• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 1,333 Views, 66 Comments

Operation: Ponies - Sammy LeDerp

The Gundam Wing pilots are turned into ponies with a request from Princess Celestia to become secret operatives. But with their constant fighting, their mission might be hard to complete. Let's all just hope Heero doesn't destroy Pinkie Pie

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The God of Death Loves Cupcakes

There was no question about the smell coming from downstairs. Quatre woke up to his nose taking in the savory smell of pancakes. He jumped out of bed and opened the curtains to the balcony. Once again, yet another sunny morning in Ponyville. There were only just a few wisps of clouds in the sky. Quatre turned and opened the door out into the single hallway of the second floor. The red carpet started from his door straight to the stairs, with a bedroom on the adjacent wall.

As he walked out of his, the other bedroom door opened, and Trowa came walking out groggily. He had complete bedhead and his hair was all over the place. He shook his head, and magically his hair went right back where it always was.

“Do you smell that?” asked Trowa, walking over to the stairs. “I don’t recall us buying pancake batter yesterday.”

Suddenly it sounded like bodies were hitting the floor downstairs with yelling. In a jiffy, Trowa and Quatre ran down the steps and around the fireplace, to find that a pile of pilots were blocking the entrance to the kitchen. Wufei and Duo were struggling to keep Heero on the ground, as he did his best to buck them off. He was huffing and puffing, clearly furious. And soon it became apparent as to why.

The scent of pancakes was coming from a large stack of them, lying on the tray that was used for the cupcakes the day before. And more were still being made, by none other than Pinkie Pie herself. She had on a baker’s hat as she flipped the pancakes in the frying pan over the stove. Quatre turned around to look at the coffee table to see that plates and cups were set up, along with a container of syrup and a jug of orange juice.

Quatre hovered over the quivering mess of ponies and landed in the kitchen, just as Pinkie Pie put the rest of the pancakes on the tray.

“Good morning, Pinkie Pie!” he said. “How did you get in here?”

Pinkie Pie giggled and rolled her eyes. “The same way I came in yesterday, down the fireplace! I mean, how else was I supposed to come in this morning?” She punched him in his shoulder. “You guys keep your door locked! That’s really weird!”

“Hey, can we come up with a solution to this?” grunted Wufei, as Heero started to struggle even more.

“Yeah, this guy is starting to get really crazy!” shouted Duo.

“Let me at her!” yelled Heero. He started banging his hooves on to the wooden floor, acting like a complete child. “I’ll kill her! She keeps on sneaking into my house! I’ll kill her!”

The two pilots hopped off of him as his body was taken over by blue magic. Heero’s arms and legs waved wildly in the air as Quatre brought him over to Pinkie Pie.

“Heero, this is Pinkie Pie.” Quatre said slowly. “She is a friend. Pinkie Pie, this is my friend Heero. My name is Quatre, and the others are Trowa, Duo, and Wufei.”

Pinkie Pie smiled so wide it was possible to see every single tooth in her mouth. She grabbed Heero’s arm and started shaking it violently; her version of a hoofshake. If it wasn’t for Quatre controlling him with his magic, Heero would have broken the pink pony’s arm. He was gritting his teeth in complete frustration because of the mere fact that she was touching him.

“Hi there, I’m Pinkie Pie! I hope you guys like my pancakes! I felt so bad that we couldn’t hang out yesterday, so I came back today to make that up!”

The front door was being knocked on. In a flash, Pinkie Pie went from standing happily in the kitchen to quivering underneath the coffee table. Heero still continued to float in the air as everyone stared in confusion at her. Everyone except for Trowa, that is. His curiosity only last a moment and was the only one who moved on to something else. He walked up to the door and unlocked it to reveal a purple unicorn with sparkles as her cutie mark, along with a tiny purple dragon with green spikes.

“Good morning,” said the unicorn. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spike, my dragon. I’m sorry to intrude, but have you seen a pink pony around here?”

Trowa calmly pointed to Pinkie Pie. She squealed when her cover was blown, and attempted to dash off to somewhere else, when she was caught in a magenta blob of magic. As she floated in the bubble, she decided to do spins and twists, keeping herself entertained.

“Pinkie Pie, this was not part of our 'Hide and Seek' game,” scolded Twilight, as she moved Pinkie Pie closer to her. “I never said to go into other ponies’ homes. That’s rude!”

“But they are new ponies! I wanted to make them breakfast!”

Twilight became interested at the ponies, who were now forming around Trowa.

“Oh, you’re the new ponies in the area?” she asked. “I heard that a house with a whole lot of ponies was just bought. I’d ask for your names, but I really need to take this pony out of here.” She moved further into the street, carrying a very excited Pinkie Pie out with her. “I’ll see you all later, and welcome to Ponyville!”

With that, Trowa closed the door and Heero was instantly dropped from his enchanted imprisonment. He lay there on the floor like a defeated, angry puppy.

“The fireplace is going to get boarded up tonight.” he said.

Duo walked up to his head, smiling down from above. “Gee, isn’t that funny? You seem to be upset when others don’t use the front door. Maybe that’s something you should consider doing when you turn back into a human?”

Heero had nothing to say to that. His scowl held enough to be used for words. With his magic, Quatre lifted up the tray of pancakes and began walking over to the table. Without needing orders, Wufei picked up the skinny part of the vase that was on the table in a very uncomfortable way with his mouth, and moved it away on to the floor. The pancakes had replaced its spot and everyone took in a deep breath of air to really soak up the aroma.

“Alright everyone, let’s eat!” said Quatre, as he sat down on the floor in front of his respected plate.

Everyone else did the same. No one did anything after that, because it was unclear on what to do next with this meal. Duo looked at everyone and sighed.

“How the hell are we supposed to eat these without being able to use utensils?” he said, moving is arms in the air. “We don’t have fingers!”

It was a good question that was left unanswered, until Trowa made his move. He leaned in to the tray of pancakes and picked one right off the top with his teeth. Slowly and gracefully, his head retreated back to his plate. He munched on the pancake that he was holding with his mouth, letting half of it hang down with no shame. Duo looked disgusted.

Quatre, who was sitting next to Duo, used his magic to do basically everything; pour a glass of orange juice, put multiple pancakes on his plate, pour some syrup on them, and eat them. And all of this was with the use of his horn.

Duo squinted his eyes at Quatre, who was humming away because of the joy the pancakes brought him.

“You and that horn of yours make me sick.” he said.

After breakfast, Quatre ordered his fellow pilots to begin the hunt for the evil unicorn, by looking for clues and suspicious ponies. Everyone had gone their separate ways to cover more area across Ponyville. Unfortunately though, it wasn’t made clear on how one should begin this kind of search. Without the use of computers and other pieces of technology, there was nothing that could even give the pilots a good lead. They were going at this blind.

The God of Death was out on the prowl, catching the attention of every pony on the streets. Mentally, he thought it was because of his good looks, but on the contrary, it was something completely different. He was looking down every alley, and going through every trashcan that he saw. He was peeking through every shop window by mushing his face against the glass so he could see inside. He even messed up flower gardens looking for anything, which gave a pony named Roseluck every right to hit him with a newspaper when he did that to her’s.

Running out of ideas, Duo decided to sit at a café table outside with a frontal view of the street, and stared at the ponies who walked by him. To keep his space without having a waiter make him leave, he ordered a cup of tea. His table was shaded by a polka dot umbrella, keeping the sun well out of his eyes. He sat there, motionless, intent on catching something. When his tea came, he told the waiter to make a tab for him. Disgruntled by the thought, the waiter huffed and walked away, leaving Duo alone with his cup. He took a sip of the blue tea cup using his two hooves and sighed. This was going to be a long day.

He sat there for over an hour pony-watching with his chin on the table, bored out of his mind. His cross lay hanging against the edge of the table. Duo had finished his cup of tea a long time ago, and was refusing refills from the waiter. Nothing exciting was really happening; every pony that was on the streets seemed entirely normal. His gut wasn’t pointing him in any direction. The only thing Duo took in was that the mailmare, who was a fellow pegasus, couldn’t deliver mail for shit. The waiter came back, this time with two ponies.

“Sir, I am now going to politely ask you to leave,” said the waiter. He pointed to the two others. “You have been sitting here for an extended amount of time doing nothing. We have limited sitting areas, and this couple would like to eat.”

Duo looked at him, disappointed. “Sure, I’ll let them sit here. But could you at least be thankful that I have been trying to save your butt for the past two hours?”

The black pegasus left the bewildered group and walked into the crowd. If he couldn’t watch the ponies, he would listen to them. As he walked, Duo’s ears turned in every direction to hear as much of the conversations that floated around him. Still nothing that really hooked him as suspicious. When he passed an empty alleyway, he did hear something though. He stopped to look straight down into it, and all that he could tell was that it led to a dead end. He had heard something fall from above, possibly a rooftop.

Stealthily walking down the alley in a crouching position, Duo was prepared for anything, as he walked up to the only thing that was present there. Something small was on the ground. Coming closer to it, he noticed it was a rock---a shiny black rock, to be exact, with diamonds inside. He poked it, and nothing happened.

“Well, alright then.” Duo said to himself, as he sat down on the ground. He looked up at the sides of the buildings. They didn’t even have windows. “Where did this thing come from?”


Duo jumped as Pinkie Pie tackled him. She got him in a tight hug and he couldn’t even fend for himself. Gasping for air, Duo felt like his eyes were bulging out of his head as Pinkie Pie swung him around. She finally let him go and he slumped to the ground.

“Oh my, did I hug you too hard?” asked Pinkie Pie, giggling.

Duo coughed and shook his head.

“Oh good, I was worried!” said Pinkie Pie, clapping her hooves. “By the way, what’s your name again?”

“It’s…Duo…” answered the pegasus. He straightened himself up and got on to his legs, getting in more air to his lungs. “Duo Maxwell. But I’m also known as…the God of Death.”

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow. “That’s a funny name.” The feeling of oddness left her and she started bouncing in place. “Hey, would you like to bake cupcakes with me right now?”

This was a hard decision for the Gundam pilot, as he tapped his chin with his hoof. He had been told to look for clues, but nothing was really coming his way, besides a rock. And cupcakes were delicious. He weighed it out, literally with his arms, and then decided.

“Sure, I’ll go with you! It’s better than what I was doing anyway!”

The two walked out of the alley together, leaving the rock behind. As they both entered the crowd once more, their new adventure was at Sugarcube Corner.

When they arrived at the shop, Duo gasped. The entire thing looked like a birthday cake, with its chocolate-brown roof with frosting, and the candles on top of the tower. He then noticed right then and there that his stomach was growling. Duo hurriedly followed Pinkie Pie up the steps and into the shop, where he was hit again by the smell of sweets. Ponies of all kinds were sitting around, eating cakes and cupcakes, and even some cookies. A register was there as they entered, where a blue pony was working it. As she took the money from the customer there, she looked over to see Pinkie Pie.

“Oh Pinkie Pie, there you are!” she called. Pinkie Pie waved at her. “I’ve been here taking orders, and I’ve got cupcakes in the kitchen that still need frosting. We’re running low on them, so could you decorate those and make another batch for me?”

“Sure, Mrs. Cake!” replied Pinkie Pie. She nudged Duo in the side. “Come on, let’s decorate!”

She hopped right passed the register and into the kitchen, along with Duo. A huge tray filled with vanilla cupcakes was sitting there on the counter, along with dozens of different kinds of frostings in squeezable tubes. Duo walked up to the tubs and couldn’t believe the kinds of flavors.

“This is a sick collection of tasty things you’ve got here, Pinkie Pie!” he said. “You’ve got cotton candy frosting, chocolate frosting, and even mint!”

“You bet I do!” said Pinkie Pie, as she went to one of the cabinets in the kitchen. “We’ve got everything here!”

She walked right back to Duo balancing a container of rainbow sprinkles on her back. In one swift buck, it flew off and landed safely on the counter. Pinkie Pie grabbed one of the tube frostings with her hooves and giggled.

“Alright, let’s get to it then!” she said. “We’ll do these and then bake our own!”

Duo eagerly picked his own tube of frosting and Pinkie Pie randomly began the insane color explosion that was going to be the kitchen. She had started a frosting tube shooting fight. Before either of them had known it, they had finished decorating the cupcakes by chance, only because their aim was not the treats. No, they were aiming for each other with the tubes of frosting, laughing all the way.

Walls and windows were sprayed with different sparkly colors, as the God of Death and the Element of Laughter lost their minds and had at it. Duo took the aerial offense and shot frosting down from the air, but that didn’t stop Pinkie Pie from popping up on top of the refrigerator and shooting him in the back. In one swift dive, Duo grabbed the sprinkle container and flew right back up into the air. He started shaking it, making it rain sprinkles all over the kitchen. Pinkie Pie just sat on the ground with her head up high and her mouth wide open, catching all the sprinkles with her tongue.

As they continued the frosting fight, Duo felt a sincere happiness in him. It was the first time he could ever imagine himself being truly happy. And he couldn’t believe it was a pony that made him feel this way.