• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 2,106 Views, 30 Comments

Scootaloo's Last Wish - scootaloo55

this story is about Scootaloo's unbreakable bond with Rainbow Dash and when dash finds out the younger filly is orphaned and homeless, she makes it her duty to provide a home for her. but that comes with concequences.

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Another Day; An Angry Pony

Chapter 2: A New day; an angry pony

The sun rose unusually early the next morning, quickly evaporating the dewdrops left on the grass from the night before. Scootaloo yawned and sat up. The wall clock had only just chimed 4:30. The orange filly sighed and rubbed at the large grey bags under her eyes. Sweetie Belle would murder her if she saw her in this state. Oh well. Scootaloo quietly tip-toed down the steps, which were creaking slightly every now and then. Scootaloo quickly grabbed her scooter and ran out the door, where Angel Bunny stopped her in her tracks. The white rabbit stomped her foot and looked at the filly angrily. “What?” Scoot frowned and attempted to elude the pestering puffball. “I’m only going for a quick ride around ponyville.” And with that, she left before Angel could object; Wings leaving feathers behind her.
A beautiful smell wafted around the girls temporary bedroom, instantly waking Applebloom. “Do ya’ll smell that?” she said with an unusually large grin on her face. “Five more minutes…” Sweetie Belle rolled over and stuffed her head into her pillow. “What ‘bout you Scoots?” The white unicorn poked her head up at Applebloom’s question, finding the filly’s bed empty. “What the hay? Where’d she go now?"

“Girls! Breakfast is ready! If you want it that is…” Fluttershy called up to the fillys, who bounded down the stairs, nearly tripping over each other. On the table was the biggest pancake spread the ponies had ever seen. There were blueberry pancakes, apple pancakes even pancakes with choc chips and sprinkles! The cream filly immediately began stuffing her face with food, leaving crumbs everywhere, while Sweetie Belle ate slowly with a knife and fork and very cleanlily. “Can ah have Scootaloo’s?” Applebloom queried through mouthfuls of food. “There’s plenty there” fluttershy answered, grabbing Scoot’s plate and putting it on a high counter. “There was.” Sweetie retorted, noting to the lack of food and Applebloom’s over-bloated stomach.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo had hit some traffic. She was on a narrow stretch of road, right behind Granny Smith, which in her opinion, was the slowest mare in the whole of Equestria! The pegasi filly grumbled as the old green pony sat on her haunches in the middle of the road and fell asleep. Scootaloo winced as she tried to move the snoring lump. It was impossible for her scooter to go off-road, as it was only rocks and twigs. This sort of rough terrain would be too tough for her scooter to take. She began to think about her options. She grinned and kicked her scooter up onto her back and got ready to leap. Scootaloo got a quite large running start before jumping quite high into the air, and perfectly landing on the other side, besides the completely toppling over granny smith and face planting part. I’d better hurry she thought to herself. They’ll be wondering where I am. It was only about ten minutes later when the door to Fluttershy’s cottage opened and a rather grumpy pegasi walked in. “Where have ya been?” Applebloom asked, clearly out of concern, “Ah was worried about ya.” “outside.” Scootaloo replied stubbornly. “here is your breakfast, if you want it.” Fluttershy said in her quiet voice. Scootaloo didn’t have to be asked twice.

That afternoon, the three girls were gazing at the sunset. Colours of pink and orange merged with the blue creating a beautiful scene. “Celestia has outdone herself today” Sweetie said with a sigh, clearly transfixed at the beautiful scenery. “She sure has” Applebloom sighed. “GROSS!” Scootaloo said out of disgust. “Sunsets are soppy girly things.” “Whatever Scoots. Who’s pickin’ y’all up?” “Rarity said she would but knowing her…” Sweetie Belle paused for a moment. “… She’ll pack about 607 outfits just for the short trip here and back. What ‘bout you Applebloom?” “Mah sister obviously.” The two girls turned and looked at Scootaloo and there was an awkward silence. “Well? Who’s pickin’ yah up?” “M-me? Oh um I-I’m walking home.” Applebloom thought this was an okay answer so she turned and continued staring out the window, while Sweetie looked at her friend with concern. There were dangers out there, but Scootaloo could handle herself right? “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean, it can be dangerous.” Scootaloo just looked at her. The expression on her face pretty much said, you can’t be serious. I’ll be fine. Sweetie Belle looked at her friend with worry it will be ok right? But just to be sure that everything was well; she decided to follow the pegasi home that night.

After Applebloom left, Scootaloo quickly glanced around her to make sure the coast was clear. After saying ‘see ya’ to Fluttershy and grabbing a couple of biscuits, she jumped on her scooter and sped off. Sweetie Belle poked her head out from under the table and quickly followed. The unicorn was defiantly not a runner, but kept up a good pace before finally losing to filly around a corner. Her great tracking skills hadn’t failed her though as she followed tracks in the dirt. She was eventually lead to a dark, narrow alleyway and there! Scootaloo’s scooter was propped up beside a crate and her old dusty blanket thrown along the floor, but she wasn’t there. Scootaloo had always seemed to escape detection. Sweetie thought. She turned around and screamed. “SCOOTALOO!” she yelled. “DON’T EVER CREEP UP ON ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!” “Me?...” Scootaloo cried in disbelief. “You were the one creepin’ up on me! Why didn’t ya just keep your muzzle out of other pony’s business?!” Sweetie Belle’s eyes welled up with tears at her friend’s sudden anger outburst. “But… I-I….. Your friend….. I…. worried….” Scootaloo sighed and kicked a rock. She had not meant to upset her friend. ”why is all your stuff here?” Sweetie sniffed. “I, uhh…. Heard somepony comin’ a-and I, um you know hid until I saw who it…. Was?” Scootaloo gave an awkward unconvincing everything’s fine’ smile. “You live here don’t you?” “what I do and where I go is none of YOUR business.” Her tone was cold and dark. “Tell anyone and I’ll tell Rarity you ruined her expensive gold-laced prom dress.” Her face showed no emotion and her eyes were clouded. Sweetie Belle was so scared by her friend’s attitude she ran off tears streaming down her face wailing ‘I’m sorry’.