• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 3,310 Views, 58 Comments

Restless Nights - DJ Dreamtheater

Twilight asks for Rainbow Dash and Applejack's help on a journey to get a plant for the princess but Rainbow Dash and Applejack get more from this trip than a simple plant...

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Wants and Needs

Chapter 1

-Needs and Wants-

“It is said that one’s wants will outweigh one’s needs but the needs have to be met first.”

Running through the thick forest at night, her heart was pounding heavily, not being able to see the path in front of her. All she could think was about her friend and if she would get there in time. Running faster and faster with those thoughts of her being hurt made her angry at herself for letting her go off alone.

“What was I thinking?!”
“This was an idiotic choice on my part!”

Wishing so much that she could fly over the forest to get a better view but unable to due to her injury from earlier that day, now all she can do is run, run and hope that she won’t be too late.

“NO! I will NOT be too late!” she yelled to herself and she kept running until she found signs of tracks she was looking for.
“Yes, finally…now where do these lead to?”

She looked around frantically into the moonlit forest hoping to see her but couldn’t. She kicked the ground with her hoof in frustration and then started to follow the tracks off into darkness of the forest not knowing what to expect to find.

* * *

(A couple of weeks earlier)

“Uuugh…what in the name of Celestia do we need to go out there for?” moaned Rainbow Dash after hearing the news from Twilight.

“Because Rainbow the princess has tasked me with finding this rare plant for her herbal studies and she is too busy to go out and find it herself.” Twilight explained to the disgruntled pegasus.

“Yea I figured that out but why do we have to come along?” Dash replied instantly.

“Yea Twi ah’m with Rainbow on this one, what’s our role in this?” Applejack questioned.

“Well girls you see I need use of your abilities. The plant I am looking for is in a high location which is where you come in Rainbow; you can fly above us keeping an eye out for it. AJ; you know the terrain around Appleloosa better than anyone here in Ponyville since you’ve been out there plenty of times.” Twilight explained to her friends with her “all knowing” smile she gets from time to time.

“But this weekend of ALL weekends? The Wonderbolts are having an airshow and I have my ticket already!” the pegasus said while hovering in the air inside Twilight’s library.

“Yea Twi I can’t just up and leave on some journey. The south orchard needs bucking this weekend.”

“Can’t you take Fluttershy or Rarity? How about Pinkie Pie?” asked the light blue pegasus.

“Fluttershy is taking care of some animals that were hurt during the last storm we had and Rarity is having to spend time with Sweetie Belle this weekend, besides not too sure she would want to come anyway, and Pinkie Pie is … well Pinkie Pie." Answered the purple unicorn giggling.

“Well if you really can’t find anypony else to help you then ah guess Big Mac will have to work harder this weekend.”

“Uuuuhhh…” grunted Rainbow under her breath.
“Fine I’ll come too. I can see the Wonderbolts next time.”

“Thanks girls this means a lot.”

“No problem sugar cube, always happy to help.”

“Yea no big deal Twi.”

The friends ended their conversation with a group hug. Rainbow and AJ headed out the door to go home for the night and get ready for their journey. AJ stopped at the door before leaving and turned to Twilight

“Hey what time should we meet up at the train station tomorrow?”

Twilight stopped and thought to herself scratching her chin.
“Does meeting there around 8a.m. sound good to you?”

“AWWWW come on!” Rainbow yelled from outside.
“That early!?”

AJ gave Rainbow a disgruntled look then turned to Twilight
“Yea that’ll be just fine. Ah”ll make sure ‘Rainbow’ is there too.”

“Yea, yea I get it.” The pegasus replied while rolling her eyes.

Twilight giggled a little and told her friends good night and that she’ll see them tomorrow bright and early.

* * *

The next morning Twilight woke up early to finalize all her items she would be taking with her. Check off items on her list and walking softly around the library making sure not to wake Spike up. She finally got everything done and right on schedule she left the tree house heading towards the train station.

She walked through Ponyville slowly viewing the town as the early morning sun set its rays on the buildings and the streets. Twilight always loved walking around Ponyville in the early morning hours, she gets to see the new day start and the town slowly comes to life. Ponies are opening their shops and waving to her as she walks by and she returns the gesture as she continues her stroll to the station,

She arrives at the station and looks at the big clock face on the outside of the building.
“Right on time.” She thought to herself.

Twilight walked inside and was immediately greeted by AJ.
“Mornin’ Twi.”

“Good morning Applejack.”

Twilight looked around with a puzzled look on her face.
“Umm where is Rainbow?”

“This is too early to be doing anything, you know that right?”

“Oh Rainbow there you are, good morning.”

Rainbow was hovering behind Twilight looking almost half asleep.
“Yea good morning to you too.” She replied back while yawning and stretching.
Rainbow looked around the station seeing the empty area except for the other few ponies that were waiting for the train to leave as well.

She couldn’t help but think to herself
“What kind of pony is awake at 7:50 in the morning?”

She kept thinking of her super soft cloud bed and how she should still be asleep but her friends need her so of course she is willing to help no matter where or what time.

“ALL ABOARD! The Train from Ponyville to Appleloosa then to Hoofsdale is now boarding!” yelled the conductor standing in front of the train.

“That’s us, let’s go girls.” Twilight said as she walked towards the train.

“Well at least I can sleep on the train for a while.” Mumbled Rainbow as she landed on the ground and started walking to the train too.
They got on the train and took their seats. Twilight sat across from AJ and Rainbow, who was already snoozing, and asked “How is she able to do that?”
AJ stared at Twilight and asked “Do what?”
“Just fall asleep anywhere so easily.”
“Must be a pegasus thing, ah suppose.” Answered the orange cowpony while scratching her head trying to figure it out herself.
Twilight laughed “Nah it’s probably a Rainbow Dash thing if any!”
They both laughed together at the joke.

“You know I can hear you two, right?" the blue pegasus said with her eyes still shut tight.

“Sorry Rainbow but you can be kinda lazy from time to time.” Said Applejack

“Hey! I work harder than anypony here.” Rainbow snapped back.

“Please you wouldn’t last ten minutes on the farm.”
“Is that a challenge AJ?”

“Only if y’all accept it as one.” AJ said while staring down her blue friend.

“Alright then, deal. When we get back I’ll help out on the farm for one whole week.” Rainbow said staring back.

“Heh deal then!”

They shook on the challenge they just made to make it final and then Rainbow laid back down next to AJ.

“Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to take a nap.”

* * *

The train ride was mostly quiet considering the most talkative one, Pinkie Pie, wasn’t there with them this time. Rainbow slept the whole ride because of the early morning meeting but also she finds train rides really boring, she would prefer to just fly everywhere.

AJ’s time was spent looking out the window thinking about being on the farm bucking trees but her friend Twilight needed her help and she just couldn’t refuse her offer.

Twilight was reading her Herbal Remedies book she brought along so she can identify the exact plant they needed for the princess. Out in the desert there are two plants that looked the same just the one they need has little red bulbs on it, the other has blue and it’s very poisonous.

“Ah wonder how far Big Mac has made it into the south orchard by now?” AJ thought to herself.
She was jerked out of her thoughts by the train coming to a halt at the Appleloosa station.

Rainbow somehow didn’t even budge an inch and stayed in her dream world.

Twilight got up and put her things in her bags as AJ tried to wake Rainbow up. She nudged her on her shoulder but that didn’t work so AJ got up and walked into the isle and cleared her throat.
“Ahmm…RAINBOW!” she yelled.
“AHHH What?!” Rainbow yelled as she fell off the bench and onto the floor scared senseless.
“We’re here sugar cube, hehe.”
“Not funny AJ.”

Twilight walked away slowly and giggling to herself.

AJ grabbed her bags and started to get off the train with Twilight as Rainbow followed. They stepped onto the platform and are immediately greeted by a familiar voice and face.

“Hey there cus!”

“Nice to see you again Breaburn.”

“Always a pleasure to see my cus and her friends.”

“Ah sent word ahead to the Apple family out here. Told them we were coming out here and to see if we could borrow their guest room for the weekend.”

“Well shoot cus no need to ask, after all you are family and we Apples look out for our own.”

“Well we really do appreciate your hospitality Breaburn.”

“No problem miss Twilight, t’aint nothin’ to it.”

The ponies left the station and started towards the Apple family farm. Heading through the town AJ, Rainbow and Twilight couldn’t help but think about the last time they were here and that whole mess that happened.

“So Breaburn how have them Buffalo tribes been doin’ since our last visit?”

“Pretty decent folk once you get to know them cus. They come into town every now and them to trade some of their wears for our pies.”

“That’s good to hear everything worked out in the end.”

“Yup miss Twilight it sure did, just fine.”

“Hey Twilight I gotta ask something.”

“What is it Rainbow?”

“If we were heading out here to Appleloosa than why bring AJ? I’m sure Breaburn here knows the area better than Applejack.”

“Well thanks a lot there Rainbow.”

“I’m just sayin’.”

Breaburn turns towards Rainbow and lets out a small sigh.
“Well shoot miss Rainbow ah would be happier than a parasprite in an apple orchard to help but y'all see its harvest season here and everypony on the farm has their share of chores to do.”

“Ah understand cus.” AJ replied while nodding her head.

They continued to walk through town talking about things that have changed since they were there last time. After a while they reached a small hill and on the other side was the biggest Apple orchard they’ve seen outside of Ponyville.

“Yup there she is, isn’t she beautiful?”

“Wow Breaburn is sure has gotten bigger since the last time!” AJ said in genuine amazement.

“Thanks cus! Well the house is over yonder, ah got chores that need attendin’. Go make yourselves at home and dinner will be ready in a short.”

Breaburn waved to them as he set off to go do his evening chores. Twilight and the others made their way to the house to set up for the evening. Walking through the apple trees made AJ miss her home even more and also made her think about what kind of “adventures” Applebloom and her friends got into today.

They reached the home and AJ stepped inside first to greet her family there. After a few short hugs and howdys AJ showed the other two upstairs to the guest room where they will be staying for the weekend.

A semi-small room, big enough for four ponies to stay, with a large medium size window. Two beds on opposite sides of the room, a hoof stitched rug lay on the floor with matching bed sheets and blankets, and a cabinet in the corner of the room. The girls set their bags down on the beds and get ready for dinner.

“Hey Twilight why don’t we just go and grab this plant tonight?” asked Rainbow.

“Well Rainbow you see…”
Twilight uses her magic to open her bag and levitate the herbal book in front of Dash.
“The plant has distinct buds that make it different from a plant that looks similar to it but is extremely poisonous. These buds only bloom during the day so going out at night to find it could be very bad since we couldn’t tell the difference.”
Applejack walks over to Rainbow who is reading the levitating book in front of her.

“So where do we find this plant at?”

“It says here that the plant is on top of Plateaus in the desert terrain around Appleloosa.”

Twilight closes the book and shoves it back into her bag.
“That’s correct Rainbow, which is exactly why I brought you along.”

“I was hoping to go and grab it tonight and be gone by tomorrow afternoon. A half a day train ride is SOOO boring.” She mumbled to herself as she lay on the bed.

After a little time passed Breaburn came knocking on the door telling the girls that dinner downstairs was ready for all who were hungry. Of course the first one out the door was Rainbow Dash; the only thing she loves more than sleeping is eating great food.

They all sat down at the table and enjoyed a large dinner special made for the guests of the house. After all the eating, talking and cleaning dishes everypony headed off to their beds. Twilight and her friends went to their room for the night as

Twilight got into the room first, looked around for a bit, and started to ask the other two a question.

“Ummm. So who’s sleeping with whom?”

“What you mean Twi?”

“There are only two beds.”

“Doesn’t matter to me at all as long as I can sleep.” Answered Rainbow.

“Doesn’t matter to me neither.” Said Applejack.

“Ok well then Rainbow you can share a bed with Applejack tonight.” Offered Twilight to the others.

“Fine by me as long as she doesn’t snore.”

“You’re one to talk.”


“Ok then it’s settled.” Twilight said smiling.

They all settled in for the night and drifted off into their own dreams.

-Chapter 1…end-