• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 6,347 Views, 221 Comments

A Lamenter goes to Equestria - McCrowley

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First Contact


The cobblestone road echoed with the clopping of hooves as the six mares ran towards where they believed the giant ball of flame would land. Twilight was quickly doing calculations in her head of the various angles and trajectories that the meteor was going through, always yelling “How is this possible?!”

The town was already in full panic mode, as those who had seen the meteor screams had alerted any who had not seen the inferno falling from the heavens. Ponies of various sizes and hues were running away from the center of town, and under any cover they thought would protect them before the meteor could hit. Some were screaming things such as “The Horror!” or “My cabbages!”

The six running towards the center of town would shout out to those running away to stay calm, that the situation was under control, and any other mistruth they could think of. Already, fires were falling faster to the ground and lighting the thatch roofs of the houses around the center, much to chagrin of many of the residents.

Fires were further enhanced by the decreased distance the falling hunk from space beginning to find its new home. The meteor was barreling towards the dead center of town, right in the market district. Applejack was distraught with the turn of events, as she had been in the market not more than an hour ago, conversing with fairly polite guard of the local regiment.

The six were drawing the ranks of the that very regiment as much of the population was now out of the disaster area and were retreating towards the fields surrounding the town. The small regiment was taking orders from the girls about where they thought the fires would be most critical and needed putting out immediately.

And the final sound rang throughout the town. The sound reached Canterlot to the north, it reached Manehattan to the south, it reached the reaches of the Everfree, and it reached into the mind of everypony gathered near Ponyville. The meteor finally collided. The sound came as soon as it happened, but the shockwave took the ponies still in the town by surprise and off of their hooves.

Houses, stalls, trees, and even the one statue in Ponyville fell to the sheer amount of power that the impact held. Fires were extinguished by the rush of air and the absence of that followed. The sounds of rubble falling, and then the anguish of those caught underneath, soon filled the air and penetrated the morale and ears of those still standing.

Just as Twilight had predicted, the meteor had fallen into the dead center of the town. Already, as is the Equestrian way, medics were tending to the wounded and guards were rushing forward to examine the space rock. One at the head of the pack caught Applejack’s eye personally, as it was the polite gentlecolt who had spoken to her earlier today, a captain as she found out.

The Captain was ecstatic that he was first to the space rock, his whoops and hollers already lifting the sour mood of the ponies. So imagine their surprise when something rose from the rubble and tore the Captain clean in half.

The pain was incredible. Even his training with jump packs and Drop Pods had not prepared Garvel for this inconceivable pain. His armor felt as if it had been melted into his skin, into his Black Carapace. No amount of pain medication his suit could deal out could help him. But he consoled in his mind, that were it not for the xenos, he would have most likely been dead or crippled beyond life. He still hated the scampering things, but he hoped for their absolution in the eyes of the Emperor.

The fires were the least of his worries however, as he saw the earth speed towards him in a manner not too unlike a speed bike. If that speed bike had been drunk one night and hooked up with a titan and had a child.

Yep. This would hurt like a bitch.

Garvel did what he could to try and protect himself from his rapidly approaching crash. He sealed up the ports in his suit, locked the joints in his armor, and began the arduous process of shifting more blood cells to his Larraman organ for the certain wounds he was to receive. He couldn’t afford to use his Sus-an organ… Not a techmarine in sight as far as he could tell.

He lets his eyes wander for what could have been the final time. Embracing the suns light as it falls upon the green hills. The forest that bordered the small town. The glittering river- Wait what? A town? There might be some salvation in this world yet then! He braced himself for the fall even more, knowing there may be some redemption to be had here. There would be either Xenos to kill or words of the Emprah to be spread.

He hoped it was the former. He was extremely bored still. But the Emprah did need venerating.
The earth was approaching more rapidly now, as the marine finally knew what he had to do. His Emperor has sent him here to spearhead the Imperial efforts to protect this world from Chaos. His lord was a Tactical Genius. Hurrrr.

So, the first things to do were to land on this forsaken rock and NOT die. Even for an Astartes, that may be a problem. But wait! This town must have a market! The genius mind of this Space Marine, whom has watched many Holovids in his spare time, began to spin. Market stalls are usually soft, and they could most likely cushion his blow from space!

The sound of physics face palming itself could be heard in the warp.

Garvel was sure of his plan; there was no way he could fail. The Emperor was smiling upon him, and he shall not disappoint! He did his best to steer for whatever district he believed to be the market, the dead center of town looked like it to him.

Pieces of the shambled orkish armor were starting to rain down upon the village, taking much of the fire with them. Fires were popping up over the town, but Garvel could not care less. He was focusing on the math he needed to survive the fall. His descent angle, his speed, his mass. All of it running through his mind as he began the final descent.

One final blink and a large boom later, Garvel had officially become the first Space Marine to survive Orbit re-entry without a jump pack or a drop pod. He was not aware of this fact, as he was still covered in debris. Rocks, pieces of wood, and the remains of the sheet metal the Grotz put upon him covered him to head to toe. His mind swam with the impossibilities of it all, but also the pride he had for not failing.

Then he heard the voices. Whooping and hollering in Low Gothic. Was this an Imperial planet? He lifted some of the debris off of himself and allowed himself a peak. Standing before his self-made crater was a Xeno. A quadruped Xeno. A bright pastel quadruped Xeno.

The rage he felt towards this creature would make a Templar feel out of place. He rose up through the smoke behind the creature. It was addressing a group of similar Xenos, some with different variations. Holy Redemption for this world it was then. The one in front of him had a form of armor, possibly Iron by the way it looked. He looked important as well.

He didn’t even notice as Garvel walked right up behind him, and then barely registered what happened next. The other Xenos sure did however. To them, they saw two glowing red eyes and an eight foot behemoth simply pick up the small Xeno by the fore and back legs, and simply rip him in half.

Garvel allowed himself a small glimmer of a smile underneath his helmet as he heard the screams and gasps as the blood splattered the ground and his armor. He nearly laughed when the Xeno finally realized what was happening and gave his final death scream before falling limp.