• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 701 Views, 15 Comments

Wake Unto Night - IinkDash

A dark story of RainbowDash and MoonGlow with many plot twists and much unexpected turns of events.

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//Wake Unto Night\\
//By: Iink Dash
//Edited: Bright Idea
//Chapter: 4: BioMidnight\\

Glow awoke suddenly, eyes blurring from watering in her sleep. The air smelled of blooms of bright, beautiful, pink Japanese cherry blossoms. She looked around, absorbing the breath-taking view of the clearing. Birds chirped and bees buzzed overhead. There was tall grass and flowers of every kind coming to an end only when reaching a beautiful oak forest forming a circle with the two mares lying in the center.
Glow sat up and stretched. She noticed the rainbow mare lying next to her, still sleeping.
“N…no, no Pinkie, I don’t want any cupcakes…” she murmured in her sleep.
“Uh…um…excuse me…” said Glow, trying to wake her up.
“Wha…no Pinkie, n…not there…that…uh…feels good” she murmured again.
“Um…excuse me…” Glow said a little louder.
“SWAG!” screamed the rainbow mare as she woke abruptly.
Astonished, Glow hurdled backward, landing on her back in one of the more lofty patches of grass and flowers in the meadow, narrowly missing a butterfly as it fluttered by.
“Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!” the mare yelled, rushing over to her. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Glow replied, standing up and shaking the grass from her coat and mane.
“So have you been through the same stuff as me?” the mare asked.
“I guess so. What happened?” Glow questioned.
“Well, I had a dream that you killed me. From the look I got from you, I’d say you had a similar dream?” asked the other mare.
“Yeah.” Glow answered.
“So what’s your name?” the mare asked, turning her head sideways questioningly.
“MoonGlow Trance, but you can call me Glow. And yours?” Glow replied.
“RainbowDash, but my friends call me Dashie or Rainbow.” She said.
“I wish we could have met under better circumstances” Glow chuckled.
“True that!” Dash said.
“So where are we?” Glow asked “recognize the terrain?”
“Nope. Wanna go explore it, see where we are?” Dash asked.
“Sure.” Glow answered.
 --------------------
Outside the clearing was a forest that was almost as beautiful as the clearing it surrounded. The sun shone through the leaves of the tall trees casting a yellowy green light across the moist, soft, loamy ground and foliage below. Exotic birds screeched and bizarre insects whirred. A tree in the distance crackled as it came crashing down, smashing shrubs and bushes and small animals on its way down.
“Um…I know this might be a tender subject but…” Glow began “What did I do to you? In your dream I mean.”
“I found you killing somepony and when you saw me, you paralyzed me then dragged me into an alleyway and cut me open.” Dash answered “May I ask what I did to you?”
“Yeah. You bucked me in the face then picked me up, flew me really high, then dropped me. You smiled as you did so…” Glow trailed off. Trying to change the subject, she added “Sooo…on the subject of dreams, mind telling me what you were dreaming just now? You were talking in your sleep.”
Dash chuckled. “Heh heh, no. It’s personal and would take way too long to explain.”
“I see” Glow laughed.
Suddenly, Dash’s eyes shot to the side. Glow looked over the same direction to see nothing.
“What is it?” Glow asked.
“I saw something…” Dash answered, distracted.
Just then, Glow saw it too. A dark silhouette darted past, not too far away. Reminded of her earlier experience, Glow felt uneasy. The silhouette kept dashing past; back and forth in every direction so fast that Glow could not follow its movements.
As if out of nowhere, the figure ran straight toward Dash and Glow. Time seemed to slow the closer it got. As it grew nearer, Glow could make out small details. It was a unicorn, tall and slender with a broken horn. Glow narrowly dodged it but at the last second it nicked her with its horn. After passing, it turned around to make another charge. When it stopped, Glow could make out a few more details. It had a dark green coat and thick, blown back, lavender mane. The tips of its ears looked as though they had been cut or bit off and it had a crazed smile filled with tiny but piercing, jagged sharp teeth and its pupils were the size a pen’s tip, giving it the look of utter insanity.
By use of a spell that he whispered under his breath, his horn grew longer, resembling a short broken spear. He charged at Glow again, much faster this time. Before Glow could react, the colt had impaled her with its horn and pinned her to a large oak tree…
 ---------------------
Glow looked down upon the green horn stabbed into her stomach. Blood seeped into the colt’s mane, ran down his nose and dripped down onto the already moist ground. Glow wondered if she were still alive or simply seeing through her own lifeless eyes. She could feel all of her strength flowing out as though it were part of her blood. Was this the end? It couldn’t be. Just this morning she was being lectured by her brother and now she was pinned to a tree watching her life flash before her eyes.
Glow felt weak, drained of any life. She felt very cold. She felt the hollow embrace of death envelope her. She blacked out…
 -----------------------
Glow felt numb. She felt as though she were floating on a thin, wispy cloud. She opened her eyes slowly. The ground was white, as was the sky. There was nothing but what seemed to be cloud.
“Am I dead?...” Glow thought aloud.
“I'm afraid so,” answered a calm, soothing voice behind her.
Glow shot up abruptly, startled by the voice. Standing in front of her was a tall white alicorn with straight but flowing red mane. Her cutie mark was a quill and an ink well. This was the one and only, the goddess herself, Faust. Glow immediately bowed her head in respect.
“Rise, Glow. There is no need at this time.” Faust said.
Glow lifted her head, a questioning expression on her face.
“You were not meant to die just yet,” continued Faust.
“What was that? Who was attacking us?” questioned Glow “What is happening?”
“To answer your first two questions,” Faust began “the colt whom attacked you is named Bio-Hazard. He is normally calm and content but something has possessed him to act as he did. As to what is happening, I cannot say. Nor do I know where you were or what brought you there. Right now you are in limbo.”
Glow did not like the sound of this. Limbo. She knew what it meant but was still surprised by it. She didn’t want to remain here any longer.
“Now, back to what I was saying,” started Faust “you do not belong here. These happenings were unexpected and unheard of. It is a dark evil that’s existence even escaped me. I would return you to where you belong but it is more important to fix this problem.”
“No disrespect but why can’t you do anything about it? Aren’t you all powerful or something?” asked Glow.
“Not exactly. Though I do have much power over many things, some things… are not of this world…” answered Faust. “I cannot do anything of it because I have no control of it. I can take you from it but it would have to take me for me to go there. The best I can do against it is help whatever pony happens to be taken and if I do not believe he or she is up to it, I will to my best to bring them back.”
“And what does that mean for me?” asked Glow.
“The mare with you is one of the chosen six whom have saved Equestria from evil on more than one occasion. You on the other hoof, cannot amount to much on your own yet but great power lays dormant deep inside you. Together you can fix this,” explained Faust “but the road ahead is unpaved, unlit and unsafe. Be wary.”
“Thank you, goddess,” answered gratefully Glow
“Now, I will revive you but if you wish to use the power, you must figure that out yourself,” said Faust. “Let us hope that we do not meet like this again”
Glow nodded. She was still not fully prepared to continue the fight but she knew it had to be done. She felt dizzy once again. This time, she knew what was happening. She lied down on the wispy cloud-like ground and closed her eyes…