• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 8,298 Views, 142 Comments

MEGAMAN ZERO: Legends Never Die - belmontzar

ZEro has regained his sense of self. His true self. Hes tired and takes a vacation.

  • ...

Blue Bomber. [extra boss]

[sorry I have been working on the next part of the fic, but this keeps getting stuck so I'm gonna type it XD]

Twilight felt nervous for some reason as she follows the others as Zero lead the way down the path. Just moments ago, Zero had gotten a message from Sigma about a Maverick presence. Suspicious of the man, Zero wanted to leave the others behind. Until Twilight revealed she could Track his teleportation, and Dash said she would track his bike. So not wanting to worry about them, he decided for once to take the Elements along with him. He knew this path well, the Green Swordsman's blade hanging from his hip as memory struck him.

"Green swordsman.." he murmers to himself in thought. "This was the path to him. How.. or why is a maverick here?"

"Your asking us?" Rainbow comments before getting jabbed in the side by Applejack. "oww."

"AHH think that was ah.. what was it.. Rhetoricky question.. thingy. You know when you ask a question but don't want an answer."
"That's Rhetorical, and its when you ask a question that doesn't need one." Twilight replies not thinking to much about it. "So while we took the upper path, you took this.. longer underground one."

"YEah.. I'm just glad the traps stayed off this time." Zero admits. "The spike walls, pits, and flying axes would be hard for some of you to dodge."

"Pff like any old trap could hurt us." Rainbow says chuckling.
"you should be glad the Electric wall was off. Your fast on your wings, but your hoof work makes Fluttershy look like Apple Jack."

"Ouch..." Rainbow murmurs as Fluttershy giggles softly.
"And you saw how many times She slipped on the climb to the dragon." AJ reminds as Rainbow sinks lower and lower.
"27 times. But part of that was due to her nerves. So we cant really use it as an example." Twilight comments trying to make the rainbow pegasus feel better. "Still. I am glad we don't have to go past all that."

"Yeah. the acid pits really stung." Zero adds as he smiles at their shocked faces. "Im kidding.. I was resistant to its type."

"Oh jeez.. Zero.."

"Well I have had to deal with the traps my whole life girls. So its kinda normal to me. Though I'd been getting rusty I suppose. Neo arcadia was tough, but not as trap heavy as Sigma could get some times." Zero comments in thought. "Just as you girls went form normal ponies to heroes, I eventually just got used to the traps. Oh like this one. Step back." Zero waits as the girls step back before he touches a wall tile. A large boulder Falling from above, landing between the ponies and Zero. "See? no problem."

"N-No problem? Oh my word.."
"eeep... that almost.."
"OH THAT WAS AWESOME! I didn't even see that up there!"
Twilght nods as she listens. "Ancient traps, cloaked in magic.. that still work even all these years later.. How.. Fascinating." She hops on the rock. "See any more?"

Zero laughs seeing the unicorn's eyes light up as he shakes his head. "Nah not yet. OR not at all. There is the door."

"Whoacheckouttheredglow!THATSsopretty!" Pinkie yells watching the doors swirls.
"I wonder what sort of magic this is..." Rarity asks as she and Twilight examine the door. "Magic like this would make for some Great designs!"
"The prettier the door, the more deadly the enemy.. haven't seen a door like this since... Sigma once..." Zero comments ominously. He reaches for the wood and yet hesitates.. as a wave of energy slams him and his companions. The hunter flinches back startled by the surge of fear that struck his core.
"Zero? What was that?" Fluttershy asks softly as he touches the door.
"Lets find out.. shall we?" The others note the hesitation in the so thought 'fearless hero' as he pushes open the door. Visible wave of Black negative power rush out slamming the ponies.. forcing them all back as the struggle to gaze through the gate way.

"Sworn to eliminate... all mavericks. To cut down all forces of chaos and disharmony. Those all who threaten the peace."
Zero's eyes snap open as the cold voice rushes out to them.
"Maverick hunters, Elements of harmony. Special task forces employed by the highest reaches of government to cut down the darkness. The best and strongest of them all. Entrusted to push away our own emotions.. for the sake of duty."
".... X." Zero calls, recognizing the voice.
"Zero... are there any regrets? Any choices you would take back? Knowing as you know now.. would you have made the same choices?"
"I don't know. But it doesn't matter now does it? Before, if you had asked, id have said id have worked to save Repliforce. Now... I realize how bad that choice would have been. I see these days the lesson had to learn back then. I understand so much now. Sigma... even as an evil tyrant was still our greatest teacher." Zero replies calmly. His gaze still haunted by memory as he gazes out. "IT was thanks to those lessons, that I still stand here. Even with out my memory some part of those.. choices had remained. They guided my blade and hopes as I stood against Neo Arcadia and Dr. Wile. I am not a hero, I am not some savier. I am merely one who guards and defends the ideals of those I care for. Protecting their dreams, and sharing the desire of a better world."
"So you break the law, to save the world? You willingly cut down a human to save the land? And what of all those lives you have taken here in the land of peace? A world with no mavericks, yet you still shed blood." X asks darkly.

"I am not proud of all of my choices, however I still follow my ideals. No land is truly peaceful. Harmony needs chaos. Life needs death, but I shall still fight to keep my friend safe. The dragons had attacked them. No matter what race. Human, reploid, equine, or monster, any enemy that rises against my friends.. I shall protect them from. Just as they protect their own people, I shall protect them."

"And if a friend attacks a friend? Who will you battle?"
"I shall stop both of them." Zero says without hesitation. "X.. This darkness.. I shall save you.."
"Zero... Maverick. I shall destroy you."

"dont worry X.. I remember our promise, but I will not destroy you. I know now that combat is also communication. I shall show you the strength of my convictions.. and open your eyes."

"DIE MAVERICK SCUM!" X yells as light fills the room, as a fully charged blast shoots forward, deflected by a purple and blue glowing shield.
"Thanks girls.. now.. lets save our friend." Zero says as he smiles and rushes forward. Not drawing his blade as he leaps over a second charged blast. "KAIOKEN FOCUS RUSH." Zero calls as extra power shoved into his body, letting him zip faster, closing the distance as he strikes X's chest plate. A weak point as X is launched back by the force. The energy fades out as Zero Dives to the side as a series of shots fly past him. AS he stands up, he watches a force field defended rainbow dash dive around catching the blasts for her friends as AJ charges forward. Twilight and Rarity in fierce concentration as Fluttershy and Pinkie pie spread out to run around the edge of the arena. X seems to ignore them all, the hunter glares daggers at Zero. -eyes on me.. perfect- Zero thought as he also charges ahead, it was easy for hm to keep X's attention, as rage blinded the hunter's instincts.
Which made no real sense to Zero in thought as he rushed over. Even in rage, X was methodical.. why would he only focus on 1 target?
Simple: he wasn't.
X smiles, as he turns his buster and fires a charged blast at Fluttershy, before turning to open fire on Applejack.
the Strategy was perfect. Timed just as X normally would have, and Zero had fallen for it. Rainbow dives to defend Aj, as Fluttershy hops to the side, avoiding most of the blast. She yells as her wing is struck.
The effect was instant, X rushes forward, as the Barrier around Rainbow fades, kicking the stunned pegasus in the head and knocking her into the earth pony she had just defended. Twilight and Rarity hurried towards Fluttershy as pinkie pie froze in shock.

"You shot.. Fluttershy." Zero murmers. "Why? Shes not.. a combatant.. why would you.."

"All allies of MAvericks.. shall be eliminated." X comments Coldly as he raises his buster. "Your guards down. Bye Zero."
Zero snaps out of his mental trance as A fully charged buster shot slams into his chest. X watches as Zero hits the wall and falls to the floor. "Here is where it ends.. Maverick."

Everything I touch is tainted. Everyone I care for, ends up dead. Maybe... I should die.. That way no one else gets hurt..
The voice reaches him as he thinks and focuses on it.
"WE gotta go now! EEP!"
That voice.. Applejack.
"Fluttershy! she needs help! WE need help!" Rarity....
"We cant just leave him there!"
.... TWilight... shes.. in trouble. All of them are.. I... can't... not yet.
/of course you can... I thought you wanted to die./
/you know who I am../
"Twilight! Watch out!"
"Guh.. hurry I cant.. keep this up.. long alone.. please.. get us out of here!"

/well if your sure.. what do you want then?/
I want...to help them..
/then what are you waiting for? Get up. And stop X. USE the power you have./
I cant.. hurt him.. I don't want too.
/You think you have a choice?/
"Twilight! HURRY!"
"IM trying! I cant.. focus.."
/will you let them die?/


/good. Now use our blades.. and stop him. A sword can be used for more than just.. attacks. It is not just a weapon, it is.. a shield. Guardian. Guard them./
Zero stirs as he stands up and grumbles..
"Thank you... Green Swordsman."
X turns and growls. "You.. Finally serious?"
Twin blades answer the question as Zero draws his saber, and The blade of the Green swordsman. The longer hilt would take some getting used to.. but that was not the focus.
"Sorry... I will keep my promise to you.. X. I never answered... but I decided. I would be the one.. who would stop you." Zero smiles as he vanishes. Appearing next to X. "You want my full potential? You got it." Then he was gone, a Rainbow trail behind him as he about, and slams X in the face. Then from behind. The ponies watch as a rainbow slams the insane hunter over and over again as Portals are slowly created. A portal above, and sudden one below as The rainbow flows and the portals are added. X couldn't keep up, Zero's speed, his patterns, and the Colors had overloaded X's mind as pain flows through ever part of his body. Fear was coming to the hunter as he suddenly realized he was airborne.
"I'm sorry it had to end this way." Zero calls softly, standing next to a portal, the blades held up as power flowed through them.
"Genmu.. Zero," Zero swings a blade as a wave of energy flashes, but unlike before,Zero dd not land on the floor instead.. X's eyes are drawn to a second portal, as he watches Zero fall through. "Assault." The green swordsman's blade seems to sing as Genmu Zero is used again. The beams meeting perfectly in the center as Zero falls through. Touching the ground as the waves combine,, and the energy within explodes.

"Well done.. Zero.. But not enough." X mutters as he slams into the ground and bounces. He moves into a crouch as Zero gazes.
"I still don't want you dead X. After all.. I'm not a Maverick." Zero smirks as X grumbles.
"Perhaps... not... after all.. maybe... I am wrong... then... I just.. don't know any... more..." X Admits as he teleports away. Zero watches as the beam of light fades.

"Neither do I X. I can only.. move forward." Zero says to himself as he turns to the others. "Come on girls.. lets get Fluttershy to a doctor." HE blinks as he looks about, then smiles as he picks up the commically frozen Pinkie pie. "And Pinkie might need some help too I think."

[end notes: I don't think this has any real place in the story so far, but I wanted to try my first attempt at a Zero Vs X battle. As well as hint at some of the things to come later on in the story. Why is X acting so strange, being one of them.
The majority of the battle though is due to a constant mental theme in my head. Red Vs blue. While partly due to the Fantastic web series of the same name, its also due to the dynamic of rival characters. While some start off with attempts at each other's life, most end up as a friendly companion ship. Combos such as Ky Vs Sol, sonic Vs shadow, Ryu vs Ken, and yes, X vs Zero. They have struck my mind a lot lately, and they are what lead to this little thing here. I made a lot of artistic choices, trying to convey the confusion in Zero's mind. Such as the parts with Dialog with no set person saying the lines. That was done intentionally, you can probably GUESS who says what, but the mesh up of it all is due to Zero's stumbling between letting himself finally rest, and getting back up.
But yeah with that in mind I hope you enjoyed the chapter here.. I listened to a lot of Guilty gear, Red vs blue, and even had to share the FF7 chip song I was listening to as I typed the one part. (IT FIT SO WELL!) But yeah this was done fo rfun, so just enjoy ok?]

Mission clear
objective: 100%
Time: Too long [meh fug you too Capcom]
Damage: Too high.
Ally damage: 25 [sorry Fluttershy HAD to be you to get Zero to freeze your not mad right?]
Flame shield: 13% [I hope people don't get mad at how hurt people got... PLZ dont kill me!]
Fan Rage factor: -pending- [meep]
Score: B rank -may change depending on reception- [crap.]
Total score 44+ 4- Positive ranking. [YAY thank you ^_^]