• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 991 Views, 21 Comments

Beyond Reflections - EquineTheta

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The Ways We Struggle

They say good things come to those who wait; that didn’t happen. It just came to me and I didn’t ask. Never did it cross my mind that darkness in one’s heart can occupy a pony as innocent as Twilight Sparkle. Luna, no longer a princess, toured me around the town. Ponyville was in shambles and if given the chance to take a look at the Ponyville of my world, I can tell things would be very different.

“As you might be aware of, The King is relentless in his attacks on the numerous towns around Equestria. He’s taken over every major city and has done so with ease. He usually attacks towns head-on but that isn’t what I’ve been hearing lately. Some ponies believe that he has changed his approach. He assimilated the inhabitants of each town, subduing them with fear. All the cases I’ve seen had one thing in common: ponies were afraid of leaving their homes. They call it the Fear Plague, local doctors call it a controlled pandemic, and I call it magic-induced trauma. Anypony with a healing spell can fix it right away but to heal properly, everypony affected needs a continuous dosage of medicine called Antiagora. Unfortunately, it’s a scarce resource that is only found in the Crystal Empire.”

Luna and I arrived at the Ponyville hospital and as we entered the premises, the sight of ponies on stretchers and beds lined in the hallways reminded me of the last time a similar situation happened. It was back in medic training camp where I experienced what it was like to work in a field hospital, even if it was just a simulation. This was the real deal, though. The sound of ponies writhing in pain and crying in agony filled the air. Nurses ran back and forth, grabbing supplies and checking up on the many patients in the facility.

The doctor in charge of most of the patients was Dr. Stable, a gentlemanly stallion who carried himself with pride and confidence. Even with a great many ponies lined up seeking medical attention, he looked eager to have them checked up; at least, that’s what Luna told me. But now, he isn’t in the mood for a warm greeting. In fact, he was working on a stallion that just lost his leg and is losing lots of blood. The crimson liquid was pouring out of its artery and the nurses were doing their best to keep the patient stable. Blood sprayed uncontrollably for a few seconds, covering the large circular window of the operating room with the red liquid. I watched the commotion of the bustling operation while Luna simply waited outside the operating room for hours on end until Dr. Stable emerged, bloodstained and tired.

“Doctor,” Luna began. “How are the patients doing?”

“Not good. Aside from the usual cases of Fear Plague, we are getting an increasing number of decapitations. Last patient I worked on needed to have a prosthetic leg and a transfusion. Seven bags of blood were needed but his vital signs are still unstable. Don’t know if he’s gonna make it.”

“Thanks for the update, doctor. I’ll check back later.”

“No problem, Luna. I’ll do my best to keep these ponies alive. Twilight wouldn’t like a rising death toll.”

Everypony interred in the hospital was in great pain; their screams pierced my ears and all I could do is imagine the pain they are afflicted with.

The two of us left the hospital at a casual pace but the unsettling thought of how these ponies obtained those horrific injuries disturbed me.

“Luna, if you said The King subdues his enemies with fear, why do those ponies have serious injuries?”

“I… I don’t know. The King never did this before. It’s unusual for him to inflict life-threatening injuries and decapitating ponies like that. On another note, we are going to a place where ponies who aren’t drafted into the army are doing their part in helping the resistance.”

It was an unusual idea: ponies fighting when they aren’t exactly fighting in the resistance? I found that hard to believe…

The second place we went to was the local schoolhouse. Nopony was around but that was what everypony wanted an outsider to think. The real school was actually underneath the building. With a quick look at the back of the building, the doors to the underground room revealed the headquarters of the Foal Free Press. Ponies of all ages were crammed in the room and at the far end was the mare that stood up for me.

I slowly approached her. Though I didn’t want to interrupt her, she already noticed me enter and casually ended the class.

“It’s a good thing class ended on time,” said the mare.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt your class, ma’am. I just wanted to say thank you for what you did back in the town square.”

“Don’t mention it; the name’s Cheerilee by the way.”

We took a seat and exchanged looks. It was silent for a while but I broke the ice. It’s not normal for me to feel a little attached to a mare other than Cadance but I felt a little tingly inside.

“So, what’s with the classroom set-up here? I don’t recall teaching being illegal in Equestria.”

“But that’s just it,” Cheerilee said. “The only things that can be taught are all about the King. All that nonsense about him being superior and almighty… From what the scouts have been seeing back in the Crystal Empire, there’s this cult that has recently sprung up called the Order of the Eternal Shadow. Not much is known about it but its members are suspected of teaching the only legal doctrines that all conquered ponies are forced to learn. The order treats The King like a deity. It isn’t right and we need to step up and do something about it, even if we aren’t directly solving the problem.”

“So, why do you do this? I mean, it doesn’t seem like you are putting down an entire army with education.”

Cheerilee turned to me with a slightly angry look on her face, her teeth cringing within her mouth.

“Why do I do this? WHY DO I DO THIS?! Simple; because someone has to! You may be a soldier but education is a powerful weapon. Ever heard the saying ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’? You may prefer to fight with pitchforks and magic but education can transcend multiple lifetimes and even if the war is won but The King’s doctrines survive, the battle is already lost.”

Cheerilee paused for a moment and began to breath heavily. I tried to help her calm down but she regained her composure just as fast as she lost it.

“Sorry about that. I’m just very passionate about what I do and winning this war means the world to me. Can you promise me one thing? That you’ll win this war? Not just for my sake, but for everyone’s.

I paused for a moment to think this through. I initially thought that I wouldn’t be staying in this world for long but the more I learn about this place, the more I am compelled to stay. Deciding on this matter is tough and I’m not sure I can stay true to my word. As much as I wanted to avoid making the difficult choices, I had to say something to Cheerilee.

“I promise.”

Cheerilee smiled.

Great, Shining Armor! Keep your promise to her the same way you promised to return for this world’s Cadance. Better not break these or you’ll be in for a lot of trouble!

“If you must know,” Cheerilee said, “even when I’m not out there in the field, I am still doing my part in this revolution. A war can’t be won with just weapons and brute strength. It’s also about preserving the identity of those who wish to persevere. A cultural battle is at hand and you are more than welcome to join in. Otherwise, you can head on back to town hall and prepare for battle or if you want to know of other ways to help out, you can go to the house at the corner of Stirrup Street and Horseshoe Avenue. Speak to Octavia; she’s as passionate as I am about preserving our culture. Theatre, music… she’s got all of that covered. I’d love to stay and chat but I must prepare for another lesson later today. I should get back to my duties.”

“Thank you for your time, Cheerilee.” I said, smiling. It wasn’t a feeling of attachment I felt. I just needed to relieve myself of a little bit of guilt. It wasn’t right if I can’t thank somepony who helped me. I expected worse from Ponyville but I’m proven wrong. Now I realize that not everyone is needed out in the battlefield. Each pony has their role in the battle whether they are directly involved or not.

Luna was waiting for me by the exit. There was no need to call for my attention as I was already on my way. Strangely, Caramel was still missing. Something’s up with that stallion…

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something - somepony with my saddlebag! I had completely forgotten about that but seeing that pony walking around with my things made me feel angry. Nopony takes my things and gets away with it!

I gave chase to this unknown pony, leaving Luna behind without saying a word. I heard her scream something repeatedly but I didn’t hear it clearly. I was only concerned about getting my stuff back.

The pony was a stallion, judging by his gruff stature. He ran like an athlete but I gave chase; my extreme conditioning helping me catch up to him. We weaved through the town, turning into alleys and running into tight corridors. He showed no sign of fatigue, picking up the pace when he slowed down.

I activated a duplication spell to have a copy of me follow him while I diverted from my route, hoping to intercept him elsewhere. The dark pathways weren’t helping me find my way around and having no knowledge of Ponyville made things worse. I had to resort to pure instinct and logic to catch the thief. As I ran, I began to deduce his area of destination based on the direction he is travelling.

The thief started his run into town from the schoolhouse, ran to the remains of Sugarcube Corner, and suddenly changed his direction to Sweet Apple Acres. From there, he could leave the town and be gone forever. Thankfully, I am capable of seeing what my duplicate can see. He now turned back towards the town and was heading to the center of town. Now, I can move in to intercept.

Town hall is the place to go. It’s a landmark clearly visible from any point in the town and I hid in a lemon stall, preparing the catch the perpetrator. Just as expected, the thief has made his way into the town square and I was ready. I pounced at him, grabbing his legs and suspended him upside down with my magic. The thief was wearing a jet black mask to conceal his identity. Obviously, the only option I had here was to remove it.


“I…I don’t know what came over me. I had this sudden urge to take your things and I’m… I’m really ashamed. It’s like something took over my body. I assure you that I would never do such a thing. I”m sorry; I need to go now.”

I let my guide go and took my stuff back. Everything’s still intact. the horn, the incantation, a few small bales of hay from Stoneborough; nothing out of place. Good thing Luna was approaching the town square. At least I didn’t have to look for her. Caramel ran off, quickly brushed past Luna and knocked her to the ground. I ran towards the alicorn and helped her back up.

“Sorry, Luna. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.”

“It’s no problem, Shining Armor,” Luna said, closing her eyes and turning her gaze elsewhere. “There’s one more place I need to show you. If we see Twilight there, we must talk to her.”

As much as I dislike this world’s Twilight, Luna had something in mind. Twilight’s already angry with me and yet we have to speak with her?


“Where we’re going is a place few dare to speak about. Everypony knows about it but nopony is comfortable with bringing it up in a conversation. You’ll understand why when we get there.”

The Everfree Forest. Many myths have spawned from this mysterious place since it first came into existence but a lot of these have been debunked. It’s a safe place now. Back in my world, Twilight told me that a zebra friend of hers named Zecora lives there. I wondered if I could meet her in this world as well. But it’s not the friendly face that got me thinking. Back in the day, Equestrian royalty resided in the castle that is now in the forest. Then, it was the place where the Elements of Harmony were hidden. Wherever I was going, I had this feeling that the alternate Twilight would be there waiting for me. Now I’m less comfortable of meeting her with my hatred for her steadily growing since we first met.

And I’m sure she feels the same way I do…

The walk felt like an eternity. Endless rows of trees as far as the eye can see… Still, the forest is known for its many hidden treasures be it a place or object. Luna and I have walked for a while now and I suddenly have the urge to stop and rest. It’s not that I’m weak but after what has happened, the strain on my leg muscles were taking a toll on me. I allowed myself some rest under a leafless tree. Luna, on the other hand, went ahead but came back every now and then just to ask if I was ready to leave. I felt worried that I was wasting her time but every time I apologized, she would reply with “that’s okay” or “take your time”. I never got to know Luna back in my world but I would love to do that one day; it was something I planned on doing when I get back to my world: to see how similar or different everypony is between the two worlds. Now, I just wonder if I can even return home.

As I sat under a tree, I began to take everything I’ve learned into perspective. The King is the whole reason this war happened, almost everypony thinks I’m responsible for the murder of Celestia, and the resistance is slowly losing this battle. What then is my role in this turn of events? Surely I’ve been brought here for a reason and Luna hasn’t told me that yet…

“Luna,” I started, grabbing my companion’s attention. “I’m ready to go but first, tell me everything. You told me that I was brought here for a reason and I still don’t know why.”

Luna closed her eyes and hesitated for a moment.

“You know those items you used to enter this world?”


“I’m the one who brought them to you. My magic can be used in a different dimension but it really drains my energy. I brought you here because I was afraid everypony would lead themselves to their own destruction. With my sister gone and Twilight doing a terrible job of keeping everything together, I had to get help elsewhere. If it’s somepony who could knock some sense back into her, it’s you.”

Now a mixture of emotions ran through my head. My face couldn’t decide what expressions it should show. I’m angry at Twilight, I’m disappointed that I’ve been brought here, I’m sad for my family and friends back home, I just can’t think straight anymore. Anger boiled deep within myself and I was about to burst. I was never meant to be here and yet, here I am, needlessly suffering for the crimes of the alternate Shining Armor that I don’t know. I gave Luna a look of disappointment and without saying anything, I trudged back to Ponyville. Luna tried to say something but she would stop after saying Is, I’ms, and sounds I couldn’t tell.

“Look,” Luna said, “I will take you to Twilight because I need to show you something important. Please, allow me to show you something nopony would show you. Maybe it could shed some light on some of your unanswered questions.”

I reluctantly followed Luna but deep down, I had plans of ditching her the moment we arrive at the place she wanted to take me. The first sign she takes her eyes off me and runs her mouth, I will leave; no remorse, no regret, when morality tugs at my very being, this uncertainty will be ignored.

And yet, Caramel’s words echoed...

That voice goes on and on about morality, about how this world is falling apart with everypony resorting to criminal acts, especially back in Stoneborough, and about how he hopes that I would remain true to my good nature. A friend who I’ve come to trust in the most unlikely place and time...and yet he has fallen to the temptation. Twilight’s no different. Even when she’s got the heart to lead Equestria to freedom, she’s only made Luna, and possibly Celestia, feel ashamed; it makes me feel ashamed. The more I walked, the urge to abandon a new friend takes its toll on me; I can’t turn my back on her... But when I get there, to the place where she’s taking me, I’ll have to stand firm on my decision.

Fifteen minutes and twenty-three seconds later, the ruins of a castle made itself known. No turrets, no drawbridge, just the remains of a kingdom once ruled together by regal sisters. I’ve seen this back in my Equestria but not like the way it presents itself in this world. Gravestones cover the grounds leading up to the castle ruins, mausoleums line the sides of the cliff that the old castle stood on. As I continued to traverse the rugged path, I see names of the ponies whose lives were taken, probably because of the war. Their epitaphs say much about them; they were those who had families, taken away from them because Equestria needed them. One more gravestone lay underneath a lone willow tree by the edge of a cliff, isolated from the mausoleums. Along with large gray stone was Twilight Sparkle.

Luna nudged me; it was quite hard for something meant to grab my attention, though.

“Go on,” she said. “She needs somepony’s shoulder to cry on.”

At first, I hesitated, fearing the response she would give me. I had a feeling she would give me the cold shoulder or some snide comment. I cautiously approached her anyway because she needed somepony to be with. But in reality, I just went to her because Luna told me to do so.

While Twilight is the the main concern, something else caught my eye but I had to use a magnification spell to confirm my suspicions. That gravestone has the names of ponies familiar to me. Now I understand... I stared at those names for quite some time. Even when I’m at a distance, I can still read those names and Twilight doesn’t suspect that I am behind her. The stone read:

Twi igh Velve nd Nightli ht

Belo ed m ther and fathe

The text is already incomplete with the names and the words underneath them already missing a few letters while the rest of the text is completely unreadable but as is with the other epitaphs, the writings would’ve talked about them doing something for Equestria’s fight for freedom or something they can be remembered by. Right now, I couldn’t help but shed a tear; even if these ponies aren’t my real parents, the feeling of deep sorrow penetrates my heart. Twilight noticed me crying just a few meters away and now I was convinced that it was the right time to join her.

Together we looked at the gravestone, my hoof on her shoulder. She didn’t resist. Instead, she pressed her face against my chest, letting her true feelings out. She cried beneath my coat and I can hear her screaming, if not barely.

It was a feeling I truly missed from my Twilight Sparkle back home. For once, I didn’t feel indifferent; it’s like my true sister was right beside me. It was a feeling that changed me, more than anything this war could have ever done.

I stroked her mane and closed my eyes, still unsure about what I should do to comfort her. I’m at a loss of words and as much as I despise this Twilight, there could still be a way to change this...