• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 993 Views, 21 Comments

Beyond Reflections - EquineTheta

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At Arms

Fully optimized for the battle ahead, the train heading for the Crystal Empire had been converted into an armored personnel carrier, a war wagon of sorts. Each window panel was either boarded up, loaded with a heavy shot cannon, or reinforced with steel grates. The conductor’s cabin was modified into a powder magazine and the steam engine had been fitted with a battering ram made of special enchanted metals meant to be unbreakable. Twilight had previously studied advanced mechanical engineering techniques from some of the slave laborers and requested that the train be made ready for the offensive. Only one train had been secured these past few weeks but numerous rail cars have been salvaged all over Equestria during the each offensive; these were later added to improve the vehicle’s carrying capacity.

The last of the weapons and gunpowder was being loaded onto the conductor’s cabin by the Stormriders. Rarity and Caramel were on a nearby building’s balcony overseeing the final preparations. Everyone was set to leave in about half an hour. The timekeeping devices hidden away when Sombra took over Canterlot had been recovered in the basement of the castle during the first days we spent settling in and they have been useful ever since we located them. I joined the two ponies to ease the growing tension.

“This is it, Shining Armor. Are you ready for this?”

I stood next to Rarity and watched as the royal guards sealed up the storage cars. “I’d be lying if I told you I was ready. It’s different when you say you are ready the night before the big fight and you suddenly think about everything that could possibly go wrong. I don’t know. Maybe I am ready but something’s telling me we have to plan some more.”

“Have some faith in yourself and in us,” Rarity replied. “We’ve made it this far these past weeks. It’s time we finish this one and for all. If Celestia were here, she wouldn’t want us to delay any further now, would she?”

“You’re right. This fight is for all of Equestria. Let’s not let everyone down.”

I made some more small talk with Caramel before leaving them to join Twilight and Spitfire who were busy making last-minute repairs to the enchanted suit of armor.

“Hey there, Twilight! Is the armor all ready to go?”

“Definitely,” Twilight answered. I decided to go over all of the specs just to make sure everything checks out. Good thing, too, since the kill switch was left engaged. If I left that running, who knows what could happen!”

I smiled in reply but I felt somewhat betrayed on the inside. I had completely forgotten about that kill switch when I first had a glimpse of the Project Juggernaut files. I’ll keep an eye on Twilight just to make sure she doesn’t do anything strange. I trust her enough to let me wear the armor but the more I think about it, the more I sense something is up. Why me and not her real brother? And does Luna have anything to do with this? Why do I still think Luna is somehow involved? Ugh… I need a breather.

“Shining Armor! Twilight!”

“Luna!” We turned around to the former princess now missing a step or two while fighting to regain balance. Her chest and back were wrapped in bandages and her hind legs were resting on a wooden platform with wheels. I swear I could hear her wheezing after finding her footing.

“What’s all this for?” Twilight asked.

“The doctor says that last impact from the sonic rainboom left me paralyzed from the waist down and left me comatose shortly after. I woke up to find stitches and bandages all over my body and I realized I could no longer walk, not without support. Some friends from New Dimondia made me these walking aids just in case I ever decided to join the battle but like I said, I won’t be joining you in the Crystal Empire.”

“We understand, Luna,” I replied. “We won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t.” Twilight and Spitfire left us to load the suit of armor onto the train. I bode Luna farewell and hopped aboard the train with Caramel, Rarity, and the other Shining Armor. The remaining ponies boarded their respective cars and we were off to the frozen north.

After about a few hours into the trip, the train was rumbling violently with portions of the walls and roof already chipping off or collapsing.

“What the hay is going on?!” Spitfire looked outside and found mortar shells flying straight at the train. “Everyone get down!!!”

Jagged wood and steel flew right above our heads and pierced holes into the opposite wall; even an undetonated mortar shell made its way into the car. The journey was now perilous once we entered Dead Mare’s Gorge with Sombra’s guards already waiting for us. Everyone on board didn’t have the luxury of time to wonder how Sombra’s forces knew there was an attempt to secure the Empire. We all did what needed to be done; I ran to the front cabins and met with the royal guards who were there.

“There isn’t much time left before this whole train falls apart. Man your stations and get those cannons ready!”

Without hesitation, the guards moved the cannons to their respective windows and waited for my order. I looked out the window to find an entire platoon ready to fire at the train.


The heavy shot cannonballs flew straight towards their intended target and dealt with two mortar pits. Our concern was to only immobilize the pits and not cause any casualties. Sombra’s forces still consisted of crystal ponies and they could still be saved. Each guard quickly readied the cannons and fired another shot. It was an intense hour of combat with each side sending a volley of metal and shrapnel. I swore the train’s armor panels were already falling apart. After firing one more barrage, the whole train shook with great intensity, knocking everyone down to the ground. I quickly ran to the conductor’s cabin to find it almost completely destroyed. The steam engine didn’t fare any better; the driver was knocked unconscious by the explosion and most of the cabin had been blown apart. Twilight and Spitfire rushed to the front of the train right behind me.

“Anyone know how these controls work?”

“I’ll handle it, Twilight. Not gonna lie, I only glanced at the driver a few times to see how these worked. I’ll try to keep it on track.”

“Just keep it steady Spitfire. Shining Armor, you’re with me. We need to get to the rear cabins and get the armor set ready.”

Without hesitation, Twilight and I swiftly ran past the tired guards who continued to fire back at our attackers. Once we reached the fifteenth train car, Twilight began fixing the armor onto me but a stray mortar shot blasted the side of the train car open and blew up the powder reserves. I grabbed on to a hanging piece of metal as I was now over the edge of a cliff.

“Hold on! Grab onto this!”

Twilight grabbed a wooden pole and inched it towards me. As I was about to grab onto it, the metal bar snapped and sent me falling into the depths below.

And so the darkness swallowed me whole. No sound, no sight, and all sense of tactility were robbed from me. No amount of screaming or crying for help would be heard. So this is it? Everyone was on their way to the Crystal Empire without me, perhaps on their way to their certain doom. The last thing I would’ve thought of at this time was Cadance; a broken promise indeed. If only I could make a wish, I’d want to fly back up there and join my friends. I closed my eyes and I resigned to my fate.

The next time my eyes opened, all was bright. The weightless feeling of sitting on a cloud was rushing all over me and the power of the breeze brushed my face with cool wind. I looked at my hooves and found them covered with metal. The same went with the rest of my body. I turned to find a pair of mechanical wings carrying me out of the darkness. I always thought mechanical wings would still require the user to use their own body strength in order to get them to work. Whatever was powering these wings, it brought me back to Twilight.

“I thought I was done for, Twilight. What going on here?”

“That suit of armor is thought-activated. When you need the armor most, you just think about it and the armor will assemble itself, deploy it’s hidden pair of mechanical wings or concealed weapons, whatever you want it to do.”

The two of us returned to the steam engine. Spitfire was doing all she can to keep the train on the tracks and found a panicked look on her face. I looked ahead to see what she could be seeing and found the entrance of the Crystal Empire station. It wasn’t the station’s façade that had me frightened but what was at the station. It was barricaded and converted into a fortified gate with ten cannons on the ground and two mortar pits above. Without any form of long-range offensive measures installed on the steam engine, our only chance of getting through would be the battering ram. Even then, the improvised fortress was likely packing a lot of reserve gunpowder. The train would be destroyed if we charged through the gate. Twilight and Spitfire looked at each other, then at me. We had no other options left but we knew what the other was thinking as we all suggested to detach the steam engine and the missing conductor’s cabin from the rest of the train.

“I’ll see you on the other side,” Spitfire said.

Spitfire grabbed the controls and began to decelerate the train so the rear cars would slow down enough for Twilight and I to detach them. Once detached, Spitfire quickly brought the train up to speed once more and made a mad dash for the station. It wasn’t long before the train’s two front cars became a tiny blip at a distance. The last sign of the train disappeared entirely once the leader of the Stormriders made a turn at the side of a nearby hill. An explosion followed shortly after.

I sure hope it worked…

Smoke rose from the distance, then the sight of flames became clear. The station was engulfed in an inferno but the train, or what’s left of it, wasn’t slowing down any sooner. Twilight and the unicorn guards used their magic to bring the vehicle to a halt a few meters away from the station. Twilight and I stayed behind to look for Spitfire while the others charged into the city with the royal guards and the Stormriders leading them. I searched through the rubble but not a single body was found, not even those belonging to the crystal ponies. Only the sight of singed metal and burning wood littered the scenery while the station went up in flames. Twilight was up on the platform looking down at something, or somepony resting on a bench.

“Hey, soldier, up here!”

“You had me worried back there, Spitfire.” I climbed up to the platform and joined the two mares. “Why didn’t you bail out?”

“Correction: I did. The whole thing must’ve been on full throttle. I told you I wasn’t experienced with trains.”

“C’mon, Spitfire,” Twilight interrupted. “Let’s get you on the train. The doctors will take care of you.”

“What about the others? My team? Where are they?”

“They already went ahead. They’ll be fine.”

Twilight went ahead and accompanied Spitfire to the mobile medical ward on the train while I joined the others who already smashed through the gates of the Crystal Empire.

This whole place felt off for a second. I remember seeing a good portion of the Crystal Empire a few months ago and nothing felt the same. Smoke rose from the crystal peaks of the towers around town while red flames erupted from the war-torn streets. High above, the pegasi waged their battles in impressive aerial displays reminiscent of the Wonderbolts acrobatics, the same ones that were distinctively known by their numerous barrel rolls and knife-edge near misses. It reminded me about the Wonderbolts military division from the olden days. Destruction left its wake on homes and businesses with charred holes dotting the many buildings around town. As I ran past shops, some were pinned down on intersections with Sombra’s guards surrounding my allies. I quickly joined groups and repelled attacks before pushing forward towards the castle. Aerial attacks from the rooftops weren’t a concern was fellow pegasi drew our aggressors’ attention away from the ground. I joined Rarity, Caramel, and the other Shining Armor outside of the library as we assisted a group that was pinned down at an alley. Pushing onwards from our position or even retreating was no longer an option as we were now pinned from two sides. Twilight ran past the corner and into our alley. Stopping to pant before pushing a dumpster to block the way, Twilight huddled with us and gave herself some time to breathe.

“Any ideas? We’re pinned down and we could use some aerial support right now.” My other self said as he ran to the entrance of the alley and fired magic bolts right back at the enemy.

“There must be another way into castle without attracting any attention,” Twilight added.

Caramel turned to the corner and found a manhole cover. He and Rarity ran towards it and opened the entrance. Twilight grabbed some stones lying on the ground and smashed the library windows in and ordered the group of ponies we had assisted to find another way to the castle. The group made haste into the library before Twilight and I entered the sewers.

I’ve always wondered how it felt like to be in Twilight’s place whenever Princess Celestia would send her to save Equestria with her friends. Must’ve been an honor to have the fate of Equestria in their hooves and succeed in the end. Military might would’ve fared better in most situations but as I learned from the changeling invasion of Canterlot, there are just some things that overwhelming physical force can’t overcome.

Sewer tunnels just can’t seem to cut it. I know I’ve spent a fair amount of time in them but we just can’t get along. Caramel was lost in a place he considered home at one point in life. Lights didn’t help either. Unless we walked into an open wall with makeshift living quarters in it, we were running around in circles. I swore, it felt like an hour of aimless wandering through the scent of decay and rotting garbade. The sudden realization that the castle was due north of the library pointed us in the right direction and Caramel headed straight for his old quarters. Coincidentally situated underneath the empty lot that would later be used to build the Equestria Games stadium in my world, this opportunity couldn’t have come sooner or at all. Caramel emerged ironclad and gilded. Smoke rose from his armor and enveloped him.

“Thought this might come in handy one day,” Caramel reemerged behind us. “I stole it from the armory before I escaped reeducation.”

“Could that smoke sneak us all into the castle?”

“Only one way to find out, Shining Armor.”

As expected, the smoke shrouded the user of the suit of armor. As Caramel continued to use his smokescreen, Twilight and the rest of us began to fade from each other’s view. It was like floating, being weightless, but all that mass was still there in the form of jet-black smoke. There was no communication from then on until the arrival at the castle’s secret door. We later learned from Caramel that anyone turned into magical smoke caused by the enchanted suit of armor was incapable of speech. I peeped through the slits on the lone door ahead and the memories of many weeks stuck in this world came back in a flash. The sight and sounds of pain and agony from somepony I never thought I’d see again. Now that room was empty. Twilight and Rarity entered and examined the shattered crystal furniture and tattered curtains. The rest of us cautiously followed. I made note of a crown sliced in half at the center and a set of golden horseshoes lying close to the room’s entrance. My other self looked at crown and horseshoes silently, perhaps with an air of remorse and concern, but the time for lamentation will come eventually. Now was the time to claim what is rightfully ours.

There was a sound of creaking iron hinges at the door. Twilight gestured us to hide. We all scrambled for the secret exit and hid in Caramel’s smokescreen.

A slender mare entered, pale pink and bruised all over her body. She was close to merely bones and skin. She limped to the bed and laid her head on her pillow. I’ve seen her before but not like this, not so badly injured and close to collapse. Enough was enough.

“Cadance.” I left the smokescreen and exposed myself to her.

“Shining Armor?!” Cadance turned to me, mouth agape. “Is it… is it really you?”

I gestured no as my other self joined my side, then Twilight and the rest of us. The smoke was lifted as Caramel took his place by the bed.

“I’m the Shining Armor you met many weeks back. Remember when you led me out of the castle to the sewers? Do you remember me?”

“I-I think so. I don’t remember much.”

Rarity and Twilight attended to Cadance’s wounds. The rest of us watched the door in case the guards came to check on Cadance. We all caught up on the past weeks and confirmed our suspicions; Sombra wanted to rule all of Equestria and he needed his own army of slaves in order to accomplish it. Without his magic at full potential, he needed an alternative. It still doesn’t clear up everything I needed to know. Celestia just disappeared and it was clear Sombra was behind it. But why?

It was only a matter of time before we all had our chance to end all the suffering everypony had undergone. Though weak, Cadance expressed her willingness to join us. We were afraid but we couldn’t debate any further.

“Are you sure you want to do this, dear?” My other self led the way to the throne room with his wife slowly limping behind.

“I’ve had it with his abuse and delusional grandeurs. I’m sure.”

It was quite a walk from the bedroom to the castle’s throne room but when we reached the crystal and steel doors, we paused for a moment. That feeling of uncertainty definitely tugged at me. I checked my armor over and over again, going over every trick and secret it contained. Kill switch disengaged, wings properly functioning, armor reassembled with thought. Everything was fine.

“This is it,” Cadance said. “I know you all worked so hard to come this far to turn around. Are you sure you are all ready to face Sombra?”

We all nodded unanimously and prepped our weapons. I mustered up all courage and stepped forward to open the doors to the other side.

Green flames erupted from both sides of the room as the torches lit the room for all to see. Upon the throne sat King Sombra, an intimidating sight to behold. Nothing but darkness sat on the dark throne with the surrounding crystalline walls corrupted by his dark magic. Even with the light of the green fire showing the way ahead, his side was pitch-black with his shadowy influence reaching out to every corner of the room but we all knew he was watching our every move.

“I’ve been expecting you.” A deep and raspy voice from a not-so-distant past echoed through the room. The shadows flitted back and forth around us as if it was making way for something moving beyond what our eyes could see. “You’ve caused enough trouble these past weeks but you’ve made things more convenient for me. I can deal with you all at the same time. And thank you, princess. You’ve done a good job bringing them all here but I am sorry to say, you’ve outlived your uses!”

“What?!” Cadance replied. A shadow claw grasped her and whisked her away from us on the ground before her magic was sucked away. Twilight and my other self fired bolts of energy at the shadows but were reflected back. They dodged their own strikes just in time. I was afraid to fire back as I only watched Cadance screaming in pain as her magic was drained into the darkness. Eventually, the shadows subsided to reveal an imposing figure of shadow and cast-iron plating. The red on his cloak soon emerged and revealed the physical form of something that even the fittest royal guard could ever dream of achieving.

“Release her!” I walked up to the king and past where the invisible force field was merely seconds earlier. Sombra immediately threw Cadance to the ground like a mere plaything. I quickly conjured a mattress and cushioned her fall.

“No more of tyranny, Sombra!” Twilight yelled from across the room. “It’s time you relinquish your rule over Equestria!”

“You know I can’t simply do that, not when I am giving everypony a chance at a world that knows peace beyond all comprehension, a world where no one will ever know what ‘pain’ and ‘suffering’ mean. I’m doing everyone a great deal of good!”

“GOOD?! What good is there in enslaving your subjects? And what did you do with Celestia?”

“All will know about the master plan and they will gladly oblige. Unfortunately, not everyone sees things my way, including Celestia. If my plan were to come true, I needed to make sure everyone who opposes would be dealt with. Of course, there was no way I would deal with her myself and spoil the surprise. That’s where your brother comes in. Am I right, Shining Armor?”

The king’s horn glowed green and purple lifted my other self into the air and right next to him. Twilight fired a burst of energy to interrupt the beam but was injured with the resulting beam reflecting back to her. My other self’s eyes glowed green and his magic aura had matched Sombra’s. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but you are fighting against the will of the king.” Shining Armor said in a dull, monotone voice. The broken horn, the prison… I knew there was something wrong with everything we all went through. “He will rule Equestria and all will live peacefully but you and everyone who dares to defy him will be dealt with swiftly and severely. Consider yourself lucky that you even made it this far.”

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked.

“Shame that your brother forgets these things but allow me to fill in the gaps. That broken horn was my doing. I needed a way to jam his ability to use magic but I am one for trying new methods. Simply disabling it won’t do. The rest of the reeducation process was finished faster because of that little discovery. He’s been secretly relaying information to me ever since you freed him from the prison. As for knowing that you were going to free your brother, I have informants everywhere. Even those whom you’ve come to trust the most.”

Another puff of smoke rose on the raised floor and revealed Caramel with eyes glowing green and purple with the king’s aura enveloping his body.

“NO!!!” I yelled. Not you too.

“I didn’t want it to come to this, my friend. What I said back in Ponyville was true and I meant every word. I’m so sorry but – he still owns me. I can’t be free, not with him and you still around. Only one can stay behind and lead this land to freedom.”

I should’ve called you out when I had the chance…

“Turns out my re-education worked,” Sombra smiled as he stepped forward to join my – his – comrade. “I really have to thank you for letting him through to your worthless little town. He’s been a great help. So... I’ve been told you’re not from here. Would you mind showing me how to get to your world? I’d love to have another domain to exercise my power in, considering that your world’s Sombra failed where I will soon succeed.”

No more. No more will any of my friends succumb to his influence. I charged straight for the king and prepared to fire an energy blast from my horn. From his end, the shadows around the room shifted and raced through the crumbling marble and granite carvings and columns. Once again, the icy cold shadows reach for my body like the claws of that nightmarish beast from long ago. I’m no longer afraid of him. If he comes back here, I’ll be waiting. As the last of my vision faded away, Sombra came forth into my dreams.

And he wasn’t alone.

That faceless creature came back and there were more of them. I counted seven including Sombra himself as his pale gray body changed into a pale white monster. Razor sharp claws protruded all over him; his tail turned into a manticore stinger with a third claw at its end and his face lost its features to a face-hugging mutation straight out of a wild mare’s tale. The rest of the creatures had a more mare-like gait with flatter hooves and claws but were just as menacing. Some bore a great resemblance to my friends; it was a corruption of their image and Sombra twisted them to break me. But I wasn’t going to let up now, not when I’ve come so far.

A double-edged spear appeared in my mind and one ejected straight out of the armor set on me. Just for good measure, I created a claw of pure magic energy to prop up the weapon for increased versatility in combat. Targeting the closest monster in sight, I ran straight for it while the others stood still. The monster responded with a glowing horn and a shield toss that knocked me off my feet. The whole area was dimmed save for the light from my horn and those from the faces of the monsters themselves. Getting up once more, I ran headstrong into the eyeless, faceless creatures once again, this time going after Sombra. With a much larger and physically imposing structure sporting more claws and a deep ominous laugh that followed me everywhere, he was one target I wasn’t going to slip out of my sights. Soon enough, whenever I approached one of those creatures, they would resemble Sombra’s own incarnation of the monster but just as I strike them down, they quickly receded back to their original size.

All that wasn’t capable of stopping me, though. I continued to run after visible creatures and attempted to slash them down with my double-edged spear. They’d stay down for a while before standing back up and resuming battle. Some charged straight at me and swiped their cold, dark claws on me. I fought back hard, repelling their claws with my spear and armor set. Even if it could only do so much to protect me against the weight of their thunderous blows that should’ve already split regular steel alloy armor into many pieces, mine still held with minor scratches and cracks. Over time, those monsters began releasing tentacle arms in an attempt to restrict my movement. Sombra approached me and kept me at bay, hindering my legs with a cold grasp of his own slimy, tentacle-like arm protrusions. They held me tight but I tried to fight those things off me with every last bit of strength I had left. Those things cracked my armor and attempted to turn it into my casket. I’ve learned that breathing your last in a dream would make one wake up but I doubted I would wake up from this nightmare alive.

“Give up now, Shining Armor!” Sombra exclaimed in a much angrier tone than his ominous, raspy voice. “You’ll never survive this!”

“MAKE ME!!!!!”

I summoned what was left of my strength and yanked a second spear out of my armor, sliced a tentacle off my left hoof, and ripped apart the rest of the tentacles that were constricting me of air. My armor was now cracked and close to breaking point. All that happened so fast that I couldn’t think. I flew into a berserker rage, slicing the six creatures that tried to keep me down. One after another, I hacked through them until they disappeared. In one fell swoop, I threw my spear right at Sombra, pinning him to the ground. One more of those horrible monsters stood before me. I plucked a jagged piece of metal that hung off the side of my armor and charged straight for the creature

Shining Armor… Shining Armor…

It started saying my name almost in a chant-like way. I didn’t let it bother me as I pinned it to the ground and reared up to jam the metal shard into its chest. The creature uttered my name once more, this time in a soft, pitiful voice; it was almost like it was crying. The sight of a tear running down the side made shake off the rage and delirium. I opened my eyes to find that I was about to end Twilight. She had open wounds all over her body and – all this was about to happen. I backed off slowly to find the others in similar pain. Even the other Shining Armor and Caramel had large gashes and cuts dripping with blood. I turned back to Twilight and propped her up to the wall closest to the door. She looked at me with a stern look but her lips, despite being covered with blood from an open wound made a smile. I felt that for once, things might turn out well in the end.

I turned to see Sombra impaled to the ground with one of my double-edged spears still lodged in his chest. He was struggling but he looked too weak to get up. And I did all that? It couldn’t be. It felt too easy to be over. It just wasn’t right. Twilight reminded me of that when her horn glowed magenta followed with a faint beeping sound from my armor.

“What? What are you doing, Twilight?”

“Ending this for good!”

Suddenly, the pull of an invisible magnetic force was felt all over my body. I could slip onto the ground but only my armor flew off my body and on to Twilight. She struggled to stand up but she managed to do so and walk straight towards Sombra, who has just grown to massive proportions and was preparing to strike. I tried to chase after Twilight but my feet were magnetized to the ground, rendering me useless. I could only stand and call out to Twilight. I knew what she was going to do.
She kept on walking ever closer to the king, almost tripping halfway across the hall. As she was just inches away from the king, she was knocked back by a shockwave at the foot of the king, now in pure shadow form. The armor flew off her beaten body but it didn’t scatter all over the ground. It flew straight onto the other Shining Armor.

“Brother! You don’t need to do this. Let me end this.”

“No, Twilight,” my other self calmly replied. The green and purple aura from his eyes slowly dispersed into thin air as the last pieces of the armor found their way to his hooves and chest. “Sombra’s right. He couldn’t bring himself to get rid of Celestia so he got me to do it instead.”

“It’s not your fault! Please, let me do it instead!”

“I have to. I’ve done enough to deserve this. I know what I’m going to do is crazy but it’s better this way. When I see mom and dad again, they’ll be happy to know Equestria is in good hooves. Goodbye, Twilight.”

I can only watch in sorrow as the two parted their ways. Everything felt slower even if nothing was distorting time; my eyes were still fixed on Twilight and Shining Armor but at the corner of my field of vision, Caramel stood up and was telling me to go. I couldn’t hear him but I can make out what he was saying. I looked behind me to find Rarity and Cadance limped their way out of the room and soon after, Caramel dragged me out of the room as well. Twilight was still inside going after her brother but was pushed back to the throne room’s entrance. A force field then covered the four of us as Caramel rushed to close the doors. Everything was bright as the light emanating from the suit of armor the other Shining Armor was wearing nearly blinded us and kept the shadow Sombra at bay. I can see my other self smiling back at Twilight and turned around to face the king before Caramel closed the doors behind him. He nodded at me once and smiled before the last sliver of light was sealed off.

Twilight banged at the force field’s walls and cried out for her brother once more. All that followed was a blinding white light, a violent gust of wind, and an eerie silence looming.

It was the sound of the roaring thunder.