• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 766 Views, 3 Comments

Fluffy Bunnies - Running From Time

Fluffy bunnies are fluffy. Ranbow Dash doesn't realize how fluffy bunnies are.

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Fluffy Bunnies are Fluffy

Fluttershy happily trotted throughout her house. She hummed a happy little song to herself, when she was stopped by a certain little bunny. He chattered very angrily at the pink-maned yellow pony.

"What? Aren't they where they usually are?" asked Fluttershy, a look of confusion crossing her face. Angel responded with impatience and anger. A gasp emerged from Fluttershy. "I bought that only a week ago! To get another box is very difficult, since I have to travel all of the way to Trottingham and back! How could they all be wasted so easily?" Fluttershy was then led by the spoiled bunny to where this mysterious box was held. Inside was... Mice. "Oh, that's for the bunnies! Not for mice! If you wanted some, you should have asked first, or I could have gotten some delicious treats for you too!" The mice's faces fell, and they looked regretful. Fluttershy felt bad for yelling at the mice. "Okay, when I go into Trottingham, I'll see if I can get some special treats for you, since there's a very wonderful store that sells the most amazing treats, so they probably will have little mice treats." This made the little mice happy, and they scampered out of the little box, and Fluttershy picked it up with her mouth, to throw it out. Then, a thought came over her, and the cardboard box dropped. "Oh no! I need someone to take care of you! Let's see, I can ask one of my friends!"

"Your animals need to be watched as you go to Trottingham? Sugarcube, I wish I could help, but it's Applebucking season, and I can't help you. There's a lot of apples to buck, and I doubt I'll be done before you come home. Maybe you could go see one of the other girls, I'm sure at least someone could help. Sorry, Fluttershy." Fluttershy looked down and left the farm, and continued on to someone nearby, perhaps Rarity.

"Oh, Fluttershy, I have all of these other dresses to make by tomorrow. I would help, but I can't spare any time so I could get these lovely dresses made. Perhaps someone else could help, like maybe Twilight or Pinkie. I'm sure they would be glad to help." On to the nearest, which was Sugarcube Corner.

"Flutters, I gotta work! Mr. and Mrs. Cake are overwhelmed by the amount of customers, so I have to help them. Maybe when there's not as much people, I can help. I'll help as soon as I can, but while I'm a-working, why don't you ask Twilight?" Fluttershy then left the busy Sugarcube corner, and then embarked towards the enormous tree with a library inside.

"Hmm..." Spike poked her shoulder to get the lavender unicorn out of her studious trance. "Oh, right! The thing with the animals. I wish I could help, but I'm about to find something really big with this spell! You see, it's a spell that can slow or speed up time, and I'm about to figure out how to use the spell! The only thing is, to find out how to cast it, you must understand how it works, and that is where I am completely lost, since it practically bends time and space, for you see..." As Twilight continued on in her scientific rant, Spike piped up, "I could help!" but then Twilight stopped her rant and immediately said, while her face was in her notes, "No, Spike, I need you to help me, since I need someone to retrieve my books, and be a test subject, and..." Fluttershy then backed out of the room, trying to avoid any arguments. When Fluttershy was a couple steps out the door, she reviewed all of the ponies she could ask.

"Well, there is Lyra, or Roseluck, or Carrot Top, or Octavia, or..." She listed a couple of the possible ponies that could watch over her animals while she would be away. Some of them were quite busy, and others promised to visit as soon as they were done, but weren't able to help at the moment, and would not be able for a couple hours or so. Well, there was... Rainbow? A sigh escaped her lips. There was nothing wrong with Rainbow, it's just that, well, she wasn't quite the animal type. Even when Rainbow asked for a pet, she tested the "finalists" harshly. She wasn't quite the fan of animals that weren't "cool". Fluttershy knew that Rainbow would never hurt any or her animals, she was just afraid that Rainbow would forget about them, and maybe get distracted with something else, or not realize that they're not allowed to have too many treats, or... There was too many risks. Still, Fluttershy had no other choice. She lifted off the ground with the flight of her wings, and flew towards the house of the rainbow-maned pegasus.

When she reached Rainbow Dash's house, however, no matter times she knocked, there was no answer. Fluttershy figured Rainbow was probably napping on a cloud. She looked down from the cloud to spot where Rainbow was, and saw a rainbow-maned cyan pegasus napping on a cloud. She flew down towards the cloud, and landed on it a little roughly, awakening the sleeping pony. She jumped a little, and quickly got up.

"What?! Who-! Oh, it's you, Fluttershy." Rainbow yawned loudly. "What's up? Do you need something? I was kinda sleeping just now."

"I-I know. It's just that I need your help." Rainbow rolled her eyes and once again yawned. "You see, everypony is busy, and I need to go to Trottingham to get more of the treats that Angel wants. So it would be really nice if you could take careof my animals for me, Rainbow..." Fluttershy kindly commented. Rainbow, hearing about every other word, suddenly realized that Fluttershy just asked her to be a petsitter.

"What?! Wait... what?! Why me?" asked the cyan pegasus, completely dumbfounded. Fluttershy sighed and began to repeat herself.

"Well, Pinkie is working at Sugarcube Corner, Rarity is hard at work with the dresses she's making, Applejack is busy with Applebucking season, and Twilight is studying some strange thing that I wish to not get involved with," replied Fluttershy, quietly and calmly. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Please, Rainbow, it's only for until I come back from Trottingham. Please?" With Fluttershy pleading quitely, looking at Rainbow with those eyes that nobody could say no to, it only took a mere minute before Rainbow gave in.

"Fine. I'll take care of them." Rainbow reluctantly muttered. Fluttershy's face lifted into a joyful beam.

"Oh, thank you so much, Rainbow!" Fluttershy happily cried.

"Don't let any of my animals get into scuffles. Don't let them eat more than they should. Make sure to follow any rules I give you. Treat every animal equally." Fluttershy's list of rules to follow droned on and on. Rainbow scoffed and rolled her eyes. This couldn't be too hard. In fact, she could probably just fall asleep and everything would be fine, as long as nobody sees that she's asleep. "And most of all, do not let those precious animals get hurt!" Fluttershy leaned in close with a face that showed little mercy and terrifying anger, and said in a very terrifying tone, "I swear to god, Rainbow, if a single of my precious animals are in any way injured when I return, HEADS WILL ROLL." Fluttershy then backed up, and said goodbye to her animals. Sweat drops slid down Rainbow's terrified face.

After a lot of goodbyes, Fluttershy finally embarked towards Trottingham, in which using the train, would take approximately six hours to go, stay to buy the treats, and return. Perhaps Rainbow could take a nap now, since she was rudely awakened earlier. Rainbow knew that if she left the house, someone would see her. If someone saw her outside the house only for the purpose of sleeping, they would tell Fluttershy. If they told Fluttershy, she would think Rainbow was endangering her pets by leaving them alone, although they would be completely fine. If Fluttershy believed Rainbow was leaving her pets in danger... Rainbow shuddered at the thought. Therefore, if Rainbow wanted to sleep, it would have to be inside. Rainbow flopped on the couch. She began to rest, when she awoke from the poke of a paw, which caused her to release a tiny squeak.

"Augh! What the heck was that for?!" screamed Rainbow, clearly upset. She looked at the perpetrator, whom was a small otter. It looked up at her, and cocked its head to the side. "What do you want?" The otter chattered something, but Rainbow couldn't understand. "Sorry, but I don't speak otter. Do you want a treat or something?" The otter seem to perk up, so Rainbow assumed that she was correct. "Okay. Hold on a second, I'll get you a treat." When the cyan pegasus trotted into the pantry, the food was thankfully all labeled. "Hm... Let's see... Otter treats!" Rainbow opened the box to find just as it was labeled as. She took out a treat and put it in front of the little otter who immediately gobbled it up. When she was about to head back to the couch to once again try to sleep, Rainbow found herself surrounded by a horde of animals, all seemingly expecting treats of their own. Rainbow sighed and walked back into the pantry to retrieve more treats for the little animals. There were little birds, squirrels, other otters, some beavers, raccoons, and rabbits. Although there were treats for the bunnies, they obviously weren't the ones that they liked best, especially since Rainbow received plenty of kicks to the face when she attempted to offer one of the not-as-good treats to Angel.

Before long, all of the animals had scattered, and Rainbow could finally rest. She got onto the couch, and closed her eyes. She had slept for a good amount of time, but then was once again awakened by paws, but this time it wasn't otters. No, it was bunnies. Rainbow groaned and got up.

"What do you want now?" whined Rainbow. There was pretty much all of the rabbits there, excluding Angel. "No more treats, I already gave you one." They continued to look at her with adorable little eyes. "No, seriously. If I feed you guys more than one treat, all of you will want another, and I'm tired." Their cute little eyes persisted. "You just had treats!" Sweat drop slowly slid down Rainbow's nervous face, making it obvious she was about to give in to the little rabbits. She smacked her hoof against her face and groaned. "Fine. But don't tell any of the other animals, or you won't get any." She once again went to get treats, but the rabbits didn't follow. She came back with treats for all of them, but they only sniffed the treats. "What? You don't want those? Then what do you want?" The same blank stare. "Whatever. I'm going back to sleep." Rainbow was once again on the couch, snoring loudly. They still peered so adorably that it was kind of creepy. Another tiny rabbit paw scratched her hoof, which made her yelp. "Hey! Quit it!" she yelled. The bunnies might have been one big time bomb, because they all jump on the poor pegasus. Rainbow Dash was soon covered with bunnies. Rainbow was entirely confused and now very much awake. Then, however, she came upon a very important discovery.

"Holy crap, these rabbits are so fluffy!"

Fluttershy had hurried as much as she possibly could to return as early as possible. She had three packages; treats for rabbits, mice, and raccoons, since they were getting low on treats. She finally had returned to Ponyville, and rushed towards her home nearby the other side. She hoped entirely that her animals were alright and Rainbow followed all of the rules. Fluttershy was already out of breath, even though she was not even a quarter the way through. Her boxes only slowed her. Still, she persisted. Nothing was going to stop her from checking up on her precious animals. NOTHING.

Fluttershy's house was just down the street. She wasn't far now. Only a couple hundred yards away. She came closer and closer, and finally, she reached the door, and swung open the door. Inside her house, she saw...

"Oh my gosh, you're so fluffy! I just want to squeeze you! Fluffy fluffy fluffy bunnies!" squealed the rough voice of Rainbow Dash. She tightly squeezed several rabbits in her hooves. She loved their soft fur, and felt like she could hug them all day. "Oooooh, you're so cute and fluffy! I want to hug you forever!" At the same time, the poor bunnies were being very tightly squeezed. Fluttershy stared in shock at the scene she had just witnessed. Rainbow Dash, the mare that thought cute animals were "lame", was tightly embracing her bunnies(excluding Angel, he would kill Rainbow). Fluttershy had believed her friend had completely snapped. Rainbow then looked up to see a certain yellow pegasus staring at her, her jaw agape. Rainbow then stood up and let all of the rabbits out of her death grip, where they all hopped away. "Uh, hey Fluttershy? I see you've got what you left for, and you're back now, so, uh, I'm going to... leave." Then a rainbow blur sped out the door next to Fluttershy, and into the sky, leaving the remaining pegasus spinning in circles. As soon as Fluttershy recovered, she got up and went inside to put away the items she had gotten. Still, the scene played in her mind over and over again. Rainbow Dash was cuddling her bunnies. Fluttershy wasn't sure if she should be delighted, because Rainbow finally agreed that fluffy animals are the best, or frightened, because that would be the equivalent of Rarity playing in a mud puddle. It wouldn't be something that they would quite do, unless they had gone crazy. Either way, her animals were fine. Hopefully.

Author's Note:

Well, that ended up much worse than I had hoped it would end up. I can't portray a good Fluttershy. Or Rainbow Dash, for that matter. Oh well. I tried. Meh.

Comments ( 3 )

Fluffy bunnies are indeed fluffy.

:rainbowlaugh: oh god
Well RD has a soft side :rainbowlaugh:

I can see Angel attacking Rainbow now...
God I hate that bunny.

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