• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2012


a teenage girl, who loves my little pony, and wants to be a writer!


Luna is having trouble adjusting, even after befriending the mane 6. Celestia tries to help, but just steals the spot light in her efforts. Can a screwy pony help Luna stand out? Will she make it through these misadventures?

Screwball is not an OC and is reconized by the my little pony wiki

LunaxOC in later chapters

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 10 )

Pretty good but kinda short.


It's incomplete though, of course it's short :derpytongue2:

♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

Hehe Wow i haven't heard the seven eight nine one since i was in middle school good one :rainbowkiss:

interesting characterization of screwball... can't wait to see what fun they get up too.


Luna called Celestia 'troll'.

Anyway, this is pretty good... I'll bookmark it.

Invisiluna... Awesome.

Awesome some, minor mistakes here and there, but still awesome :twilightsheepish:

Screwball is adorable :rainbowkiss:

Cant wait to see what happens next.

"“C’est la vie,” Screwball said in fancy." love the reference :ajsmug:
(means "Such is life" for those who didnt know)

Bravo, very nice story, keep up the good work :raritywink:

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