• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 1,118 Views, 11 Comments

Answering the Call - Sigil Flare

Spitfire is sent to collect the Element Bearer's to come to Equestria's rescue once more.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Twilight walked out of the hospital Rainbow Dash on her right side. She had thrown her wing over Twilight and was using it to keep them close together. Their flanks kept touching as they walked.

"Don't you think your being a little obvious Rainbow?" asked Twilight with a chuckle

"Hey if Rarity knows about us that means Applejack knows too" replied Rainbow Dash "And if I know Applejack she's told just about all of Ponyville by now"

"Spitfire told us to meet her in the library right?" asked Twilight starting down the main drag of town

"Yeah" said Rainbow Dash faking a yawn and taking her wing off her marefriend warily looking around to see if any one had seen them "I wonder how Spike has been doing since you left?"

"Very suave cassanova" giggled Twilight bumping her flank into her marefriend playfully "I haven't heard from him in a while though I wonder how he's been"

"Well we'll soon find out" said Rainbow Dash opening the door to Golden Oak Library

As they stepped in they were ensnared in a very scaly pair of arms and whorled around. When their hooves touched the ground again they looked at their assailant to find a very much matured Spike. He had grown tall in these past 4 years. He was easily another tail length taller than Twilight. His scaly arms showed muscles which only dragons could have.

"Spike?" managed Twilight in surprise

"Twilight" said Spike with a toothy grin "Good to see you again. You too Rainbow Dash"

"Man you sure grew up fast" said Rainbow Dash hoof bumping her dragon friend "Surprised the heck outta me"

"I am a dragon after all" laughed Spike in his deeper voice

"Twilight, Rainbow Dash, there you are" said Spitfire rounding the corner "I have someone I would like you to meet" Rusty stepped out from behind the wall and gave a small bow. "This is Rusty. He has been a friend of my family for as long as i can remember"

"Greetings Honored Student and Wonderbolt" bowed Rusty removing his hat to show his now washed rustic red colored mane "Good to meet you"

"Dash will do" replied Rainbow Dash beaming with pride

"He will be joining us on our journey to defeat Erebus" said Spitfire

"What about Applejack and Rarity?" asked Twilight confused "Why aren't they here? We need the Elements of Harmony to defeat Erebus remember"

"Twilight even with all of your knowledge you still have more to learn" laughed Rusty "You don't need the Elements of harmony to defeat Erebus. They will do nothing against him"

"What are you talking about?" yelled Twilight "Princess Celestia said..."

"Oh Tia said it now did she?" said Rusty with a coy smile "how very much like her. The Elements will only imprison Erebus for another 800 years, maybe a little less the second time. Just as they did last time"

"Just what are you saying?" growled Rainbow Dash

"Your wasting your time" replied Rusty simply

"Tia?" said Twilight thinking hard only "Not many ponies call Princess Celestia, Tia. Your Steam Gear aren't you?"

"My my" said Rusty clapping his hooves in congratulations "You found me out sooner than expected. I'm impressed Twilight. I am curious as to how you knew my name though, surely Tia never mentioned me"

"No your right the princess never mentioned you directly" said Twilight shaking her head "But I intercepted some letters from you a while back and skimmed them over before handing them to her"

"So sneaky" said Gear scratching his chin with a hoof "Under your own teachers nose too. Very well done"

"Just who are you?" asked Twilight stomping her hoof down "How do you know Princess Celestia's wrong?"

"Rusty explain it to them" said Spitfire taking a seat "I'm still trying to accept it and I've known you my whole life."

"My real name is Steam Gear. I have known both Princess's since they were fillies" said Gear with an authoritative voice

"But that would make you?" said Rainbow Dash trying to do math on her hooves "Like really old right?"

"I am twelve years older than Princess Celestia" said Gear nodding his head "Which makes me over a thousand and four hundred years old"

"But that's impossible" cried Twilight shaking her head "It's scientifically impossible. You can't be that old you would be dead long before now"

"Believe what you will Twilight" replied Gear "but it is the truth. And the reason I know Tia is wrong is because I have this" He reached into his trenchcoat and pulled out a very ancient looking leather bound notebook. Gear tossed it to Twilight who caught it with her magic.

"This can't be" said Twilight "Celestia said it was destroyed long ago" She blinked her eyes at the very neatly printed words on the cover. They had begun to fade with time, but could still be read faintly.

"That is Star Swirled the Bearded's logbook" said Gear "It was very nearly destroyed, but I saved it just in time. Took me a while to restore it though, a lot of the pages were singed in the fire. That and I'm good with metal not paper" He wore a large smirk at his own humor.

"But I don't see how this..." started Twilight flipping the pages skimming the contents

"Year 52 day 256" said Gear reciting from memory "Page 214, I think. Read it out loud please"

Twilight flipped to the page Gear mentioned and read what was written out loud.

"Year 52 Day 256 of my time here in Equestria. The Princess and I have come upon the lair of the entity know as Erebus. I suspect the Princess knows more than she is telling me, but have refrained from asking up till now. It would seem pointless since she keeps saying that all we need are the Elements of Harmony. Her friend Gear hasn't returned yet, I'm starting to wonder what has become of him. We are making camp outside his compound in hopes that he returns."

The entire room went quiet and all eyes fell on Steam Gear. Twilight couldn't believe what she had read. "He was telling the truth" she thought to herself her eyes wide "Just who is this pony?"

"Wow" said Spike in disbelief

"Read the next page if you would Twilight" said Gear as calmly as ever

"Year 52 day 263 of my time here in Equestria. The princess's friend returned a few days ago. On his return she decided to confront Erebus immediately. He was like nothing I had imagined possible. He was made entirely out of darkness itself, his physical form apparently gone all-together. Princess Celestia addressed him and made a demand. After which she used the Elements of Harmony on him. Their power is truly impressive. It defeated him in one blow. We left shortly after and made stop in a city called Cloudsdale just north of the border of Equestria. Apparently it moves around Equestria like any normal cloud"

"Ha the Elements did defeat Erebus" said Rainbow Dash triumphantly

"Keep reading" replied Gear not even taking notice of Rainbow Dash's outburst

"Year 52 day 271 of my Time here in Equestria. I decided to go back with the help of Gear and see if Erebus was truly gone for good. To our disfortune it would seem he was only disrupted. His body being made entirely out of darkness seems to have been a factor in it. It crystalized his body into solid form and froze him on the spot. However he remains as strong as ever. Even now I can feel his darkness spilling out of his prison trying to break free. The Elements have merely imprisoned him. I predict that he will remain this way for about 800 years."

"I hope that validates my hypothesis Twilight" said Gear smiling warmly

"Why did the Princess not tell us this?" asked Twilight "Surely she must have known the Elements would merely imprison him again"

"I'm sure Tia has her reasons" replied Gear shrugging his shoulders "just be happy Spits here found me when she did. If not you'd still be waisting time"

"You are one arrogant pony" grumbled Rainbow Dash "You know that?"

"Indeed" replied Gear nodding "the same could be said of you Dash"

"Whatever" said Rainbow Dash taking off and flying out the library window

"Where you goin?" yelled Spike

"She's awfully picky isn't she?" laughed Gear

"So what now?" asked Twilight scratching her forehead with a hoof "Without the Elements how will we defeat Erebus now"

"You have all you need already, you just don't know it yet" said Gear taking a step towards Twilight "Bearing an Element of Harmony is more than wearing a Tiara. Do you even know what the Elements are?"

"Arn't they an artifact of somekind?" said Twilight hopefully

"In scientific terms maybe" said Gear shaking his head "The Elements are more than just Tiara's. The Elements only come around every thousand years. They are gifted to six ponies. Always two of each kind, unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony. Not just because it's fair but because of the equilibrium of Harmony itself."

"What are you getting at?" asked Twilight trying to understand what Gear is saying

"I'm trying to say that you didn't get the Element by wearing the Tiara. You are the Element, you always were. Only once you realized that did their powers work for you and your friends." said Gear in explanation "The Tiara's responded to your will and acted in response. They are merely a way to channel the energy of the Elements"

"But your saying we don't need the Elements to defeat Erebus?" asked Twilight confused "Why are you telling me all this?"

"I said we don't need the Elements" said Gear with a coy smile "What we do need are the Bearers of the Elements. We need Magic, Loyalty and Kindness. These are the strongest of the Elements and in my opinion the most important."

"I still don't get it?" replied Twilight shaking her head

"You think you are so good at magic just because your talented?" said Gear reaching a hoof out to place it on Twilight's forehead "There is always talent, but real ability is special. You are the Element of Magic Twilight. It's about time you realize your true potential."

As Steam Gears hoof made contact with Twilight's forehead, she let out a gasp of breath, and light clouded her vision. She felt herself rise from the ground and the world start to spin around her. Twilight let out a gasp as she felt a power flow through her. It was incredible, she felt as though she was limitless, that there was nothing she could not do.

The light began to dim as the power flowed through her and began to slow down. As it settled her eyes opened to be staring at a familiar face. Even through the bandages she could feel his sightless gaze staring straight into her soul.

"Do you get it now Twilight?" asked Gear taking a step back "Where your ability comes from?"

"I never thought it could be possible..." mouthed Twilight starring at her hooves remembering the power she had felt "What was that power"

"Your future" answered Gear with a smile "if you unlock the powers of the Element of Magic"

"What about Rainbow?" asked Twilight "Will she feel like that?"

"Let's find out" said Spitfire getting to her hooves "That is if you know where she's run off too, Twilight"

"I have an Idea" said Twilight bidding farewell to Spike "Follow me"


"Who the heck does that guy think he is?" growled Rainbow Dash to herself She had been to frustrated to fly really far. She had made it to her usual spot in a tree in Sweet Apple Acres. It's not exactly a cloud, but it was worth it to get some peace and quiet. Besides she was a pegasus, after all, hiding on a cloud would be too obvious.

"Rusty" snickered Rainbow to herself "More like featherbrain, if you ask me. No way am I arrogant." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Why didn't Twilight stick up for her?" she thought to herself "Does she think I'm arrogant too?" Rainbow Dash shook her head "Nah that can't be it. Maybe she was just shocked that he could be so rude?"

"Hey anypony up there?" called a masculine voice

"Who wants to know?" replied Rainbow Dash questioningly

"It's me Steam Gear" he answered back

"Come here to apologize?" asked Rainbow Dash inquisitively

"What have I to apologize for?" asked Gear confused "All I did was tell the truth"

"I am not arrogant" said Rainbow Dash angrily "Now go away I'm trying to sleep here"

"I'm not leaving" said Gear sitting down "Not till you hear me out"

"Well I'm not talking to you anymore" said Rainbow Dash smugly "Sit there all day I don't care. I'm not coming down till you apologize."

"Twilight will be so disappointed to hear that" said Gear standing up

"Wait what?" cried Rainbow Dash losing her cool falling out of the tree and hitting the ground with a thud

"See it wasn't that difficult to get out of that tree now was it?" asked Gear laughing "To think just mentioning Twilight got you that flustered"

"Not cool" said Rainbow Dash brushing dirt off herself "What do you want anyways?"

"I wanted to show you I'm not a, what did you call me?" thought Gear scratching his chin "A featherbrain?"

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?" asked Rainbow Dash

"I want to show you something" said Gear placing his hoof on Rainbow Dash's forehead The ground fell out from under her as wind blasted her in the face. She was going fast, really fast! She felt the wind under her wings and the morning breeze as she flew through the air.

Something was different though. She felt strange as if she was stronger somehow. Like she could fly faster than ever before. She pumped her wings to gain speed and a streak of rainbow erupted behind her soon followed by another one. Just like that she felt the ground rise underneath her hooves, and she opened her eyes to see a smiling stallion.

"What did you just do" asked Rainbow Dash sitting down looking at her hooves

"I merely gave you a glimpse of what you are truly capable of" said Gear helping Rainbow Dash back to her hooves "You are the Element of Loyalty after all"

"What does that have to do with anything?" asked Rainbow Dash confused

"I think I can handle it from here" said Twilight stepping out from the bushes Spitfire right behind "You better go and find Fluttershy, Steam"

"As you wish" replied Gear walking off "Coming Spitfire?" he called over his shoulder

"Right behind you" she called after him trotting after him "You know sometimes I'd wish you'd slow down for the rest of us"

"What's the matter Spitfire I thought you liked fast?" remarked Gear as they walked out of view their hoofsteps fading into the distance

"What is going on here" asked Rainbow Dash receiving a hug from her marefriend

"Let me explain" chuckled Twilight giving her marefriend a peck on the cheek


"What's the matter Fang?" asked Fluttershy in her timid voice looking at where Fang was staring "is somepony coming?"

A "Yes" echoed in her mind. She got to her hooves patted Fang's paw and walked to answer the door. Her cottage was smaller than she remembered. Either that or Fang just took up nearly all of it. His massive body dominated the room. She had had no trouble getting him in but she was more worried about getting him out.

There was a knock of a hoof on her door right as she got to it. Fluttershy opened it and said "Hello?"

"Hello Fluttershy" greeted Spitfire "I hope we are not intruding on anything"

"Oh no" said Fluttershy motioning for her to come inside "You are welcome to come inside" then a thought struck her "Did you say we?"

"Yes she did" said a light tan stallion with bandages around his eyes and a trenchcoat. He was wearing a small top hat with a small golden gear on one side. "The name is Steam Gear. I thought it best to introduce myself before coming inside"

"Thank you Steam" thanked Fluttershy looking at the now growling Fang "Fang what is it?"

"Is that a Dire Wolf?" asked Gear with curiosity taking a step towards Fang

Fang growled and bared his fangs. Gear merely stopped advancing and held out a single hoof. He then spoke in what Fluttershy and Spitfire assumed to be a very old language. Fangs ears propped up and twitched.

"Fang what do you mean you know this pony?" said Fluttershy a confused look on her face

"Me and what did you call him, Fang, here go way back" said Gear with a smile "I knew him when he was a little pup"

"Is that true?" said Fluttershy asking Fang looking into his eyes

"Seems I learn something new about you every 5 minutes" sighed Spitfire "First your a thousand years old, next your a wolf whisperer. What's next?"

"Wait a thousand years old?!" chirped Fluttershy

"Yes, I knew the previous companion of Fang here" said Gear looking at Fluttershy "She was the previous Element of Kindness a thousand years ago"

"Well at least that one I saw coming" chuckled Spitfire "Fang here is certainly older than he looks"

"Actually to Dire Wolves that's not very long at all" said Gear "They are very intertwined with the Elements of Nature. They can live thousands of years if they don't get themselves killed fighting each other first"

"Is there anything else I need to know?" asked Fluttershy giving Rusty a curious glance

"Fang there is more than a Dire Wolf. He is a Guardian of Nature itself, chosen long ago. Probably the reason he impressed upon you, like he did." said Gear "You being the Element of Kindness makes you the best candidate"

"What do the Element's have to do with this?" asked Fluttershy confused "I thought it was because I was good with animals"

"You are good with animals" said Gear "But you being the Element of Kindness amplifies your abilities in ways you couldn't possibly begin to imagine." He looked to Fang and asked "With your permission I would like to show her something"

At Fang's nod Gear reached out and laid his hoof on Fluttershy's forehead. She saw a flash of light and felt an odd sensation flowing through her. She felt the warm kiss of the morning breeze envelope her and pick her up as if she was a fragile leaf. As her hooves touched the ground she felt it pulse with life.

Fluttershy could feel the energy of nature itself flowing around her, welcoming her as if she was a long lost friend. The light faded and she opened her eyes to see Gear smiling at her.

"How was it?" asked Rusty curiously

"It was amazing" said Fluttershy putting a hoof to her forehead "What was it?"

"It's what you are possible of as the Element of Kindness" answered Gear

"Wow" mouthed Fluttershy looking back at Fang "Did you know this Fang?"

"I imagine he has always known" said Gear

"So what now?" asked Fluttershy curiously

"Now we start our journey to the Shadowlands. We still have a mission to complete" said Spitfire encouragingly

"But how?" asked Fluttershy confused "We don't have all the Elements of Harmony yet"

"I'll explain on the way" said Spitfire opening the door "First things first we need to find a way to travel faster. We've lost to much time already"

"I think I may have a solution to that" said Gear with a smile "I am an Inventor after all"