• Published 16th Jan 2012
  • 1,072 Views, 10 Comments

Ultra Combo: Brother, Gamer, Pony - UltraCombo

Lonely pegasus Ultra Combo's loyalty and love for his sister are tested after a devastating event.

  • ...

Meeting Applejack

"Sure is...er...country. But I guess I should've come to expect that."

Ultra had made the short 10 minute walk down to Sweet Apple Acres after doing his shopping at the market, and was taking in the surroundings. It was just as he expected, the full stereotypical ranch look was everywhere, from the farm itself, to the family living there.

As Ultra proceeded down the path, he noticed a stand by the entrance, manned by an orange pony in a cowboy hat. Upon getting closer, she looked pretty friendly looking, too. She wore a huge smile, and seemed to be in a relatively good mood.

"Great." Ultra had never been good at making friends, besides the guys at work, and the mailmare, but they were really just acquaintances. It wasn't that he didn't want companionship, he really did. But, over the years, Ultra's isolated lifestyle had turned him into a bit of a shut-in. And, to top it off, he had developed a sort of nervous twitch that went off whenever he was inactive for too long. THAT did not help attract new friends either.

"Still," he said, eying the orange cowpony from a distance, "I guess it's worth a shot. Don't want Joy to show up and see that I'm still solo after 3 years." He trotted up to the stand and smiled.

"Well, howdy! What can ah do ya for?" asked the cowpony.


...Why aren't you speaking? Ultra thought to himself.

"...Uh...You alright, mister?" the cowpony asked, feeling a little awkward just staring at Ultra's big, kinda creepy smile.


Seriously, I mean it. If you don't say something, I'll hate you forever. Ultra's subconscious continued to battle his conscious actions.

"...ummm...mister?" the cowpony was definitely becoming to feel uncomfortable.



"Hey!" Ultra suddenly said after what felt like the longest silence of his life. He extended his hoof for a hoofshake. "The name's Ultra Combo." The orange pony's look of confusion lifted and was replaced by her previous inviting smile.

"Howdy there! My name’s Applejack." she replied, spitting into her hoof and accepting Ultra's hoofshake.

Okay, good. She doesn't realize that I'm completely insane and having a conversation with myself in your head. Now, to just act natural. Time to break the ice.

"How're things going?" Ultra asked.

Good. Simple, and in no way could that question reveal how much of a total SPAZ I am.

"Things are alright…" Applejack responded. At this point, Ultra noticed that Applejack wasn't always looking him in the eye. Occasionally she'd look down. Curious as to what she was so distracted by, he looked down at his hooves, only to see his front hooves tapping randomly at the ground involuntarily. "That’s one interestin’ twitch ya got there, I have ta say."

Well. That's it. I'm done. Might as well just spill out about how much of a bucking nerd I am.

Still, Ultra tried to act casual about his twitch. "Oh, this? Nah, it's nothing. I'm always doing something with my hooves, be it gaming or working. I'm just more used to always being moving than not. That and the ADHD. It'll stop eventually, just try to ignore it." Ultra realized he'd rambled on about himself quite enough. "But, that's enough about me. How are you? How's work on the farm?"

...Wow. I may pull this off yet.

"Thing’s 'ave been fine and dandy ‘round these parts!" Applejack replied happily. Ultra felt very confident in himself. He hadn't really attempted to make friends in a while, and when he did, he usually just scared them off with how strangely he acted. "Games, eh? What kind of games do y’all play?" Applejack asked politely.

What? Oh no. Did I just mention my gaming? Aw, ponyfeathers! I don't wanna talk about that. I'll try to turn her off the topic and change the subject.

"...Oh, uh, well...y-you don't really wanna hear about that. WAY too geeky. You'd be bored by it." Ultra hoped his ploy would work and Applejack would be compelled to change the subject. However, Applejack shook her head at this statement.

"Naaaaaah, don’t worry yer head ‘bout it! Go right on ahead and tell me all about yer games!" She smiled at him nodding for him to go on.

Is...is she serious? Well, she seems nice. And she really seems to be genuinely interested in my hobby. I guess it's worth a shot. Besides, I don't think there's any polite way out of this.

Ultra took a deep breath and said, "I play video games. Fighting games, specifically. Its my special talent!" Ultra braced himself for the taunts that he usually got from the jock ponies from his school back home for his talent.

"Fightin’ games sound fun…I wouldn’t mind tryin’ one sometime!" Applejack said. Ultra was shocked, as most ponies he told about his talent laughed at him and called him a shut-in. They didn't give his pastime any positive words, unlike Applejack. Suddenly, Ultra remembered he was still participating in a conversation.

"Yeah." Ultra said, "Thanks for not laughing. Its not the coolest talent ever, so I don't usually bring it up very often."

"That sounds like an interestin’ talent, I have ta say! Don’t ever be shy about what ya do, nopony can do it better than you!" Ultra couldn't believe what he was hearing. Words of encouragement? He had never, ever received such as welcoming response.

"Thanks! That really helps boost my confidence!"

This is going great!

"So, what's your plan for today? Just work, or is there anything special going on?"

"Nothin’ real special today, just plan ta go ‘round the farm and make sure everythin’ is doin’ fine!"


Ultra was ecstatic. He was conversing with someone, and not just someone from work, or a client, but someone he legitimately wanted to be friends with! All of a sudden, something dawned on him. "Oh! I almost forgot the reason I came here in the first place! I was wondering how much a medium-sized basket of apples would cost."

Applejack thought for a moment, and then said, "I think 2 bits fer a medium basket sounds like a fair price ta me!" Applejack then went under the applestand and pulled out a medium-sized basket, which was much bigger than Ultra thought it would be. He had no problem with that. "One day ya’ll have ta show me one of these video games though, cause I’m mighty interested in it!" Applejack continued, helping Ultra lift the basket up onto his back.

Ultra pulled 2 bits out of his saddlebag and dropped them onto the stand. "Well, I'd be happy to! Unfortunately, not right now, though. I have to go pick up my sister, from the train station in a bit. She's visiting here from Fillydelphia for a week. But, when I'm free, I'll be happy to show you some games!"

Applejack grabbed the bits off the stand, dropped them into her hat, and put it back on. "Sounds like a plan! Fillydelphia, huh? Sounds like an interestin’ place. Maybe I should go there sometime…"

"Yeah, its a-" All of a sudden, Ultra's legs suddenly stopped their twitching and stood still. "-see? I told you it would stop!" Applejack chuckled at his strange behavior. Ultra continued what he was saying before getting interrupted. "Anyway, Fillydelphia is a great place. Joystick and I grew up there. Have you lived here in Ponyville all your life?"

Applejack nodded her head, Ultra's bits jangling around in her hat with bits from other sales. "Always have, ‘cept fer that one time I went to stay with my aunt and uncle in Manehattan. Have ta say it’s a nice place ta live, here in Ponyville! Here’s hopin’ yer sister has a good time!"

Ultra suddenly turned around and looked at the clock on the town hall. It read 6:30. How long was I shopping down at the market?! He turned to Applejack. "Thanks again, Applejack. I'll be sure to stop by later so you can meet her, but right now, I've gotta hurry before her train arrives. I'll see you around Applejack!" Ultra then trotted off towards the train station.

Applejack took off her hat and waved him off smiling the whole time. "Bye now, take care of yerself and come on back when y’all want, alrighty?"

Before exiting the farm Ultra stopped and said to himself, "Did I just make a friend?" The red stallion he saw putting up the sign in the market passed him, going back into the farm.


Ultra shook off his overjoyed paralysis, and took off for the train station.