• Published 15th Dec 2012
  • 2,345 Views, 19 Comments

Oh! For Love's sake! - Love Checker

It's nearing Hearth's Warming Eve and everypony's looking for a date. Will Love Checker find her true love or will she be taking care of a problems for someponies?

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Chapter 3: Dreams come true. Well,almost.

It was now eight o' clock in the morning. My parents are leaving for Canterlot at noon. I was out for a walk, thinking about that note in one of my gifts. I sighed. Who could it be? Pinkiepie was trotting by with a colt. Must be her date, I thought. I was gonna go to Zecora's, but I reconsidered it. I trotted to the library instead. Last night, you see, I had a dream.

I was in Canterlot at a masquerade party.Princess Celestia had given Twilight and Spike invitations for themselves and to me,Applejack's family,Rarity,Rainbowdash,Pinkiepie and her date,Fluttershy,The Cutiemark Crusaders and Rose Bud. A handsomely dressed colt was coming by, I couldn't see his face though. He was a unicorn just like me. He held his hoof in front of me, asking me to dance with him. So we danced until the stroke of midnight.
"Please don't go!" I told him.
"I'm so sorry, but I need to go." He replied and kissed me before he ran away. I stayed there,alone with my friends, too stunned to move.

I had explained to Twilight my dream. She was now pacing around the library looking for a book about dreams. Spike was tailing her to make sure he could get the books she threw. Twilight had told me earlier that, Princess Celestia had sent her invitations to the Hearth's Warming Eve dance at Canterlot. I looked at her surprised. My dream had come true. Except for the part where I met my true love.

"Ah-ha! Here it is!" Twilight exclaimed. Spike caught the last book she threw and went off to shelve the huge stack. I went towards Twilight, who was scanning the book. "It says here, Love, that you will find your true love soon, since there are signs that it will happen." she started. "You have to be on the look out for him. You might know him. Here are signs that you should know:
-The colt who likes you stares at you a lot.
-he tries to get your atten-"

"Okay, Twilight. You don't have to say those things that I already know." I told her. "Anyway, that's all I need to know.".
Twilight sighed. "Right. I almost forgot about that. Anyway, did you enjoy the gifts I gave you?"
"Yup." I replied. "I really enjoyed those books. Especially 'A Guide for Equestria'.". I really mean't it. It was such a good read. I have been wanting to travel. The only places I've been to are here in Ponyville and Canterlot. To be exact, I didn't live here since I was a foal. I am really from Canterlot and I transfered only when I was in the 5th grade.

"I bet you really miss your bestfriends back at Canterlot,Love." Twilight said as if reading my mind. I nodded. I really really miss them. It's been years since I last saw them. I'm so excited to see them again. I said goodbye to Twilight and continued on my walk. I was headed for Rarity's Boutique when, somepony bumped into me.

"Oh! Sorry there, Love..." He said. "I wasn't looking at where I was going.". I looked at the colt. He had a card,some roses, and some chocolates in his saddlebag. He was a unicorn just like me and had black hair with blue highlights and a shooting star for a cutiemark. It was Lighting Star!
"Sorry, Lightning." I said. "And who owns those chocolates and roses?". I didn't dare use my magic. I knew who he likes after all, but I liked asking ponies about these things. The mare he likes is somepony I don't know at all. I noticed him blush a little. "Bye, Lightning." I called as I continued trotting to Rarity's Boutique.
"Don't you think this is just darling?" Rarity asked as she gave me a dress to try on for the Hearth's Warming Eve dance. I nodded and looked at the dress with satisfaction. It was just like how I saw it in my dream. It was violet in color with diamonds in pink and blue. Rarity also gave me a simple emerald necklace. I went into the dressing room and fitted the dress. It actually fit perfectly! I went outside the dressing room and showed the dress to Rarity. "It's simply divine,darling!" She exclaimed.

"Well... What are you gonna wear, Super Fashionista Rarity." I asked her. She blushed and smiled at me while she levitated a dress.

"Ta-Da!" She exclaimed. "Wonderful,Isn't it?". I nodded. I paid for the dress and went back home to help my mom and dad pack.
As I went inside my house, I saw some chocolates and roses in my mailbox. There was a note with it too.
"Dear Love,

My heart beats faster whenever I see you,

I really want you to be mine,

But I am so shy,

But you'll see me almost everyday.

I'm sure you won't notice it's me


Your secret admirer
P.S. I really like you. I hope you like me too."

I blushed. It didn't really rhyme, but it was really sweet of him to give me a love note, chocolates and some roses. I went inside to help my parents drag their stuff to the train station.
I was in Sugarcube Corner, eating lunch. I looked at Pinkiepie who was placing mistletoes on top of unaware couples' heads. I thought about the note again. 'But you'll see me everyday',huh?,I thought. Then I saw Applebloom looking around the room, then trotted towards me.

"Hiya,Love!" She said. " 'Mah big brother's lookin' fer ya!". I used my magic for awhile. Big Mac has a crush on Twilight Sparkle. Well, It's actually obvious to me. Big Mac's good at mathematics and Twilight is really smart. They'll look good together. "Well, are ya comin' or what?" Applebloom asked. I trotted to Applebloom quickly, finishing my food.

Big Mac was at the orchard, bucking some apple trees. Applebloom trotted to the treehouse, where the other two crusaders were waiting for her. I trotted towards Big Mac, who suddenly stopped when he saw me."Well, hey there Big Mac. Why did you want me here?" I asked.

"Does Twilight like me?" he asked sheepishly. He was blushing at what he said and the only four ponies who can spot it are me, Applejack, Granny Smith and Applebloom. I shrugged. I never tell anypony anything about those stuff. "Use yer magic!" He said.

"Nah... It would take the fun of knowing from her, out." I said. "Besides I don't work that way."
"Eeyup... Maybe ah shouldn't had have asked ya." He said.
"Well then... See ya, Big Mac." I said
I got mail in my mailbox again. But not from my secret admirer. These were questions for my column in a magazine called 'Candy and canes' a magazine for teens. I'm also the editor in chief for this magazine. But this was just a sideline. I'm a interior designer and a singer. I sang only in Ponyville and on special occasions, in Canterlot. Usually when there's a new home in Ponyville, I decorate it. I think before I opened my mailbox, the mailbox itself burst. I had my work cut out for me.

I sighed. My work was finally done. I would send the magazine to a the publisher so that every mare in Equestria would receive their copy of the magazine. Now I was with my two dogs in the living room enjoying a good story I was reading. Ava had yawned while Cheeky was now fast asleep. I levitated them to their little beds in my bedroom. I got some snacks and got my diary. I liked writing in my diary, but it's tiresome if it's the magazine. Writing in my diary made me relax a little for some reason. What was happening again with the Cutiemark Crusaders? I don't remember. I fell asleep relaxed as ever...