• Published 28th Nov 2012
  • 1,058 Views, 14 Comments

Twilight's Discovery:Things Are Changing - SailorBrony

Twilight has stumbled upon something and finds something that Equestria has never seen before.

  • ...

A New Home and Old Memories

Twilight’s Discovery: Things are Changing

“Okay let’s talk. What are you and how can you speak?” Michael asked.

“Well, all ponies can talk and what about you? What are you?” Twilight asked.”

Twilight was very interested in this creature. She wanted to find out more, like where he came from and how is he so intelligent when he lives in the Everfree Forest.

“So, in this world ponies can talk? Where am I Miss...?” Michael dragged the last word on as to ask her name.

“Twilight, just call me Twilight. And you’re in the Everfree Forest.” She said.

“Where is that? I haven’t heard of it. Maybe you can show me on a globe or Google maps or something.” he said, thoroughly confused.

“Google? What are you talking about?” Twilight asked.

Am I even on Earth anymore?’ Michael thought. ‘That is probably what that purple mist was back home’
“Hello? Michael?” Twilight asked again, concerned.

“Oh! Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts.” he replied

“Oh, what about?”

“Well, I think something brought me here. I think it was an accident that I am here.”

“Well, everything happens for a reason. That’s always what my mentor taught me.” Twilight concluded.

“Yeah, I guess” Michael stated. This made him feel even worse.

What is the reason that I need to be here?’ he thought, ‘I could have been home playing football or something’

“Are there more of you?” he asked Twilight.

“Actually ponies populate all of Equestria. It is a wonder that you haven’t met any before.” she answered.

“Trust me, I have met much nastier things while I have been here.” Michael said.

“Yeah, there are a lot of weird thi-Wait what do you mean since you’ve been here?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I haven’t lived here. What kind of person lives in the woods? I have been surviving for a while now and it has been pretty rough.” he said.

This put Twilight off. She didn’t like the idea of Michael living out in the woods by himself. Especially since he had tried to have been surviving. Plus, she had a lot more questions she wanted to ask him.

Maybe he can live with me.’ Twilight thought.

But what if he is dangerous?’ she argued with herself.

Ok, but I can’t just leave him.’ she said.

Fine, he will just have to stay in the guest room.’

“Well, you can always stay with me.” Twilight said.

“Ok!’ Michael said a little too quickly. He turned away, not wanting to look into Twilight’s eyes, “I mean, only if its no trouble for you.”

“It’s no problem at all and I can’t just let you stay here anymore. It’s way too dangerous.” she said.

“Um, ok. Lead on Twilight.” he said.


When Twilight and Michael finally made it back to Ponyville, they were both exhausted. Running from bears and other monsters took a lot out of them. Twilight opened the door to her library and showed Michael in. He looked around the room, studying the layout.

“I will be right down, I have to put my saddlebags away.” Twilight said as she began to walk up stairs.


It was at that moment that Spike walked in the front door. He had an ice cream cone in his claw and a bag of groceries for dinner.

As soon as he looked up he dropped his ice cream and bags onto the floor. The ice cream hit the floor with a comical ‘splat’. At the same moment he let out a loud scream.

“TWILIGHT!” the tiny dragon yelled.

Michael was just as scared. He jumped away nearly tripping over himself and falling on the floor.

“What is it Spike?!” Twilight yelled as she galloped down the stairs, only to find Spike behind the couch and Michael up against a bookcase. Both had terrified looks in their eyes.

“What is it?” Spike got out in a quivering voice.

“Um, I don’t like being referred to as ‘it’.” Michael said slightly annoyed.

“Sorry Spike, this is Michael. He’s a-uh-you never told me what you were.” Twilight said.

“I’m a human. I came here from my world called Earth.” Michael said, finally accepting that he was no longer on the same planet.

“Oh, uh ok then.” Spike said a little confused now.

“And what are you? Some kind of purple lizard?” Michael asked.

“No! I am a dragon.” Spike said. He blew out a small green flame just to prove his point.

“Ok” Michael said, unamused. Just then his stomach growled. Michael blushed in embarrassment, “Sorry, I haven’t eaten all day. I have had barely enough food to survive.”

“Oh my gosh! I am SO sorry. Here let me make you a sandwich until dinner!” Twilight said.

“Wait you have been surviving? Where exactly?” Spike asked.

“I was sent here some months ago and was forced survive in the Everfree Forest.”

“Are you kidding? You survived that long in the Everfree?!” Spike said, surprised, “How did you make it?”

Michael told Spike that he only had his hunting knife when he was sent here. He told him that he survived the long nights and endless monsters chasing him by hiding in the trees only coming down for water and food. Spike was on the edge of his seat listening to Michael. Twilight overheard some of their conversation almost not believing what he said. It was just too mind boggling for her.

“And then I jumped out of the tree and landed on the beast-” Michael said.

“Here is your sandwich. I hope you like mustard.” Twilight said politely.

“Thank you so much Twilight! If it wasn’t for you then I would still be out in that monster infested forest.” Michael said, almost with watering eyes.

“It really was no trouble. And if it wasn’t for you then I would probably have been lunch for that bear.” Twilight said. She noticed how ragged Michael looked. His clothes were completely torn up. She decided where she was going tomorrow.

“Michael, tomorrow I am bringing you to my friend Rarity. You really do need new clothes and she is the best designer in Ponyville.” Twilight spoke.

“Okay, but is there anywhere that I can take a quick nap before dinner?” he asked.

“Yeah, I will show you your room that you will be staying in while you are here.”

Twilight lead Michael up the stairs and to his new room. It had a nice looking bed and a nightstand with a candle.

“Thank you so much Twilight. I don’t know what I do without you”

Twilight blushed

“It really was no problem. I will come and get you for dinner.”

“Ok, thanks again.” With that Michael shut the door and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Michael’s dreams were very strange. He dreamt of his mother back home and his siblings. In his dream Michael watched as his Mom was crying. His brothers, Nick and James, tried to comfort her. All she wanted was to have her son back.


“What if he is dangerous Spike?” Twilight asked in a hushed tone.

“I like him, he seems very nice. I don’t think he would hide anything from us.” Spike whispered back.

“Well, okay Spike. I trust your gut.”

“Speaking of gut, what do you want to eat for dinner?” Spike asked.

“How about we go out to eat?” she said.

“Aw yeah, where do you want to go?”

“What about that little restaurant on the corner?” Twilight had found that place by mistake when going to dinner with Rarity. Twilight really enjoyed the food and the owners were very nice to them.

“Okay, that sounds awesome!” Spike said.

“I will go get Michael.”


Michael woke up to the sound of hooves knocking on the door and tears in his eyes. He didn’t realize how much he missed his family. He tried to wipe away the tears, but his eyes were still red and bloodshot. Michael opened the door and saw Twilight standing there.

“Oh um, how are you?” she asked.

“I am fine” Michael said, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

“Oh uh ok. I just came to get you for dinner, that is if you want to come.”

“Yeah sure, I’ll come. Where are we going?” he asked.

“Oh just to this little restaurant down the road.”

“Ok, sounds nice.”

Michael followed her down the stairs and out the door, where Spike waited for them. They all started walking towards the restaurant.

“So, how was your nap” Spike asked as if talking to a baby.

“Oh it was fine. It was nice to not hear your voice for an hour.” Michael said smirking.

“Yeah same, my eyes were thanking me when I didn’t have to look at your ugly mug” Spike said grinning.

Damn, he got me’ Michael thought, ’I haven’t done this in ages, I lost my touch!’
They arrived at the restaurant and sat at a table in the far back, not wanting to attract attention.

Michael sat down and looked at the menu. All he saw absolutely no meat on it.

Ugh, I forgot! Horses don’t eat meat! Now what am I supposed to eat!’

He looked back down and found the pasta section. He decided to go with the veggie lasagna. Ho loved when his mom made it back home, but she used meat sauce on it instead.

The waiter came and was thoroughly confused when he saw Michael sitting with Twilight. But he steeled his nerves and went to the table.

Twilight, Spike and Michael all ordered. They drank their water while they waited for the food to come. Michael couldn’t bear the silence anymore, so he started the conversation.

“So Twilight, what exactly do you do for a living?” he asked.

“I am Princess Celestia’s personal student.”

“Princess Celestia?” he said confused.

“Oh, she is our ruler. She raises the sun while her sister, Luna, raises the moon.”

There is magic, pegasi, and monsters here so Princesses that control astronomical bodies, why not?’

“Oh okay.” he said, not wanting to go into more detail.


By the time they finished dinner it was well into the night. The group decided it was time to go home. Michael, who was still really tired, was perfectly fine with going home.

They had finally reached home. They all walked in and Spike took a seat on the couch. Twilight took a seat next to him after she lit a fire. Michael felt the warmth hit him, it only made him all the more tired.

“Goodnight Twilight and Spike. I’d love to stay down here, but I am beat. See you tomorrow.” Michael yawned.

He walked up stairs and put his knife of the counter. He peeked his head outside.

“Um, Twilight you wouldn’t mind if I took a shower, would you?” he asked shiley.

“No, of course not. Make yourself at home.” she said, she levitated a towel to him from the couch.

“Thanks.” Michael said.

The shower felt nice. Michael was able to clean off his cuts and scrub the dirt off his body. While he washed, he thought of all the pain his friends and family were feeling. He often did this while he was in the forest. It wasn’t that he wanted pity or wanted to complain. It was because he wanted to just wish himself there. Though, he knew that would never happen and he knew it. He felt sorry for his family. When he did this in the forest he would just switch to thinking about survival, but now that he was safe he didn’t have anything else to think about. So, he got out of the shower and went to bed. Once again he fell asleep thinking about his family.


Author’s Notes: Thanks everyone who commented! I took all of them as constructive criticism.

Although, I REALLY need editors. I have good ideas that I don’t want to ruin by bad grammar/spelling. So, if anyone is in the mood or feeling a bit generous, please just message me . Thank you! ^-^