• Published 24th Nov 2012
  • 1,544 Views, 15 Comments

Party Animals - Infini-Pony

What happens when the new Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends party hard one night, and then wake up the next day to find themselves in awkward situations among friends, family, and strangers? Will their true feelings prevail over curiosity?

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Chapter 1: Afterglow

CHAPTER 1: Afterglow

Morning time; Ponyville is silent as the sun creeps up over the hills surrounding the sleepy town. The orange morning sunlight shines on the old Poniville water mill as it slowly whines and groans while it wakes up from sleeping all throughout the night. The bell tower strikes six slow, long, and loud strokes; the beginning of the day for the ponies in Ponyville… for those that are awake.

[Scene transitions to the outside entrance of Sugar Cube Corner]

Sugar Cube Corner is slowly illuminated by the morning sunlight as it reveals a hectic scene of toilet paper strung all around the building with trash thrown all around the store (as well as several unconscious ponies lying outside of the building. There’s one with a diaper on its head. Why? It must have been some night. There are even some knocked out royal guards among the hectic aftermath of the celebration.)

[The scene then transition to the inside of Sugar Cube Corner.]
Tables and chairs thrown on their sides, pieces of bread with peanut butter stuck all around the ceiling and windows, the d-j passed out on her equipment drooling all over the turn tables, a few messages written in crayon cover the walls (one reads- “Rainbow Dash did it!!” and another one reads- “HERE COMES TOM!!”). Juice puddles can be found anywhere on the floor, and red beer cups are scattered all across the building. Feathers and debris blown by the morning breeze glide across the buildings floor as… 148 ponies, lay unconscious in various places all throughout the building.

“Oh… my head,” groans Rarity as she slowly opens her eyes. “Ugh… what happened in here?” Rarity asks herself as she blinks a few times in attempt to remember what happened and why she was there.


*MUSIC PLAYING * “I’m sexy and I know it” as Rarity is screaming at the top of her lungs while grinding on Applejacks lower left flank.


“Oh, that’s what happened.” Rarity says to herself as she stands up, swaying back and forth trying to keep her balance. “Phew, I think I got up too fast,” gasps Rarity as she balances herself out, blinking a few times in attempt to clear her vision. She then stands still as she realizes that she doesn’t see neither of her close friends around in the building, “Hmm, wonder what happened to them… ” Rarity wonders to herself as she’s cautiously stepping around the floor (in fear of slipping on juice and or trash… and of stepping on any pony that’s knocked out on the ground).

“Why in Equestria do I have a royal guards’ helmet on?” thinks Rarity as she takes the helmet off. “I better get home… I think I locked Sweetie Bell outside,” says Rarity with a sly smile on her face as she exits Sugar Cube Corner. “Oh my,” says Rarity as she turns around and looks at the outside of the building, “Must have been- *HICK* -some night,” she says as she turns around and takes a deep breath.

As Rarity walks away, a red heart drawn with red paint circled around her cutie mark can be seen on her right flank with a thick red arrow leading from the heart to in between her legs. As rarity walks down the street her curvy hips move up and down with her tail raised moving side to side.

[Scene transitions to the upper story of Sugar Cube Corner; Pinkie Pies’ room]

Trash thrown everywhere, pillows out of place, frosting and cupcakes smeared across the walls and the window broken with a pony just outside sleeping on the roof. Pinkie Pie’s bed is a mess; the sheets are thrown and unevenly placed, and there seems to be two figures snuggling each other in the sheets.

“Darn sunlight,” moans Spike as he squints his eyes, turning away from the window. “I don’t wanna get up…” mumbles Spike as he closes his eyes. He takes a few relaxing breaths, and then pauses. His eyes dart open looking directly in front of him seeing Applejack’s face a couple inches away from his. Just as Spike realized that it was Applejack in front of him, she opens her eyes. At first her eyes are unfocused and slightly cross eyed as they stare straight through Spike. Then they gradually focus into Spikes eyes. A few seconds pass as Applejacks face goes from a lazy-half-asleep-smile to an aware-awake-serious-face as she looks Spike eye to eye; realizing where she is. Applejack and Spike scream as they try and run away from each other (but their attempts are foiled by the tangled up sheets in between them), ultimately sending them back next to each other… closer than before.

“Get outta’ here!!” shouts Applejack as she struggles to get free from the blankets binding her and the dragon together.

“That’s what I’m trying to do!” Spike shouts back as he’s trying to get his arm free from the sheets tangled around him. Applejack then tries to kick the sheets off of her, but she trips on a snagged piece of material wrapped around her back leg; sending her, and the dragon, flying over the edge of the bed onto the floor on top of each other.


After the fall Spike finds himself on top of Applejack with blankets covering both him and the blushing, upside-down Applejack from the waist down. One of Applejacks leg is revealed up to the top of her thigh in an “exposing-sexual-suggesting-manner.” Spike, who is on top, has his hands placed on Applejacks chest (the dude accidentally got to second base) right when the door busts open, and Pinkie Pie snaps a few photos of the scene only after saying-


-and then she ran out of the room to make LOTS of copies, leaving the two in awkward silence…

[The scene transitions to a lonely tree planted by the swimming hole/lake, located just right outside of Ponyville.]

A large green, bushy tree slightly bends over the sanded ground surrounding the large swimming hole as a blue Pegasus with a rainbow colored main lays sprawled out on the sand in the shade along with a navy colored stallion beside her. A couple articles of a uniform are thrown among the two ponies as they lay knocked out on the floor. A cool breeze shuffles the tree’s leaves, whispering as a couple leaves detached and one gracefully settles down as gravity takes it’s time in pulling the object toward the floor, lightly on top of Rainbow Dashes nose. She slowly opens her eyes, and lazily focuses on the lone leaf resting on her nose. Rainbow Dash inhales and blows the leaf off of her nose with her bottom lip overlapping the top lip. The leaf rapidly rose into the air; doing a series of magnificent flips and turns, and then gracefully floated down towards the ground again. Her eyes widen as she gets an idea,

“Yes, that would be awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaims as she looks blankly into the air as she imagines her doing flips and spins similar to that the leaf just demonstrated. “Thank you leaf…” whispers Rainbow Dash as she gently picks up the leaf with her hoof, then watches it fly away as the breeze takes it aloft into the air. “I never thought that I would have thanked a leaf,” thought Rainbow Dash to herself.

“Were you… just talking to that leaf?” slurs Soarin as he stretches out on his stomach. Rainbow Dash looks at the stallion on the sand, and squints trying to guess who the stallion is. Then it dawns on her,

“Oh my-gosh,” says Rainbow Dash wide eyed covering her mouth with her right hoof.

“Last night… was some night, huh Rainbow Dash?” yawns Soarin. Rainbow Dash stutters as she asks

“Did- did I sleep with you?”

Soarin smiles a lazy smile.

“No, of course not,” replies Soarin. “Never with an amateur flyer like you,” Teases the stallion as he sits up.
Rainbow Dash blushes and looks down at the floor, unable to maintain eye contact with the stallion looking right back at her.
“I had a good time, and I’m looking forward to the next time we hang out… Rainbow Dash,” says the stallion Pegasus as he pulls his uniform over his right shoulder with his teeth (since ponies don’t have hands). “Even though I didn’t sleep with you” adds the Wonderbolt after a prolonged moment of awkward silence, “I had a great time with you swimming.” Says Soarin as he looks Rainbow Dash in the eyes. The two maintained eye contact for several seconds, each drawing closer until their muzzles were nearly touching. “Well,” says the stallion standing tall in front of Rainbow Dash after pulling back, “I can’t be late for practice. See you next time, and fly safe.” Says Soarin as he lifts off the ground while placing his flight goggles over his eyes. Then in the blink of an eye the stallion has gone off high in the sky with Rainbow Dash smiling, dazed; watching him spin tricks in the air.

“What in Celestias’ beard happened? And where in Equestria did I get ‘Celestias beard’ from?” wonders Rainbow Dash as she lifts off in the air, heading back towards Ponyville.

“I wonder what my friends are doing, and most of all what happened to them.” Thinks the blue Pegasus as she glides lazily through the sky over the green trees and grass towards the sleepy town.

[Scene Transitions to a tree just within twenty feet of Sugar Cube Corner.]

A green, normal healthy-looking tree stands idle within twenty feet of the building. The trunk of the tree then shakes a little as the tree rotates 360 degrees so that a pair of eye holes cut out in the trees trunk is facing the building. A couple of wide blue eyes cautiously fill the eye holes as they quickly look to the right and to the left; scanning her flanks.

“Good, no pony’s here,” whispers Fluttershy as the trees trunk is split in half horizontally, exposing her head from her neck up to her fore head (the rest of the tree above her head is fitted like a hat). Fluttershy then jumps out of the tree disguise and cautiously walks around the building observing the hectic scene caused by the party last night. “Oh my,” says Fluttershy sheepishly as she steps through the front door of Sugar Cube Corner, looking at all the ponies passed out on the floor with trash all around the insides and outsides of the building. Fluttershy slowly backs out of the door way thinking to herself where all the places she might find her friends. “Maybe they’re already at their houses having a goodnights’ sleep,” she wonders to herself as she trots to her cottage, “or maybe not.” Fluttershy whispers to herself.

[Scene transitions to the inside of Sugar Cube Corner.]

Trash litters the floor, frosting is spread across the walls, chairs are overturned, a few tables flipped here and there, the chandelier is crooked, windows open, ponies thrown around the floor, on the couches, window sills, in the cabinets, and even one sleeping in the oven. Among all the chaos, there is one pony that stands out from among the rest.

A pink pony lay on her back snoring on top of a pony named Cloud Chaser, who had one of Pound Cakes clean diaper on her face, a sticky sucker stuck in her mane, a soda stain on her right flank and a melted marshmallow over her cutie mark.

Pinkie Pie slowly opens her eyes squinting at the morning sunlight streaming in through the windows. She then yawns and stretches out her back legs and then her front legs.

“Ha ha, I’m upside down,” mumbles Pinkie Pie as she looks around the room on her back. “What a night,” says Pinkie Pie aloud to herself as she lifts up her head to look at her belly, to which she notices a smiley face drawn with frosting.

“I wonder who did that,” wonders Pinkie Pie as she turns on her belly. Confetti from her mane falls onto her face and causes the pink pony to sneeze, and then laugh uncontrollably after.
When Pinkie Pie is done laughing she stands up and sees all the ponies sprawled out on the floor, some drooling, some snoring, some grinning and some frowning.

“I’m sure the cakes won’t mind,” says Pinkie Pie as she trots across the ponies laying on the floor, and occasionally steeping on some faces, tails, legs, and ears.

“Sorry, sorry sorry,” says Pinkie Pie whenever she steps on a pony and they reply with a groan, growl, or anything of the sort.

“Hey there’s my camera!” exclaims the Pink pony as she grabs the camera by the strap and tosses it in the air and lands around her neck. “I’ve been looking all over for you,” says Pinkie Pie stroking the camera, “I bet there’s a lot of great pictures in this thing,” remarks the party pony as she trots up the stairs towards her room. She then gets to her door at the end of the hall and see’s that it is closed and there is a sign on the door knob that reads-


At the moment of reading such a sign Pinkie Pie’s eyes open wide and shiny as she peeks through the key hole trying to see who is in the room. Pinkie Pie gasps as she makes out the figures on her bed tangled in the sheets.

“Spike and Applejack?!” exclaims Pinkie Pie as she gets her camera ready to take a picture. The pink pony stood by the side of the door way listening intently, ready to breach the door like a trained military S.W.A.T. team member with the camera pointed down as if it were a weapon.

(from inside the room voices can be heard)

“Get outta here!”

“That’s what I’m trying to do!”


“Chocolate team breaching,” whispers Pinkie Pie as she powers her leg to kick open the door.


The door busts open and Pinkie Pie snaps a couple photos of the two on the floor in a suggestive pose.

“This is going to be great!” laughs Pinkie Pie as she races through the hallway and down the stairs.

[Scene transitions to the inside of the library a day after the party.]

Twilight opens her eyes as the overcast morning light streams in through the windows. She glances at the clock as she tosses the blankets off of her body. Sitting straight up in her bed, Twilight blinks a couple of times trying to adjust her eyes to the light coming in through the windows. Twilight yawns and stretches her legs, and unknowingly- her new wings.

“Oh yeah,” mutters Twilight as she opens and closes her wings.

After a moment of silence and a good rubbing of the eyes in attempt to get the sleep out of her system, Twilights’ gaze follows the dresser up to the mirror and down to her crown. The sudden dawn of what had happened reached Twilight as she realized she was to receive a message from Celestia early in the morning. The subject/reason was unknown to Twilight.

“Spike, time to get up” yawns Twilight walking up to her mirror as her brush illuminated in purple magic runs through her mane a couple of times, combing a few knots out.

“No, I don’t wanna get up,” slurs the sleepy dragon as he tosses and turns in his bed. “I had a rough night, even though I don’t quite remember what happened,” Mumbles the dragon as he sits himself up in his bed. “I also had a rough wake up too,” Spike muttered to himself as he lay back down in his bed.

“What happened?” asked Twilight with sudden interest.

“Nothing, don’t bother me.” Yawns the dragon. “Lemme get my beauty sleep.”

“Spike,” warns Twilight “You better be up when I get out of the shower, if not… you know the punishment,” says the purple unicorn as she walks down the stairs. “And you should take a bath as well,” adds Twilight half way down the stairs. “You know that we are to receive a possible urgent summons from Celestia now that I am a princess.”

“Okay, okay, I’m getting up, alright?” Growls Spike as he sits up in his bed. The blankets fall off of his body, exposing him to the morning air, Spike instantly starts to shiver.

“Man, I hate cold summer mornings,” grumbles Spike as he grabs his blankets and covers his body. He walks down the stairs with his blankets wrapped around his shoulders as he grabs some fire wood and tosses it into the fire place. Spike dusts his hands off after he ignites the wood with his bright green flame. The fire roars to life, instantly warming up the library. “That takes care of that,” says Spike with satisfaction as he throws his blankets off into the laundry basket. Spike enters the steamy bathroom, letting cold air inside.

“Spike, can you close the door?” asks Twilight behind the shower curtains.

“Sure,” says Spike as he shuts the door from inside the bathroom.

“Oh shoot,” says Twilight, “Hey, Spike. Are you still there?” asks Twilight as she turns the water off.

“I’m sth-till here,” says Spike with his toothbrush in his mouth.

“Can you hand me my body soap? I left it on my dresser in the room,” says Twilight through the shower curtain.

“Oh, a-alright,” said Spike after rinsing his mouth in the sink.

“Oh, and be careful of my crown, I just polished it,” adds Twilight from the shower.

“You mean I just polished it,” mumbles Spike as he heads out of the bathroom.

The little dragon runs up the stairs as fast as he can, huffing and puffing when he reaches the top. “Where’s her soap?” says the dragon as he’s trying to catch his breath. He then see’s a bar of soap on the dresser, located by her hair brush and next to the crown and other such personal items. “Got it!” yells Spike as he grabs the soap from the dresser. The little dragon runs down the stairs, his little legs moving fast as he coordinates himself down the steps. “Here… you go,” heaves Spike as he opens the bathroom door.

“Thank you Spike,” thanks Twilight behind the curtain. The bar of soap is then illuminated in purple magic as it floats from out of Spikes hands and over the shower curtain. The water turns on again as Twilight begins humming a tune as Spike turns on the water to wash the crusty drool stains of last nights’ sleep off of his face.

“What are you doing?” asks a curious Twilight as she enjoys her shower,

“I’m washing” Spike says as he rinses his eyes, “My face.”

“Do make sure to dry your face, and don’t make a mess on the floor, I don’t want you to slip,” says a concerned Twilight behind the shower curtains.

“Okay,” responds Spike closing his eyes shut as he finishes rinsing his face. “Darn, now where’s the towel?” wonders Spike as he feels around the walls with his eyes shut (in fear of getting water in them). “Hey Twilight?” asks Spike turning toward the direction of the shower, “Do you know, where the towel is?”

“Oh, I put it over the shower curtain here,” says Twilight as she turns the water on to rinse her mane.

“Okay,” says Spike as he walks towards the shower with his hands spread out in front of him. He then felt the shower curtain, and cautiously dragged his hands up the material, looking for the towel… nothing. So Spike just wipes the water off of his eyes with his hands and looks up the curtain. Too high up, so Spike exits the bathroom to get a little step ladder so that he could reach the towel. Spike climbs up the steps, and reaches the top of the shower curtain and grabs the towel, drying the rest of his face off. Spike placed the towel back on the curtain rod it was hanging over, and happened to look down into the other side of the shower, only to see Twilight humming a happy tune as she enjoys the warmth of the water touching every part of her body…

Spikes eyes widen. She turns around to face the shower faucet, and closes her eyes as the water trickles down her neck and drips off of her chest. Twilight opens her mouth, smiling as she enjoys the feel of the water tickling her back… her wings open and the feathers rise as stick up in the air.

Spike leans a little farther out to see more of the scene. A bar of soap illuminated in purple magic begins to scrub Twilight, first her face down to her chin, slowly down her neck. A sly smile of pleasure is on Twilights face as the soap moves down to her chest, moving in slow, circular motions.

Spike blinks a couple times, realizing what he’s watching and turns away, embarrassed of what he was doing. Spike hears a moan of pleasure from Twilight, and immediately turns around to continue watching with no hesitation. The soap now moved up to the lower back and near Twilights hips. Spike’s grip tightens on the curtain rod as he watches her hips slowly rotating as the bar of soap scrubs her thighs, Twilight’s tail raises and sticks her hips outward.
Spike gulps and leans a little farther in to get a better look. The bar of soap starts scrubbing the inside of Twilights back legs, slowly moving up her leg toward… you know. Twilight closes her eyes, and bites her lip as the bar of soap begins scrubbing more aggressively, faster and harder. Spike loses his grip and is sent falling over the side into the shower.

“AUGH!” yells Spike as he slams into the shower floor next to Twilight.

“AHHH!” screams Twilight as the dragon lifts up his face and stutters

“W-wait Twilight, I can explain,”

“Were you watching me?!” asks a bewildered Twilight.

“Y-yes,” stammers Spike.

“Get Out!” exclaims a rather embarrassed Twilight. Without hesitation Spike runs out of the bathroom and into the hall when right behind him-


-the bathroom door is slammed shut.

Spike is recovering from the adrenaline, slowly regaining his wits.

“Could have been worse,” Spike thinks to himself as he recovers his breath. “Sucks I didn’t get to finish watching though,” says Spike as he picks himself up.

[Fifteen minutes later.]

Meanwhile, in the bathroom of the library Twilight is flattered and embarrassed while she thinks about what just happened.

“I can’t believe Spike saw me,” Twilight says to herself as she dry’s off her body with a towel. Twilight looks in the mirror at herself on her way to the bathroom door, “I wonder if he liked what he saw,” thinks Twilight as she walks out of the bathroom. She stops and realizes what she just asked herself. “I-it was just an accident,” reassures Twilight as she brushes out her mane. Then she stops, and looks at her reflection in the bathrooms mirror raising her flank and wiggling her hips. “Oh, well.” says Twilight as she sets her brush down on the sink. Twilight opens the door to see if Spike was still there, nothing.

“Spike,” calls Twilight from her room. Spike, at the moment is in the kitchen eating a blueberry muffin.
“Spike,” calls Twilight a second time. Spike runs upstairs to her room dreading the upcoming awkward conversation, with his half eaten blueberry muffin in his grasp.

“I want to know what you were doing in the bathroom watching me,” says Twilight as she combs a couple of knots out.

“Oh, I-I was reaching for the towel when I just h-happened to look over and… see you,” says Spike nervously kicking at the floor, standing in the doorway to Twilights room.

“Well, what did you think?” asks a curious Twilight as she places her brush on her dresser. Spike looks up, not really sure if what he heard is really what he heard, and looks nervously side to side, not sure if what he heard was reality or his blunt imagination.

“Uh,” says Spike still trying to think.

“Do you like what you saw,” asks Twilight as she turns around to face Spike.

“W-what?” blushes Spike wide eyed.

“It’s a simple question. Do you like what you saw?” asks Twilight with a look of curiousness in her eyes.

“Well…” whispers Spike looking at the floor, “Y-yes… I do like what I saw,” says Spike as he pushes out his feelings while unconsciously crushing his half eaten blueberry muffin.

“Oh?” says Twilight as a smile overcomes her face. “And why do you like what you saw in the shower?”asks the purple unicorn as she slowly approaches Spike.

“Well, b-because… because you’re just,” says Spike blushing.

“Go on,” Encourages Twilight, eagerly awaiting the dragons reply.

“Beautiful… ” says Spike as his voice trails off as if he wanted to add more.

“And?” Asks Twilight as she approaches closer. Twilights’ tail raises and her wings adjust as she nears Spike.

“And your body, your curves, your hips, and… and just you!” exclaims Spike as he turns bright red. Twilight leans close to Spike, her lips close to his, closing her eyes as she says

“Thank you for your honesty,”

Spike’s heart beats intensifies as he looks at the purple unicorn’s lips right before his. Twilight leans in closer; Spike closes his eyes shut as his heart just stops dead.


Twilight kisses Spike on his cheek, and retreats her lips away from Spike’s cheeks just enough so that her lips tickle Spike’s skin.

“I couldn’t take my number one assistance’s first kiss away from him,” whispers Twilight in Spike’s ear. Spike’s eyes are wide open as the purple unicorn pulls back from the tender kiss, smiling.

“W-what? Over already?” asks Spike with a dorky look on his face.

“Who knows, someday maybe you’ll find a pony that’s a better kisser than I am,” giggles Twilight as she walks away to exit the room.

“Wait… one quick question.” Says Spike right before Twilight is about to walk out the door, “Do you always do that while you take a shower?” asks Spike with a smile on his face.

“Hmm, you’ll have to see for yourself,” teases Twilight looking over her shoulder at Spike as she walks out the library door. Spikes’ cheeks suddenly puff with gases as he goes cross eyed.


A green flame spews out from Spikes open mouth and a rolled up letter falls onto the floor in front of Spikes feet.

“A letter from Celestia I’m guessing,” says Twilight with a sudden tone of serious drowning out the naughty, mischievous tone Twilight had with Spike.

“What does it say?” asks Spike as he nears Twilight trying to peer at the words scribbled onto the sheet of paper. Twilights eyes races from right to left as she reads the letter until they get to the bottom, and then they stop.
“Signed Celestia,” whispers Twilight as her gaze lifts up from the paper and out of a window. “Go to Pinkie Pie and tell her to round up the girls, I need to tell them something ASAP,” commands Twilight as she rolls the letter back up and places it in an organized drawer.

“Pinkie Pie?” asks Spike worried about the awkward confrontation of the pony that not only saw him with Applejack, but snapped a photo or two.

“Yes Pinkie Pie, and get to her quick, time is of the essence,” says Twilight as she straightens out the sheets on her bed.

“Right away ma’am,” says Spike as he salutes Twilight Sparkle, who in return gives a giggle at the dragons’ seemingly charming and bold attitude.

“Okay number one assistant,” teases Twilight as the little dragon hurries out the bedroom and down the stairs.