• Published 28th Dec 2012
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The Adventures of Dr.LunyJoy, Book 1. - Dr.LunyJoy

Dr.LunyJoy is a blue male unicorn with a brown mane. Unfortunately, he was dragged into changeling country unconscious without his pills for multipersonality disorder at the royal wedding.

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Chapter 1, Talking with the Enemy (Revised)

Chapter 1. Talking with changelings

“I am Dr.LunyJoy, a blue male unicorn with a brown mane. I was born and raised in Manehatten 31 years ago, October 4. My dad was with me till I was 9, well, you get the jist. I went to the “filly good” elementary school. Back then I went by BuckyJoy. I was the best at magic in my class and got good grades. Occasionally made fun of, but other than that I was popular." I stated with the highest dignity I could muster, fortunately my trembling hands were tied behing my back. I could not show fear. One filled out some of a paper.

“Ey, it's okay to stop listenin to the questions. Just keep on exchangen' heartwarming life stories’ like the ponies do.” an obviously younger soldier barked, making fun of me. Thoughts raced through my mind like bullets, then when it was an empty void I panicked.

I let my guard down, the interrogating Changeling saw my fear. "Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. We will just suck the life out of you until you die or go insane. Either way you die” After he said that the mysterious moving vehicle continued onward in silence for several minutes.

Evidently If this was what they liked, the silence. I could easily exploit that. I started with the next question the changeling asked me. “In my yongin’ days I had gotten a Christmas present from my uncle. It was a telescope and a map of the stars. I looked up at the sky through my telescope and it was wonderful. All I wanted to do was staring up at the sky. Then I felt a tingling on my flank. I looked and I saw a star and a telescope starting to form.”

“Oh for chrysalis’ sake, look what you’ve done,” the captain yelled at the solider taunting me earlier, just as I had anticipated.

I continued, rattling on my life story, with a serious hippie-dippy ring to it. “I then went to school with a smile on my face the next day. I went on to get great grades and ect. It was soon after that, my dad left me." I made a fake frown and looked and the changelings. It was just barely that I held back a smile. "But then my mommy worked super hard for me, and for that, I am grateful." Sighs filled the area. "Well, we were kinda poor, so when I went to go to college, we didn't have enough money! So I went off with my banjo in hand to go out on a marvelous adventure! YAY! I made ten bits, that whole year. Well, that wasn't very good so, a friend of mine invited me to join the royal guard with him!" Only one changeling raised a, uh, area above the eye. "I worked hard for two years, then I went off to college!"

"Okay, enough!" yelled the captain.

"Aw, you interrupted my story..." Darnit, I just it too far.

“Well you’re the one in the worse position. You were the only pony taken as a prisoner for a snack.” Another changeling said laughing at me. Well good, that means they don't have anyone to take hostage. There are four changelings in the cart and two piloting this automaton. How do I get out? I should continue my plan, there is ravine with a stream in it coming up, and I’ll use that opportunity. Well I should go ahead and tell how I got here.

"How did you get here?" The changeling with the paper asked, to the dismay of the others.

"Soon, I was sent in one of my astronomy classes to see Celestia raise the su-"

"Short version." I did another fake pout.

"Shining Armour-" now I had looks, I completely dropped the hippie act. "Was my friend and mentor in the royal guard. Yeah, the dude with the incredibly strong magic. I was invited to his wedding, being one of his bestest of friends." One flinched when I emphasized the bestest, they knew they could potentially have a counter-attack knocking at their door now. "Well then you guys so rudely kidnapped me at the wedding."

“Hey, not our fault we live off of ponies! Ha!” all of the changelings laughed.

Then the changeling with the paper got a puzzled look on his face. “So you didn’t attack any of us?”

“Well, I was going to when I was knocked out by one of the specks of magic that got shot out by Celestia and Queen Crysisalis’s magic duel. Then I guess one of you took me prisoner.”

“Yep…”suddenly a different look crossed the captain's face. “You're not like the other ponies, most ponies we capture are screaming and yelling.” My mouth opened and closed. I was scared again. Then I felt my hair shorten.

"You know-," I started cackling insanely "I think it's cause I haven't taken my meds!"

The changeling with the paper started, "but you never told us you were insane."

"That was cause you so RUDELY interrupted ME." The room fell silent, I cackled once more.

"Get him!" The captain was actually smart, In that time I unbound my ropes. My forehead was wrinkled and my cutie mark, a unicorn horn firing blast of magic. My hair cut into a military style, and my face a bit chubbier. I was angry.

"I punched the closest running changeling letting him fall back. I opened the doors to this fast moving machine and jumped off the automaton into the ravine stream. I have enough magic for a water breathing spell, so I cast it as I dive. I’m home free! This stream will lead bac-…opps. The stream traveled parallel to the changeling’s vehicle; I was headed into their country. Life is never that easy.

The changelings’ automaton sped up to follow the current. Rapids are ahead, if I don’t get out soon I’ll die. I was spinning around out of control. There is no way I could fet out.

How wrong I was, by a stroke of luck, I spun into an eddie where I was able to get onto the cliff wall. All I had to do was –


I felt a claw holding onto my left rear leg, a changeling. It stayed in its true form as it flew up to crush me. I hit it in the face. It clearly was surprised by a pony fighting back for it sent the changeling out of turbulence and crashing into the river. The fierce rapids just pulled him under the water, never coming back up except for a sheet of paper to be stuck on a rock.

I used my lightning spell to take out the automaton with the changelings in it. It exploded as if it were filled with dynamite. However someone changelings were already flying down the cliff. 4 down, 6 to go. One jumped down at me and the other turned into the Happy version of me, with big eyes, a big smile, and a banjo for a cutie mark. Why did it not turn into the angry personality of me? Then it hit me, the changeling must be happy. The idea of it sent a chill down my spine, anyways. I narrowly dodged the flying changeling's for I spent too much time thinking about the other changeling.

I jumped again to avoid a magic ball coming from the changeling on top. Then I turned around and used shock wave to send the flying changeling out of the sky and into the river. Joining his companion, he screamed for he was unable to stabilize his wings, cut off by the sound on bone hitting rock. The happy one jumped at me using a magic ball spell and coming at me with a hoof. I had no choice but to slide down the cliff, nearly to the river. I pinned him with hoof, I shot a spell that cracked his skull.

I sat for a while on a ledge. I hate killing things that have intelligent life, but I had no choice, they would have killed me then others. My pills must have worn off for me to change personality so quickly. Now to climb, it is hard and tiring in my regular form. I am thankful, not glad, that I’m not in any of the other forms or it would take forever to climb this cliff edge. I finally got to the top, when I see a cave. I climb in, exhausted I cast and that climbing. I climb into the cave and quickly fall asleep, forgetting I'm in changeling country.

Author's Note:

Woah, revisions!