Wake Unto Night

by IinkDash

First published

A dark story of RainbowDash and MoonGlow with many plot twists and much unexpected turns of events.

RainbowDash and an OC find themselves in a different world shrouded in mystery but are they ready to find the truth or will they be destroyed by what they find?

Help Wanted: I need someone to draw the cover art for me. I can offer no pay but the request still stands. Message me for more details.

Story by IinkDash
Editing by BrightIdea

Special thanks to Bright Idea for proofreading and laughing at all of my mistakes, Biohazard for letting me use his character, Zephyscribe for helping me randomly throughout the story and Lauren Faust for making the best show ever!

Dream of Dash

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//Wake Unto Night\\
//By: Iink Dash
//Edited: Bright Idea
//Chapter: 1:Dream Of Dash\\

RainbowDash woke abruptly, her rainbow colored mane covered in ice cold sweat. As her eyes adjusted and focused to the darkness of the cold winter night, she saw Scootaloo, whom had moved in with her only a week ago, staring at her in worried horror. The look on the face of the small orange filly scared Dash almost as much as the nightmare she had woke up from only moments before.

“Are you ok?!” Scootaloo asked in a panicked voice “I heard you screaming and thrashing from the other side of the house! I thought you were being attacked or raped!”

This came as a shock to Dash. She knew that the clouds making up the walls were very good sound insulators and Scootaloo’s room was all the way down the corridor on the other side of the house. Was she really that loud?

“I’m fine, I’m fine” Dash lied, trying to fake a reassuring smile, “go back to bed”

As Scootaloo left, still questioning whether she really should believe her friend was ok, Dash tried to piece together what she had just experienced in her dream. She knew it was only a dream but it felt so real. This had happened four other times this week but so far, this was the most terrifying, the most actual, the most…collected. Previously it had only been mere flashes and fragments of scenes from what seemed to be a horror movie but tonight it was like she was there. No, she was part of it. She had experienced it rather than watching it. It was so clear, so vivid. She thought back to it.

The moon cast an eerie glow over a black mare wearing a black cloak around her, covering her cutie mark and hiding her face in shadow. She dragged a bloody carcass behind her. Her long, sharp horn glowed purple with magic, carrying a large dagger. A small drop of dark red blood from the victim gleamed as it dripped from the razor sharp tip of the blade. Dash, terrified, tried to run but could not move a single muscle. Her feathered wings seemed to be pinned to her sides by some unknown entity. Her hooves bound to the gravel like they were frozen solid. The knife pointed directly at Dash as if lining up a shot then whizzed toward her. Dash closed her eyes tightly; she didn’t want to see the knife as it pierced her skin. After a few short moments that seemed like forever, she opened her eyes. Nothing had happened. No cuts, no scrapes, no bruises, no nothing. The knife had missed, stabbed into the dirt in front of her right hoof. As she looked up, a medium sized black hoof smacked her in the face, knocking her to the ground. Dash was still conscious yet still could not move. The black mare picked her up by her hooves and dragged her into a dark, creepy alley way. The dark mare bound her to the wall with thick, steel chains. Dazed and confused, Dash saw the knife float in front of her. She woke up from this horrific nightmare just before it was plunged deep into her abdomen.

Dash didn't want to go back to sleep, she couldn’t, she was too shaken up. Instead, she got up out of bed and trotted to the bathroom to take a shower.
The shower water ran ice cold down her colorful mane, through her feathery wings, down to her long tail. Dash always took a cold shower after having a nightmare because it always seemed to help soothe her but this time it was no help. Something about that black mare chilled her to the core. It wasn’t even the fact that she had, in the nightmare, killed her and Celestia knows who else. It was just that something made her different from all the other ponies she had seen before. It was something…ghostly or otherworldly but…familiar. Tired from being up so early, Dash drifted into the quiet embrace of sleep.
 -------------------------
Dash opened her eyes sleepily. It was morning. The sun shined through the window, flashing in her violet eyes, and the water was turned off, likely by Scootaloo. Dash climbed out of the shower and dried herself off and trotted into the main room. On the couch, Scootaloo slept quietly. Her light purple eyes fluttered open sleepily as Dash trotted past her.

“Mornin’, I noticed you slept in the shower. I turned the water off so that you wouldn’t drown or something,” Scootaloo said with a yawn.

“Thanks” said Dash in a slightly sarcastic tone.

“So, why were you out freaking last night? What the hell were you dreaming of?” asked Scootaloo.

“It was nothing. Just a dream.” Dash lied, trying to fake a smile.

“Bullshit! Were it ‘just a dream’, I wouldn’t have heard you freaking shit from the other side of the house!” Scootaloo yelled back

Dash knew it was true. This honestly was no ordinary dream. It couldn’t have been. It was so real. Without responding, Dash strolled off to the kitchen, trying to act casual as if she weren’t scared senseless. She wasn’t particularly hungry but she knew that she needed to eat so she could have the energy for her practice flight. Plus, it would look suspicious for her to skip breakfast; Scootaloo would surely know that there was a problem.
After eating a warm omelet, Dash was in a hurry to get out of the house. Galloping out through the front and was in the air before even leaving the front porch
The cool winter breeze felt great as it flowed through her mane. It tingled through her ears as she soared through the skies over Ponyville. Morning flights were the best feeling in the world!

“Hey, Vinyl!” Dash yelled down to the white unicorn stepping out of her new club, `The Bass Cannon’.

“Hey, Dash! Party at my place tonight! Can ya’ make it?” Vinyl yelled back.

“I’ll try! Gotta practice a lot if I want to make the next tryouts for the Wonderbolts tryouts this year!” Dash said with a laugh.

“A'ight’! You better make it this year!” Vinyl cheered, smiling like she had won the lottery “also, have you seen Ink anywhere? I promised I’d let him help set up the new sound system today! I got the new DirtyyWubbr BassCloud9 speakers yesterday!”

“Nope, haven’t seen him! Try over by Sugarcube Corner! I heard Pinkie was making mini cupcakes with muffins inside them today! There’s a huge line at the door!” Dash replied.

“Thanks!” yelled Vinyl as Dash flew away.

This encounter put Dash in a good mood. She remembered how she was taught to create a smoke trail behind her for sky art when she went to the tryouts last year. Using this trick, Dash decided to draw a giant heart in the sky. She jetted straight upward to reach the proper altitude. She turned back, smoke flowing out of her tail and combining with the rainbow to create a rainbow colored smoke trail. She turned back forward and flew in a heart shape. For the finishing touch, Dash flew as high as she could. She faced downward and accelerated. Time seemed to slow down as the Mach cone formed around her outstretched front hooves. As she passed through the center of the heart, she broke the sound barrier, creating a rainbow colored explosion emanating from where she was, though she was long past it. She decelerated, flapping her wings the other way to slow her speed. But something was wrong. She was still going too fast. Her vision blurred. The world spun and twisted. Dash fell into a downward spiral, heading far away from Ponyville. She tried desperately to pull up, to slow down, to stop from crashing. But it was no use. There was nothing she could do. She blacked out before crashing heavily with a splat into the thick muck of a swamp deep in the Everfree forest…

Dream of Glow

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//Wake Unto Night\\
//By: Iink Dash
//Edited: Bright Idea
//Chapter: 2: Dream Of Glow\\

MoonGlow Trance’s eyes shot open. She jumped as her eyes focused on a tall, purple figure standing over her.

“Oh my Celestia! What the hell, Dusk?!” Glow yelled at her brother.

DuskShine Trance stood over her with a worried look on his face.

“Oh, nothing, just that you were FREAKING SHIT and could be heard ACROSS THE HOUSE! The neighbors heard you!” he yelled “You think I wouldn’t be worried about you?”

“Wh…what? I was freaking shit? Was I really that loud?” Glow asked in a scared voice.

“Yeah!” Dusk replied “Are you ok?!”

“Yeah, I think so. I had a nightmare but it’s just a dream.” said Glow.

Dusk sat down at the foot of the bed next to Glow. “Want to talk about it?”

“Yeah” Glow replied “It was really dark, couldn’t have been earlier than midnight. I was walking down a gravel road when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see what it was. It turned out to be a beautiful blue Pegasus with rainbow mane. I smiled to greet her and she bucked me in the face. Before I could react, she picked me up. I was too scared to move. She flew up toward the atmosphere at almost rainboom speed. It was so fast that I could barely breathe. Once we got a few miles up, we stopped. She looked at me and smiled a crooked smile as though she were happy to be doing this. Then she dropped me. I fell almost as fast as I had been pulled up. Right before I hit the gravely earth below, I woke up to see you standing over me.” Glow explained “I’m so sorry if I woke you up”

Dusk hugged her warmly in a way he rarely did. “Don’t worry about it. Anything for your safety” Dusk smiled.

Glow smiled back “Thank you, brother”

Dusk kissed the top of her head. As he left, he said “You should get a shower. Might calm you down”

Glow decided to take his advice. She got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a warm shower.
The water ran cold instead of warm. Just like the air. Just like everything. She groaned. This damn winter came every year and froze everything in its icy path. She couldn’t wait for winter wrap-up though it was forever away. At least Dusk was right about the shower. I did calm her down a bit.
After a few minutes of being cold in the seemingly frozen water, Glow decided to go back to bed. She dried off, trotted back to her room and got back into bed. When she closed her onyx eyes, she fell into a deep, peaceful slumber.
 --------------------
Glow reawakened early in the morning. The sun shined through the window. It was warm but not enough for her not to notice how cold it was. She shivered, knowing she’d never get used to it. She got out of bed, put on a hoodie and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

“Morning” Dusk greeted with a smile.

“Good morning, Dusk” Glow said with a yawn “How’d you sleep?”

“Pretty good, until your screaming woke me up” Dusk teased.

Glow stuck out her tongue tauntingly to Dusk as she made eggs and pancakes for breakfast. After she was done cooking, she sat down next to Dusk and ate. The pancakes were warm and syrupy and the eggs were warm also.

“I’m gonna go visit Zecora” Glow told Dusk after she finished eating.

“Ok” Dusk replied “Be safe. You know the Everfree forest is dangerous”

“I know!” Glow yelled back

“Watch out for the blue flowers!” Dusk added

“I know!” Glow yelled again

“And watch out for the-“Dusk was cut off.

“Shut up!” Glow yelled.

She galloped out the front door before Dusk could say any more and didn’t slow down until she reached the far end of the street.

“Oh Celestia he can get so annoying sometimes! He worries way too much” Glow said to herself.

Just then, something caught Glow’s attention in the corner of her eye. She looked over just in time to see it dash off. Suddenly forgetting about her visit with her dear friend Zecora, she tried to follow what she had seen. It was so fast; she could barely make out what it was. From what she could tell, it was a lone shadow with no owner. It simply ran as it willed without having to follow a pony.

After a few short minutes of chasing the shadow, Glow somehow caught up to it close enough to see that this shadow was not shaped like any normal pony. It wasn’t even a shadow. It was three dimensional but flat to the ground like paper. It had insect like features including bug like wings and it had glowing green eyes and holes throughout its body.
Out of nowhere it turned around, snarling. It had large, razor sharp, jagged fangs that looked as though they could tear a pony in two. Its eyes glowed a brighter green, staring into her soul as it bit down on Glow’s neck. She blacked out as blood spewed across the grass…

Waking Fear

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//Wake Unto Night\\
//By: Iink Dash
//Edited: Bright Idea
//Chapter: 3: Waking Fear\\

Dash opened her eyes to complete obscurity. She could see no light of any kind. Her head hurt as though AppleJack had applebucked her again. Dash groaned. She could feel something large restraining her, suspending her above the floor. Her fore legs could not move; she didn’t even try. She tried to move her hind legs instead. As she did, stabbing pain shot up her spine, down her extremities and resonated through her head. She tried to force herself not to scream but let out a quiet stifled whimper.

Two small, glowing, emerald luminosities appeared in the distance of the room, like eyes staring deep into the inner being of her soul. It felt like they were trying to scorch her from the inside while also icy like it were trying to freeze her solid with an arctic blaze. This made Dash feel very uneasy. Her stomach churned as she gazed back at the eyes. She could hear a strange fluttering noise. It sounded like the flapping at large insect wings.

To her right, Dash heard to quit gasp of another pony. Well, most likely another pony.

“W...wh…where am I?” said the voice sounding scared and confused “Wha…what is this place?”

Suddenly, the voice cried out in pain as though she had been stabbed though with a flag pole. This confirmed to Dash that the voice was in the same position she was in, suspended above the floor but what felt like the tentacle of a giant octopus or the vine of a very large plant.

“Hey! Don’t move! It’ll hurt less!” Dash yelled to the voice, trying to be helpful.

“What? Who’s that?” the voice cried back. “Why is this happening?”

“I’m on the same cloud as you! Just shut up and let me think of a way out of this!” Dash yelled

“Be mute…” said a soothing yet unsettling voice coming from in front of them.

As those words were uttered, the lights grew brighter, like two large, green, glowing headlights illuminating the both of them. They turned toward each other to see whom they were held captive with. As they did, all thoughts were lost. In their place was panic. This mare next to Dash was the same one from the dream. This is the murderer. This is the one that killed her. Her visage was a look of pure astonishment as was the one of the mare dangling front of her. Why was this mare just as scared?

“Ah, you distinguish one another?” Spoke the voice “Good. But there is no requisite to be alarmed…yet. The visions you experienced were imaginings and noting other. But if things go erroneous, they could become very much physical…”

“The hell’s that supposed to mean?!” demanded RainbowDash, spitting blood defiantly.

“Gaze down…” the voice answered.

They both looked down. Dash immediately wished she hadn’t, for what she saw, she would never forget; a large gaping laceration stretched across her lower abdomen. Her entrails and other various organs dangled out of it, oozing dark, red blood down to the infinitely distant floor below. She could hear it splash the bottom and begin to pool, though she could not see it in the endless darkness of the chamber. She felt herself going numb.

The other mare was even worse. Her hind legs were a wreck, smashed beyond repair of any kind, magic or medical. Shattered and splintered bone extended through torn, rancid, rotten flesh. She cried out in panic and agony. As she did, her back, right hoof shook loose with a bone chilling snap and fell off, hammering down on to the distant floor far below with a loud crack. Red blood spewed out profusely from where the hoof once was and splattered down to where the hoof most likely was now. Nopony deserves this kind of torture, no matter what they could have done. This was wrong on every level. It had to stop. Now.


“Be tranquil. This was but a forewarning of what may perhaps come to pass. Do you comprehend?” said the voice.

Dash looked back down. Somehow, she was healing. Blood floated back into veins, entrails and organs drifted back into place and flesh repaired. She looked over at the other mare to see her hoof, along with the entire pool of blood float back into place. Pieces of bone floated back to their original places as the bones themselves corrected themselves, returning to natural angles and the flesh repaired until it had all returned to the way it belonged.

“What is the meaning of this?” pleaded the other mare.

“I am preparing you for whatever is to arise. Only one will subsist. However, which individual does will be decided through a sequence of assessments” explained the voice.

“Prepare us for what? What’s going to happen?” beseeched the other mare.

“You shall momentarily discover…” replied the voice

“Assessments? What is being assessed?” Dash asked.

“Your determination. Your métier. Your flaw…” the voice said.

“But that doesn’t make any sense. What does that mean?” the other mare questioned.

“It signifies what you construe it as. Attain the undertaking ahead of you beforehand if you aspire acquire any further information...”

“What undertaking?!” demanded Dash

“This one…” replied the voice.

As these words were uttered, Dash felt dizzy again. The world started spinning, twisting, and churning like a giant whirling hurricane in her head. She fought to keep her eyes open but they felt like a million heavy weights were dangling from her eyelashes. It was impossible. She went numb. The whole world fell into a deep, lonely, painful, obscurity…


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//Wake Unto Night\\
//By: Iink Dash
//Edited: Bright Idea
//Chapter: 4: BioMidnight\\

Glow awoke suddenly, eyes blurring from watering in her sleep. The air smelled of blooms of bright, beautiful, pink Japanese cherry blossoms. She looked around, absorbing the breath-taking view of the clearing. Birds chirped and bees buzzed overhead. There was tall grass and flowers of every kind coming to an end only when reaching a beautiful oak forest forming a circle with the two mares lying in the center.
Glow sat up and stretched. She noticed the rainbow mare lying next to her, still sleeping.
“N…no, no Pinkie, I don’t want any cupcakes…” she murmured in her sleep.
“Uh…um…excuse me…” said Glow, trying to wake her up.
“Wha…no Pinkie, n…not there…that…uh…feels good” she murmured again.
“Um…excuse me…” Glow said a little louder.
“SWAG!” screamed the rainbow mare as she woke abruptly.
Astonished, Glow hurdled backward, landing on her back in one of the more lofty patches of grass and flowers in the meadow, narrowly missing a butterfly as it fluttered by.
“Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!” the mare yelled, rushing over to her. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Glow replied, standing up and shaking the grass from her coat and mane.
“So have you been through the same stuff as me?” the mare asked.
“I guess so. What happened?” Glow questioned.
“Well, I had a dream that you killed me. From the look I got from you, I’d say you had a similar dream?” asked the other mare.
“Yeah.” Glow answered.
“So what’s your name?” the mare asked, turning her head sideways questioningly.
“MoonGlow Trance, but you can call me Glow. And yours?” Glow replied.
“RainbowDash, but my friends call me Dashie or Rainbow.” She said.
“I wish we could have met under better circumstances” Glow chuckled.
“True that!” Dash said.
“So where are we?” Glow asked “recognize the terrain?”
“Nope. Wanna go explore it, see where we are?” Dash asked.
“Sure.” Glow answered.
 --------------------
Outside the clearing was a forest that was almost as beautiful as the clearing it surrounded. The sun shone through the leaves of the tall trees casting a yellowy green light across the moist, soft, loamy ground and foliage below. Exotic birds screeched and bizarre insects whirred. A tree in the distance crackled as it came crashing down, smashing shrubs and bushes and small animals on its way down.
“Um…I know this might be a tender subject but…” Glow began “What did I do to you? In your dream I mean.”
“I found you killing somepony and when you saw me, you paralyzed me then dragged me into an alleyway and cut me open.” Dash answered “May I ask what I did to you?”
“Yeah. You bucked me in the face then picked me up, flew me really high, then dropped me. You smiled as you did so…” Glow trailed off. Trying to change the subject, she added “Sooo…on the subject of dreams, mind telling me what you were dreaming just now? You were talking in your sleep.”
Dash chuckled. “Heh heh, no. It’s personal and would take way too long to explain.”
“I see” Glow laughed.
Suddenly, Dash’s eyes shot to the side. Glow looked over the same direction to see nothing.
“What is it?” Glow asked.
“I saw something…” Dash answered, distracted.
Just then, Glow saw it too. A dark silhouette darted past, not too far away. Reminded of her earlier experience, Glow felt uneasy. The silhouette kept dashing past; back and forth in every direction so fast that Glow could not follow its movements.
As if out of nowhere, the figure ran straight toward Dash and Glow. Time seemed to slow the closer it got. As it grew nearer, Glow could make out small details. It was a unicorn, tall and slender with a broken horn. Glow narrowly dodged it but at the last second it nicked her with its horn. After passing, it turned around to make another charge. When it stopped, Glow could make out a few more details. It had a dark green coat and thick, blown back, lavender mane. The tips of its ears looked as though they had been cut or bit off and it had a crazed smile filled with tiny but piercing, jagged sharp teeth and its pupils were the size a pen’s tip, giving it the look of utter insanity.
By use of a spell that he whispered under his breath, his horn grew longer, resembling a short broken spear. He charged at Glow again, much faster this time. Before Glow could react, the colt had impaled her with its horn and pinned her to a large oak tree…
 ---------------------
Glow looked down upon the green horn stabbed into her stomach. Blood seeped into the colt’s mane, ran down his nose and dripped down onto the already moist ground. Glow wondered if she were still alive or simply seeing through her own lifeless eyes. She could feel all of her strength flowing out as though it were part of her blood. Was this the end? It couldn’t be. Just this morning she was being lectured by her brother and now she was pinned to a tree watching her life flash before her eyes.
Glow felt weak, drained of any life. She felt very cold. She felt the hollow embrace of death envelope her. She blacked out…
 -----------------------
Glow felt numb. She felt as though she were floating on a thin, wispy cloud. She opened her eyes slowly. The ground was white, as was the sky. There was nothing but what seemed to be cloud.
“Am I dead?...” Glow thought aloud.
“I'm afraid so,” answered a calm, soothing voice behind her.
Glow shot up abruptly, startled by the voice. Standing in front of her was a tall white alicorn with straight but flowing red mane. Her cutie mark was a quill and an ink well. This was the one and only, the goddess herself, Faust. Glow immediately bowed her head in respect.
“Rise, Glow. There is no need at this time.” Faust said.
Glow lifted her head, a questioning expression on her face.
“You were not meant to die just yet,” continued Faust.
“What was that? Who was attacking us?” questioned Glow “What is happening?”
“To answer your first two questions,” Faust began “the colt whom attacked you is named Bio-Hazard. He is normally calm and content but something has possessed him to act as he did. As to what is happening, I cannot say. Nor do I know where you were or what brought you there. Right now you are in limbo.”
Glow did not like the sound of this. Limbo. She knew what it meant but was still surprised by it. She didn’t want to remain here any longer.
“Now, back to what I was saying,” started Faust “you do not belong here. These happenings were unexpected and unheard of. It is a dark evil that’s existence even escaped me. I would return you to where you belong but it is more important to fix this problem.”
“No disrespect but why can’t you do anything about it? Aren’t you all powerful or something?” asked Glow.
“Not exactly. Though I do have much power over many things, some things… are not of this world…” answered Faust. “I cannot do anything of it because I have no control of it. I can take you from it but it would have to take me for me to go there. The best I can do against it is help whatever pony happens to be taken and if I do not believe he or she is up to it, I will to my best to bring them back.”
“And what does that mean for me?” asked Glow.
“The mare with you is one of the chosen six whom have saved Equestria from evil on more than one occasion. You on the other hoof, cannot amount to much on your own yet but great power lays dormant deep inside you. Together you can fix this,” explained Faust “but the road ahead is unpaved, unlit and unsafe. Be wary.”
“Thank you, goddess,” answered gratefully Glow
“Now, I will revive you but if you wish to use the power, you must figure that out yourself,” said Faust. “Let us hope that we do not meet like this again”
Glow nodded. She was still not fully prepared to continue the fight but she knew it had to be done. She felt dizzy once again. This time, she knew what was happening. She lied down on the wispy cloud-like ground and closed her eyes…

Silent Sounds

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//Wake Unto Night\\
//By: Iink Dash
//Edited: Bright Idea
//Chapter: 5: Silent Sounds\\

Dash stared in awe at Glow, who was impaled through the stomach by the horn of a strange colt who had appeared and attacked at random. Dash was too shocked to do anything. She was, or at least thought she was, alone in this.
The green unicorn tore its horn out of the tree and out of Glow, slinging blood off the broken tip and getting tiny red droplets all over Dash. She looked down at the blood as it began to stain her coat then back up at the colt with an ice cold glare as though she were trying to turn him to stone.
“How dare you…”mumbled an angry Dash, quoting her friend Fluttershy, “HOW DARE YOU!”
For a split second, the colt looked ever so slightly panicked like something small deep inside him had died slowly and painfully. Fluttershy’s death glare lessons had obviously helped.
“You do NOT, I repeat, you do NOT! HURT! MY! FRIEND!” Dash roared, still quoting her friend.
She surged at the colt, flapping her wings hard to gallop even faster. She was but a rainbow blur as she flashed toward the colt, her galloping speed almost matched that of her flight speed. Dash stomped her front hoof heavily into the ground, preparing to deliver a spinning buck the colt’s muzzle. At this speed, the impact would tear the colts head clean off his shoulders. But just before the blue-painted horseshoe of her leading hoof, now glowing an orangey red from the friction, could make contact with the jaw of the colt, Dash was suddenly thrown back by some extreme force, a blinding light shining in her eyes as her spine impacted with a tree with an almost bone shattering force.
Dash sat up. She stared into the light, trying to block it so she could see what was causing it. At the center of the illumination, Glow drifted up off of the ground. In front of her, two glowing, white claws held the green colt. Awestruck, Dash’s hoof dropped, as did her jaw. The white shifted red, and then black as the claws began ripping the colt apart, creating a loud, terrifying, blaring uproar. All that was left when it was finished was a small, glowing, silver orb.
Glow chanted loudly in a horrifying, demonic voice. She spoke in a strange tongue that Dash didn’t understand, nor had she even heard anything like it. Dash felt as if she were listening to a cult leader read from the tainted manuscript in which their satanic philosophies were dictated.
The words seemed to have some sort of power because when they were spoken a loud screech buzzed and echoed throughout the forest and pulsed through Dash’s head. The silver orb now resembled a hoofball-sized bubble of liquid metal. It seemed to drip upward into the sky. Then it spattered apart, screeching even louder now, sending silvery, glowing droplets in every direction, splattering on everything in sight.(//Why are you laughing?! It’s everywhere!\\)
Glow spoke more demonic words. Dash still didn’t understand any of it but she swore that the word “End” was in there somewhere because at that moment, everything went absolutely mute. There was no sound from anything and any light was just as absent. Dash lay, paralyzed in utter silence and darkness. She could not tell if her eyes were open or closed. In one piece or a million. Dead or alive…


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//Wake Unto Night\\
//By: Iink Dash
//Edited: Bright Idea
//Chapter: 6: Recovery\\

“Wake up little sleepy head, time to get up now” said a shy, quiet voice “are you ok?”
“Wha? Fluttershy?!” said another voice tiredly “what are you doing here? You have to get out of here! Now!”
Glow opened her eyes. It was too blurry but she could see the bluish and rainbowy silhouette of Dash sprawled out on the ground and another yellowy one standing over her.
“Why? Was I intruding on something? I’m sorry…” said the yellow mare, whom Glow assumed was this “Fluttershy”.
Glow’s eyes focused a little more. She could now see the two mares almost clearly now. Dash was now standing next to the yellow mare, pointing.
“No, it’s too dangerous! You could get hurt! Or worse...” Dash burst out
“Huh? Are there dr…dr…dra…dragons? Eep!” the yellow mare peeped ducking behind Dash.
Glow stood up and yawned. Dash was staring at her as was the yellow mare, who was now standing back up next to Dash.
“What?” Glow asked, wondering why they were staring at her.
“You…you’re alive?” questioned the yellow mare quietly.
“But how?” Dash asked to nopony in particular.
“What? What are you talking about?” Glow asked.
Dash motioned toward Glows underbelly, still looking shocked. Glow stood up on her hind legs to see what they were talking about. There lie the gaping maw where her chest once was. Torn muscles, ripped ligaments, shattered bone and tiny pieces of what looked to be green bone, perhaps the horn of a unicorn, were clearly visible. Still dripping dirt peppered blood, she touched it gingerly with her right hoof, not believing it was real or even possible. As the tip of her horse shoe grazed the edge of the void where the center of her rib cage used to be present, she flashed back to the moments leading up to its creation.
She saw a large green stallion with a broken horn and a crazed look in his eyes as he raced toward her, horn elongated like a lance or a bayonet. She saw him penetrate his horn deeply into her chest and pin her limp carcass to a large oak tree ten feet behind her. She saw her eyes glow and bubble with darkness as she heard demonic words flow out with her breath. She saw the stallion shredded before her eyes by the power summoned through the vocalization of these horrid syllables. Then, in a rush, returned to the present reality, feeling faint. She caught herself from collapsing feebly against the large tree behind her. As weak as she was, Glow could feel the horn-sized hole in the tree and the blood moist ground beneath her hooves but nothing more. Not even the pain that she should probably be feeling right about now seemed to exist to her.
As if trying to shatter the excruciatingly painful silence, another voice cheeped piercingly in the distance.
“Fun, fun, fun! A new world is always fun! Oooo, do you think there’s any aliens here?! That’d be awesome!” Rambled the voice, steadily approaching with a springing noise “Oh, unless they’re not nice. Then we can kick their flanks! But what if they’re not really mean but they’re in fact only scared?!...”
“Hold yer horses, Pinkie.” interjected the voice of another pony, with a western accent, “Ther could be somethin dangerous around here so keep yer voice down.”
Glow staggered against the tree, trying her best to stand back up.
“Applejack is right, Pinkie. We aren’t in Equestria anymore.” Added a third voice, sounding oddly like Dusk “We need to find Rarity and Fluttershy and figure out what’s going on as soon as possible.”
“Twi?! Pinkie?! AJ?! Is that you guys?!” Rainbow called out.
By now, Fluttershy had noticed Glow trying to stand. She trotted over.
“Um…Y…you shouldn’t try to get up…Y…you could get hurt more…” She said shyly. “P…please keep still till Twilight gets here…That is…if that’s ok with you…”
Glow didn’t argue. She slowly sat back down against the tree, trying to ignore the blood soaked ground beneath her plot.
The ponies Glow had heard in the distance arrived within moments. Standing over her was a purple unicorn mare, no older than Glow or Dash, with dark purple mane, which had a pink streak in the middle, and a six pointed star for her cutie mark. The others had left in search of another pony by the name of Rarity, whom had apparently not arrived with the rest of the group, leaving this mare to try and help Glow.
“Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. RainbowDash already told me the whole story so you don’t have to say anything. Just keep calm and quiet while I work my magic to try and heal you.” Introduced the mare.
Glow nodded, wincing from the excruciating pain she now felt piercing her sternum and vertebral region.
“Ugh, your wound looks much worse than I had originally thought…By the looks of it…you shouldn’t have survived that encounter, let alone be able to stand and talk as though it had never transpired. His horn punctured both of your lungs and just narrowly averted your heart. Not to mention the amount of blood you’ve lost during the incident. Somepony must really want you to survive!” Twilight expounded. “Nevertheless, I will do my best to rectify your injuries”
“Um, I apologize but, since I only recently found my book of healing magic, I’m not very experienced with the use of this spell, so it may hurt…a lot, so, I’m going to sedate you while I attempt it. Is that alright with you?” Twilight inquired cautiously.
Glow nodded. Twilight nodded back.
Concentrating, Twilight’s horn shimmered and glowed magically, a brilliant lavender radiance illuminated over the immediate area, making Glow feel drowsy. She blacked out and collapsed against the tree…