• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 1,118 Views, 11 Comments

Answering the Call - Sigil Flare

Spitfire is sent to collect the Element Bearer's to come to Equestria's rescue once more.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Alright Twilight x Rainbow Dash Shipping alert Everypony. Also you might not agree with everything stated in this chapter but believe it will all work itself out in later chapters. Enjoy : )

Spitfire and Twilight arrived at Wonderbolt Headquarters around noon. It was a rather large building made out of toughened clouds. It had a rainbow staircase leading to the front door.

"I don't remember that stairway when Rainbow Dash brought me here 4 years ago" said Twilight

"Rainbow Dash added that about 6 months ago actually" said Spitfire pride in her teammate shining through her voice "She's been doing a lot of wonderful things since she's joined the team."

"How many years ago was that?" asked Twilight following Spitfire through the front door making sure to cast the cloud-walking spell on herself.

"About two years ago I think" said Spitfire with a chuckle "made Soarin upset. Wonderbolt handbook says you can't date a teammate"

"Must be torture for him" giggled Twilight

"Spitfire is that you?" asked a familiar voice

"Yeah it's me Scootaloo" replied Spitfire as Scootaloo came walking into the front room. She had done a lot of growing up in the last 4 years. Her wings had finally developed and her mane was long and styled just like Rainbow Dash's. Twilight felt her heart tinge at the sight of a miniature Rainbow Dash, but it left soon after.

"Twilight good to see you again" said Scootaloo in greeting "Heh, Finally got my cutie mark" On Scootaloo's flank was a picture of a scooter with a jet of flame behind it.

"Let the little pony try out a few of our new vehicles we got last year" said Spitfire ruffling Scootaloo's mane with a hoof "Turns out if it's a vehicle Scootaloo here can do just about anything in it"

"I'm glad to hear you finally found your special talent" smiled Twilight in congratulations

"So Spitfire why are you out so late at night?" asked Scootaloo giving Spitfire a questioning look Then her face brightened noticeably "Could it be that you and Twilight...?"

"No not that" said Spitfire dismissing it with a hoof "I want to talk to your mother. Go and get her for us will ya?"

"Sure thing Spitfire!" said Scootaloo

"Her mother?" asked Twilight confused "Aren't we looking for Rainbow Dash?"

"When Scootaloo lost her parents in that accident 3 years ago Rainbow Dash adopted her" said Spitfire

"Oh.." said Twilight "I had no idea"

"Ah it's alright" said Spitfire reassuringly"I didn't know it either until i came to work one day and saw her moving in. Boy I bet I looked silly"

"But doesn't that mean since Rainbow Dash adopted Scootaloo she can't be a Wonderbolt?" asked Twilight

"Typically yes" said Spitfire "But since Scootaloo is a junior Wonderbolt and since Rainbow Dash is such a valuable member of the team we've decided to look the other way this time. Besides Scootaloo is the only one here able to wake her up in the morning with out getting bucked in the head."

"Come on Dash" said Scootaloo coming back into the front room "Spitfire's out front waiting"

"This had better be good Spitfire" demanded Rainbow Dash coming into the room rubbing the sleep out of her eyes "You woke me up halfway through my scheduled nap ti..." Rainbow stopped as soon as she saw Twilight standing there.

"Hello Rainbow Dash" said Twilight with a nod

"Uh.. Hi Twilight" said Rainbow Dash immediately fixing her mane with a quick run through of her hoof "What brings you here so late?"

"The Princess has asked me to collect the Element bearers" said Spitfire directly "I need you to come with me right away"

"Spitfire can't it wait till morning?" whined Rainbow Dash "I don't think a few hours more sleep would hurt anypony"

"Dash is right Spitfire" winked Scootaloo giving a signal to Spitfire to agree angling her nose towards Twilight "You all need your sleep if your going on another quest. Besides there's no immediate danger."

"I'm not sure" said Spitfire unsure of the signals meaning but debating whether to go along with it

"It's fine Spitfire" said Twilight adjusting her glasses once more "We can rest for the night, and set out first thing in the morning"

"Twilight!" shouted Scootaloo excitedly "Why don't you sleep here?! It could be like a slumber party from old times"

"Sounds like fun" said Spitfire yawning "But i think I'm going to head off to my own bed. Have fun you three, try not to wake the others" As Spitfire left the room a awkward silence descended on the old friends. It was broken occasionally by the kneading of a hoof on the floor or a muffled cough.

"So.." said Rainbow Dash "How have you been Twilight?"

"I've been studying" said Twilight simply

"Business as usual then huh?" chuckled Rainbow only to stop as soon as Twilight looked at her The amount of pain in those eyes drove Rainbow Dash to look away.

"So have you enjoyed being with the Wonderbolts?" asked Twilight

"It's been a blast" replied Rainbow "Especially since the squirt came around a few years back"

"Good to see you've had fun" said Twilight looking around "Now where is your guest room?"

"We don't have a guest room" said Scootaloo with a mischievous smile "I took it when I moved in"

"In that case you can share my room Twilight" said Rainbow Dash a heavy blush on her face "I mean I can bring in a second cloud for you to sleep on if you like. You don't have to share mine or anything"

"Rainbow.." started Twilight

"Come on Twi" said Rainbow using her pet name for Twilight "I swear I won't try anything"

"Oh alright" caved Twilight pointing her hoof at Rainbow Dash "but you had better bring in that second cloud"

"Scootaloo take Twi to my room" said Rainbow trotting outside "I'll be right there"

"In ten seconds flat?" giggled Scootaloo as Rainbow flew out the door leaving a rainbow streak in her wake

"You two seem to be getting along well" said Twilight as they walked along the hall to Rainbow Dash's room

"Yeah I love having Dash be my mom" said Scootaloo with a grin "She's so awesome" Then Scootaloo gave a sigh "I just wish Fluttershy was here. She made Dash so happy"

"What happened between those two?" asked Twilight inspecting the hallways as they went They seemed a bit thick to her untrained eye. Twilight suspected it was to defend against storms and possibly even invasion. Hardened cloud could pretty tough if done correctly. "I thought they were practically made for each other"

"I'm not sure exactly I wasn't home when it happened. If you want to know more you should ask Dash. " replied Scootaloo opening a door with a Rainbow sticker on the front "Anyways here you are"

Stepping inside the room Twilight was assaulted by a range of smells the first of which was horrible body odor. There was food laying all over the place, and clothes lying out on the floor. The only tidy things she could see were a stack of familiar looking books on her bedside table. On closer inspection Twilight realized they were the Daring Do book she had given Rainbow Dash as a present for they're one year anniversary.

"Sorry it's such a mess" replied Scootaloo scratching her neck with a hoof "Between practice and sleep ash doesn't get much done. Fluttershy used to come in and clean this place up once in a while but...."

"It's alright Scootaloo" replied Twilight her horn lighting up a dark purple "I'd expect nothing less of Rainbow" Twilight looked around the room grabbing all the clutter and levitating it off the floor. She then organized it as she threw the trash away and put the clothes in a neat pile over in the corner of the room. Finally she let off a spark of magic and let it rain down giving everything a lavender scent.

"Wow" said Scootaloo looking at the suddenly clean room, then she had an idea "Think you can do that to my room too?"

"Did Rainbow tell you to clean it?" asked Twilight suspiciously

"Yeah why?" asked Scootaloo confused

"Well if you had cleaned it back when Rainbow told you to then you wouldn't need me to clean it for you" replied Twilight with a wink

"Your no fun" mumbled Scootaloo walking out the door and turning towards her own room down the hall

Twilight felt a little bad for Scootaloo, but it's lessons like this that will prepare her for life's twists. She turned her attention to the now clean room. The first thing that caught her attention were the Daring Do books. Twilight trotted over and picked up the one on top. It was in pristine condition not even the binding wasn't even creased from constant use.

"Twi?" asked a surprised Rainbow Dash mouth agape looking at her miraculously clean room "What happened in here?" she asked as she pulled a rather poofy looking cloud through the door

"I tidied the place up a bit" replied Twilight putting the book back on the bedside table "Judging from the smell it needed it badly" Rainbow noticed Twilight put the book down and sighed.

"I've read them all you know" said Rainbow Dash with a smile

"But how?" asked Twilight in amazement "They look untouched"

"I restored them myself" answered Rainbow Dash uncomfortably She put the cloud on the opposite side of the room from her cloud "It took a bit of practice and i ruined a few books learning how, athlete's hooves and all that."

"That must have took a lot of time" said Twilight "but why would you restore them? Why not just buy a new copy"

"Just look in the third book on the pile" said Rainbow Dash not turning to look at Twilight "page 47"

Twilight grabbed the book with her magic gently removed it from the pile and opened it up. She flipped through to page 47 and a photo fell out form between the pages. Twilight picked it up and looked at it. It was a photo of Her and Rainbow Dash from a few years back. It was a picture they had taken on Hearts and Hooves day.

"Rainbow..." said Twilight not looking up from the photograph

"That's why I restored them." said Rainbow Dash turning to face Twilight

"What are you trying to say?" asked Twilight her ears perking up listening intently to what Rainbow Dash was about to say

"You know I'm not good at this kind of stuff Twi" replied Rainbow Dash her face growing crimson

"Try..." asked Twilight taking a step toward the cyan pegasus locking eyes

"I wanted to give them the care they rightly deserved" said Rainbow Dash taking a step towards Twilight "Just like i should have done to you Twi. I'm sorry I wasn't there..."

Rainbow was cut off mid-sentence by a deliciously delicate pair of lavender colored lips. She felt herself melting into the kiss as all of the worry and doubt she had felt was cast of like a bad cold. Twilight pressed herself into the kiss with all the feeling she had been holding in for what seemed like an eternity. It made her a little sad when Rainbow Dash pulled back to breathe.

"I'm sorry" said Twilight playing with her mane in an unusually adorable fashion "You were saying something?" The look on her face was such a mask of innocence Rainbow Dash couldn't help but think she'd been practicing it just for this moment.

"You know that is probably the nicest way I have ever been told to shut up before" smirked Rainbow Dash still in a bit of euphoria from the kiss

"Oh really?" asked Twilight putting a hoof on Rainbow Dash's muzzle "Would you like me to do it again then?"

"Wait does this mean?" asked Rainbow Dash as Twilight leaned forward and put her lips to Rainbow Dash's. Twilight threw herself into the kiss wrapping her hooves around Rainbow Dash's neck and pressing her chest against the cyan mare. Rainbow embraced the lavender unicorn. She began to run a hoof through Twilight's hair feeling it's almost velvety texture and getting a whiff of it's lavender scent.

"Yes it does" replied Twilight pulling her head back and staring into Rainbow Dash's eyes. She felt like she could lose herself in those magenta pools. "I've missed you so much Rainbow"

"Glad to see you too Twilight" replied Rainbow Dash nuzzling the unicorn affectionately

"Mom?" came a startled cry from the doorway Rainbow Dash and Twilight turned to look at a very startled Scootaloo.

"Squirt I can explain" started Rainbow Dash letting Twilight go

"How could you?" asked Scootaloo pain obvious in her deep purple eyes "How could you do this to Fluttershy?!" She turned and started to run down the hallway tears streaming from her cheeks. Twilight pulsed her horn and Scootaloo poofed out of existence and reappeared in front of Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo eyes closed ran straight into Rainbow Dash's out stretched hooves.

"I'm so sorry Scoots" said Rainbow Dash hugging Scootaloo tightly "You know I loved Fluttershy very much"

"Then why give up on her?" asked Scootaloo trying to ebb her flow of tears "I don't get it"

"Because she needed to learn to take care of herself" said Rainbow Dash in explanation "She had to learn to stand up for what she believed in. I was the only thing holding her back from facing her fears. As long as I was around she didn't have to"

"So you let her go?!" cried Scootaloo tears streaming down her cheeks "just because she was being herself? I don't understand. What did she do wrong?"

"I'm not sure she did anything wrong Scootaloo." replied Rainbow Dash "Maybe I just wanted a reason to leave. All I know for sure is that it was the second most difficult thing I've ever done" said Rainbow Dash releasing Scootaloo so Twilight could embrace her from behind "The first was leaving you"

"Then why did you do it" asked Twilight placing her head on Rainbow Dash's shoulder

"You know me I'm the Element of Loyalty" replied Rainbow Dash hugging her back "I thought Fluttershy needed me more. She was so helpless, while you were so independent. I knew that even if i left you would be okay"

"You could have said something" replied Twilight attempting to look in Rainbow Dash's eyes The cyan pegasus couldn't bring herself to look in Twilight's eyes

"You know I'm no good at goodbyes Twi" said Rainbow Dash quietly "Besides I would never have been able to leave if I had"

"Dash?" asked Scootaloo using a hoof to lift her mothers head to look into her eyes "Do you still love Twilight?"

"Yes" replied Rainbow Dash

"Then this time I suggest bringing her with you" said Scootaloo wiping the last tear from her eye "After all she does make you look 20 percent cooler. Just promise me you'll never forget Fluttershy?"

"Thanks Scoots" said Rainbow finally meeting Twilight's eyes "I never will"

"Well I'm going to go back to my room now" said Scootaloo stepping out of the room "Have a good sleep you two"

"So what do you say Twi?" asked Rainbow Dash taking a leap onto her cloud bed "Still want your own cloud?"

"No" said Twilight teleporting onto the cloud beside Rainbow Dash "I wanna make it just like old times" She wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash and dragged her down on top of her

"Let's hope this time no one will call us fillyfoolers" laughed Rainbow Dash sarcastically nuzzling Twilight

"This time Rainbow" whispered Twilight letting out a yawn snuggling into Rainbow Dash's chest "I don't really mind"

Alright I'd like to thank my friend Ricky for helping me out with this chapter. He was a good insperation and kept me writing even with Black ops 2 releasing recently. And as many of you have surely noticed I have horrible grammar, and worst of all no regular editor. So thanks for reading and sorry for my wordz.