone. She asked for one more time.

“APPLEJACK! There I said it.”

“Wait you have a crush on Applejack?!”

Rainbow sat there staring at the floor trying not to blush but it was too late, her face was the same color red as the one in her mane.

“Aww man I’ve messed up now! Twilight thinks I’m a weirdo and now she isn’t going to be my friend anymore!” Rainbow thought to herself as she covered her face.


“I knew it, here it comes!” She yelled at herself inside her head

“That’s ADORABLE! Have you told her yet?!”

“Wait, what?!”

“What, you didn’t think I was going to be weirded out by that did you?”

“Well I wasn’t sure, I mean it’s not something that everypony goes through.”

“Rainbow it’s fine. We have no control over who we fall in love with.”

"Yea but it's not natural, to be a mare and have feelings for another mare."

"Rainbow love isn't meant to be natural. It's something that we find, not discover. It's something we understand, we don't need to study it. Love is a common ground or certainty and uncertainty, natural and unnatural."

“Wow I never thought of it like that.”

“So how long have you had a crush on her? Does she know?”

Rainbow sat there with Twilight and they both talked. Rainbow told Twilight about everything that had happened since the time at Appleloosa to now, her dreams, her thoughts and how she feels when around Applejack.

“And you haven’t told her yet?”

“No I’m too afraid of what she might say.”

“I’m sure if you open up to her she might accept you. The worst is she says she doesn’t feel the same way.”

“But what if she gets weirded out by it and chooses not to be my friend anymore?”

“I don’t think she’ll do that. Applejack is very understanding.”

“I guess so. I need to think about this some more. Thanks Twilight for listening to me.”

“No problem Rainbow and I promise I won’t tell Applejack about any of this. I’m always here if you need to talk again.”

“Yea thanks a lot again.”

Rainbow gave Twilight a big hug then realized something. She looked through the window and saw it was almost Dusk. She had spent the rest of the day sitting around and talking with Twilight. She opened the glass door leading to Twilight’s balcony and took off heading for Applejack’s farm.

* * *

She flew as fast as she could to get back to the farm. She couldn’t believe she had stayed there that long talking with Twilight. Even though she did feel bad about not coming back to the farm she felt good that she told somepony about everything that had been happening. Good enough to confront Applejack about it. Finally she was going to say something to her.

She got back to the farm and wasted no time looking for Applejack. It didn’t take long because she was in the orchard bucking still. Rainbow landed and trotted up to Applejack with a happy smile on her face.

“Hey AJ, still working I see.”

“Yup of course Ah am.”

Applejack didn’t even look in Rainbow’s direction. She just kept kicking the apple trees and staying focused on the task.

“Hey AJ, can we talk about something?”

Applejack gave the tree one last heavy kick that shook the whole tree then stopped. She had her hat down over her eyes but Rainbow could Applejack was giving her a stare that would burn a hole through steel.

“Yea ok Rainbow let’s talk. Let’s talk about how ‘YOU’ promised y’all would be back after going to Twilight’s house then never did!”

“I. I’m sorry Applejack I lost track of time.”

“Yea Ah’m sure you did. ‘You can trust me’ isn’t that what you said before you left?”

“Yea I did but Twilight and I started talking about some stuff and I just lost track of time.”

“Ah was expecting y’all to come straight back. After y’all took off we got a huge order for ten barrels of apples. Big Mac and Ah had to do all that work while you were out chattin’ with Twilight. What could be so dang important that y’all had to talk all day about?!” Applejack gave the tree another heavy kick

When Rainbow came back she was so confident to tell AJ how she felt but now she didn’t even want look at her. She knows she screwed up and Applejack was mad. Nothing she could say would probably make Applejack feel better right now.

“I’m sorry AJ I messed up.”

“Well it’s fine. Ah’ve had time to think and just don’t come back tomorrow or the rest of the week too.”

“What? Why?”

“Y’all know why. Ah thought Ah could depend on y’all but that was proven wrong.”

“Applejack, please! Just give me a chance to tell you something.”

“No Ah don’t want to hear it. Just go.” Applejack turned and walked away into the darkness of the orchard.

Rainbow stood there not knowing what to say. She sat down on the ground and wanted to cry, she could feel the tears building up.

“It’s just like my dream from last night.”

She placed her face in her arms so if Applejack was still around she wouldn’t see her sobbing. Applejack had already walked away, heading back to the house, she kept thinking about how Rainbow never came back. She doesn’t know why she is soo mad. Her and Big Mac had done orders like those before with no problem so why was this time different? She was just mad at the fact Rainbow told her she could trust her and Rainbow left her holding the barrel, so to speak.

Every time she thought about it, it made her mad.

“Just let it go AJ. Just go home and sleep it off.”

Rainbow by this time had left the orchard and started to walk home. She didn’t feel like flying tonight. She just wanted to walk and take the long way home. Maybe she thought if she took long enough Applejack would come back to her and give her another chance. It never happened though; Rainbow walked and felt nothing but sadness and loneliness tonight.
Applejack didn’t even eat dinner she just went straight to her bedroom and fell asleep. She didn’t have a dream that night. She just slept hoping she could forget what happened that day.

Rainbow Dash finally made it home but wasn’t as lucky. She went to her room and laid there on her bed. She stared out through the window at the night sky. That normally calms her down but tonight it just reminded her of how she felt on the inside; empty. Another night of no sleep, another restless night.

-End of Chapter 5-