• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 3,689 Views, 64 Comments

The Werewolves of Equestria - Applecrisp

The main six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders go on a camping trip when something unspeakable happens, a transformation.

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Chapter 3

"Fluttershy, do you know where we are?" The three fillies asked shaking in fear of what happened a while back. The fight they saw in the moonlight still crisp in their minds, it was overwhelming for fillies their age, and for Applebloom to see her sister go through such pain just to save her. Fluttershy asked her little critter friends in the forest to lead the five back to camp. But, like always, nothing usually goes as planned and the little critter led them to a piece of fruit.

"Oh yay, we are saved, fruit." Scootaloo said sarcastically.

''I'm sorry little one, but I asked to take us back to our camp site, if that's alright with you?" Fluttershy did in her small voice.

The critter ignored Fluttershy and went back to nibbling on the fruit.

"Well now what do we do?" Applebloom asked with a tear dripping down here cheek from the sight of her sister.

"I know! We can use the North star to get back to camp!" Sweetie Belle said in excitement.

"Oh what a wonderful idea, why don't you lead the way Sweetie." Fluttershy exclaimed with a small smile.

They started off on their way back to their camp. It took them about fifteen minutes to get back to camp but they finally made it back and with fire wood.

"Heh! Who knew we would have to use school to get back." Scootaloo said with a smirk.

"I did." Sweetie replied with a giant smile. Scootaloo replied with a mumble saying. "Know it all."

"Applebloom can you help me get your sister in the tent?" Asked Fluttershy

"Uh, sure thing!" Applebloom answered running to Fluttershy as fast as her little legs could go.

In the tent Applebloom and Fluttershy were bandaging up Applejack, or at least trying to, but she kept struggling in pain, kicking back and forth even trying to bite them.

"I know it hurts Applejack, but you need to be patched up." Fluttershy said squirming around to not get kicked.

"You want to feel better don't you sis'?" Asked Appebloom.

Applejack looked into Appleblooms eyes, and then laid still for a moment to get stitched and patched up
the whole time she was whining like a dog. After they had the bandage on she fell asleep, and Applebloom left the tent, Fluttershy stayed in case of 'anything'.

"Wow Applebloom it looked like you guys were wrestling a bear in there." Scootaloo exclaimed giggling.

"Yeah, is everything ok?" Sweetie Belle added.

"Yeah, sure everythin's fine she's all patched up." Applebloom replied looking back at the tent.

They sat on their logs near the burned out fire, they didn't light the fire because Fluttershy was worried it would attract that creature her friends saw back in the forest. Fluttershy was resting in the tent with Applejack, with the three fillies outside keeping an eye out for their friends, when all of the sudden they herd a loud howl coming from the forest.

"Aaaahhhh! It's back make a fort stand your ground, run!" Scootaloo yelled running around in circles.

"We have to protect Applejack!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Cutie Mark Crusader fort defenders!" Applebloom shouted running into Rarity's tent grabbing what she could use as a wall.

The three quickly grabbed all of Rarity's suitcases and pillows and even grabbed items from the other tents, stacking it all as fast as they could to surround their campsite, they were in panic bumping into each other running back and forth from the barrier. When they were finished with their protective fort they sharpened some sticks and put on helmets with mud on their faces like soldiers, they stood their ground to protect from what creatures lurked.

"Come on out you big chicken I'm not afraid!" Scootaloo said shaking in obvious fear. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom only replied to that comment with face hooves.

"Scootaloo! We don't want the creature to come this way." Sweetie Belle said with squinted eyes.

"Heh heh right, sorry." Scootaloo replied with red in her cheeks.

A pair of yellow glowing eyes appeared from the forest, slowly moving towards the three fillies. With a snarl it started charging after them but was slowed down by a limp, it was the same creature Applejack had fought and it was still moving with great speed. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo prepared for impact but Applebloom had another idea in mind.

"Go back to the forest you over grown fleabag!" Applebloom yelled throwing rocks at the creature's face.

Scootaloo and Sweetie nodded at each other and joined in on the action and started throwing rocks and perfume at the creature. They could hear winning and pouts from the creature as it started to turn around and ran back into the forest. Soon after they heard hoof steps behind them, and standing behind them was Fluttershy with shock in her eyes.

"Girls what did you do!" she yelled in her small voice.

"Well you see the creature came back and we had to defend Applejack from it so we-" the three all said in a rush being cut off by Applejacks whining in the tent.

"Oh my, we will have to talk about this later, now please no more noise." Fluttershy exclaimed walking back into the tent to help AJ.

The three fillies sat there giggling at what they had just done, looking around the campsite they saw a small wall built out of their camping supplies. It wasn't long after they saw Twilight behind a bush a few feet away with her friends it looked as if they were lost.

"Do you think they're lost?"Asked Scootaloo.

"Nah they can't be lost they've got Twilight with them." exclaimed Applebloom

After a few minutes of watching their friends wander around looking helpless the three fillies were on the ground laughing so hard.

"OK, ok do you think we should help them now?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"What? No way! This is way to funny." Scootaloo replied.

"Well ok." Sweetie said.

After a few more moments they decided it was time to help them before it got too out of hand.