• Published 1st Dec 2012
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Equestria in Flames - Verlax

In the land of Equestria, there is no war, only tabletop gaming! Mane Six are getting ready for the Warhammer 40.000 Tournament. However, in the darkness, some creatures are planning their sweet revenge... Warhammer 40.000 Tabletop Cross-Over!

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Prologue : Act III - Obtaining Artifacts

Canterlot was a magnificent city, even without the great castle. Shining buildings, perfectly located streets, clean and brightly walls of noble ponies. But, without the castle, it would be just "a beautiful city". Palace of the Princesses of the Equestria was abnormally big. If you would look from far distance, at entire landscape, you would probably think, that mountain would collapse under a weight of this monumental building. How it was still there, there were no ideas.

In the tower, there were two ponies. One was a castle guard in classical armor. However, he didn't wear a helmet, he held it in his right hoof. The second was a majestic alicorn, towering over her counterpart. While the hall was darkened, the light that came from her was more than enough to see by.

"Are you sure, that Tournament will have a good protection?" - asked Princess Celestia

"I can't be sure be centairly sure. I can't, after what happened during my wedding." - answered the Captain of the Royal Guard.

"You became much more careful after this event. It's good, but don't forget to enjoy yourself. Your little sister will take part in Tournement too." - Goddness of the Sun told.

"Yes, I know." - he answered shortly.

"It's quite ironic, I think. You didn't want to tell Twilight about Warhammer 40.000. You didn't want her to became even more nerdy than she was already" - Celestia spoke with a small smile on her face - "But now we can see, that Twilight not only became a fan of Warhammer, but also all her friends joined her too."

"Will Princess Luna participate in Tournement too?" - The Captain changed topic, didn't wanting to start this matter again.

"Yes. She will be back just in time. My little sis said that she prepered amazing army list for this one." - Princess of Sun answered - "I guess, it will be interesting. She can be dangerous on battlefield, even if she has terrible luck all the time."

"And you, my princess?"

Immediately, smile vanished from the Celestia face.

"No, I won't. - she simply answered, with a darkly tone.

Shining Armor felt that pushing this case would be a bad idea. Again, he changed topic.

"So, in total how many participants will arrive?" - he asked

"It will be about one hundred ponies. Not talking about players, there will be also about... five hundred spectators? My officials had problem estimating how many ponies will come in total." - Celestia answered.

Silence dominated room. Celestia approached the balcony and looked outside.

"Speaking of it, my sister has arrived." - she spoke, now with a warmer voice.

Shining Armor approuched gallery and look outside too.

Princess Luna was in a carriot, pulled by two pegasus from Royal Guard. These guards were still looking quite strange, due to their "bat" wings, but it didn't look that awesome as it was on the Nightmare Night. With the sun shining straight on their black armors and skin they didn't look scary at all. Interesting feature was a big metal box, that was carried by carriage on the back.

The Command Speeder didn't even stop, to ensure that deploy of the Chapter bests was save. Chapter Master with his Honor Guard just jumped from the vehicle, landing on the Party Orkz heads. The slaughter started immediatly. At first, entire situation looked ridiculous. Ten ponies just vanished between mass of the pinkskins. The Space Marines also were silent, Orkz screaming filled entire battleground.

The General thought for a moment, that their "saviors" just died on a suicide run. Party Orkz horde was still large, and she didn't think that her guardsponies could stand against them. Also, death of the Raven Guard bests would strike down the morale of her troops.

But suddenly, there was a big, powerful explosion, which immediately change entire situation. After a powerful thunder hammer blow from the Chapter Master a large group of the Party Orkz were sented into air. Rest of them were sliced to pieces moment after, by axes, blades and power hooves of the Honor Guard. Xenos who survived this tried to fight back, but they tottaly failed. Then, they started running away from battlefield, but the Space Marines were too fast, and the Raven Guard finest easly kill all of them.

Hovewer, The Partyboss was still alive and his power hooves immediately killed two of the Raven Guard battle brothers. Chapter Master immediatly charged him, seeking for revenge. His blow send half of the xenos leader armor to pieces. He wanted to made a killing blow, but the Ork was too fast. When he was rising thunder hammer into the air, the Partyboss immediately punched him in chest, sending him a few meters backwards.

"Your pink tide stops here, ork. You will find only death!" - Chapter Master snapped, standing on his hooves again, dodging another punch from Partyboss

"I like dat kind of talk punnie. Dis iz gonna be fun!" - answered the Party Orkz leader, sending another punch.

This time however, Chapter Master perfectly avoided getting smashed and counter-attack with his hammer. This blow made a gigantic Orkz stunned. Then, he rose a hammer and hit as hard as he could, poiting towards head. Powerful strike made entire Partyboss head crushed. Leader of the "FUUUUN!" felt over, and landed in the mud.

"So... much... WIN!" - shouted the cyan pegasus, rising her hooves in a gest of triumph.

"This was... unexpected" - Twilight said - "You got way too lucky rolls on the "Fury from the Sky" attempt.

Situation have dramaticly changed. In total : Applejack Equestrian Guard lost the Veteran Squad, and Rainbow's Assault Squads were stucked in a combat with ordinary Orkz. But this was only a minor faults, because Dashie HQ managed to kill the Partyboss with a most powerful horde of Partyzipentz.

"You know, that my army is one of most perfectly counter for your Raven Guard? I will be highly suprised if any of your troops will able to fight again after my turn" - Twilight spoke

"You know, i don't give a single buck about what you read in your 'Guide'." - Rainbow Dash snapped - "Seriously, who made a idea of the Dau being perfectly counter for the Dark Angels Deathwing?"

"Well, you will see." - the lavender unicorn answered. - "And besides, Dau is a good counter for the Deathwing. The Hammerhead gunships are genious for destroying 2+ Armor guys. Not talking about fusion guns spam."

Twilight took one dice. This one, comparing to other was quite unique. Five walls, from "1" to "5" were painted black, while the wall with a "6" result got an image of the raven, instead of the six dots.

"Okay then. Obtaining Artifacts roles, go." - she said, while throwing her favourite dice.

The Commander of the Raven Guard rose his thunder hammer again to rally his Space Marines. In this single moment he realised something was wrong. He didn't feel any weight from his raised hoof. With a strange feeling, he looked on it.

His Thunder Hammer just simply vanished.


Brother Hovarus executed stunned Ork with a bolt pistol and immediately turned his sight to another xeno. Feeled with a holy fury he hit him with power hoof.

Ork survived this. He didn't even moved after receiving punch from a one of the most powerful weapon in the universe.

Mostly because, he hit him with a ordinary gauntlet. Power fist vanished.


Privite Titus took aim with his plasma gun. The found a perfect target, Ork, who was to busy shooting with his abnormaly big rifle. Such a perfect, he didn't move at all, no one was on line of sight.

He pressed trigger with his hoof. Suddenly, plasma, instead of shooting forward started gathering though entire gun.

"Nonononono" - he tried to throw away his weapon, but the guardspony knew that it was too late.

But, he survived. Plasma gun instead of exploding, vanished.

"What in tarnation..."


Sudden realisation hit the Empress servants. Entire army of the Imperium of Ponykind cried with a fury :


"Okay, i know that not all rules or lore stuff have sense. But idea of stealing enemy weapons before battle is stupid! I mean, how they do this?" - Rainbow Dash spoke.

"Dunno. I betcha it's some Psyker's related fancy stuff." - answered the farm pony.

Like the Blood Angels always started battle with Red Thirst roles, the Blood Ravens always started battle with the Obtaining Artifacts roles. One of the most hilarious rule in entire Warhammer 40,000 universe. For every enemy special weapon on battlefield, Blood Ravens player needed to make a roll. If he or she got "6" result weapon was "gifted" to the Blood Ravens. Matt Ward really liked to destroy every Codex he touched.

After Obtaining Artifacts roles, Twilight started her regular deployment. Of course, the Blood Ravens strictly followed the Codex Astartes, so the lavender unicorn army list was quite boring. Twilight got in total the Two Librarians in Terminator Armors, two Tactical Marines Squads with rocket launcher and plasma gun each, both embarked into the Rhinos, two Predator's Tank with twin-linked auto-cannons and heavy bolters on sides.

Twilight army arrived behind the Party Orkz horde. Most of the Raven Guard was still stucked in combat with xenos. Guardsponies were just behind them, covering the Adeptus Astartes with their fire support.

"Blood Ravens." - snapped one of the Scouts. - "These guys stole my sniper rifle during last crusade."

"Be quiet cadet, they can still..." - started the Seargant.

He didn't finished, because powerful bolt of the pure warp energy landed just between them.

Veteran Scouts were almost completely obliterated by the Librarians forces. Few remaining Scouts failed Morale test and they started running from battlefield. Of course, they could came back, due to "And They Shall Know No Fear" rule but still this was quite terryfing that such elite forces were destroyed by single cast.

Of course, it were only the Libralians movement.

The Predator Tank made a way though battlefield, almost ramming the Party Orkz. Actually, the crew should opened fire to these xenos. "Should" was a key word here.

Before attack, the Blood Ravens found out that on Turnun IV was hidden one of the most powerful artifact. But power of this item was less important than fact, it was a relic from the far past, from time of Horus Heresy. It could reveal some dark seeds from past, and Azariah Kyras, their Chapter Master didn't want this. The Chief Librarian orders were straight. It was just one paper card.

1. Kill everyone, purife entire planet, destroy all cities, make total slaughter.

2. Ensure that all Artifacts are secured.

3. If Point '1' or '2' will be failed, press "Exterminatus" button.

4. Ensure that no one known what you have done.

Knowledge is a Power, Guard it Well

Your Chapter Master, definetely not worshipping Khorne

Azariah Kyras

The Party Orkz didn't attack them, so task now became even more easier. Predator rotated his auto-cannon towards Raven Guard and opened fire.

Thankfully, AP 4 Auto-cannons couldn't penetrate the Space Marines armor. Still, a few Adeptus Astartes was killed due to the Predator's supreme fire power.

Applejack was ready to announce begin of Turn 2 when Rarity came into the room. As always, the white unicorn with a fabulous purple mane looked great. Just behind her, Fluttershy with Angel on her back trotted too.

Thing, that bring most attention however was a miniature, that was held by Rarity. "Miniature" was quite bad word, because it was really big giant, covered with flames warrior, with sword longer than the Vanquisher cannon. It was the Avatar of Khaine. The figure was really beutiful painted, it was just a perfect Rarity's work. If you would place six Space Marines miniatures, painted by our all known friends, you would point which one was Rarity immediately.

"Wow Rarity, your figure is marvelous, as always" - said Twilight, when the white unicorn approached.

"Oh, thank you my dear, but i would never do this without Fluttershy help" - she answered, gazing with graditude and joy on the shy pegasus.

"It's nothing, i'm very happy that i could help you." - Fluttershy silently spoke. She was barery hearable.

"Okay, but backing to our battle. I'm disembarking Space Marines from my Rhi..." - Twilight was trying to change topic, when suddenly door was opened with a haste, and really exhausted Spike bolted inside.

"Uff... ufff... Twilight?" - baby dragon said with fatique

"Not now Spike, i'm shooting with my Tactical Squad. If this rocket launcher will fail again..." - the lavender unicorn ignored him, prepering to throw hoofful of dice.

"There is a letter from a Princ... BLAH" - Spike suddenly realised air, when he suddenly landed on floor, letter in his hand was pulled by magic to Twilight.

"Letter from Celestia!" - the unicorn gasped. - "Why didn't tell me this in the first place?"

"Umm i tried..." - Spike spoke, getting back on his legs.

Twilight ignored him again, and started reading letter. It took some time, and the lavender unicorn didn't show up any emotion during this reading. All ponies and Spike were looking at her.

"Hmm, strange. This letter was written by Princess Luna, not Celestia..." - Twilight started

Now situation became little awkward. Letter from Princess Luna?

"Okay guys, we are packing. We will arrive in Canterlot earlier." - the lavender unicorn spoke after she finished.

"Super-duper amazing! Oh, we're going to Canterlot for a tournament! I wonder if they'll have snacks? Ooh, I should tell the Cakes about this so they can cater! We'll have sugarcubes and sugar plums, sodas and sasparillas, and...." - Pinkie Pie started her never-ending, tottaly random, outbursted speech.

"Wait a moment Pinkie, why we should leave now?" - Pinkie Pie was cut of by Rainbow Dash, now watching with caution Twilight.

"Hmm, actually she didn't write anything why we would do this. Maybe i will just read this to all of you".

Dear Twilight Sparkle

I want to ask you and your friends to come to the Tournement earlier. I brought quite "special" army list and i want to test it before Tournement will even start. It's really important for me, I would be grateful if you could arrive in Canterlot today evening.

Princess Luna

"Personally, i think something is wrong here. I mean, it doesn't look like letter from a Princess." - Twilight continued

"I must agree, darling. This letter is so laconic." - Rarity spoke - "And why she can test it with somebody else? Maybe with Fancypants or..."

"I guess, that Princess Luna want to keep her army list in secret. Maybe she found broken rule, or something like this" - Applejack told" - "It could give her free win, if she would discover tactic like the Fish of Fury."

"Yea, the most broken and riduculous tactic ever! No offence, Fluttershy" - Rainbow said

"None taken" - Fluttershy quietly answered.

"Still, i think it's need to be something important. Better get packed" - Twilight spoke

Nopony wanted to do this, but they gather already placed miniatures in their bags. If they wanted to arrive before midnight, they should get ready really fast.

Sir Orbmost ( do not forget about Sir ) and Lady Kimberlee were walking though streets of the Canterlot. They have just left Hovard Jetblue residence, after a big, training match between them. They were enjoying the cold air, during this long, beautiful night.

Sir Orbmost was a lightly brown unicorn with a short, grey mane. He wear a flossy suit, which actually was damaged by accidentaly spoiled coffee. In one hoof, he was carring a big suitcase with his army. This one made this pegasi bourgeois from Cloudsdale jealous. Lady Kimberlee wear a modest, but still beutiful dress. She was a dark red unicorn with a long mane.

During they walk though Canterlot, they were talking with sincere care. They looked beutiful, perfect couple during they journey back to home.

It would be still looking such charmingly, but in one single moment, Sir Orbmost lied uncousiously on wall, hit by powerful bolt of pure energy. Kimberlee fell over, when she realised what she just saw. When she was losing her senses, she heard only one thing. Heavy steps of two ponies approaching her.

Black pegasus with a quite short, gold mane was sitting on balcon, watching entire situation calmly. He was also writing note. Really important one. Plot Twister always made a plan for everything. Plan which involve above ten points which another plans of above ten points for every failed point. If he failed any plan, it was because of the secret plan, which solved problem easily. It would be confusing for everyone else, but the Plot Twister genious mind procided all data without any problems.

When he checked all points on his additional check list he could say his favourite sentence. He loved these words, because they were only three of them, and they always said more than anything else. So many emotions, so many 'not-said' things, so many mysteries in just three, short words.

"Just as planned"

To be Continued.
Only in death does duty end.