• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 320 Views, 0 Comments

Friendship in Politics - Shockburst

Baltimare is on the brink: the City Council is at daggers, quite literally, and the two parties seem to be unwilling to settle their differences as the looming shadow of economic collapse threatens the city.

  • ...

An End for Now

The streets of Central District were finally quiet by 2 in the morning. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and the Blank Mare walked back in the Mareriott. The clerk was gone, probably still returning from the celebrations, but there was somepony who made all of them gasp and bow. Princess Celestia stood in the lobby and was smiling happily.

"Welcome back. I'd imagine the celebrations were exciting," remarked Princess Celestia.

"Princess Celestia! What are you doing here?" asked Twilight.

"Well, I decided to pay another visit here to check on how things were going and I just managed to catch the beginning of the celebrations. I must say, everypony seems very excited," replied Princess Celestia.

"Well, the bill was passed! We got a compromise!" said Twilight with a large smile.

"Excellent, Twilight! Just what I expected," said Princess Celestia.

"Thank you, Princess Celestia."

"That goes for all of you as well," said Princess Celestia. "I would like to congratulate all of you."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash shared a satisfied smile. Pinkie Pie jumped up with a "Yay!" The Blank Mare nodded and smiled as well.

"Good work, everypony. Well, I'd expect you would love to stay here for another day," said Princess Celestia, "I must leave for Canterlot though. Again, good job everypony. You all should go to bed, it's really late, or in this case, really early."

Princess Celestia looked at the clock, which read around 2:15 in the morning. Everypony nodded and they all walked toward the stairs.

"Wait, Red Curl," said Celestia.

The Blank Mare stopped. Twilight and the rest continued up, talking. Princess Celestia walked up to the Blank Mare.

"I've read your article in the Baltimare Daily," began Princess Celestia. The Blank Mare appeared surprise.

"Oh, um, yeah. I mean, you must have saw my name then right?" the Blank Mare asked nervously.

Princess Celestia smiled kindly. "I'm glad you've decided to embrace your real name again. It's great that you've decided to return to who you were."

The Blank Mare nodded. "I'm not sure whether I'm ready for this though," she added timidly though.

"Don't worry, Red. The worst has passed right now. You got it out, all you have to do is wait. Although, it would be better to also start from your newspaper as well, the Spring and Gait," said Princess Celestia.

"Yeah, that's true. This is a rather bumpy start," said the Blank Mare.

"Don't worry, Red. You'll get through it. Trust me. Just push the flow yourself and you'll see everything fall into place. Trust me," assured Princess Celestia.

The Blank Mare nodded again. Princess Celestia gave her a friendly smile.

"I really must go now. Again, I'm glad to see you're reintegrating within the world again," said Princess Celestia as she walked out the door. She winked at the Blank Mare before she spread her wings and took flight through the black night. The Blank Mare watched her go before she turned, walk up the stairs, and arrived at room 203. She knocked on the door.

"Rainbow? Open up!" called out the Blank Mare. No answer. Strange. Maybe she went up to room 312, the Blank Mare thought. She quickly walked back to the stairs and went up a floor, to room 312 and knocked. No answer as well. She put her head to the door and heard somepony laughing quietly, as though she was attempting to contain her glee. The Blank Mare raised an eyebrow and tried the door, to realize that it was open. She opened the door, letting the light fall upon the seemingly empty and dark room. Curious, she stepped inside. The Blank Mare didn't get past a few paces before,

"SURPRISE!" cried out Pinkie Pie, jumping out of the bathroom and firing two pressurized tubes filled with confetti, filling the air with the many-colored bits of paper. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack jumped out from behind the closest bed and blew their kazoos.

The Blank Mare stood in shock in the room. "What's this?" she asked after several seconds of silence.

"Well, in celebration of your efforts and the fact that you've decided to use your real name again, we've decided to throw you a party," said Twilight, smiling. The Blank Mare immediately blushed.

"Oh, it's fine, girls, you really shouldn't have done this for me, I-" she began, but she didn't go far before Pinkie Pie reached into the bathroom and pulled out a cupcake with a candle in it, smiling broadly.

"You're kidding me, right?" the Blank Mare asked dubiously but beginning to smile.

"Come on Red, we've only got 1 day together pretty much and then we're gone and we won't see each other again," said Rainbow Dash. "Lighten up! Have some fun!" She flew up and grabbed the Blank Mare by her left hoof and pulled her in the room.

They spent the next hour or so partying. They all laughed and talked and joked around and watched Pinkie Pie perform a few songs. The Blank Mare had a great time, a lovely time in fact. By 3 in the morning, Applejack was so tired she dozed off in the middle of a story that the Blank Mare was telling. Twilight moved her in her bed while Pinkie Pie waved goodbye to the Blank Mare and Rainbow Dash. The two walked down to room 203 and Rainbow Dash opened the door. They didn't bother with cleaning up and simply jumped into the bed.

"You know, I get the feeling that you girls had another reason for throwing me that party," said the Blank Mare as Rainbow Dash sleepily got in the covers.

"Yeah, well, Twilight thought that if you had a party like that, you would see how great society is or something like that," said Rainbow Dash in a slurred voice. "Anyways, I gotta, I gotta..."

She didn't finish the sentence and immediately started snoring. The Blank Mare smiled and got in herself. Although she was tired, she felt wide awake at the same time as well. She had to admit that Rainbow and Twilight and the others did a great job; it was nice having friends like them. They all brought a smile to her.

Before, as the Blank Mare for real, she had shunned other ponies' advances of friendship. That wasn't to say that she hated them really, but she didn't really feel like building a friendship with them. Of course, she still talked to them, like Mist, and she even shared some fun times with them, but then, the Blank Mare thought that those times were just that, experiences. She never really appreciated those times. Now though, the Blank Mare realized that those times were not just mindless times of talking. They were times of sharing, feelings. Things that the Blank Mare had never understood or appreciated until now. Her heart seemed to expand as she realized that friendship was something magical, it helped connect everypony and helped bring meaning to life. The Blank Mare then made a vow to build herself a new name. Something which when everypony looked at, could have no idea that it was connected to the Blank Mare. And she knew where to start.

The next day was interesting enough. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash made their way out the Mareriott to just walk around when a mare with a yellow coat, green mane, and an apple fritter for a cutie mark stepped in front of them and opened her front legs.

"Applejack!" she said with a large grin.

Applejack looked at her for a second before she too smiled and hugged her. "Aunt Fritters! Ah' was wonderin' when ah' would see you!"

"Well, that starts now! Let's head on over to Hollow Grounds. I cooked up a large bunch of apple fritters and they all have your name on it! Your friends as well!" she pointed toward the other three as well, who all smiled with delight and followed Apple Fritters and Applejack down the street.

Meanwhile, in Flaming District, Sector 6, Lightstring was just waking up from the after excitement of the celebrations. She rubbed her head and sat up, just when a knock came on the door.

"It's me," said Skyros. Lightstring quickly ran to the bathroom and began smoothing her mane out. She hated being caught with a bad mane.

"Lightstring?" asked Skyros. "You in there?"

"Yeah!" she called out from the bathroom. "Just, uh, give me a sec!"

A minute later she opened the door with a passable mane and waved him in her apartment.

"What brings you here?" asked Lightstring curiously while she was busy making coffee.

"Well, I thought I would come and see you, and, uh, you know. Just chat or something," stumbled Skyros. Lightstring smiled.

"Especially about yesterday, right?" she asked. Skyros nodded.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" asked Lightstring as she came over with two cups of tea. She gave one to Skyros and kept hers up.

"Well, I mean, we could talk about, you know, the, uh, the Council meeting, or the bill, or maybe, um..."

"You know, you stumble a lot when you're off show," said Lightstring. Skyros blushed.

"Well, you know..." he began. Lightstring thought for a moment.

"Or is it me?" she asked, now smiling cunningly.

"Well, I would assume so," said Skyros, his cheeks still flushed.

"You know, if I came on your show while you were like this," laughed Lightstring, "Would you stumble?"

"What, never! When it comes to a show, I'm all good, trust me!" Skyros proclaimed, standing up pridefully.

"Uh-huh," said Lightstring. Skyros sat back down and started drinking again. A moment passed in silence.

"You know, it was kind of quick," said Skyros.

"You mean, our meeting? In the Society?" asked Lightstring, blushing now.

"Knock knock!" came a cry. Lightstring and Skyros jumped. Lightstring walked over to the door, confused.

"Who is it?" she asked. The door opened and Sneaky Slate and Meriwether walked in. Sneaky looked happy and energetic as ever, while Meriwether appeared disdainful about something.

"You know, you can't just yell out 'knock knock' in a flat, Sneaky. It's completely rude and obnoxious," he chided.

"Yeah, yeah, you twat," said Sneaky dismissively. Meriwether shook his head.

"How are you, Meriwether?" asked Lightstring.

"Fine, I wanted to talk to you myself, Skyros, but Sneak here joined up with me and told me that you were here, so... here we are."

"That's great," said Skyros. "Did you want to say something?"

"Yes, I have something important to tell you two," replied Meriwether, pointing toward both Skyros and Lightstring.

"What's the matter?" asked Sneaky. "What's going on?"

"Sneak, I'm going to have ask you to step outside," said Meriwether.

"Not goin' anywhere 'till the boss says something," said Sneak resolutely.

"Sneak, could you please leave? Before I call the Casting District BPD headquarters."

"Whoa, whoa, okay boss. Just saying. No need to overreact or anything," said Sneaky Slate as he quickly left. Lightstring locked the door behind him.

"What was that all about?" asked Meriwether.

"Later," replied Skyros."What do you want to know?"

"Well," said Meriwether. "I was going to ask you whether this was true, although judging by the scene we're in currently, it appears so."

"Well, it's not a problem with you, right?" asked Skyros.

"Of course not," said Meriwether. "Whatever makes you two happy. Just so long as I'm best man," he added with a smile.

Skyros smiled. "Sure, old buddy. I owe that to you."

"Well, I also wanted to give you some news about me," said Meriwether. Lightstring and Skyros straightened up. "What?" they asked.

"I've been promoted to Assistant Head to the Economic Management Committee. Speaker Baner got the order signed just 3 hours ago," said Meriwether.

"Wow, congratulations Meriwether!" said Skyros. Lightstring nodded.

"Even better," Meriwether turned to Lightstring. "Lightstring, you're going to be an automatic member of the EMC as soon as you get in the 113 Council."

Lightstring opened her mouth in surprise. Skyros laughed and hugged her. Meriwether smiled.

"Well, yes, that's all fine and dandy. Well, I best be off," said Meriwether, getting up and heading for the door.

"Don't you want to stay for tea?" asked Lightstring. Meriwether shook his head sadly.

"Sorry. My friend from Cloudsdale is here and he says he needs assistance with politics. Something about joining the Cloudsdale Parliament. Anyways, I best be off," he said. He turned and Lightstring opened the door for him.

"See you, Mary. Have fun," said Skyros.

"Cheers, mate," Meriwether said as he quickly walked up the stairs to the roof. Lightstring closed the door.

In the late evening of that day, Rainbow Dash reentered room 203, tired, stuffed, but happy. She found the Blank Mare sitting on the bed, reading several letters, more at her hooves. She looked up as Rainbow Dash entered the room.

"Oh, hi Rainbow. I presume your day was excellent," she said.

"Yeah, although I think I ate a little too much apple fritter and pie," Rainbow Dash said. She suddenly belched a little. "Sorry."

The Blank Mare grunted as she began reading again.

"What're you reading there?" said Rainbow Dash, getting up and looking over her shoulder. The Blank Mare looked over her to look at Rainbow's face.

"Oh, just letters, from my contacts back in Gaitsville."

Rainbow Dash grabbed one letter and read it.

Dear Blank Mare, or Red Curl, whatever you want to be called now,

I've received your letter. I'm so glad you've made some new friends out there. If you're really considering going to Ponyville, though, I really suggest that you at least return and catch up occasionally. Unless of course, you don't consider me a friend, but just saying.

Don't let the other ponies get you down,

Mist Falls

"Wait, you're coming to Ponyville?!" asked Rainbow Dash, shocked. The Blank Mare nodded.

"That's so cool! When are you coming?"

"Tomorrow, is that too soon for you? I'll be getting off with the rest of you," said the Blank Mare.

"Wow! This'll be so awesome!" Rainbow Dash made a curious face by pushing her face with her front legs. The Blank Mare chuckled.

"Well, yeah. I've contacted my friends and let them know they can have my stuff. I don't really need that old stuff anymore," she said, tossing her letter on the bed and laying down herself.

"Wait, you're an investigative journalist for your newspaper, though. What about your job?" asked Rainbow Dash curiously.

"Oh, no worries. I got hired by the Ponyville Gazette. And I'm done with that investigating and stuff. I'm just going to be a normal writer from now on," said the Blank Mare.

"Wow," said Rainbow Dash. She sat back on the bed and thought for a second. The Blank Mare, in Ponyville!

"That reminds me," said the Blank Mare, stooping down suddenly and reaching for a letter. She came up, turned around, and handed a blue letter to Rainbow Dash. "This was supposed to be sent to you. The guys in the post office recognized me and remembered that you were with me last night, so they asked me to hand this to you while I was there." The Blank Mare smiled. Rainbow Dash took the letter curiously and read the return address. Her mouth dropped open and she sucked in her breath. "Wonderbolts Academy." She quickly turned the letter over to the back. The flap was held by a large stamp with a gold "W" on it. She quickly tore it off, slipped out the letter, and read it.

To a Miss Rainbow Dash,

Due to the unfortunate past occurrences afflicting the Wonderbolt team as a whole, we are proud to announce that you will be one of the few selected to be part of the new generation of the Wonderbolts Flying Competition Team, based on your performance thus far in our school. Advanced training sessions will begin as soon as the new year starts, so please return on time once the year begins to be a part of the continuance of the greatest flying team in the whole nation.

We hope you consider the offer,

Wonderbolts Academy

"Oh mi gosh, oh mi gosh, oh mi gosh, oh mi gosh..." rambled Rainbow Dash and the Blank Mare smiled. When this continued for 2 minutes however, the Blank Mare quickly smothered her.

"Okay, I get it, all right," she said. "Now come on, relax, and clean up. We're leaving tomorrow morning, pretty early I hope you realize. You haven't even started packing mind, you better start."

"Ha, who's talking?" said Rainbow Dash, pointing to the letters and envelopes scattered around the floor. In response, the Blank Mare pointed toward her already packed and ready luggage.

"Okay, okay," conceded Rainbow Dash, beginning to pack.

The next morning, the day was very cloudy as the pegasi prepared for another, more gentler, rainfall. The fog from some of the moisture of the clouds hung low to the ground and created a sort of blanket as Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash checked out of the hotel and quickly walked outside.

"Hey, where's Red?" asked Twilight as they walked down the street.

"She's coming," said Rainbow Dash. "Says she has to get ready though."

The four waited for some time at the street, until Rainbow Dash, who was flying above, spotted her.

"I think that's her!" she shouted to the three below. She quickly dived down back to the ground, where she got her first shock of the day. Red Curl walked toward them with nothing on. She had packed up her black coat and looked different in the middle of the street. Despite the fact that Rainbow saw her without clothes while she was sleeping, she never really paid attention. Now, Red Curl seemed simpler and more outgoing without the cloak. The other three were also goggling at her different appearance.

"Hi, everypony. What's up? Do I have something on my face?" Red Curl asked curiously.

After a moment of no response, Red Curl turned around and spotted a taxi cart coming. "Oh, taxi!" She waved her right front leg while smiling, but not from the good luck in the form of the incoming taxi. The cart slowed and stopped on the curb. The 5 quickly climbed and settled in the wooden seats.

"Baltimare Train Station, please," said Twilight. The stallions nodded and they were off.

They arrived at the train station with 15 minutes to spare. They quickly packed their luggage in the deposit spot and sat down in the waiting area. Suddenly,

"Hey, Twilight!" came a familiar voice. Twilight looked up to see Lightstring and Skyros trotting toward them. She quickly got up.

"Lightstring!" Twilight said as they go close. "And Skyros too. What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be at the Council?"

"Me?" asked Lightstring. "No worries, it's like 7 right now, I've got time. Listen, I just want to let you know that we appreciate all your help, Twilight."

"No problem, although I think you could have gotten off without me," said Twilight.

"Trust me Twilight. We probably wouldn't have won without you. You helped the bill pass. Heck, you added into it," said Lightstring.

"Did the mayor pass it?" asked Red Curl as she walked up. Lightstring and Skyros looked at her for a second.

"Oh, yes, of course," said Lightstring, smiling and recovering from the stumble. "She got the bill yesterday and just signed it. It's all done now!"

"That's wonderful!" said Twilight. She looked at the clock above the terminal. 5 minutes until the train left.

"Listen, Lightstring, we have to go-" began Twilight, but Lightstring suddenly hugged her. Twilight stumbled, but hugged her back. Lightstring quickly let go and hugged Red Curl and the rest of them in turn. Skyros shook Twilight's hoof.

"Have a safe trip," he said. His eyes twinkled as he added, "And don't forget to write. We would all appreciate it."

"I will, but where should I mail it?" Twilight asked.

"No worries," said Red Curl. "I have the address to the Baltimare Postal Station."

"Excellent," replied Skyros. "Well, see you all later."


The 5 all quickly walked to the train, which was beginning to whistle and start. Twilight and the others quickly jumped in a carriage and picked an empty compartment. They looked out to see Skyros and Lightstring on the platform, front legs around each other, using their free ones to wave good bye.

"Wait, they're together now?" asked Red Curl as the train began to start. "When did that happen?"

"They're not together yet, but I think they'll like each other enough soon," replied Twilight. The train began picking up speed, just as the rain started. Skyros and Lightstring quickly galloped back inside as the train rounded a bend and left.

Twilight and the rest of the gang spent the train ride talking and laughing, like the party two nights ago. Red Curl seemed more happy and vivid without the cloak while laughing and talking along with them. Twilight felt glad for her, that she had managed to shed off her past beliefs in exchange for the magic of friendship.

As the sky darkened, Rainbow Dash started telling them about her position in the new Wonderbolts team. Everypony yelled and stomped for her.

"That's wonderful, Rainbow!" said Twilight.

Rainbow Dash smiled while Applejack gave her a friendly sock in the front leg.

"Guess what else, though?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Our friend here, Red Curl, is coming to live with us in Ponyville!"

Twilight and the others were shocked, but started cheering and stomping for her as well. Red Curl smiled and looked down.

Finally, late at night, the train finally slowed and stopped at the Ponyville station. Everypony started stepping off with their luggage, tired, but happy.

"That reminds me," asked Twilight while Applejack yawned. "Red Curl, where are you sleeping tonight?"

Red Curl yawned as well. "Oh. Well... shoot."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. Pinkie Pie immediately stepped in. "Oh, how about you come to my place tonight! Oh it'll be so fun! We can..." And she began to ramble again.

"Well, in that case, would you like to stay at my place then?" asked Twilight. "I live in the library, so it's not too far if we walk down to Ponyville.

"Yeah, sure," said Red Curl gratefully as they walked back into town again. They walked through the quiet streets, remaining quiet, except for Pinkie Pie. They first arrived at the library.

"Okay everypony, you all should head home. I'll see you all tomorrow, right?"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash muttered assent, while Pinkie Pie pranced around, still rambling, although more quietly now.

"Twilight Sparkle," said a majestic voice from nearby. Princess Luna stepped out from a dark shadow.

"Princess Luna!" said Twilight.

"It is good to see thee again," said Princess Luna. "I bring with a me a gift imparted by Princess Celestia. She has other business to attend to this night, so she entrusted me to bequeath it to you."

Her horn glowed and some breezes and moonlight visibly coalesced into an object, solidifying and floating to the ground. Twilight quickly caught it with her telekinesis and brought it to her eye level, looking closely at it. It was a crystal of some sort, uniquely shaped, and iridescently colored.

"That, Twilight Sparkle, is a Crystal of Harmony, originating from the Crystal Kingdom. Not to be confused with the Elements of Harmony though. It is simply a crystal resembling peace and compromise, a will to work together for the betterment of ponykind," presented Princess Luna.

"Wow, thank you, Princess Luna, and tell Princess Celestia thanks for me," said Twilight.

"It is no trouble, Twilight Sparkle. It is your reward for your actions in Baltimare. The city will soon have a brighter future because of you." Princess Luna smiled and unfolded her wings.

"I must go and watch the night. Farewell, Twilight Sparkle." Princess Luna jumped, took off, and seemed to mold into the dark blue sky of the night.

"Wow," said Red Curl. "That was Princess Luna?"

"Yep," replied Twilight. "Better find a good spot for this. Anyways, lets get in. Alright, girls, I-"

Twilight looked to find Rainbow Dash and Applejack snoring on the ground. Pinkie Pie was smiling and giggling at them.

"Never mind," said Twilight. She quickly walked over and prodded the two.

"Huh, what?" said both of them. Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"You two should head home," said Twilight. Applejack got up and started walking back to Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow Dash sleepily jumped and started flying slowly. Pinkie Pie gave a quick "Bye!" and was off back to Sugarcube Corner.

"I swear," said Twilight. Red Curl chuckled. Twilight opened the door and the two stepped inside. The library was surprisingly immaculate and Spike was coincidentally lying on the ground sleeping with a mop and a pail of water.

"Aw, is that a baby dragon?" asked Red Curl.

"Yes, his name's Spike," said Twilight. She quickly floated him along with the crystal and the two walked upstairs. Twilight put Spike down in his bed and the crystal underneath her's. She quickly levitated two blankets over to the second floor and brought them next to her bed.

"I'll be sleeping on the ground tonight, you take the bed," said Twilight. She got under a blanket and laid on the other one.

"Twilight, no, I'm just freeloading off of you, I should-" said Red Curl but it was too late. Twilight started snoring and Red Curl smiled and got in Twilight's bed and started sleeping.

The next morning, Red Curl awoke to find Spike up and looking for paper while Twilight was pacing down the stairs. She saw Red Curl looking at her.

"Oh, sorry, Red Curl, I hoped that we wouldn't be too loud," apologized Twilight.

"No trouble," said Red Curl. She immediately threw her bags over her shoulders. "I should see where I can find a place to live."

"Wait," said Twilight before Red Curl walked down the stairs. She turned around. "Come on, one last thing."

"Sure," said Red Curl, climbing up to the third floor with Twilight.

"Spike, you ready?"

"Ready, Twilight!" replied Spike.

"Oh, he can talk?" asked Red Curl in surprise.

"Yeah, he's about the smartest baby dragon I know," answered Twilight.

"That's because I'm the only baby dragon you know," said Spike.

Twilight quickly jabbed him in the side with her leg and laughed. "Yes, Spike can be a bit smart sometimes."

"Anyways, Spike, take a letter," said Twilight.

"Right!" said Spike, dipping the quill in a ink well and stood waiting.

"Dear Princess Celestia," beginning Twilight.

I can't really say that today I learned something about friendship. This past week, I have probably made my biggest discovery in friendship so far. What I have learned is that friendship is extremely powerful, even across the longest distances. Friends may be miles and miles away from each other, but they can still connect with the magic of friendship. No matter the distance, friendship isn't affected by distance. Friends can still connect and solve problems together, no matter how far apart they are. I've also learned that friendship is so powerful, that it can overcome even the most ingrained disharmony. No matter how challenging and difficult a problem may seem, friendship can overcome that and bring harmony and happiness to the world, no matter what it takes, because there are always those who make friendship more powerful.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Spike finished the letter, wrapped it up, and lit it on fire. The force of the flame carried it away as it burned and it suddenly burst into a bunch of sparkles, disappearing off into the Princess' study in Canterlot.

Twilight turned to Red Curl, who was surprised by the process. She walked over and hugged her.

"Thanks for everything, Red Curl."

Red Curl shook her head and grasped both front legs of Twilight with hers.

"No, Twilight. Thank you for everything. And please tell that to Rainbow that as well," said the Red Curl. "You both made me realize the importance of friendship."

The two separated. They looked at each other for some time before Red Curl turned and walked away. Twilight smiled as Red Curl opened the door. She looked behind and saw Twilight watching her. Red Curl smiled and waved good bye. Twilight waved as well.

Red Curl stepped out and walked down to the street. The streets were full now, but not uncomfortably full. Just full enough where it wasn't boring, but where you could easily stop and talk to somepony, which she felt like doing all of a sudden. Of course, good luck struck here when,

"Dear, could you possibly be Red Curl?" asked an elegant voice behind her. Red Curl turned around and saw a white coated unicorn with blue and purple curled hair. She had a poise that reminded Red Curl of some of the aristocrats she brought down in the days of "Un-blinding."

"Yes, I am," said Red Curl, turning around to face the unicorn.

"Excellent, my name is Rarity, and I'm a friend of Twilight's. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

"Hi, Rarity. Is there something you need?" Red Curl asked.

"No, rather, it's something you need. Twilight called me early morning and said that you didn't have a home after traveling here from Gaitsville. So, I've already made some accommodations. Just follow me to my humble abode," said Rarity.

"Oh, no, I can't possibly," said Red Curl, but Rarity shook her head.

"Listen, dear, we haven't had a new house constructed in absolutely ages. Trust me, you won't have to pay a bit. I'm doing this as a favor to Twilight, and for you as well," said Rarity. She lead them through the town.

As Red Curl walked through the town, she passed dozens of rustic yet homely looking houses with straw roofs. Ponies were talking and laughing in the streets. Several were doing grocery shopping from the many carts on the side. She watched as a green-coated unicorn stood up and attempt to walk on her hind legs. An Earth pony beside her said, "Honestly, Lyra, enough's enough!" Everywhere Red Curl looked, she saw ponies happily going through another day that Celestia had brought them. She smiled as she realized that she was part of them already, that soon she would be joining them in the streets laughing and talking and chatting the day away. And the thought cheered her up, which wouldn't have happened a few weeks ago. Of course, friendship was that powerful. Red Curl knew that she would treasure that thought forever.

Author's Note:

The romance part was silly, stupid and whimsical on my part. I have edited it out after some reconsideration as of February 7, 2013, so I kindly ask those that have read it since the story's publication to please apply blunt force trauma at the cerebral cortex area to induce immediate and effective amnesia and forget the abomination that I wrote.

P.S. I suck at writing romance anyways. I promise to avoid writing it from now on. Praise the Lord and blah blah blah.

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