• Published 16th Jan 2012
  • 1,072 Views, 10 Comments

Ultra Combo: Brother, Gamer, Pony - UltraCombo

Lonely pegasus Ultra Combo's loyalty and love for his sister are tested after a devastating event.

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Reunion and Remembrance


"Ultra, come on!"

"Just wait a minute!"

Ah, Nightmare Night. Ultra thought. Ultra always loved this night ever since he was a colt. Even after he had grown out of the whole free candy thing, he still loved all the events and games that the festival entailed.

This year, Ultra had not put the extreme effort into his costume that he had in previous years. Intead, he just bought a generic Frankenstallion costume from a local costume store and wore that. Joy, however, had gone all out. At the age of three, she and their mother had crafted an expertly tailored princess outfit, complete with sequins, gem stones, and a realistic crown designed after Celestia's. She looked adorable.

Ultra was honestly surprised at how quickly Joy was growing. She was already walking and talking like a pro, not stumbling over her feet or her words. He couldn't do any of that as well as his sister when he was her age. He was so proud of her.

"Ultra, stop bumbling around and get a move on! We're gonna be late for the candy offering! I don't want Nightmare Moon to eat me up!" Joy's irritated rage proved to be more adorable than intimidating, but Ultra listened, and quickly caught up to the excitable filly.

That night, Ultra and Joystick enjoyed the festivities and games. They started with the candy offering, which Joystick was SO scared of that she needed Ultra to empty the candy from her bag for her as she watched from afar. Next, the festival. Joystick tried to play every game at the celebration, and won a large stuffed spider from the spider throw, with Ultra's help of course. All the games he played truly improved his accuracy. The festival lasted long into the night, but eventually, the party died down and everypony left Afterward, Joy was so tuckered out that Ultra had to carry her home. When Ultra arrived at home, he entered the house with Joy still on his back, asleep. The house didn't have a single light on, but that was to be expected, seeing how late it was.

Ultra scaled the stairs carefully as to not wake up Joy, entered her room, and gently placed her in bed and tucked her in. Ultra yawned and got up to go to bed himself, when his father stopped him in the doorway. He was dead silent. "Hey, sorry we're so late," said Ultra, expecting there would be hay to pay if he didn't explain their late arrival, "but the games went on a little longer than expected."

His father dismissed the excuse. "I don't care." he said in a monotone that Ultra dreaded, the kind of monotone that someone who has completely given up speaks in. "We need to...talk..."

Ultra became increasingly concerned with his father's grim attitude. "What? What about? Where's mom?"

Ultra's father drooped his head at the final question. "That's just it." He looked up at Ultra, and Ultra's heart stopped when he saw tears streaming down his father's face. "We have no idea where she is."




Ultra almost fell out of his seat after his rude awakening caused by the train pulling into the station.

Nyeh. Bucking train...wait...Joy!

Ultra straightened himself up and looked at the time. 7:02. Yeah, this was her train alright. He took a deep breath, got up, and walked over to the exit of Joystick's car. Her stood there for what seemed like an eternity, but finally, the last passenger exited the car.

She was a little filly, between 2 and 3 feet. Her coat was a bright shade of red, and her wings were small, but it looked like they could still carry her if she wished. Her big, blue eyes seemed to perfectly match her straight mane and tail. There was no mistaking it: that was his little sis, alright.

At first, Joystick was panicked. She had never been in this town, and she was terrified of not meeting her brother right away. She scanned the station frantically, tears welling up in her eyes, until she felt and saw a blue hoof on her shoulder and a familiar voice.

"You haven't changed in the slightest, you know that?"

Joystick's tears went away instantly, and her mouth curled up into an enormous smile. She didn't even think twice, quickly turning around and launching an attack hug on Ultra. "Ultra Combo!!! I missed you sosososososososososo much!" she yelled, squeezing him tightly, cutting off his air supply.


"Huh? OH! Sorry."

Joy let go of her brother, and he took a big breath. They both laughed and headed into the train station, clearing the way so other passengers could get on the train. Once in the station, Joy became very quiet. Ultra didn't blame her, but he tried desperately to think of something to say to her to bring up her spirits. Knowing what she's been through, she deserves it.

"...How've you been, kiddo?"

"...I've been okay..."

She's lying. Again, unsurprisingly. Ultra thought.

"Listen, Joy," Ultra began, putting a hoof on Joy's shoulder. "I don't wanna see no tears, okay? This is a happy time! We haven't seen each other in three years! So, no tears, just smiles, okay?"

Joystick smiled up at Ultra. "Okay, Ultra. You're right."

"As always..." Ultra joked. "Hey."


"I have to stop by the library to pick up some books so I can fix something at the house." Ultra smirked at Joystick, a competitive look coming over his face. "Race?"

"Race." Joystick then took off for the library.