• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 320 Views, 0 Comments

Friendship in Politics - Shockburst

Baltimare is on the brink: the City Council is at daggers, quite literally, and the two parties seem to be unwilling to settle their differences as the looming shadow of economic collapse threatens the city.

  • ...


Things were looking hectic in the Ponytico stage. Papers were scattered all over the ground as ponies rushed past, desperately working on their various jobs. Three engineers stood at the catwalk with the spotlights and were aiming them down at different angles at the table. Other ponies rushed past, stopping occasionally to ask a question or provide information before rushing on. The chair where the broadcaster sat in was overturned and nopony bothered to pick it up.

"Live in 5 minutes, ponies. Let's get ready then, or all of you are getting your pay cut! I'm sure the City Council would love the extra bits."

The other ponies jumped at the voice of the producer and moved as though they were doused with cold water and then gave an electric shock. He looked around solemnly at the mess and sighed. He then took at good look at the stage and noticed one important detail... or lack of.

"Hey, where's Skyros?" asked the producer impatiently.

"Last time I saw him, he was in the dressing room," panted a work-stallion, as he rushed off with the papers from the ground.

"In the dressing room-, he's still there? He was there 5 minutes ago. He's on in 4, no 3!"

The producer rushed off in a huff, clearly frustrated. He stomped through the hallway and knocked others aside in anger. By the time he reached the end and turned to the dressing room, he was livid.

"Skyros? Get out here right now!" he yelled.

No reply.

"Skyros? You are on in 2 minutes. Get your plot out here right now or I will personally kick it from here to the Daily Broadcast! You know how you hate liberals."

Finally, the door opened and a head stuck out. He had a light blue mane with a red mane halfway died into white. His cutie mark was of a quill. His eyes drooped as though he had just waken up from a nap, which he indeed just did.

"Oh, 'sup, Mr. 'Visor. Yeah, I'm working on it. Just give me a minute."

However, the producer drew up to his full height, his eyes wide with anger at the very look of Skyros' face. The surrounding ponies turned in the opposite direction and fled. They knew what was coming.

It wouldn't do it justice if that morning was called eventful, because it certainly was more than that. All in all, in a few short minutes, enough emotion and energy was released that would vaporize a normal pony into dust. Skyros' mane was finished up and his face complexion fixed with just seconds to spare. He rushed in with his suit all in a bother and sat down in the middle of the now spotless stage with the lights at the right angle and his chair turned back up. He had just enough time to fix his mouth into a winning smile when the upbeat, fanfare theme song for Ponytico played.

The screen lifted up and the audience clapped as Skyros began messing around and drawing X's on the papers in front of him in am over exaggerating manner.

"Ah, welcome back, everypony. Settle down, settle down."

The crowd settled down as Skyros fixed his papers finally and looked up.

"So, welcome back to Ponytico, your finest source for any Baltimare new's... sort of. Better than the Daily Broadcast. And let's face it, who watches that? I'm sure my coat could make you think that I'm a Blue guy, but just take a look at my mane. I'm sure nopony could tell you that I'm a Blue guy by looking at my mane. I have it specially shined as well."

The crowd smiled at this little quip. They all knew that his mane was red, but he never mentioned it. It was a little inside joke they all shared.

"So yeah, where were we? So much to say. I think it be appropriate that we first pay our respect to the lovely little spirit that passed away some time ago, Common Sense. Wait."

Skyros lifted his right hoof to his ear, as though he was getting breaking news. He looked up with a believable look of intense concentration.

"This just in, we apparently already had the service for her some time ago. Several hundred years ago in fact. Along with Honesty, Bravery, and Kindness. Aw dang it! I wanted to have the service for them. Not those ponies who couldn't even dig a hole straight. Of course, what's so different between them and the ponies in the Council. Only thing I've seen is that our Council members are getting in the hole themselves."

"Seriously though," he continued on. "We all know about that little rock we like to call our economy. Well, unless you've been living under a rock, you would know that it's decided to roll back down from it's mountain and probably take the dump at that cliff we like to call depression. That's assuming of course we can't find a common ground for economic policies. Don't worry though, I'm sure it'll be fine, right? I mean, the Council knows what they're doing. I mean, the Economic Management Committee contains some of the smartest ponies from the Council. I'm sure they know what they're doing right."

The scene shifted to a clip of an interview with the Head of the Committee. He looked flustered and annoyed.

"As far as we know, there is no viable solution to the economy problem..."

Skyros had a look of surprise and shock. The crowd laughed.

"Ah ha ha, ha ha ha," laughed Skyros desperately. "Funny joke there, right Head? I mean, you guys know what you're doing right."

Back to the interview: "We can't be expected, uh, to have a solution to every problem the economy presents."

Skyros looked shocked again. He started banging his head with his right hoof.

"All right, now you're just kidding with us Head. Come on, there has to be a solution right? I mean, it's the economy, not a dragon."

Back to the interview again: "We do believe that certain policies from both parties would contribute to a healthy recovery, but to that end, we don't believe that uh, at our current situation, that both parties would be willing to compromise."

Skyros jumped from his seat. "Yes, it's all clear!" He looked to the roof, as though looking at the bright sky.

"Oh Celestia, there's the answer. We get both parties to work together. And together, we shall fight the menace of the economic bear."

Skyros stood there in his illuminating position for one more second before his features deflated.

"Oh, right. Get both parties to work together... You know, I'm starting to agree with the Head here. There's just no way that we can work to save the economy. I mean, both sides are literally at daggers. If we would all just take a look at exhibit A, we shall see a rather, eh, raucous meeting of the Council."

"Exhibit A" was a video clip of the City Council. The members were all either yelling at each other or engaging in small scuffles. Small snatches of the arguments could be heard, all relating to the economic problem.

"So..., yeah. At this rate, I don't think both parties are willing to, er, work together. And let's face it, this is time where all ponies need to just get along and remember that we were once called the City of Harmony and Light. I mean, I'm sure that Speaker Baner would be so kind and willing to compromise as I am. He's not called the Great Compromiser for nothing right? I mean, he dealt with policies from education to domestic relations. And you may think of me as a rather ignorant, close-minded conservative, but we must remember also that I am just as willing to increase taxes for the rich, in exchange for lower spending, I mean, come on. Isn't that what we all want? Just a lower spending bill. Something that which we can all appreciate. Forget the lower taxes, spending cuts are all we want, right? Three cheers for Speaker Baner and his open-mindedness!"

Skyros got out a glass of water and began sipping from it. The scene shifted to an interview of Speaker Baner.

"No alternative solution can be sought out for. We must realize, that a right view on this situation is a right wing view on the policy. It's as simple as that. No spending, and no tax increases. For anypony."

Skyros spewed out his water in a fit. Again, he looked shocked as he took out a towel and wiped down the table.

"Oh come on! What do we do now? Our leader is now claimed by the simple minded thoughts of the radicals who simply want their way. Oh great, great, great, great, great, great. Well, I'm sure some Blue Party guys share the same sentiment as we practical White Party guys do. I mean, they want a better Baltimare just like we do, just in a different way."

The scene shifted to a news report. The anchormare was in the middle of a education report.

"The liberal Blue Party has just announced the drafting of a bill known as the 'Cutie Mark Tutorship' bill. The bill provides free of charge lessons for ponies over the age of 6 who do not have their cutie marks. The advocates of the bill say that the lessons would be targeted for each individual pony and their likes, in order to generate a better environment to find their hidden talents quickly and efficiently. However, the Economic Management Committee has released a summary report on the cost of such lessons, stating that all revenue would be directly taken from the income of the upper-class ponies and would still not be enough to bring lessons to all the projected ponies. Despite this economic trouble, all confirmed Blue Party Council members have put their support into this bill, along with several left-wing White Party members."

Skyros just looked down and spun around in his chair.

"Okay, okay. I get it. Nopony wants to work together. We all got our own little beliefs and dogmas and we are all seemingly not willing to give it all up. Fine. I get it. I already had enough shocking news thrown into my face. Celestia help me. This is it, right? Apparently so. I mean, we all got our own things going on. It looks as though we're just going to have to count on...oh man! That's just it. There's just me and you guys."

Skyros pointed to all the crowd members.

"No worries! I have something prepared for in the event that something like this happens, everything would be all better. Now!"

Skyros struggled with something heavy below his table. After some strenuous activity, he lifted up a heavy-looking suitcase and slammed it on the table.

"Oh this?" He cried out, noticing some of the curious looks on the ponies' faces. "No fear! This is my Tart-Cart! It's basically my Emergency Campaign Kit. You may laugh!" he added at the several ponies who smiled quizzically and chuckled. "But at times like this, it's important to understand that basically anypony can throw their hat in the ring, and they'll end up better than some ponies in our venerable Council." His tone became instantly mocking at the mention of the Council ponies.

He opened the case. Inside sat a large metal box, several magazines, a toothbrush and toothpaste bottle, and a megaphone. Skyros took out the megaphone.

"This right here, I call her the Biggie!" The sentence rang across the room and several ponies grabbed their ears in pain.

"Sorry," apologized Skyros as he took out the magazines. "But look, I have subscriptions to The White Party Manual, A Laypony's Lesson on Politics, and more!" He took out and showed each cover to the crowd. The last magazine evoked a shout of laughter from the crowd. Skyros, feigning confusion, took a look at it and dropped the magazines. The last one was a recent edition of Playpony.

"Never you mind that!" said Skyros, as he shoved it under the table and pulled an unseen lever, causing a toilet flushing sound to play.

"I keep these magazines updated, just in case I need to start campaigning the next day. It's not called my Tart-Cart for nothing." Skyros then took out the metal box. Whatever was inside it composed 90% of the suitcase's mass, because it took almost the same amount of effort to lift that box out as it did the suitcase. Skyros opened it to reveal stacks and stacks of gold bits. The crowd gasped and awed.

"Yes, yes, these are just my campaign funds. Although, in just one short month, it'll probably be gone. But don't worry, I'm not really complaining." Skyros looked around before adding in hushed tones. "They're all just chocolate bits." He smiled at the new inside joke and put the box back in.

"So," said Skyros, as he shoved the box beneath the table. "As you can see, I'll be ready for the nomination from the White Party. Just you wait. It'll come." He sat humming for a few seconds.

"Oh right, the show." Skyros seemed to have been brought back down to Equestria, rudely. "Well, anyways, so we can see that we're all in a hot mess. In just one short month, all economic policies affected by the government will go bye-bye, and you all know what'll happen out of that."

He stared mockingly at the crowd, although they did know what happened. Almost all the county workers had to be laid off. Princess Celestia had to come in and restore peace and order. It was easy for her, but the very fact that she had to come over brought shame to the entire city, especially the pegasi. So many of them left for Cloudsdale that weather duties had to be left to several unicorns who could perform weather magic.

"So you may be wondering: 'But Skyros, what about the mayor and his cabinet?' Well I'm glad you asked. You see, our little mayor is currently bound under Executive Order 9057 to not interfere with legislative matters until they are brought before his or her desk for his or her lovely and piercing pen. Of course, I never understood why that order was passed, or why it was never repealed. It's been active for two past mayors so far and it brought nothing but harm. How on Equestria is the mayor supposed to rule if all he or she does it just veto or sign legislation. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for equal power and balances, but 9057 is just ridiculous. I'm sure any sensible White Party pony would agree with me."

A buzzer rang from the back of the stage and a siren sounded.

"Oh dear, I suppose we are out of time. All right, all of you, you've been a wonderful crowd. I shall see you all soon. Remember, we can all just get out of this if we can work together... sometime later. Have a great day!"

The cover lowered as the audience clapped loudly. As soon as it touched down, the stage lights went off.

"That's a wrap!" said the producer, walking on the stage. "Good show Skyros. Get back to the dressing room and change."

"Thank you, Mr. 'Visor," said Skyros as he stood up and rushed out of the stage.

"That's Mr. Supervisor to you!" called out the producer as Skyros left, but if he heard him, he didn't respond.

Skyros rushed back to the dressing room. He sat down and began undressing. His suit, already disagreeable in the beginning of the show, now looked like a mess. He unbuttoned, took a shower, and finally sat down on his couch. Suddenly, somepony knocked on the door.

"It opens!" said Skyros.

A young mare nervously walked into the room. She had a verdigris green and a golden mane that faded to a copper color at the ends. Her horn was glowing yellow and a clipboard was floating in front of her, which was her cutie mark as well.

"Hi. Uh, Mr. Skyros?"

"Yes, yes," said Skyros as he began pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Hi. My names Lightstring. Big fan of your show. I'm, uh, a member of the Society for the Betterment of Baltimare and White Party candidate for Sector Six of Flaming District."

"Ah yes, of course," said Skyros absentmindedly as he began fixing milk and sugar in his coffee.

"Yes, well, I notice that you talk a lot about, er, inter-party compromise on your show," said Lightstring timidly.

"Do I?" asked Skyros as he began stirring.

She looked confused, but plowed on. "Well, yes, you do, and I have a petition here for a call for both parties to work together to solve the economy problem."

"Mm-hm," grunted Skyros as he began drinking, but he was interested now.

"Anyways, we, I mean to say, the Society for the Better-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean."

"Right. Well, we have been gathering signatures from both parties and we almost have enough to elicit an official response from the Council. It would be nice, no, it would be an honor, to have your signature here."

"You want me to sign your petition?"

"Yes, if you don't mind. I mean, you always talk about compromise, and you are extremely well-known. It would be great to have your signature on here. Just to show those ponies up there in the Council that you care."

Skyros still had a blank expression, but the truth was he was listening with rapture. He did want compromise and this petition seemed to do it. How else was the Council going to respond to the cliff threat. Apparently, it wasn't enough for his White Party friends in the Council to get those ponies to work together. Why not let those old dodgers get their ear drums cracked from the public's shouts?

"Why not?" asked Skyros.

"Oh thank you so much, Mr Skyros, you don't know what this means to me, to all of us at the Society!"

"Yeah, yeah," said Skyros as he picked up a pen and signed the petition.

"Thank you again Mr. Skyros. Is it okay if we use your signature to gain publicity? You know, add support?"

"Sure, go ahead, as long as you don't interfere with my show."

"Your show?" roared the producer down the hallway.

"Don't mind him," said Skyros as Lightstring looked around in alarm. "He's always like that."

"Yes, well, thank you again Mr. Skyros. For everything."

"No problem. But hold it," entreated Skyros as Lightstring made to step outside the door.

He walked up to Lightstring. Lightstring noticed his eyes were now almost sad and tired, as though he saw many ponies like her. And indeed he had. Skyros served for some time in the Council and probably saw a lot of upstart ponies like her go through the mill. She shivered almost imperceptibly.

"Is it cold?" asked Skyros. Lightstring shook her head.

"No? Then listen. If you want to be a politician, especially a White Party candidate, you gotta be more aggressive. Okay? No more of this wishy-washy nonsense. You hear me? I expect more out of my fellow compadres. I'm counting on you and your generation to bring upon the change that needs to happen. Because we all know that change needs to happen. When the time comes, I'll stand beside you if need be. But you have to be the one that brings it about, you hear me?"

Lightstring nodded. Although Skyros was known for his cynicism and insensitivity at times, his tone now was asking, expecting, almost pleading. Lightstring could tell that Skyros had tried his best and failed. His time wasted in attempting to change what made up the basic center of pony ethics and will. Lightstring could almost feel the efforts of his past fall on her shoulders.

"Yes, Mr. Skyros. Don't worry. I'll make all of you proud."

"Good, I'll see you later then."

Lightstring walked out and closed the door behind her. She sighed and then straightened. She made a mental note to herself: do what it takes to solve this problem. She turned and walked briskly down the hallway, quite in contrast to how she walked in. That change probably saved the entire city of Baltimare.