• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 799 Views, 13 Comments

Keep Your Enemies Closer - Moon-Chan

When Twilight Sparkle is studying for her next test, Rarity gets involved and Twilight realizes she has feelings for the sophisticated mare. But what happens when your best friend betrays the close friendship you had?

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Chapter One: A Romance Found

Twilight Sparkle sat down in her library in Ponyville, a pile of books like a tall tower next to her. It was a sunny morning, and Princess Celestia had informed her the unicorn would have a test later in the week. The letter had been sent to the purple mare just a few hours ago, and she had gathered up all the books on magic she could find--or, rather, a baby dragon named Spike had gathered most of them for her.

At the moment, her number one assistant was sitting on the stairs leading up to the secondary floor. Both Twilight and Spike used the second floor of the library for sleeping quarters and sometimes to do late night research, or, in Twilight's case, take notes.

Spike appeared to be extremely bored, so Twilight levitated a few books over to him. Spike opened one and immediately was engrossed in it. Twilight smiled. She knew she had work to do, and Spike's constant nagging wouldn't do her any good, so she had to find something to keep him busy for a while. Exactly why she gave him a few books that were new editions to the library, titled Dragons: A Threat or Harmonious?, Clueless: How To Impress Mares of All Sorts, and How Do Mares Think? Spike had first opened Clueless. The mare wasn't taken aback. Ever since the dragon had met Rarity, he had done all he could to impress her, yet always failed miserably.

Twilight looked back at the letter Princess Celestia had sent her, reading it over for the hundredth time that morning.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student," the letter began,
"Your magic studies have taken you far. You recovered the Elements of Harmony after Luna and I lost them; that was enough to defeat Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Queen Chrysalis. Not long after, you helped the ponies of the Crystal Empire find their inner peace once again, defeating King Sombra. I do realize I am missing many more details of your life since you moved to Ponyville, but we will have time at the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala to discuss everything. I promise you it won't be like the last one, where the only time we had gotten to speak was after the ballroom became disastrous and you, your friends, and I fled the scene to Joe's doughnut shop. This time it will be different, and we will have a peaceful talk. I'm sorry, Twilight, I know you've noticed I'm getting off-topic. I think you are ready for another test--a magic test. Please be here in the palace in Canterlot on Thursday. I believe noon will do quite well, as there is a train leaving for Canterlot at eleven on Thursday. That will give you time to practice and prepare.
Princess Celestia"

It was Saturday. If she counted today as a preparation day, Twilight would have exactly five and a half days before she either passed or failed her test. Moving her dark mane out of her face and eyes, she went back to her pile of studying material for that day.

According to many calculations, if the purple-eyed mare read specifically thirty books or more each day, by Thursday she would have read every single one of the magic books she had in the library. Reading thirty books in a day was tricky, but Twilight Sparkle took the challenge. She decided some nights she would read forty books or more, so she could have a tiny bit of strain-free relaxation, even if it meant she would get little to no sleep that night or following day.

The unicorn opened a book with the title of Advanced Spells for Unicorns. So many spells she hadn't learned yet.

She might test me on all these! Twilight Sparkle thought, quickly making herself panic.

Remembering she had to study and practice her magic, the purple unicorn relaxed, laying down on her stomach and beginning to read through the books she had gathered, one by one. Soon, the pile of books was no more than a few, the once tall tower now small and mere.

As Twilight closed the last of the books, she quizzed herself silently. She nodded every so often, making sure she remembered everything. She then stood up and looked outside from a nearby window. Spike had fallen asleep on the steps, a book lying open on his stomach.

Twilight Sparkle was surprised to see the skies, once a bright blue, dotted with clouds, was now beginning to darken. The unicorn sighed. She had studied all day, and now she was exhausted. Even her dark violet mane with purple and pink streaks was in a tangle, unkempt and unbrushed. Suddenly, there was a knock on her door that startled and woke Spike from his peaceful dreams.

Twilight groaned, her majestic purple eyes showing high irritation. "Ugh! Who could be here now?!"

"Relax, Twilight, it's probably just one of our friends who needs a book or two.. for whatever reason," Spike mumbled sleepily, making it sound like this had no importance to the dragon.

Reluctantly, Twilight walked over to the entrance, reaching a hoof out to open the door. As if it was coincidence, the door swung open at that exact moment. Twilight Sparkle only had enough time to blink before the door collided with her face. A second later, Rarity poked her head into her unicorn friend's library. As usual, Spike went into his love trance once he saw Rarity, although it wasn't as strong since the baby dragon was drowsy.

"Oh, Twilight, I'm so sorry to bother you, but do you have any-" She stopped mid-sentence as she saw the purple mare.

The white unicorn rushed over to Twilight Sparkle, quickly helping her to her hooves. "Oh my goodness, darling!" Rarity exclaimed in her accented voice. "I'm so very sorry, I didn't know you were there!"

Twilight rubbed her head with her right hoof. "That's alright, Rarity, I'm alright, really."

She looked at her friend. Twilight's friend's pretty blue eyes suddenly seemed intriguing, and she stared longingly at them. The white coated mare, who did not seem to notice this at all, just smiled. Oddly, Twilight's number one assistant didn't seem to notice the mare's strange behavior either--but, that was reasonable, since he was both tired and in his Rarity love trance.

I can't be in love with Rarity, Twilight forced herself to think. She's my best friend. Just a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Anyways," Twilight Sparkle said rather quickly, snapping out of her daze, "You needed something, Rarity?"

"Oh, yes, of course. Do you have any books on fashion advice? I'd really like to help Sweetie Belle learn which outfits will draw attention to herself and which ones will get her sent to fashion jail," the elegant mare explained, casually showing off her gorgeous, curled purple mane.

"I'll get it, I know exactly where a book like that is!" Spike offered, and, without waiting for a response, he raced into a second part of the library.

He returned a few moments later, a book in hand, and offered it to Rarity.

Rarity took the book. "Thanks, Twilight, Spike," she said gratefully.

Spike stared at his crush. "You're welcome," he muttered, drool dripping from his mouth onto the library floor.

Twilight glowered at her faithful assistant, levitating a rag over to her by unicorn magic and cleaning up Spike's mouth-ejection. Rarity watched in revolted disgust.

She then looked back at her friend and gasped. "My goodness, darling, your mane is a mess! We must fix it up at once!"

"Oh no, Rarity, it's fine. Really," Twilight responded quickly, putting the rag away and seeing the other unicorn's expression. "I was just going to bed. There's no point in fixing my mane if I'm going to bed. It will just get messed up again anyway."

"At least let me brush it so it won't be such a pain in the morning, Twilight."

The purple mare sighed. "Alright, alright. But then I really need to go to sleep, I have more studying to do tomorrow."

Rarity beamed, taking a brush out of her saddle bag. "Great!" she exclaimed, using her unicorn powers to levitate the brush, bringing it over to her friend's mane.

"Spike, why don't you get some rest. You have a big day of work tomorrow; the library needs organizing again," Twilight told the purple and green dragon, while the brush untangled her mane.

When he didn't move, she sighed. "Just a second, Rarity, so sorry."

"It's quite alright, darling," the other mare replied, putting the brush down, then watching as Spike was surrounded by Twilight's purple-pink magic aura and taken upstairs.

The purple unicorn set the baby dragon down in the basket he had for a bed, tucking in the baby blue blanket. He fell asleep almost instantly, the room filling with snores. The pony smiled.

"Good night, Spike."

She left her number one assistant, walking back down the stairs where Rarity was eagerly waiting. She sat down in from of her, her back faced towards her. The hair-brush went through her messy mane once again.

Twilight sat still as stone, secretly enjoying the feeling of being with Rarity, the brush brushing out her thick violet mane. There were some points where Princess Celestia's faithful student's mane was so tangled, Rarity had to use a bit more effort to force the brush through.

Twilight didn't mind this much; she had tackled her wild mane many times before after long days of studying, and most of the results were success. Most of the time, there were some places in her straight, long mane, it was so tangled that it hurt to brush it out; Twilight held back whimpers of slight pain, pretending she hadn't felt anything. This was crucial to do, as the knowledge-seeking unicorn didn't wish for Rarity to feel like she had badly hurt her friend.

Isn't that what friends as for? Twilight thought, trying to comfort herself.

Finally, after what seemed like only a few precious seconds--but Twilight's flank was telling her otherwise--Rarity was finished brushing out her unicorn friend's mane. Spike's soft snores could be heard from upstairs.

"Finished, darling," Rarity stated happily, her sapphire blue eyes sparkling with achievement.

"Thank you so much, Rarity," Twilight Sparkle rejoined. "How can I ever repay you for you generosity?"

"It was nothing, dear Twilight," the white coated unicorn insisted. "After all, my Element of Harmony is, in fact, the Element of Generosity. I don't need any reimburse, really."

"Hmm." The purple library unicorn cogitated for a few moments. "How about you stay here overnight, and in the morning I'll make a homemade breakfast for you?"

Rarity shook her head. "Darling, you don't have to go to all this trouble."

"But, it will be the best breakfast you've ever eaten in your entire lifetime!" Twilight started begged like a young filly to her mother who just passed a candy shop.

Rarity sighed; she knew her best friend wouldn't let her argue. The only choice was to give in. "Alright, I'll stay overnight and let you cook me breakfast tomorrow morning."

Twilight Sparkle smiled. "Okay, so is it alright if you sleep in the same bed as I? Or, if you'd like, I can sleep on the floor." She looked down at her hooves. "Regretfully, the only bed I have that will fit a pony is mine..."

"Oh no, my dear Twilight, it's more than fine with me to share a bed," Rarity insisted. "I can't let you sleep on the floor. I don't wish to trouble you."

The purple coated mare nodded, looking back up at her friend. "Alright, now that all that is settled, we'd better be getting to bed. I think we both have long days ahead of us, starting with tomorrow."

She led the elegant mare upstairs to the single bed that sat nearby Spike's basket. The baby dragon was fast asleep.

Maybe dreaming of sleeping or something, Twilight figured, letting a few soft notes of laughter escape her lips.

The two mares got into bed. Twilight turned out the light, and the friends dozed off. Or, at least, Twilight did.

Rarity put her hooves around the other mare's neck and shoulders, leaning against her. The purple coated unicorn didn't stir.

"Thank you for everything, Twilight," the graceful mare whispered in her friend's ear, then she closed her eyes, waiting to see if her friend would answer, or if she was even awake.

The magic wielding unicorn didn't open her eyes, yet still put her own forelegs around Rarity's neck, roused from the beginnings of sleep by the other unicorn's voice.

"You're welcome, Rarity. I would do this for any of my friends."

"Twilight, darling...?"

"Yes, Rarity?"

The mares continued to speak, conversing in whispers as to not wake Spike.

"Have you ever been... lonely?"

Twilight's response was filled with slight irritation, a bit louder than a whisper. "If you're trying to set me up with Caramel again-"

The other unicorn interrupted. "No, no, no, dear Twilight. You two were never meant to be. I have come to realize that over the weeks I was observing him."

At this, Celestia's faithful student's eyes jolted open. "What? You were observing him?!"

She had forgotten it was the middle of the night and raised her voice; Spike rolled over in his sleep, clutching his baby blue blanket. Twilight glanced at her number one assistant, then back at Rarity, lowering her voice.

"Why were you observing Caramel?"

Rarity fidgeted. "I just wanted to see if he could keep up with your pace-you know, all your studying, cleaning, tests."

Twilight Sparkle sighed. "I really don't want a coltfriend. Most of them are too immature anyways."

The other mare blinked. "What about... a marefriend?" She whispered the last word directly into Twilight's left ear.

"A marefriend?"

The magic-wielding unicorn tried to sound uninterested, but her heart began to race. She could feel heat gathering in her cheeks, and was grateful it was dark. She had never told anyone about her secrets desires of being together, dating, and even marrying another female.

"Yes, darling, it's true..." Rarity hesitated, then finished. "I'm a fillyfooler."

Twilight stared at her in awe.

I never thought luck would be on my side tonight!

Rarity looked taken aback; her expression seemed hurt. "I know. I know you'll avoid me now that I've said that."

"No, no, no! Rarity, you don't know how joyed I am!"

The fashionable mare blinked in surprise. "Joyed?"

"Yes, Rarity. I've been waiting to find another mare who had the same secret," Twilight whispered excitedly.

"You mean, you're....?"

"Correct. I as well am a fillyfooler. A fillyfooler living in secret, waiting for another."

The white coated mare looked into Twilight's amethyst eyes with her own pair of sapphire. She wrapped her forelegs around the purple coated unicorn's shoulders and pulled her close. They embraced for a few minutes, until Twilight moved her head back and put her lips to Rarity's. The mares closed their eyes, all concentration on this one night. Neither wanted to mess it up. After a few moments, they both pulled away reluctantly.

Rarity was the first to speak. "Will this... ruin our close friendship?"

Twilight gave her a small smile. "What, if we start dating?"

Rarity smiled back. Both mares knew the answer.

"I love you, dear Twilight."

"I love you too, Rarity."

They embraced again, dozing off into a peaceful slumber.

Author's Note:

I guess you could call this my first My Little Pony Fanfiction. Writer's block has taken over a few times, and I'm glad to get the first chapter done. I am in great need of editors, so please send me an inbox note. Required to be eligible for editing: At least one comment that has constructive criticism.

I need CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. That means I need lots of feedback. No insults or just saying "it sucks", because then how could I make it better? You need to tell me which parts need work, and positive ways to make it better. :D

This is NOT a fanfiction based solely off a romance with Twilight and Rarity. I just decided to add that to have more events leading up to the main event.

If you decide to click that dislike button, please comment on what made you click it. If you don't, then it's basically just a dislike because you're deciding to be a troll.

Updated Chapter One so it's more "in character."
Now updated Chapter One so it has more events leading up to it. Please tell me what you think!

Edit: Chapter One is now complete! Will be edited in the future. Looking for editors. Will start planning chapter two.

Comments ( 13 )

I'm not going to dislike but I'm not going to like it.

The thing is....you've sort of just thrown this in our face, there's been no lead up and everybody seems...awkwardly out of character.

I mean you've got Spike who'd never miss the chance to be around Rarity running up the stairs.

Then you've got the bit at the end and I'm sitting here thinking "...That's it?" I mean, I know everybody reacts differently but that's the thing, they react, in this instance we've just got "I love you," "Oh yeah? Me too." and it feels like it took away from it a bit.

Thankies for the feedback ^^ Greatly appreciated.

Well, Spike was awfully tired, as I made clear. :twilightsheepish:

The last part will be made much more clear in upcoming chapters. :twilightsmile:


2239052 yeah but we kind of know he'll stick around despite various other reasons.

If you're gonna dislike, at least post a comment saying WHY. :ajbemused:


2239716 Welcome to the world of being an author, learn now that next to nobody will leave feedback or even comment in any way, shape or form.


Then everyone who doesn't even bother to leave feedback on how I can make it better obviously shouldn't even have an account. Others leave feedback on their stories, so why can't they on others'? People need to really use common sense. :flutterrage:

Good story so far. I can't seem to find anything yet to fix minus the "I love you" part. It feels too early to say that in the first chapter unless it was a squeal.


Thankies for the critique. ^^ I'm currently looking for editors willing to edit the story, so everything will soon be fixed. :twilightsmile:

Will not post any other chapters until I'm done self-editing the first one.
PLEASE NOTE: Currently, the middle to the ending of the first chapter is not self-edited event-wise. It will be edited ASAP. Please be patient.

EDIT: Finished self-editing Chapter One.

I much agree with Ice and Shadowbolt192.
I love how the story is; all the detail, and the interesting conclusions in chapters.
This is a different kind of story, not one that others would expect.
The following quotes mean one thing that I think many didn't know. "Correct. I as well am a fillyfooler. A fillyfooler living in secret, waiting for another." Said Twilight.
"Twilight sat still as stone, secretly enjoying the feeling of being with Rarity".
"She wrapped her forelegs around the purple coated unicorn's shoulders and pulled her close. They embraced for a few minutes, until Twilight moved her head back and put her lips to Rarity's." And etc, clearly tells shows that Twilight and Rarity are lesbian.
I like how you are showing, not telling the interesting details, some like the quotes above.
I just think that you should have the romance part in near, well, about chapter 4-5-6, because it just seems like you're jumping to things too quickly. Good job, sis! :D :heart:


Thankies for the feedback!<3
Another thing about the Raritwi shipping-you can tell they are lesbian because of the ending of chapter one.
Also, the romance part will become more in depth in later chapters.~ :twilightsmile:

Guys, what the hay am I doing wrong? If you don't post any dang feedback, it WON'T GET BETTER. :flutterrage:

This fanfiction will be on hiatus until I'm done writing and editing at least 15 chapters in Revenge is Magic. I apologize to the people who want to read Chapter Two of this, but unfortunately, writer's block has invaded this. Until then, please enjoy Revenge is Magic~

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