• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 9,892 Views, 155 Comments

Lost - Mr101

Fluttershy becomes lost deep within the Everfree forest, injured and chased by Timberwolves, she is rescued by a traveller who is lost in her world.

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Chapter VIII - The Cycle Continues


Chapter VIII – The Cycle Continues

Twilight looked out of the window of the library and sighed, she had returned to Ponyville on the instruction of Celestia. She had a book in front of her and was idly flicking through the pages; she let out another sigh not paying any real attention to the book. She wanted to be out looking for Fluttershy more than ever but the Princess had told her to wait at the library and she would know when to act, the words puzzled her a fair bit and had spent the journey back from Canterlot trying to decipher their meaning. She had long given up on it and decided to try and occupy her time around the library but her mind wasn’t all there, Spike had noticed it and was beginning to get concerned for her well-being.

“Twilight?” Spike said softly.

She snapped out of her trance like state at the sound his voice.

“Hmm? Oh sorry Spike I was miles away, what’s up?”

“I just thought you may have been hungry that’s all…” Spike held up a delicious looking sandwich on a plate in his claws.

“Thank you Spike, that’s very kind of you.” She smiled as she levitated the plate from him and onto her desk.

“Twilight…is something bothering you?” Spike asked with a hint of concern.

Twilight sighed as she looked out of the window again; she waited a moment before she spoke.

“I’m fine Spike; you don’t need to worry about my problems.”

She heard a stool scrape along the floor before it came to a stop next to her, Spike then hopped onto it taking a seat and smiling up at her.

“You’re my best friend Twi, talk to me.”

Twilight smiled and gave him a soft affectionate nuzzle before taking a quick bite from the sandwich and swallowing it.
“Thanks Spike…it’s just this whole business with Fluttershy and the Princesses.”

“Well, I can get why your still bummed out about Fluttershy but what do the Princesses have to do with it?”

Twilight began to tell him about what the Princess had lied about, and about the creature that was following Fluttershy. She also told him that the Princess had told her to wait and she would know when she should act; Spike listened carefully nodding now and then.

“I guess all you can really do is what they say Twi.”

“I know Spike but I just can’t focus properly…”

Spike stroked his chin thinking deeply, his eyes rolled as he tried to think of something, then it came to him.

“Hey Twilight, why not go and hang out with the others? Being on your own isn’t going to make it any better and besides, you and I both know Fluttershy wouldn’t want you lot to mope about all day. That’s the last thing she’d want.”

Twilight was surprised at his advice; she thought about it and then smiled and ruffled his spines.

“Your right Spike…thank you, I’ll go see them now.”

She finished the sandwich and left the library leaving a contented and smug Spike, he then went about his daily chores whistling a merry tune to himself then stopped.

“I think I’ve earned a few gems before I do my chores…” he said with a mischievous smile and headed into the kitchen.

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Grendel gritted his teeth as his feet slid along the ground; gripping tightly with both hands he held his staff up blocking Raven’s five blades. The blades dug slightly into the wood, the wood however refused to break under the great strain. Raven hissed as he lept backwards and shot several blasts of lightning as he spun in the air, Grendel span his staff deflecting some of the blasts but cried out in pain as a couple managed to hit him. The sound resonated throughout the castle as he fell to one knee his body crackling with red lightning.

He panted as smoke softly rose from him looking up at Raven who growled raising his blades up into the air, the air around them began to distort and screech as a loud thunderous boom echoed throughout the forest. Grendel’s eyes widened as he franticly stood up and began to avoid the incoming attack, just as he moved; Raven launched a large red ball of lightning that exploded where Grendel was standing. It sent rubble and stray bolts of lightning everywhere as a large dust cloud shot up from the roof, Raven raised his blades defensively trying to locate Grendel in the dust cloud.

Without warning, Raven was blown backwards in a large fiery explosion as a fireball rocketed out of the dust cloud hitting him square in the chest, letting out a pained screeched as he crashed into the ground rolling before slamming into a low wall. Grendel ran out of the dust cloud roaring loudly as his staff changed into a blazing sword, he leapt up raising the sword high and he prepared to strike, Raven hissed as he looked up part of his cloak in flames and raised a barrier around him. Grendel’s sword slammed into the barrier sending flames to the sides and a loud clang rang out, he quickly lept back as Raven suddenly slashed with his blades ripping part of Grendel’s cloak as he narrowly avoid it.

Grendel panted as sweat dotted his brow, his energy was running low and he wasn’t sure how long he could hold out for, Raven sensed this and giggled as he scrapped the blades along the ground slowly sending sparks flying. He shot at Grendel with a burst of sudden speed brining his blades inwards. Grendel had just enough time to block them with his staff before Raven swung his body round slamming it into Grendel’s stomach, he let out a wheeze as he was winded then suddenly he cried out in pain as Raven's blades sliced across his stomach.

Grendel fell to his knee again clutching at his stomach, the wound wasn’t too deep but deep enough to draw blood. He panted as he looked at Raven his blood dripping onto the floor, Raven began to giggle before it turned into a loud demented cackle. Grendel spat onto the floor as he cast a temporary healing spell to his stomach to stop the bleeding, he slowly stood up and exhaled, he then lept backwards and began to chant under his breath and closed his eyes.
Raven tilted his head, raising his blades up waiting for Grendel’s attack; however, when one didn’t come he tilted his head again in confusion. He raised his arm up and the air began to distort once again as he charged his attack, just as he was about to throw the energy ball at Grendel, Grendel suddenly opened his eyes and raised his arms up. A sudden large burst of flames roared up into the sky forming a cone, Grendel then ‘gripped’ the bottom of the flaming cone and brought it down onto Raven. Raven cried out in surprise as the cone slammed into him, the energy ball he had been charging exploded as the fire collided with it and blew Grendel backwards, slamming through part of a wall and down to a lower level of the roof.

Coughing as he groaned in pain he looked around to see where Raven was, not hearing or seeing him he dusted the rubble from his robes before stumbling wearily to his feet. He groaned again, grabbing his stomach as the spell wore off and blood dripped to the floor, he cursed under his breath and began to head back into the castle to find Fluttershy. He could feel Raven still alive but couldn’t locate his magic energy; he decided that the blast probably knocked him away like himself and that gave him time to get Fluttershy out of the forest.

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Fluttershy shivered as she tried to block out the sounds of the fighting above her, she sniffled as she silently let her tears fall to the stony floor. She wiped her face and sniffled again.

’You’re brave Miss Fluttershy…’

Grendel’s words echoed in her mind, she had mulled over them a fair bit, she didn’t believe she was brave, how could she be? She had to rely on Grendel during the whole time; he had been the one being brave whilst she felt completely useless. She was brought out of her thoughts by a large explosion which made her cower behind her mane whimpering, she hoped that nothing bad had happened to Grendel and felt her eyes well up again. She let out a loud scream as a second and then a third larger explosion echoed throughout the castle, dust and small rubble fell around her and she backed up to the wall.
The castle was suddenly silent as the sounds of fighting came to an abrupt stop; she gulped and nervously began to head for the curtain that covered the small room she was in. She poked her head out and gave a glance around before hearing footsteps, she gasped softly and looked up but her face suddenly brightened up as a smile formed on it. She zipped out and ran up to Grendel who was slowly making his way carefully down the stairs.

“Mister G-Grendel! I w-was so-“she stopped suddenly as she saw his state. “Oh m-my g-goodness! Mister Grendel are you alight?” she looked over his body and tried to find some cloth to cover his cuts.

“I’m fine Miss Fluttershy; I’m more concerned about you, are you ok?”

“I-I’m ok Mister Grendel…is….is he.” she trailed off her answer nervous about saying the word.

“I’m afraid not…” Grendel said sadly as Fluttershy whimpered flattening her ears. “However, he isn’t anywhere near us currently. That blast knocked him away somewhere so it gives us a chance.”

“A chance for what?”

“To make a run for the edge of the forest.”

Fluttershy nodded softly as Grendel picked her up and winced in pain, Fluttershy whimpered at his wince.
“I-I can walk Mister Grendel if I’m hurting you…”

“No quite alright, been through” he paused to grunt as he walked up the stairs. “Worse than this trust me.”

He gave a reassuring chuckle as he carried her swiftly out the door they had entered, Fluttershy pointed in the direction of the town and he began to quickly walk towards it. He held in the urge to groan in pain and whispered another temporary healing spell on himself, he would have cast a full one but he wanted to conserve whatever magical energy he had left in case Raven appeared again. He hoped not, he was already taking a major risk by making an attempt to flee with Fluttershy and wasn’t in a good way to fight off another attack.

He panted heavily as his walk began to quicken into a brisk jog, the thought of getting closer to the edge of the forest was spurring him on and he couldn’t help but smile. Soon this would all be over for Fluttershy and he could finally feel at peace knowing she was safe, or so he thought. As they entered a clearing, the trees nearby ripped apart as a blast of red lightning shot through them followed by a screeching Raven, his blades poised to strike.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Twilight had met up with the girls at Sugarcube corner, although being one short they were in relatively high spirits, even Pinkie’s mane was back to normal. Twilight had told the girls about the explosion, her ability and what the Princess had told her, at first they were upset and angry at her actions until Twilight calmed them down, reminding them she had done it in their best interests. Applejack was about to argue but was silenced by Rarity and let out a sigh, Mr Cake placed a tray with several assorted sugary snacks on it as well as five glasses of chocolate milk.

Twilight went to give him some bits for it but he politely refused stating it was ‘on the house’, she thanked him and the girls tucked into the treats. After Twilight had sipped some milk, she told the girls what Spike had told her about not worrying too much over the whole ordeal, as it would have been the last thing Fluttershy would have wanted.

“Why I didn’t know Spike was so good at handing out advice.” Rarity spoke up.

“Musta’ been all them books he’s been reading.” Applejack snickered.

“Not bad for a 'lil guy.” Rainbow replied nudging Applejack.

Twilight smiled and nibbled some of the cupcake that was on her plate.

“That’s why he’s my number one assistant, helping me even with non-study related issues.”

Pinkie muffled in agreement her face currently buried in a large chocolate cake she had produced out of nowhere, much to the shock of some of the other patrons. The girls hadn’t paid attention as they were used to ‘Pinkie’ behaviour.

“Still…I can’t help but wonder what the Princess meant by ‘I’ll know when to act’.”

“Well darling, you said yourself you were able to sense the strange magic that caused that explosion you heard, maybe it has something to do with that ability?”

Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie all nodded in agreement, Pinkie licked the chocolate of her face and sighed in content.

“Well Twilight, you’ll know by the end of the day!”

“What do you mean Pinkie?”

Pinkie didn’t answer as she had gasped, seeing the large cupcake Mrs Cake was bringing out to them, she rushed over. Twilight let out an exasperated sigh and shook her head, just another random Pinkie Pie moment.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Fluttershy cried out clinging to Grendel who tumbled quickly out of the way just avoiding Raven who swung for him, he summoned the air around him into his free hand and blasted Raven a short distance away into a tree. He then began to run towards the edge of the forest franticly, panting as we went; he shot a glance back to see Raven chasing after them slowly gaining. He ducked under a tree and his foot caught on a root, he fell onto his back crying out in pain as Fluttershy slipped from his grip and rolled onto the ground.

“RUN!” he yelled out as Raven burst through the trees his blades pointing out at Grendel.

Fluttershy scrambled to her hooves and took off for the edge of the forest her eyes wide in fear; she ignored the dull throb of her legs from the running as she tried to get away from the fight as fast as she could. Grendel tried to summon his staff in defence but wasn’t quick enough, he cried out as two of Raven’s blades found their target sinking deep into his shoulder. Quickly regaining himself he forced all of his strength into a kick to Raven’s chest, launching him off him just as the blades surged with lightning, Raven crashed into a tree crying out and falling to the ground.

He slowly got up shakily which surprised Grendel, it was the first time he had seen Raven truly exhausted and nearly spent of his energy. Growling as he fought back the pain from his shoulder, he summoned his staff and ignited the end before charging at Raven, Raven charged back at him swinging his hand to Grendel’s side. He blocked it and brought his leg up, kicking Raven in the head and sending him tumbling to the ground; he then swung his staff down but narrowly missed Raven’s head who rolled out the way as the area briefly was engulfed in flames. Grendel tried again but was blocked by Raven’s blades; Raven then channelled his lightning down them and into Grendel who cried out in tremendous pain falling to the ground. He tried to stand up but his limbs weren’t responding he looked up wearily as his body smoked, seeing Raven slowly rise up and bringing his hand up, extending the fingers; he was ready to end it.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Fluttershy had stopped when she heard Grendel cry out in pain, she turned on the spot breathing heavily as she looked from where she had left Grendel to where the edge of the forest was. She bit her lip unsure as what to do, her body was telling her to just run and Grendel would be fine and just run for home. It’s what he wanted right? But her heart and instinct was telling her to go back, and if she didn’t…something would happen she would regret for the rest of her life. Something in her stirred, she didn’t know what the feeling was but whatever it was, it was telling her to go back.

Swallowing hard, she turned around and ran back to where she left Grendel, despite her bodies protest and the fear she was feeling course through her. She felt different and with each step she took the sense of fear began to slowly wash away as she came closer and closer to the fight.

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Raven cackled madly as his blades glinted in the sun, he was going to end it there and then, but he wanted to savour the moment. Using what magic he had left he began to form red lightning around his blades, completely hiding the blades in dark red glow, Grendel’s eyes widened as he tried to get up but couldn’t, his body still in shock from the lightning. Raven let out one last screech, a mixture of anger, joy, fury and relief in his tone and brought his blades down.

Grendel closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, he had failed in his task…failed Equestria…he had failed Fluttershy, his friend. The spirit was right, he was going to see him very soon, he waited for what seemed an eternity for death’s final strike but instead he heard the sound of bushes being rustled and the frantic galloping of hooves. He opened his eyes to just see Fluttershy head butt with all her might Raven Square in the chest, Raven was caught completely of guard and was sent into a nearly tree with a sickening crunch. The charged energy he had been casting faded from his blades as he lay there for a moment dazed and exhausted.

Fluttershy panted franticly as she stared at Raven wide eyed and mouth agape, she was in a state of shock at what she had just done and didn’t notice Grendel slowly get up. The sound of Raven letting out a groan brought her back to reality, Grendel slowly picked his staff up and he changed its form to his sword.

“It’s over Raven….”

Raven hissed and slowly got up; he tried to swing his hand with all his might but had little strength to do so. Grendel side stepped the feeble attempt and brought the sword down with a cry of anger cutting off Raven’s arm, Raven let out an ear piercing screech as his arm fell to the floor.

Fluttershy fell to the floor covering her ears with her hooves as she cried out, Grendel gritted his teeth as he began to advance on Raven trying his best to not let the screech affect him. He went to swing his sword with the remaining strength he had, but the screech overwhelmed him and he dropped the sword to cover his ears yelling. Raven took the chance and shot off into the distance quickly as Grendel panted, watching Raven disappear into the distance

“Dammit….I was so close…DAMMIT!” he roared.

He fell to his hands and knees gripping the ground, he felt Fluttershy nuzzle his cheek softly and turned to look at her, she looked concernedly at him and tried to help him stand with her head; he smiled and rose to his feet.

“Thank you Miss Fluttershy…you saved my life, and many others.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“Remember how I had cursed Raven to be unable to leave the forest unless I died?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Well…he came close…if not for you.” He smiled and kneeled down and embraced her. “I told you that you were brave…” he whispered.

She smiled and retuned the embrace nuzzling him again; they stayed that way for a moment before he suddenly picked her up and smiled.

"But what about Raven?”

Grendel looked out to the forest and sighed.

“Another time…though I haven’t seen Raven that depleted of energy before so that means I can rest properly, then hunt him down…”

He turned his gaze back to Fluttershy then to the path and began to slowly walk down it; Fluttershy rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes as he softly whispered.

“Let’s get you home…”