• Member Since 29th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 11th, 2016


Comments ( 25 )

Different from what I read, but filled to the brim with potental. I'm going to have to see how this ends.
Also, is it weird if I picture Skrillex in pony form for Ink?


A little, yea. xD

I'm talking to a friend to get a picture up, so you'll get a real look.

Oh well. It just... fits. Hipster glasses and everything.
Moving on, I'm sure that will clear up once I get a visual.
Or not... :trollestia:


Hey man, picture him however you want. That's the beauty of not having a picture.

Hey... you took my thumbs... Love the story update soon? :twilightsmile:


Every Wednesday, man!

Glad you like it :pinkiehappy:

Good, thought the pace was a little sudden there. I look forward to chapter 3.
Wub wub wub.
That is all.

Sounds like an interesting story of sorts. Starting off with our male protagonist recalling his recent break-up with a mare that he was captivated in, presumably Octavia, as day in and day out that works on making art as his career. Interesting as how for a silent individual, that he is willing to allow someone with a loud personality, Vinyl; to live in the basement of his otherwise silent home. Interesting too that Vinyl seems desperate to have his love & attention, as evident on what transpired on the second chapter that Ink would had presumed that she long-lost the desire to move on to him, since she appeared to have a girlfriend.

Then the next thing he knew, he get drunk, slept with her, and her friend made a statement that she should 'share' her coltfriend, in which he get's infuriated (presumably) and leaves the mare to their own accord that also resulted in getting Vinyl saddened. Finally, after sometime of the hangover they meet up again and revealed (maybe once more) how she loves him and how happy she was to hear how heartbroken he was with his recent breakup.

From what I can gathered, the 3rd chapter sheds some light as to well this complicated relation-ship of friendship is formed between the two as how in the flashback that Ink successfully brought out Vinyl when she bolted inside to find her dead parents in her burning home and how, to this day, made Vinyl washed with guilt. Then it continues on with Ink perspective of that fateful day with him being stuck in the hospital until Vinyl comes into the picture to visit him along with the mysterious visitor that made the comment. IT shall be interesting to see who that character is and how they play a part in all of this.

I'm interested to see how this goes on as I'm a sucker for complicated drama stories, and as well as intriguied to see how Octavia had managed to intentionally/unintentionally created such a rifted between the two characters. Keep up the good work man:pinkiehappy: :two thumps up:

~Best regards


I like you.


Alright, Lazygamer313's is bigger, but this chapter keep me silent for a good 10 minutes.
Not an easy feat, my friend. :rainbowderp:
I look forward to part 2 and all that follows it. :twilightsmile:

Don't mention it. :twilightsmile:
And the song... I hear Again by... Yui was it(?) is a good song.
And by that, I mean I love that song.

Hint hint. :unsuresweetie:

These first chapters have been pretty good. I haven't seen a story with this kind of plot so I'm already liking it. Not to mention that I also like your writing styl; It seems to fit nicely with your story. This has plenty of potential, so I can't wait until you continue. Good job so far!


Waking up to good feedback.

yay :pinkiehappy:

And even with the cover art, Ink still looks like pony Scrillex. Just sayin'. :trollestia:

Nice chapter I have to say, it's different to see that Octavia and Vinyl are not necessarily called best friends, if not anymore. Good flashback overall, amusing about Octavia hostile attitude, can't wait to see more of Ink's thoughts about her in the later chapter when its relevant.

With some errors off the side, it's been nicely structured, anyhow keep up the good work man!:pinkiehappy:

“...And I just... I dunno, Ink. I can’t stay with her anymore. She’s fuckin’ [i|horrid, I’m tellin’ ya!”. Vinyl was visiting on her way to Octavia’s after getting out of school for the day. It was the same as every visit was; nothing more than the two of them passing small talk under a heavily awkward air. Part of Ink thought that Vinyl was just visiting because she blamed herself for him being in here.

I believe that your italic on the "horrid" didn't came through.


I thank you for pointing that out! I fixed it as soon as I saw that you'd mentioned it

No worries mate, still a good chapter nonetheless


Wha... what? :fluttercry:
Guess I'm not used to sudden bad endings... :fluttershbad:
(*Sniff* Suck it up bro. You'll live. You got this. Just say it.)
So... with an ending like this, sad and heart-wrentching as it is, it makes me believe that a sequel is in order. It's just a thought and whatnot but...
A sequel would be nice.
This story: Sad? Yes. Touching? Yup. A great piece of fictional literiture? You betcha.
Good work my friend. :twilightsmile:


There's a sequel in the works, but I can't promise that it'll be as good, or any happier than this one.

Ah well. Sequel is sequel. I look forward to it either way.
Moro ahrk zin, Zeymah.
(Glory and honor, Brother)

2308714 Oh goodie, A sequel! Although I would find it sad, it is really tragic as he loses the girl of his dreams and is all alone. Anyhow It's nice to see another update to this story, while true it's the last one, but it is good nonetheless. I can't wait to see the sequel that you have in mind, I love a good drama story, especially with having sad/tragic elements.

Good job with the story, I can't wait to see more.:pinkiehappy:

Ooh, Dis stroy giv me lots feel.:moustache:

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