• Published 28th Nov 2012
  • 1,058 Views, 14 Comments

Twilight's Discovery:Things Are Changing - SailorBrony

Twilight has stumbled upon something and finds something that Equestria has never seen before.

  • ...

Party Time!!

Michael was the first to wake this time. He still felt full from last night. That was the most he’d eaten in months. In fact, that was the first time he had three full meals in a day. He need to get some exercise. He got up and walked into the bathroom. He got ready to go when he realized he only had what Rarity gave him.

“I can’t do anything in this!” he thought.
'Hmm, maybe if I go to Rarity's she can make me some running shorts.’ he thought.

Michael walked downstairs and saw the snow falling outside.

‘Welp, there goes my plan for running’

He turned and saw Twilight asleep on the couch. Her book had fallen on the ground. He decided that he would just go out for a walk. Michael wrote a tiny note and left it on the counter. He opened the door and walked into the snow. Michael found that his new clothes were very warm when they needed to be.

He continued down the street and noticed all the small shops. Then a pink pony appeared in front of him. He didn’t even see her walk up to him. It was the same one that was at that bakery.

“What’s her name again? Pinkie, that’s it. How’d I forget? It’s the color she is!” he thought.

“Hi, you are invited to a party tonight!” she said with a bubbly voice.

She smiled and hoofed over a small blue envelope.

“Oh, thanks. I will definitely be there.” Michael said, staring at the card.

“Well, I hope. What kind of party would it be if the guest of honor didn’t come?” she giggled.

Michael smiled.

“Okay, see you later! I have to hand out the rest of the invitations.”

Michael continued down the street, noticing how happy everyone was. No matter how much he felt trapped here, it was pretty nice. He noticed a wanted sign on a couple of buildings. One that really stuck out to him was what looked to be a blacksmith/carpenter. Back home, his real home, he helped his dad with a lot of things. He thought that he should definitely pay back Twilight and make some money of his own.

He walked into the shop and saw a brown pony. The pony had a strong build with very sturdy muscles. Michael decided to walk up to him.

“Hi, I saw that you’re looking for work.” Michael said.

The stallion looked up, unfazed by Michael’s appearance.

“What experience do you have with a hammer?” the stallion asked in a gruff voice.

“Well, I have helped fix some of my cars with my dad.” Michael replied.


“Um, never mind. I’ve had a lot of experience with boat maintenance.” Michael said, remembering all the broken stuff on his boats.

“That’s good enough, welcome aboard kid. Get here by 9am tomorrow. We will discuss your working arrangement.” the stallion said, “And what’s your name by the way?”

“It’s Michael, what about yours?”

“I’m Iron. Iron Sledge.” he said.

“Thanks, Iron.”

Michael felt good about his new job. Now he can stop mooching off Twilight and pay for his own stuff. Michael started walking back to the library.


Michael walked into the library and noticed that Twilight had gotten up. He looked around and saw Spike organizing bookshelves.

“What’s up Spike?”

“Nothing much, Twilight went to Applejack’s if you’re wondering. I forgot why though, sorry.”

“Thanks. What are you doing for the rest of the day?” Michael asked.

“Oh nothing much. I wanted to go sledding, but Twilight isn’t back yet and she doesn’t want me to go alone.”

“Sledding? Are there hills around here for that?”

“Oh yeah! My favorite hill is right outside the Everfree forest. That’s part of the reason I can’t go.” Spike complained.

“Well, I can go with you. I love sledding!” Michael said, “Let’s just get the sled and go!”

“Well, I think she would be fine. Let’s just leave a note to make sure she knows.”

“Ok, sweet.” Michael said excitedly, “I haven’t been sledding in so long!”

Michael couldn’t wait to go sledding. Although, the uncertainty of the looming Everfree Forest made him bring his knife. Spike was excited as well. The little dragon ran through the house gathering his gear. A few moments later Spike came down with the sled and a snow jacket.
“Yup!” Spike said.

They walked out the door and Spike led the way to the hill. Michael began to see the hill. It was far enough away so that ponies could play on it, but the forest would always be in there mind. Michael and Spike started up the hill. It was fairly large, so it took a couple of minutes to get to the top.

“You know what would make this a lot cooler?” Michael said with a devilish grin.


“We should build a jump at the bottom!” Michael said.

“Okay! Sounds awesome!” Spike said.

The duo slid half-way down the hill and began the job. It took around 15 minutes. They covered a log in snow and made a snow ramp going up it for a smooth curve in the hillside.

“Why don’t you go first, Michael?” Spike said daringly.

“Nah, you can.” he said, staring down the hill.

“What you scared?”

“No! Fine, I’ll go. If it would shut you up.” Michael joked.

Michael sat down on the sled. He gulped.

Ok, I can do this. It’s easy.’

Michael pushed off and bolted down the hill. He saw the jump and prepared. He began to feel nervous, but it was too late. The jump was only twenty feet ahead of him. The sled jerked and sent Michael flying. He leaned back, attempting a trick. He was half-way through a backflip when his face hit the snow hard. Luckily for Michael the snow was still fresh and loose. Too bad it didn’t stop it from hurting him. Michael continued to fall down the hill, that is until the tree got in his way.

“Ow...” Michael groaned.

Spike couldn’t help but burst out laughing. The little dragon was having a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, really funny." he said sarcastically.

It was just then that Michael looked up and saw a large wooden object moving towards them. It pounced at Spike.

"Spike! Move!" Michael said.

Michael tackled Spike onto the ground. The thing sailed over their heads. Michael got up and whipped out his knife. He had a chance to get a closer look at it.

"A timberwolf!" Spike cried.

The wolf turned back and looked at Michael. The wolf's menacing gaze brought a chill to his spine. The wolf let out a snarl and pounced again. This time Michael was ready for it. He rolled to the side and stabbed upward into the wolf's chest. He looked over expecting the wolf to be wounded. It just got up and snarled again.

"Run!" Michael yelled to Spike.

They tried to run towards the town, but three more jumped out from behind some bushes. Michael grabbed Spike and ran into the forest.

"We can go to Zecora's!" Spike said between breaths.

"Fine, anywhere!"

Spike led Michael to a small trail. Two more timberwolves jumped out of the bush.

'Why can't I just have a normal day?' Michael thought to himself.

Michael was hit to the ground, a timberwolf on top of him.

Michael screamed.

A bright purple burst hit the timberwolf square in the chest. It flew across the path and hit a tree before dropping to the ground

I looked over and saw Twilight.

"Oh thank God you're here! How’d you know it was me?!"

"I didn’t know it was you. I thought a mare was being attacked. And you are lucky I was at Zecora's getting supplies." she said.

“Yeah very manly.” Spike snickered

Michael sat up covered in bruises and mud.

‘Ugh, that fucking hurt’

“Yeah, can we just go home now?” Michael said with a groan .

“Yeah, I can try and fix you up once we’re there.”

Michael got up and walked towards Twilight, Spike soon followed. They all began walking towards the library.


Michael’s POV

We finally made it to the library. I was so tired of this crap. Why does life hate me so much?

“Michael, come let me try to fix you up.” Twilight said.

“No, it’s fine” I said, “You have done so much for me anyways.”

“Michael please just get over here.” She said more insistently.

“Fine.” I complained.

Twilight’s horn began to light up. A magenta aura washed over me. What happened next was extremely painful. I could feel my wounds healing, but it stung. It felt like I had just poured salt on every cut. I clenched my jaw from all of the pain.

The process was finally over. I looked at Twilight who looked drained from using all that magic.

“Thank you Twilight” I said.

“It was no problem. I am just going to take a quick nap before the party.” She said.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” I said, “I am going to get ready a little.”

After about an hour everyone was ready for the party. Twilight led to the party, mostly because I still have no idea where I’m going when I walk around the town.

We walked up to the entrance of the Sugar Cube Corner. The entire place looked like it had been re-done to resemble a dance club. It was dark with flashing lights and music blaring. I walked in and saw the crowd of ponies. Some were dancing while others sat around the food and drinks talking.

“Hiya! Are you ready to partay?!” Pinkie yelled.

“I sure am!” I said with a smile.

I saw a banner that said ‘M.N.S.L.F.P’. Ugh, she really did that. Well, I should just enjoy the food.

I walked up to one of the tables with pastries on it. There was a green unicorn talking to another pony leaning on the table. She looked up at me and almost fell back. She looked at me in surprise then ran off.

“Sorry about my friend” The pony said, “She just got nervous.”

“No problem.”

“I better go make sure she is alright. See you around!” she smiled.

“Okay, see ya!” I said.

Huh, that was weird. Now, which one to pick? How about these ones.

I went to grab one of the pastries when my hand met a cyan hoof.

“Oh, sorry you can take that one.” I said before looking up.

I looked up and saw a Pegasus with a multi-colored mane.

“No, it’s fine. You take it.” she said

“Oh, hey. You’re one of Twilight’s friends. Rainbow Blast, right?” I asked. As soon as I said that I knew I had the name wrong.

“Dash. It’s Rainbow Dash.” she said, clearly annoyed.

“Oh, sorry.” I said.

I looked down, trying not to make eye contact with her.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to be like that.” she exclaimed.

“Oh, it’s fine. I know that you were just correcting me.”

“Okay, well, see you around!”

“Kay, see ya!”

The party continued on even after I left. Twilight, Spike and I all left the party around ten o’clock. We walked home and I passed out almost immediately.


Author’s Notes: Thank you to my editors Ex-Nihilos and Muffinman1995! I am switching my story over to a first person. Sorry to all of you who like it this way, but I find it easier and better to write in first person! And sorry that I couldn’t get this out faster, I was caught up with school work. I have a couple weeks until winter break and my teachers are slamming me with homework. Muffinman would know. We go to the same school and have Latin together! Fuck that class is hard. (I’m giving Muffinman permission to write more stuff about Latin or respond to this. I think it’d be fun to start doing that with the editors. Just so the audience knows what our conversations are. You guys agree?)