• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 9,898 Views, 155 Comments

Lost - Mr101

Fluttershy becomes lost deep within the Everfree forest, injured and chased by Timberwolves, she is rescued by a traveller who is lost in her world.

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Chapter II - Her Saviour


Chapter II –Her Saviour

Fluttershy was slowly limping her way through the trees her cheeks stained with tears and dry blood. She had been walking for what seemed like hours to her, every noise she heard she would quickly look in that direction and freeze with a soft whimper. Her leg and wing still hurt as she limped her way in the direction she hoped was Zecora’s hut or at least a pathway she could work her way back from. She sniffled as she tried to catch a glimpse of daylight from above the tree tops to try and figure out what time of day it was, having no such luck she decided to stop by a tree to rest and looked around nervously.

All she could hear was the sounds of the forest and not what she would want to hear, a twig snapping nearby made her stop. To her the sound of the twig snapping didn’t sound like a small animal, like a rabbit or a fox, simply walking by minding its own business. In her current fearful state of mind, that twig snapping was the sound of a timberwolf or a manticore or some other intimidating monster. She silently began to sob once more and curled up into a ball by a nearby tree.

‘Why can’t I be braver…’ she silently thought to herself.

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“FLUTTERSHY!” Twilight called out as she and Applejack ran back down the pathway they had come from Ponyville to Zecora’s. They had all split into groups with Zecora Rarity and Pinkie heading in one direction as not to get themselves lost, Twilight and Applejack had gone back down the path they came from and Rainbow was flying overhead to try and spot Fluttershy from the sky.

They came to the fork in the road cautiously looking around for the Timberwolves from earlier, seeing they had long gone began to look around the area for clues as to what happened after the encounter. Twilight was trying her best to hold back her tears as she was blaming herself for Fluttershy being separated from the group, she knew Fluttershy was the most fragile of the group and didn’t take into account she may have been too terrified to do as she had asked the girls when she had performed her blinding spell.

“Twi ah think I found something.” Applejack said brining Twilight out of her thoughts.

“What is it Applejack?” She came over looking where Applejack was looking “Oh Celestia…no…”

They were looking at hoof prints in the dirt that ran down the left side of the track.

“Come on Twi we might be able to catch her up!” Applejack was about to run down before Twilight stopped her.

“Applejack this is a part of the forest we don’t know we need Zecora’s help…and besides…that’s not what’s worrying me…”

She slowly pointed a hoof at several paw prints in the dirt that were going in the direction Fluttershy had run off in.

“Oh my stars…” Applejack said softly.

Twilight laid down and let her tears fall down her cheeks.

“It’s my fault! I should have known Fluttershy was to terrified to hear me properly!”

Applejack helped Twilight up and gave her a hug.

“It’s not your fault Sugarcube…you did what was needed at the time and saved our lives, come on, we’ll go get Zecora and the others and find Fluttershy ok?” she held Twilight’s face in her hooves looking directly at her.

“Ok” Twilight sniffled as they both raced to were Zecora and the others would meet them shortly to report on what they had found.

‘Please….let her be safe’ Twilight thought as they ran back down the path.

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Fluttershy was limping as fast as she could towards what she had hoped was the path from earlier, she had felt several eyes watching her for the past hour or so, and had begun to get even more unsettled and scared. She decided to try and move as quickly as she possibly could without causing further injury to her already injured leg and wing. As she came closer and close she heard a bush rustle nearby and immediately froze as she cowered at it shaking violently. She was expecting a timberwolf to launch from the bush and attack her, instead a small mouse scurried out and went past her disappearing underneath a nearby tree. She let out a sigh of relief and carried on limping to the pathway.

She came out of the trees into a small clearing and frowned realising this was what she was limping towards and closed her eyes holding back a wave of fresh tears. She rubbed her face with her good hoof and looked around at her surroundings, she could see just peaking above the tree line in the clearing a small cave on the Cliffside nearby. She decided that it was her best shot to get to the cave to get a better look at where she was in the forest and started to limp towards it, but before she could get anywhere near the edge of the clearing she whimpered and backed up.

‘W-what if there are monsters in t-the c-cave...b-but I don’t h-have a lot of options…’

Whimpering softly she started once more to the clearings edge taking one last look behind her to see if anypony…or anything was following her, she couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched again but decided to try and ignore it and head for the cave.

‘M-maybe if Rainbow is f-flying I c-can get h-h-her attention’

She thought as she carefully limped through the trees, she hoped they would find her soon, judging from the what she could see when she was in the clearing the sky was darkening indicating that it was sometime late in the afternoon or possibly the evening. As her body disappeared into the trees several shadows in the trees from where she entered the clearing moved and silently began to follow after her slowly.

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The girls were inside Zecora’s hut, they had met back at the hut to venture down the pathway that Fluttershy had ran down and had to turn back when the tracks on the pathway abruptly stopped and disappeared rending the trail dead, Zecora had told them to go back to her hut and wait for her as she would look around herself as she had a better chance of not getting lost. Reluctantly the girls complied and went back to her hut.

Twilight was resting her head in her hooves after finishing crying with Applejack rubbing her back in support, Pinkie’s mane had become flat and lifeless as she stared out the window a big frown on her face. Rarity was sitting at the table looking down not sure what to say, the room was deathly silent as the door opened up. They all looked at the door expecting to see Zecora and Fluttershy all smiling, in anticipation Pinkie’s mane even sprung back to life. Her mane quickly returned to being flat as she returned to gazing out the window, the smiles of the girls disappeared as Rainbow Dash came in a saddened expression on her face.

“Sorry guys…I couldn’t see anything from above the trees are too thick…” she said quietly talking a seat next to Rarity “Where’s Zecora?”

“She’s looking down the path where Fluttershy….Fluttershy...” Twilight began but couldn’t stop herself from crying into her hooves again as Applejack pulled her into a hug.

“We found were Fluttershy ran off to after the wolves appeared but….” Applejack looked to the door before continuing “The wolves had gone down the same path; Zecora’s gone to try her luck at finding her before it gets dark.”

Rainbow just nodded as she Rarity and Pinkie came over to Twilight and Applejack and embraced in a group hug as Twilight softly sobbed.

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Fluttershy winced in pain once more as she slowly hauled herself up the rocky pathway that lead to the cave entrance. As she got nearer she placed her hoof on part of the pathway and cried out in surprise as it gave way. She tumbled part way back down the path crying out in pain and coming to a stop in a heap in the middle of the pathway. She sobbed softly as she tried to get herself up, she had heard not too long ago the sounds of Timberwolves howling but couldn’t pinpoint whereabouts it was or how close it was to her current location.

With fear driving her she got to her hooves and began to limp back up the pathway sniffling as she did so. Tears falling from her cheeks to the dirt floor soaking the path. At last she came to the top of the pathway and to the caves entrance. She gave a cautious glance inside and saw nothing and heard nothing, which scared her more than if she had heard something. She slowly and reluctantly turned her attention away from the dark cave and glanced over the forest, she squinted her eyes to see if she could make out Ponyville or some form of building to give her an indication of where she was.

Seeing nothing she felt herself close to crying again before she spotted a small blur moving in the sky a fair distance away, focusing her gaze on it she realised it was Rainbow Dash, gasping excitedly she was about to scream her name as loudly as she could but froze when she spotted at the base of the pathway coming out of the forest several Timberwolves. Whimpering she started to run into the cave, stopping a few meters inside behind a rock shaking violently trying to stop herself crying out in fear.

Hours seemed to pass as she waited in the cave the only sounds were her shallow breathing and the dripping of water hitting the cave floor. She nervously and cautiously peaked her head out and held back the urge to squeak as she spotted the wolves approaching the entrance and hid herself once more, she heard one of the growl fiercely echoing around the cave. She scrunched her eyes tightly as the others began to growl and she heard them starting to advance.

Images raced through her mind of her life, from when she was a filly and discovering her cutie mark, to moving to Ponyville, they raced through the important events of her life such as meeting her new friends their adventures together and the good they had done for the town as well as Equestria. She whimpered as the growling grew nearer and prepared for the end.

The end however, didn’t come, she slowly opened one eye to see what was going on to see a low glowing light shine from behind her in the cave, she quickly shot a look at the wolves a look to see them terrified of something, she slowly looked to where they we relooking but could only see the light. To her the light was soothing, calming, she couldn’t understand why the wolves were in fear of it, suddenly a ball of fire shot out from the light and exploded at the base of the alphas paws causing the wolves to yelp in fear and surprise running out of the cave quickly, Fluttershy’s eyes shot open as she screamed in terror looking back to light.

She tried to make a run for it forgetting her injuries and stood on her bad hoof sending her tumbling to the floor in pain again, she began to cry and tried to crawl herself away from the approaching light source, she could hear something behind it make soft steps as it approached her Fluttershy clenched her eyes shut once more.

“Easy little one…I’m not going to hurt you.”

Fluttershy opened her eyes at the voice, it was like the light soothing and calm, she slowly looked up as the light faded and a bipedal creature emerged from the cave. It was wearing a light brown hooded cloak wrapped around it, underneath it she could just make out a dark brown pair of trousers and some form of upper clothing but was shocked as she gazed upon the face under the hood. Its skin was a light peach colour and appeared to have some form of hair around its chin; its facial features looked old as it smiled softly at her.

“W-Who are y-you…” she whimpered as it knelt in front of her

“I…am Grendel Emeric.” the creature replied.

Fluttershy tried to say something else but she felt her vision go blurry and she slowly passed out. Grendel carefully picked up the wounded Pegasus and carried her inside the cave, as he did he muttered under his breath and a small blue orb left his hand and reached the top of the cave illuminating it revealing a small camp of a bedroll, a fireplace and a few bags here and there with bits of equipment littered about. The orb shot into the fireplace igniting it and letting the fire crackled into life, he placed Fluttershy down on the bed roll as he began to mutter again under his breath, illuminating his hands in a bright whit light resting them on her body. After a few moments the light faded and Grendel sighed contently before looking outside at the darkening sky.

“All she needs is some rest…” he said to himself as he sat leaning against a rock pulling his cloak around him.

He kept his vision on the cave entrance and prepared himself, he wasn’t going to sleep that night, not while he had a creature that needed his protection.