• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 1,332 Views, 66 Comments

Operation: Ponies - Sammy LeDerp

The Gundam Wing pilots are turned into ponies with a request from Princess Celestia to become secret operatives. But with their constant fighting, their mission might be hard to complete. Let's all just hope Heero doesn't destroy Pinkie Pie

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All I Wanted Was Some Cake

The Gundam Wing character designs are based entirely off of SapphireGamgee’s creations of them as ponies. All credit for their designs go directly to her. Her depictions of them as ponies were so moving that I felt the need to write about them. If you wish to see them, please visit her Deviantart account under that name.

With the war between the Earth and the space colonies over, peace can now exist in the universe. The little things in life can be enjoyed without having to fear an entire city being demolished by mobile suits. Both colonies and the Earth were rebuilding with great cooperation and respect for each other. Even the Gundam pilots, who fought hard for what they believed was the right thing to defend, could actually have normal lives.

Quatre’s birthday was coming up, and he wanted the other four pilots to attend a small birthday party. It was just going to be the five of them. He had rented a cabin on the shores of a beautiful lake back on Earth and had planned for all of them to spend the weekend there. Weeks before everything was set in stone about the location, he tried to make contact with everyone via email, but then realized how hard this was going to be. The pilots had gone down separate paths at the end of the war and were barely speaking with each other. Quatre spoke frequently with Trowa since he was practically his best friend. However, Duo and Wufei seemed to always be busy. Heero never responded to anything. Eventually, Quatre got fed up with everything and sent out an email invitation with information and details, deeming it mandatory that they all went to the birthday party.

Now at the time of the party, there is no one to be seen in the cabin besides Quatre himself. It was a quaint little cabin, fully furnished and with electricity. All it had was the kitchen, a hallway stemming to the bathroom, and a very large interior room that would be where they would hang out on their sleeping bags. His was already set up with his sack and things. He had brought movies in his carry-on to watch on the 24” HD flat screen television that was propped on the wall. The room was practically empty except for those things and the grandfather clock that ticked away in one of the corners. Quatre was in the kitchen prepping the table with a pink plastic cover, along with plates and utensils. The delicious chocolate birthday cake was waiting atop the counter with pink icing that said “Happy Birthday.”

The blonde haired, blue-eyed teen was wearing a simple white apron around his body, shielding his usual pink-collared shirt and purple vest. Humming a little tune, he finished placing the utensils and plates on the table and turned to the fridge. Opening it, he took out a vase holding a variety of colorful flowers and placed it as the centerpiece of the table. Suddenly, the grandfather clock chimed and he quietly walked out of the kitchen to see the time. It was 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The time he said for everyone to be there.

Suddenly there was delicate taping at the door. Quatre hopped on his tip-toes to answer it and saw two of the pilots standing before him with bags. Trowa, with his outreaching brown hair covering half of his face, smiled at Quatre. The Chinese pilot, Wufei, stood behind him with his hair tied up tight and nodded. His form of being approachable.

“Trowa, Wufei!” exclaimed Quatre, throwing his hands up into the air. “I’m so glad you could make it!”

Trowa and Wufei quickly came in with their multiple bags and plopped them down on the ground by the television. Trowa stood there in his long-sleeved dark blue shirt and placed his hands in his pants pockets.

“We wouldn’t miss this for the world,” he said. “Isn’t that right, Wufei?”

Wufei was now sitting on the ground, setting up his black sleeping bag. “Seeing as I had no one to train with this weekend, this seemed like a good alternative.” He looked up at Quatre, who now was standing close by Trowa. “Where’s a place I can meditate?”

“You can go closer down the lakeshore away from everything, if you’d like.” said Quatre. “But if you want to meditate, could you please wait until tomorrow? I really want to try and catch up with you guys!”

“That’s true, we haven’t seen each other in almost a year, so I’m sure many things have happened in each other’s lives.” said Trowa. He bent down to his bag, unzipped it, and pulled out a wrapped present. “This is for you, Quatre.”

“Thanks, you shouldn’t have!” giggled Quatre, as he took the present from Trowa. He also walked up to Wufei, who pulled out a present as well. “I’ll put these on the counter in here.”

Quatre trotted into the kitchen with the presents as Trowa began setting up his own sleeping bag next to Wufei. Wufei was finished and was now going through his bag looking for something. He pulled out incense and began to the process of setting that up to use by his sleeping quarters. Quatre returned and moved his sleeping bag and other things and began setting up opposite of his friends on the wooden floor.

“So, I’ve brought some DVDs we can watch, but I know that the television has cable,” he said as he resettled himself. “Have you guys watched TV lately?”

“Well, whenever I have the chance I do.” answered Trowa as he sat down.

Wufei snorted with his eyes closed, and legs cross, breathing in the relaxing smell. He was clearly disobeying Quatre’s wishes. “Television rots your brain.”

“Well, there’s this show that’s actually going to start really soon that I’ve been watching,” explained Quatre. He brought his legs up to his face and propped his chin on his knees. “It’s a cartoon.”

“Oh?” Trowa let out. “What’s it called?”

And with the biggest smile and no shame, Quatre looked at his two male friends to give them his answer. These were people he had fought a long, hard, grueling war with, killing people and destroying mobile suits. And this is what he said.

“It’s called ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’!”

“…Excuse me?”

There was a loud knock at the door, much louder than Trowa’s knock. Quatre got up and left his astonished friends behind. Opening the door, this time it was Duo who stood there, dressed in an all-black, short sleeved work-like top, with a white shirt underneath that was rolled up on his arms. The white collar against the black by his neck gave him a priestly touch to his appearance. He too had bags with him and looked at Quatre under his black cap.

“Hey buddy, what’s going on?” asked Duo.

“Nothing really, come on in,” said Quatre, motioning for his friend to walk pass him.

“Thanks a bunch,” said Duo, his long brown braid swishing as he walked into the cabin.

He placed his bags next to Quatre’s stuff and looked at the other two that were there. Trowa had his hand over his mouth and Wufei was no longer meditating---instead, he was now lying on his back, staring blankly at the ceiling.

“Hey guys, how’s it been?” said Duo, putting his hands on his hips. When he didn’t receive a response, he bent down to get a more level look at his friends. “You guys look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Quatre walked up to Duo and giggled. “Some people take the kind of news I told them harshly sometimes. Duo, do you watch ponies?”

Duo straightened himself up and looked at Quatre. The birthday boy had a goofy grin on his face, awaiting Duo’s response.

“Do I watch…ponies?”

“Yeah! I figured you, out of everyone else in our group, probably do!”

“Why the hell would I take time out of my life to go and find horses to watch?”

“He’s referring to a cartoon show.”

Heero, dressed in his casual green tang top and black pants, walked out of the hallway that led to the bathroom. He shook some pieces of glass out of his thick, brown hair with his hands. He closed his eyes and starting blurting out information as he walked up to Duo and Quatre.

“My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, developed by Lauren Faust and produced by Hasbro studios, is a show that was initially made for little girls, but has acquired the attention of the teenagers of the universe, even male viewers.”

“Heero, are you part of the brony community too?!” asked Quatre. His happy expression turned into a confused one. “Wait, how did you come in here?”

“The window to the bathroom here was really weak,” said Heero. He picked a final piece of glass off of his head and flicked it. “You’re going to want to replace that.”

“Wait, you climbed through the window?” Duo shook his head. “You haven’t changed a bit. Can’t you be a normal person and walk through the front door?”

Trowa seemed to have been released from his trance and looked up at Heero. “Heero, how much do you know about this show?”

“I’ve just gathered information on it,” said Heero, opening his eyes. “It seems to be a popular thing, so I thought I would learn about it and observe this type of community. I’ve never seen the show.”

“Oh my, we should watch it!” shouted Quatre. “It’s going to be on soon! A brand new episode!” He got down on the floor and started looking through his bag. “Let me find the remote control and we can all watch it together!”

Wufei groaned and rolled on to his stomach so that he could plant his face into his sleeping bag. Trowa sighed and shook his head. Duo looked around at his friends. No one was trying to stop Quatre in trying to find the remote, however no one seemed to be pleased about watching a cartoon show made for little girls either. He put on a goofy smile and threw out his arms.

“Listen, Quatre, you’re a great guy and all, but I really didn’t come here to watch you have a sexual identity crisis or something like that,” said Duo. “All I wanted was some cake---“

“I found it!”

Quatre pulled out a small, black remote and hurriedly scurried over to the TV so he could sit right in front of it. He flipped on the TV and scrolled through the channels. Everyone else watched in silent horror as he finally found the desired channel. The show had just started and the theme song had begun. Quatre sat back and started singing the song along with the ponies on the screen.

I used to wonder what friendship could be---“

Duo groaned, threw his hat down on the floor and kicked it. He spun around and started scratching his nose.

“I say we just leave this joint, Heero, this was such a waste of time---Heero?”

It was then that Duo noticed Heero wasn’t standing next to him anymore. The Gundam pilot had moved to sit next to Quatre in front of the TV screen. The show had officially begun and the entrancing scene was the inside of a beautiful throne room, where a large white pony sat looking worried. Her sparkling rainbow hair flowed in some apparent breeze, and her golden crown symbolized her royalty. She had wings and a unicorn’s horn, and was looking out the window.

Quatre squealed, clenching his fists. “It’s Princess Celestia! Isn’t she so pretty?”

“Do you feel that?” Heero whispered.

Quatre looked at Heero, puzzled. His sense of excitement had left him. “What do you mean?”

The princess pony sighed on the screen and shook her head. “Oh, I need help. But this time I need more than just Twilight and her friends. This evil is too great. Who should I call upon?” Her horn began to glow a gold color as she closed her eyes. “Maybe these young warriors will be able to help me…”

There was a large bang and everything suddenly went dark for all of the pilots. They were swooped up by something that felt like a hand larger than themselves and thrown into nothingness. A whooshing sound was all they could hear, and it was greater than their screams. There was the sense of being pulled through a wind tunnel in all kinds of directions, never in a straight line. Suddenly, after what seemed to be a few minutes, there was another large bang and their bodies were piled all together on a floor, surrounded by a bright light.

With Quatre’s vision, though blurry, he was able to see certain things come to motion as he opened his eyes. One thing that was crystal clear was Princess Celestia herself walking up to him, smiling.

“Yes, you all will do…”